no worries. think it,s good as it will keep you focused on your aims and targets. any questions you may have will always get an answer from someome, if i am able to help i,ll do my best. prob see you at a table. best wishes, devon
When are you planning on moving up through the levels? Have you thought about tracking your progress as you go? Then if your crushing a level you can comfortably move up with the knowledge your beating that level comfortably, you could easily play up to NL10 with your bankroll. You might be losing equity by staying at NL4, when you could be beating a higher level? Say you your beating NL4 for 14bb/100 (which is good) then anything over 7bb/100 at NL8 (which should be easy for you) is making you more money. Arron.
With your obvious ability to beat the level and your more than adequate bankroll you are definitely missing value here Devon. You need to at least step up to NL8 ASAP.
Very well played and well done so far mate. Good solid progress.
When are you planning on moving up through the levels? Have you thought about tracking your progress as you go? Then if your crushing a level you can comfortably move up with the knowledge your beating that level comfortably, you could easily play up to NL10 with your bankroll. You might be losing equity by staying at NL4, when you could be beating a higher level? Say you your beating NL4 for 14bb/100 (which is good) then anything over 7bb/100 at NL8 (which should be easy for you) is making you more money. Arron. Posted by Swog
thanks Arron,sjspanky, got to agree with u both, probably is now about the right time to think about moving up level/levels.
was playing £3.30 dym,s up until jan 17th,2012, and doing pretty well. but thought,let,s give cash another go as i do know that,s where you can win serious money, obviously,if u r good enough, hence this thread.
so,onto tonight,
won £22.18
sessions played 19
won 15 +£90.31 lost 4 -£19.81
cash b/roll +£70.50 b/roll £476.18
so,what to do? think i should at least continue nl4 until i get b/roll up to £500 as that was always my original aim.
then it,s time to consider my options, do i try nl8, a level i,ve never considered playing b4. go to nl10 which i have dabbled at b4, lost 7 buy-ins ages ago, going all-in pre flop with from memory, aa twice, kk 2 times & qq 3 times. so not got good memories
anyway, happy with tonight, and obviously,delighted with how well it,s all going atm, as i really didn,t have any idea how it would go just those few weeks ago. got to say again how greatfull i am to everyone that has very kindly helped me as i know 4 sure i wouldn,t be getting these results that i am now. THANK YOU.....SO MUCH.
do u mean 4 me to raise carl? guessing u do. as i know dan tb is very aggro, once he bets 3/4 pot or so, on flop,i actually did put him on the run. so i knew i was behind with my trip queens. then when he bets again after i,ve hit the world, a call was all that was needed as thought he,d go all-in on river,as he did. played it perfect!!!
true mate, but u,ve just said it,"against him" got to give me some credit i think, i did get his stack. but i know what u mean. that,s where it really does pay to know your man, and i make notes all the time as i am playing,because we all have betting patterns even the top players,as i,ve just shown. that,s why i do mix up my bet sizes alot, as i,m sure alot of players do or should imo. anyway, hands gone, devonfish 1 dan tb 0 :-)
yeh, c4p used 2 make 4 points per table per hour, now it,s only 2 points. seems rubbish in comparison, but as long as you are making over the 500 a month it,s still something,£4 think u need to be making anything over 1500 points to be better off,as b4 up to 1999 was worth £15, now that would b worth £19.99. think that,s still getting used to it myself.
yeh, c4p used 2 make 4 points per table per hour, now it,s only 2 points. seems rubbish in comparison, but as long as you are making over the 500 a month it,s still something,£4 think u need to be making anything over 1500 points to be better off,as b4 up to 1999 was worth £15, now that would b worth £19.99. think that,s still getting used to it myself. devon Posted by devonfish5
yeah thought it had gone down some played 5 tables for an hour last night only went up like 7 points was wondering if i just hadnt played enough hands but clearley not.
lost £25.38 sessions played 22 won 16 +£94.87 lost 6 -£57.85
cash b/roll £37.02 b/roll £442.70
from playing like a a god to playing like a dog. ran badly played badly enough said!
going to have to re-access after playing until the end of the month. as playing is so up and down from day 2 day. even though i,ve just lost i am not giving in as i do know these down-swings happen. i could post up some hands but some are just laughable,players staying in 4 in-side gut shots 4 example and hitting them. i,m sure u,ve all been there,got the t-shirts etc, so i won,t even go there.
tomorrow,s another day as they say so sure i,ll be back. at least i,m hoping this is just about as bad as it gets. well lets hope so anyway.
only consolation is, i know i,ve always got dym,s to fall back on, so Dudeskin,make the most of me being away, i could be back sooner than you
i might be losing my hair my teeth and my mind, but at least i,ve not lost my sense of humour!!! YET
just about getting over the other night. played a few dym,s earlier, just had 2 get away from cash tables 4 a while. played 10 w6 l 4 won £3.00
forced myself back 2 cash tonight, won £2.02...phew sessions played 23 won 17 +£96.89 lost 6 -£57.85
cash b/roll +£39.04 b/roll £447.72
going 2 try same again, when playing 2 sessions dym,s during day, cash at night. confident with my dym play, so hoping if i can continue winning these at least if i do have any more losing cash sessions, which i know will obviously happen, the dym,s will help to at least keep b/roll healthy.
Unlucky on that recent bad session mate, at least you have the security that it doesn't make up a MASSIVE chunk of your roll so it shouldn't tilt you etc. And overall you're up almost 10 BI's at NL4 which is pretty good by anyones standards so just keep plugging away imo .
Oh and I'm having a go at the £5.50's for a bit now so will hopefully not be playing you at all lol
thanks m8, good luck @ £5.50 let me know how u get on. yes,as u say still doing ok. like we,ve always said, as long as u r rolled 4 the right level it doesn,t kill you does it. it,s only a minor set back. still taught me 2 walk away from a table in future not stay trying 2 chase lost money, as i only lost badly on 1 table(£17) to a very loose player hitting everything.
playing freeroll in a mo +some dym,s, at least i shouldn,t run into
although i have not reached my target of £500 bankroll i did manage to win £88(up-date;in total,with c4p,etc) revised cash winings + £48.55 so not the £88 as first detailed still a profit though,so still very happy with that. and finish with a b/roll of £460.
so ,not a bad effort. (also,i did learn from it that i could play cash at this level, and make a small profit in the process, and not simply come out level, as i had done all in all,very happy...:-)
the reason i have finished this challenge, as follows
today ,i have withdrawn £400 from my sky poker account, to use towards buying a new computer,an intel core i7 2600k 3.4 Ghz 8GBddr3ram 500tb hard drive, for anyone interested. they retail in the shops at around £750 i have also added a dedicated graphic card,at £50 extra. and windows 7,£80 extra buying on-line from Component wait 4 it...... £579.99
so, what next. just chilling atm, playing 7pm freeroll.
waiting for new computer, end nxt week. start a new challenge i guess, as i now only have £60 to play with i think it will be another dym thingy, will have a little think about it.
reasons 4 buying a new computer, simple, multi-tabling. i am planning to start off playing 9 dym tables somewhere between £1 and £3 levels. and go from there, hopefully if i am able to build up my b/roll again, i will just keep on increasing number of tables i play until i get to to around 18/20 tables.
as for playing cash? not too sure, i will still visit tables i,m sure at some point, it,s not as if they are going anywhere,are they.
anyway, to finish, i would just like to thank everyone that took the time and effort in helping me along the way with my challenge. you were all very kind and willing to help me, and i really am very greatfull to you all. i am not going to name names, as you all know who you are. i would also like to thank everyone that read my reports and thank you for all your comments...
to all of you players with your own diaries/challenges going atm, i wish you luck. keep posting too,as i enjoy reading them as i,m sure does everyone else.
it was fun it was hard some nights it was up and down it was a nightmare trying to paste that b****y hand lol but, above all.. it was enjoyable
no worries.
think it,s good as it will keep you focused
on your aims and targets.
any questions you may have
will always get an answer from someome,
if i am able to help i,ll do my best.
prob see you at a table.
best wishes,
Have you thought about tracking your progress as you go? Then if your crushing a level you can comfortably move up with the knowledge your beating that level comfortably, you could easily play up to NL10 with your bankroll. You might be losing equity by staying at NL4, when you could be beating a higher level?
Say you your beating NL4 for 14bb/100 (which is good) then anything over 7bb/100 at NL8 (which should be easy for you) is making you more money.
With your obvious ability to beat the level and your more than adequate bankroll you are definitely missing value here Devon. You need to at least step up to NL8 ASAP.
Very well played and well done so far mate. Good solid progress.
Cheers, Ryan
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #000000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="spade">9
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #000000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="spade">J
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #000000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="spade">6
cgoldie Bet £0.04 £0.82 £4.30 papadoc Call £0.04 £0.86 £1.38 wenelinho Call £0.04 £0.90 £3.86Turn-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="diamond">10
cgoldie Bet £0.08 £0.98 £4.22 papadoc Call £0.08 £1.06 £1.30 wenelinho Call £0.08 £1.14 £3.78River-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="diamond">8
cgoldie Bet £1.14 £2.28 £3.08 papadoc Call £1.14 £3.42 £0.16 wenelinho Fold cgoldie Show-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">J
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">A
papadoc Show-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">10
-'); padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 15px; color: #dd0000; padding-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: #9bc3e5 1px solid" class="heart">9
papadoc Win Two Pairs, 10s and 9s £3.16 £3.32got to agree with u both,
probably is now about the right time
to think about moving up level/levels.
was playing £3.30 dym,s up until jan 17th,2012,
and doing pretty well.
but thought,let,s give cash another go
as i do know that,s where you can win serious money,
obviously,if u r good enough,
hence this thread.
so,onto tonight,
won £22.18
sessions played 19
won 15 +£90.31
lost 4 -£19.81
cash b/roll +£70.50
b/roll £476.18
so,what to do?
think i should at least continue nl4
until i get b/roll up to £500
as that was always my original aim.
then it,s time to consider my options,
do i try nl8,
a level i,ve never considered playing b4.
go to nl10
which i have dabbled at b4,
lost 7 buy-ins ages ago,
going all-in pre flop with from memory,
aa twice, kk 2 times & qq 3 times.
so not got good memories
happy with tonight,
and obviously,delighted with how well
it,s all going atm,
as i really didn,t have any idea how it would go
just those few weeks ago.
got to say again how greatfull i am
to everyone that has very kindly helped me
as i know 4 sure i wouldn,t be getting these results
that i am now.
that,s all 4 now ...
best wishes
guessing u do.
as i know dan tb is very aggro,
once he bets 3/4 pot or so,
on flop,i actually did put him on the run.
so i knew i was behind with my trip queens.
then when he bets again after i,ve hit the world,
a call was all that was needed
as thought he,d go all-in on river,as he did.
played it perfect!!!
happy days.
but u,ve just said it,"against him"
got to give me some credit i think,
i did get his stack.
but i know what u mean.
that,s where it really does pay to know your man,
and i make notes all the time
as i am playing,because we all have betting patterns
even the top players,as i,ve just shown.
that,s why i do mix up my bet sizes alot,
as i,m sure alot of players do or should imo.
hands gone,
devonfish 1 dan tb 0
won £4.56 :-)
played 20 won 16 +£94.87
lost 4 -£19.81
cash b/roll £75.06
b/roll £480.74
c4p 717
and you
I have just been playing 5 for an hour and made 8 is this normal?
gl m8
didn,t have any myself last night,
lost £12.66
just a rubbish session that u get now & then,
was down £20 at one point,so i know could have been worse.
sessions played 21
won 16 +£94.87
lost 5 -£32.47
cash b/roll £62.40
b/roll £468.08
c49 785
not happy,but hey,
got to take the rough with the smooth.
looks like the £500 target
will have to wait a little bit
still,never said it was going to be easy
used 2 make 4 points per table per hour,
now it,s only 2 points.
seems rubbish in comparison,
but as long as you are making over the 500 a month
it,s still something,£4
think u need to be making anything over 1500 points
to be better off,as b4 up to 1999 was worth £15,
now that would b worth £19.99.
think that,s
still getting used to it myself.
with the facts i guess,
lost £25.38 sessions played 22
won 16 +£94.87
lost 6 -£57.85
cash b/roll £37.02
b/roll £442.70
from playing like a a god
to playing like a dog.
ran badly
played badly
enough said!
going to have to re-access
after playing until the end of the month.
as playing is so up and down
from day 2 day.
even though i,ve just lost
i am not giving in as i do know these down-swings happen.
i could post up some hands
but some are just laughable,players staying in 4 in-side gut shots
4 example and hitting them.
i,m sure u,ve all been there,got the t-shirts etc,
so i won,t even go there.
tomorrow,s another day as they say
so sure i,ll be back.
at least i,m hoping this is just about
as bad as it gets.
well lets hope so anyway.
only consolation is,
i know i,ve always got dym,s to fall back on,
so Dudeskin,make the most of me being away,
i could be back sooner than you
i might be losing my hair my teeth and my mind,
but at least i,ve not lost my sense of humour!!!
played a few dym,s earlier,
just had 2 get away from cash tables 4 a while.
played 10
w6 l 4
won £3.00
forced myself back 2 cash tonight,
won £2.02...phew
sessions played 23
won 17 +£96.89
lost 6 -£57.85
cash b/roll +£39.04
b/roll £447.72
going 2 try same again,
when playing 2 sessions
dym,s during day,
cash at night.
confident with my dym play,
so hoping if i can continue winning these
at least if i do have any more losing cash sessions,
which i know will obviously happen,
the dym,s will help to at least keep b/roll healthy.
c4p 989
good night
good luck @ £5.50
let me know how u get on.
yes,as u say still doing ok.
like we,ve always said,
as long as u r rolled 4 the right level
it doesn,t kill you does it.
it,s only a minor set back.
still taught me 2 walk away from a table in future
not stay trying 2 chase lost money,
as i only lost badly on 1 table(£17)
to a very loose player hitting everything.
playing freeroll in a mo
+some dym,s,
at least i shouldn,t run into
run well
sessions played 24
won 18 +£106.40
lost 6 -£57.85
cash b/roll £48.55
b/roll £460.23
nice 2 b back winning
ran ok
played ok
c49 1025
the trying 2 cash@nl4 challenge is over....
although i have not reached my target of £500 bankroll
i did manage to win £88(up-date;in total,with c4p,etc)
revised cash winings + £48.55
so not the £88 as first detailed
still a profit though,so still very happy with that.
and finish with a b/roll of £460.
so ,not a bad effort.
(also,i did learn from it that i could play cash at this level,
and make a small profit in the process,
and not simply come out level,
as i had done all in all,very happy...:-)
the reason i have finished this challenge,
as follows
today ,i have withdrawn £400 from my sky poker account,
to use towards buying
a new computer,an intel core i7 2600k 3.4 Ghz 8GBddr3ram 500tb hard drive,
for anyone interested.
they retail in the shops at around £750
i have also added a dedicated graphic card,at £50 extra.
and windows 7,£80 extra
buying on-line from
wait 4 it......
what next.
just chilling atm,
playing 7pm freeroll.
waiting for new computer,
end nxt week.
start a new challenge i guess,
as i now only have £60 to play with
i think it will be another dym thingy,
will have a little think about it.
reasons 4 buying a new computer,
i am planning to start off playing 9 dym tables
somewhere between £1 and £3 levels.
and go from there,
hopefully if i am able to build up my b/roll again,
i will just keep on increasing number of tables i play
until i get to to around 18/20 tables.
as for playing cash?
not too sure, i will still visit tables i,m sure at some point,
it,s not as if they are going anywhere,are they.
to finish,
i would just like to thank everyone that took the time and effort
in helping me along the way with my challenge.
you were all very kind and willing to help me,
and i really am very greatfull to you all.
i am not going to name names,
as you all know who you are.
i would also like to thank everyone that read my reports
and thank you for all your comments...
to all of you players with your own diaries/challenges going atm,
i wish you luck.
keep posting too,as i enjoy reading them
as i,m sure does everyone else.
it was fun
it was hard some nights
it was up and down
it was a nightmare trying to paste that b****y hand lol
above all..
it was enjoyable