as always the more you play, the more you will know who to shove or call with QQ. its a hand im not afraid of going broke with preflop at NL4. more often than not you end up in a 70/30 situation, just run better than i do with these odds. everyone is binking on me:( think im running about 10/90
as always the more you play, the more you will know who to shove or call with QQ. its a hand im not afraid of going broke with preflop at NL4. more often than not you end up in a 70/30 situation, just run better than i do with these odds. everyone is binking on me:( think im running about 10/90 Posted by TINTIN
I seem to remember my QQ smashing your AK earlier aipf actually.... Might take races with you more!
In Response to Re: trying 2 cash @ nl4 : I seem to remember my QQ smashing your AK earlier aipf actually.... Might take races with you more! Posted by salad24
i wouldnt use the term "smashing" to describe a race. all fairly standard.
In Response to Re: trying 2 cash @ nl4 : Quite an insulting post Dudeskin Most of us nl4 fish are better than you imply, come and join us sometime and see. Oh,and bring some cash with you..... Posted by pilgrim07
Pretty much what Lamby said, to have the thought to even reply like that must mean you are making a profit at the level (bit silly if you're not lol) and hence taking advantage of the awful players I mentioned - well done to you.
And yes I've made that terrible struggle of grinding my way out the NL4 mire which I'm sure you will too soon enough .
In Response to Re: trying 2 cash @ nl4 : I was only referring to the fact that I managed to flop a set, hence taking the sweat away. I am aware it was standard. Posted by salad24
i remember the hand, tbh i forgot what flop brought. i was busy shouting n swearing at the time when i ran 2nd set into top set on the flop on another table at same time
what a grind today has been £15 up though not bad for NL4. hey if i can manage this everyday ill be rich by the end of the year :P well ill be able to pay for a small holiday at least haha.
Hey tintin seen you at the tables tonight how do you find the profit at these levels?
In Response to Re: trying 2 cash @ nl4 : Pretty much what Lamby said, to have the thought to even reply like that must mean you are making a profit at the level (bit silly if you're not lol) and hence taking advantage of the awful players I mentioned - well done to you. And yes I've made that terrible struggle of grinding my way out the NL4 mire which I'm sure you will too soon enough . Good luck matey ! Posted by Dudeskin8
Oh Gawd. Please read my follow up to Lambert`s post.
thanks rancid, all in pre with qq? are we happy with poss risking £4 with that? and ak also? devon Posted by devonfish5
at nl4 allin with qq - yes, against most people. you'll discover who not to as you play. still a risk but if you don't risk you don't get the reward. all hands can be beat - i had aa beat by q10 off last night allin pre along with another guy who had a6 suited. the thing is the q10 guy was last to act and still called with 2 of us allin. on another table i had kk and won against a j8 suited allin pre.
what a grind today has been £15 up though not bad for NL4. hey if i can manage this everyday ill be rich by the end of the year :P well ill be able to pay for a small holiday at least haha. Hey tintin seen you at the tables tonight how do you find the profit at these levels? chris Posted by wenelinho
profit is generally not to bad. i usually win a couple of hundred a month when i play but i do put in long hours 6 tabling.
also i gain quite a lot c4p which is a welcome boost on top of these winning. im at 4k just now.
this month has been diff tho. im up but because of varience and a bit more bad play than normal on my behalf its nowhere near what i usually win.
im certain theres others who are posting better figures than i do when you work out bb/100hands
In Response to Re: trying 2 cash @ nl4 : profit is generally not to bad. i usually win a couple of hundred a month when i play but i do put in long hours 6 tabling. also i gain quite a lot c4p which is a welcome boost on top of these winning. im at 4k just now. this month has been diff tho. im up but because of varience and a bit more bad play than normal on my behalf its nowhere near what i usually win. im certain theres others who are posting better figures than i do when you work out bb/100hands Posted by TINTIN
good to know its achievable though with just abit of hard grind. I have only just come back to cash after a long break and playing poker in general was just playing a couple of tourneys a week a couple months ago and decided to make a real effort at improving my game and BR management this year.
I have a rule of thumb now if i double up or get close i leave and join another table, only 3 tabling at the moment though i really dont like playing in mini view.
In Response to Re: trying 2 cash @ nl4 : good to know its achievable though with just abit of hard grind. I have only just come back to cash after a long break and playing poker in general was just playing a couple of tourneys a week a couple months ago and decided to make a real effort at improving my game and BR management this year. I have a rule of thumb now if i double up or get close i leave and join another table, only 3 tabling at the moment though i really dont like playing in mini view. chris Posted by wenelinho
ive adopted that startegy a little lately main due coz of the way im playing. i was a little shocked when you left the table we were sharing earier but i now now te reason. m sure ou were aware of what was happening there.
im always in mini view due to playing 6 tables. took a little while to get used to tbh but i prefer it now
that guy pushing all in with any two yeah i thought about staying but if i had of lost it would of annoyed me so decided to take my double up and leave gonna go look for him again later hehe
i tend to make mistakes in mini view not sure why but i miss read situations more, ive been adding a 4th table and mini viewing just to push the numbers but i really dont enjoy it, like you say though once you get used to it.
have 2 agree with u tin tin, i play mini-view when playing 3 or more tables, and i think as there is no chat box 2 distract me, sure it helps with concentration. also chris,i went through a spell of doubling up and leaving table 2 go on another. although it,s not doing anything wrong,argueably, some can and will see it as "bad sport". as i am as u know back playing cash, with the only aim being 2 try and improve it, along i guess trying 2 get my b/roll up to £500.
playing only 2 tables, means i really am able 2 give both tables my full attention,as opposed 2 playing 6 8 or 10 as i have done in the past.
also,having as i said left the table after doubleing up, in the past,now i find it so much better 2 stay on the table as u can really use your stack to bully opponents, which is deffo an advantage.
not at all concerned about c4p either since the changes, obviously going 2 get some money 4 january, as am over the min 500 needed. used 2 chase them, did get 5000 2 months running last feb/mar time, (£200 which helped alot towards building b/roll.)
didn,t play at all w/end, apart from couple of freerolls ,won £1.30.
will start again this week, maybe 2nite or tomorrow,
really cant post hands on here not sure why copy and paste doesnt seem to work haha.
maybe it could be seen as bad sport but im sitting at the table with the full buy in and can just as easily loose the 4 quid which i have just done and wanted to post the hand.
My BR is at 70 at the moment so is it not just good play to add 5% to it?
I know what you mean about bullying but at this level i think i would play the same with 4 or 8 at the table
Hi guys liking the NL4 discussion going on here! I've not really played as much as i could have done this month, due to me having exams all this week. I'll probably be in it for the cash grind come February. Tin Tin i see you play 6 tables, i was planning on playing more than the standard 4, do your tables overlap much? WP on the tables mate, i always see you around and your probably one of if not the most profitable at NL4.
well if i win £4 and leave the table im adding just over 5% to my BR. if i had a bigger bank roll i would be more inclined to stay at a table and try and bully but i have done it before gone up to £8,9 10 then i get a bad beat or make a wrong move and im back to £4 winds me up.
i read an article about Chris Ferguson who used a similar tactic to build a $10k bankroll from zero every time he won more than i think 10% of his bankroll he left the table.
Im reallly trying my best to plug all the leaks in my game at the moment and i see building my BR and keeping it safe as one of them maybe when i get up to a couple of hundred ill change and start carrying on after doubling up,
yes,i see what u mean. if u sit down & make a small profit most sessions that,s good. i am quite happy doing that myself.
my thought was u can make even more money with a big stack,bullying. but of course the downside is u r putting more of your money at risk. but as it is only money u have just won, it,s not that bad losing part of it. quess it,s all down to "risk & reward" again.
Hi guys liking the NL4 discussion going on here! I've not really played as much as i could have done this month, due to me having exams all this week. I'll probably be in it for the cash grind come February. Tin Tin i see you play 6 tables, i was planning on playing more than the standard 4, do your tables overlap much? WP on the tables mate, i always see you around and your probably one of if not the most profitable at NL4. Posted by Swog
its only a 15inch monitor ive got so heres quite a bit of overlap. i place 3 down each side. kinda top middle n bottom, i just make sure none of the buttons are alligned so i dot misclick with a pop up.
ive wona fair bit at nl4 but this month has been a real struggle. ive played the worst i can remember and donked off a fair bit. ive also battled somereally bad session where varience has kicked you know what.
i should be pleased im showing a reasonble profit so far this month but not near previous months
Just read some of your posts on standing once you've doubled up, imo this is a bad strategy as if you've doubled up it should mean there is value on the table and if those players are stupid enough to reload you should stay put and try and take them for all they have.
The only reason I can think of for standing would be if the table has become infested by REGs going for the value as well or the value has simply given up and stood up.
Just read some of your posts on standing once you've doubled up, imo this is a bad strategy as if you've doubled up it should mean there is value on the table and if those players are stupid enough to reload you should stay put and try and take them for all they have. The only reason I can think of for standing would be if the table has become infested by REGs going for the value as well or the value has simply given up and stood up. Posted by Dudeskin8
i agree with you here. its not a tactic i employ too often and definatey not on the table me and wenelinho was on yesterday.
agree with u both about bulling 100%, think i probably said the wrong thing. i ment that being the BIG stack u can use it to your advantage,as anyone willing to take u on won,t be able 2 push u off the hand but u can them. obviously if abc poker has u winning at a table there is no need go mad and make any big changes, i was just saying that you have built up your stack so why not make good use of it!
and tin tin,
very much appreciated for taking the time & effort
with your good analyises and replies.
cheers devon
still a risk but if you don't risk you don't get the reward.
all hands can be beat - i had aa beat by q10 off last night allin pre along with another guy who had a6 suited.
the thing is the q10 guy was last to act and still called with 2 of us allin.
on another table i had kk and won against a j8 suited allin pre.
notes FTW!
good luck
also i gain quite a lot c4p which is a welcome boost on top of these winning. im at 4k just now.
this month has been diff tho. im up but because of varience and a bit more bad play than normal on my behalf its nowhere near what i usually win.
im certain theres others who are posting better figures than i do when you work out bb/100hands
im always in mini view due to playing 6 tables. took a little while to get used to tbh but i prefer it now
i play mini-view when playing 3 or more tables,
and i think as there is no chat box 2 distract me,
sure it helps with concentration.
also chris,i went through a spell of doubling up
and leaving table 2 go on another.
although it,s not doing anything wrong,argueably,
some can and will see it as "bad sport".
as i am as u know back playing cash,
with the only aim being 2 try and improve it, along i guess trying 2 get my b/roll up to £500.
playing only 2 tables, means i really am able 2 give both tables
my full attention,as opposed 2 playing 6 8 or 10
as i have done in the past.
also,having as i said left the table after doubleing up,
in the past,now i find it so much better 2 stay on the table as u can
really use your stack to bully opponents,
which is deffo an advantage.
not at all concerned about c4p either since the changes,
obviously going 2 get some money 4 january,
as am over the min 500 needed.
used 2 chase them,
did get 5000 2 months running last feb/mar time,
(£200 which helped alot towards building b/roll.)
didn,t play at all w/end,
apart from couple of freerolls ,won £1.30.
will start again this week,
maybe 2nite or tomorrow,
all 4 now,
run well
I've not really played as much as i could have done this month, due to me having exams all this week. I'll probably be in it for the cash grind come February.
Tin Tin i see you play 6 tables, i was planning on playing more than the standard 4, do your tables overlap much? WP on the tables mate, i always see you around and your probably one of if not the most profitable at NL4.
not sure what u mean chris?
yes,i see what u mean.
if u sit down & make a small profit most sessions
that,s good.
i am quite happy doing that myself.
my thought was u can make even more money
with a big stack,bullying.
but of course the downside is u r putting more of your money at risk.
but as it is only money u have just won,
it,s not that bad losing part of it.
quess it,s all down to "risk & reward" again.
ive wona fair bit at nl4 but this month has been a real struggle. ive played the worst i can remember and donked off a fair bit. ive also battled somereally bad session where varience has kicked you know what.
i should be pleased im showing a reasonble profit so far this month but not near previous months
If no one can bust you at the table, why leave ?
If your playing 200bb, then tighten your game – simples – getting AK in with 200bb doesn’t feel that great – init !
You don’t bully in cash, no need – only bully in MTT play as you put oppo tourney life under threat
Ps. If you have someone dumping money on the table with ATC – don’t leave - EVER
If you do start splashing around alot more and trying to bluff calling stations off hands then you will start to lose that big stack.
think i probably said the wrong thing.
i ment that being the BIG stack u can use it to
your advantage,as anyone willing to take u on
won,t be able 2 push u off the hand
but u can them.
obviously if abc poker has u winning at a table
there is no need go mad and make any big changes,
i was just saying that you have built up your stack
so why not make good use of it!
lost £9.57
rubbish ,
can,t be bothered with details,
b/roll £376.54
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #000000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="club">8
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">A
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">5
mammiesa23Check Dark_ClownBet £2.52£4.36£1.93wenelinhoAll-in £3.30£7.66£0.00mammiesa23All-in £0.62£8.28£0.00Dark_ClownCall £0.78£9.06£1.15mammiesa23Show-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="diamond">3
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #000000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="club">A
Dark_ClownShow-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">9
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">8
wenelinhoShow-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="diamond">A
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">K
Turn-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #000000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="club">6
River-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">2
Dark_ClownWinFlush to the Ace£8.38 £9.53