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taking a break from dym,s
back playing 2 tables at nl4.
just seeing where my cash game level is at the moment....
promising start,
played 3 sessions,
won £5.30
won £0.25
won £6.69
cash won £12.24
main b/rol £384.81
still would like to carry on with playing dym,s,
but if i can continue grinding a small profit
on cash tables,i will.
just going to see how the mood takes me
and go from there.
don,t think i will post every session
as i,m sure i,ll only bore the pants off you all..
maybe once a week or
my only target is to try and reach £500
and take it from there.
that,s all 4 now.
best wishes,
and run well.
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think u r dead right about nice to have a change,
think i just need to see where my cash game is,
as already said,
up untill now always found it a real struggle
to consistantly cash....
it,s always something like;win lose lose,
lose win lose.
always seems like i,m swimming against the tide,
just fighting those odds...all the time!
still,made a good positive start,
so in a good mind-set atm
good luck to all of you
who i,m sure just like me,
all have your own poker ambitions for 2012.
keep you posted....
Play like you do in DYM, just widen you range a little and you will be fine
Treat it like your all in hands in a DYM can get you max £2.70
NL4 you get £4
Ez money for you at 6+ tables
deffo right about widening hand selection
that is an area i,m still getting to grips with.
still,quite early days.
thing i find though rancid is;
the more tables that i play
just seems to be counter productive,
which is crazy i know,
as it should be the other way around,
up untill now anyway.
any thoughts?
greatly appreciated
The only way to get used to playing more tables is to just try one more table at a time.
You always had a solid game when i've played you so you should do ok.
no problem multi tabeling,have played as many as 12 b4.
which is great 4 c4p
just can,t seem 2 win,
as i said up untill now,anyway
could be that i may have been playing a bit to tight
that,s all i can think of?
or maybe not aggressive enough when holding
and not getting paid off .
not 2 sure.
i,ll keep on trying
Hi Guys
Interesting thread. Just to let you know, it was one of the threads that made us post this thread for discussion.
Be interested to get your thoughts.
Sky Poker
play 6 tables NL4, play like a DYM early levels and you will be ok
play premiums only
maybe mix in some other hands but don't go crazy
Keep your decisions simple by playing ABC tight Aggro
ofc play your implied hands, more so than DYM's
i really do appreciate any/all comments.
i have tried playing tight on up to as many as 10/12 tables
in the past.with little success
only managed 2 break even with my play,
but made money as i said on c4p.
i realise that this is not optimum poker,
hence the reason i,ve dropped to 2 tables,
in an attempt to hopefully sort out the problems
in my game.
should i be raising more pre-flop to try and get rid of the weaker players holdings,
and therefore only having 1/2 opponents,
or do i just limp in as cheaply as poss and see flop,
and go from there?
i do ralise that as we all are different,
we will all play slightly differently
but as said not had great success playing the tight way.
what do u guys think regarding table selection?
do u just load up and not worry 2 much who,s on them,
or do u look ( as i have just been trying out),
for the smaller stacks and try to pick on them?
also,do u try and avoid the regs or do u not worry about them?
thanks again,
As Dohhhh said in his guide, the key to this level is betting for value.
read and understood
cheers buddy
i have been raising 3x ie; 12p
is this not better than 20p?
as, if u lose more hands than u win,
which i am assuming over time u do?
therefore only losing 12p each time rather than 20p
then start 2 build post-flop?
Good luck at the tables devon.
really appreciated.
Stick to a tight opening range, 99 and up, AJoff and up, ATsuited and up, this way when you come into a hand, you're more often than not ahead. It's fine to just make it 12p with say pocket pairs 88 or lower, but apart from that, I'd stick to 20p+
thank you Lambert,
brilliant advise.
it,s great when you see something written down
and then it all makes perfect sense.
just goes to show me how much more i really
do have to learn,as i did think my way was better.
will definately try raising bigger nxt session
and see how things go.
thanks again buddy,
raise prem 20p+ 1 bb per limper from whatever position
bet for value, get it all in pre flop if you can
2nd set of hands
raise the same for next set of hands but play in position, oop going to be difficult
3rd set of hands
next set of implied hands, get in cheap and have the correct implied odds -and get paid when you hit massive
Looking for 2 pair+ hands and draws on flop, nothing else
suited aces, broadway cards, sc's and low-mid prs
Good luck
all in pre with qq?
are we happy with poss risking £4 with that?
and ak also?
I mean in general I can't see much wrong with wanting to get QQ all in pre flop unless you have very good reads but especially against 90% of the people at this level, you're gonna get called by so many hands your miles ahead of. Likewise with AK, it's amazing the number of times I've put people all in pre and been called by things like K9 lol.
Dude has spent many an hour at 4NL and beat it, hence his move up to 8NL and 10NL
still trying to get my head around all these new concepts 2 me.
as i am undoubtedly a "bit of a nit",
if i had qq and went all in i would always think
that they either had kk or aa.
obviously they somrtimes will,
but i guess u r saying that "over time"
it will pay?
what about calling an all-in,
would u be with qq?
and if so,what would be your lowest all-in calling range be?
or is it player dependant?
thanks buddy
I'm happy to get it all in pre with QQ all day long, if it's a cooler, it's a cooler, and more often than not, if he has KK/AA, he aint gonna flop a set, so you'll still have an overpair to the board and most cases you aint gonna let go and will still lose.
Your lowest calling range is gonna be a bit player dependent, that's a very good area to makes notes in, like if you shove whatever and he calls for 50BBs with KJ, you need to make a note of that. People generally call with less hands than they shove with so if he calls with KJ, he's probably shoving with QJ, KT, cards like that, so against these people I would 100% call a shove with AK, AQ, probably AJ. Whereas I would never call a shove pre from Ranid with AJ.
In reality, you don't want a large amount of your money/profits to come from flips because long term, it's only gonna be about 50/50.
Against your average player at 4NL that I don't know but is your average limps-alot, calls-alot, I will call an all in for up to 100BB with AA/KK/QQ/AK, and probably JJ.