Decided to go to casino tonight to get some live practice for the spt. Played the mtt and went out with pk 7s against pk 4s so that didnt go so well, then played some cash and that was quite eventfull. Im short stacked and hold pk 5s everyone straddles for a £1 then sb drops his cards i see one A and decide to shove all in and hope for a race but............. the guy before him said he saw both cards and a couple of other players did too so he had to show them face up and shows pk As so im thinking well thats a bit unfair everyone else gets to see there dominated so arnt gonna play and hes gonna call my all in now! So a ruling is made and i say well i want to retract my all in now as everyone else has seen them before they act apart from me! So........... i fold ovb and then they say well he cant raise the hand pre so everyone limps in to see if they can hit something cheap and of coarse i would of but said id fold and then the flop comes. Guess what........... a F.E.C.Kin 5 comes out grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So that was interesting then i decide to shove with A9 hearts and everyone folds except 2 players flop comes 9 3 6 all clubs one player raises other folds and then another club comes then another club the guy flushed it with KJ off grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Anyways came home and decided to play a couple of mtts i cashed 3 outta 4 the last one i had the hand below ouch!!!!!!!!!!!
Just posting a win havnt really had any luck and been ahead most games unfortunately been bingo shoved on quite a bit and lost with the likes of QQ vrs 55 and such but thats poker. Got a small one though and ill get another soon Not too long for the spt now so looking forward to that big time. Flash has offered to buy me a pint and im not forgeting gregg is also lol. Trying to get enough beer money this week so gonna have to play well and hope im lucky.
Also gonna be playing the hu challenge quarter against largearce at 11.30 if any one wants to spectate.
another mtt win played a couple tonight and hit big but still lost and i still managed to pull one back and make a profit for the night
Think im gonna tally up all my wins from this thread tomorrow and see how much ive won in mtts and see how much i actualy have made in profit. Will be interesting to see how much im winning and how much im spending since i started this! im sure it will amount to quite a bit in wins compared to how much profit ive actualy made, but will be interesting to see.
£100 bounty hunter 41 runners came 1st with 6 bountys
lo d man, the 200 last nite 14 left or so iv got aa raiesed to me 180- i pop it up to 300, flop 457 rainbow dada all in, the donk wins stright he had 6-8 off, 6-8 fooking off how the fook can u play donks like this at poker, no wonder im geting tilted, had a little bink 50 rebuy won and 14 in a mtt, glad u had a bink to , you playing the night games lots of fish to give our chips to lol....
lo d man, the 200 last nite 14 left or so iv got aa raiesed to me 180- i pop it up to 300, flop 457 rainbow dada all in, the donk wins stright he had 6-8 off, 6-8 fooking off how the fook can u play donks like this at poker, no wonder im geting tilted, had a little bink 50 rebuy won and 14 in a mtt, glad u had a bink to , you playing the night games lots of fish to give our chips to lol.... Posted by wayne1958
yea its anoying ill prob be on tonight got some small cashes but down overal tonight as played in open whcih cost me £33 quid and few other £5 quid ones losing when massivly ahead
Mini open 376 runners came 19th lost 2 flips and out
Well done Dazler. Keep this up and it'll be champers money you'll be taking to Nottingham and not beer money. Enjoy yerself there and when you take it down could you mention your TNP.
first game of the day and this was the new SUNDAY SUPERSTACK. Funny thing was i was chatting about how i generaly lose with 2 pair if i hit on the flop especialy if its connecting cards because of st8 draws. I know my mistake here, first i checked the flop then i bet too much on the turn, only reason i shoved the turn was because i had the flush draw and pos fh i could of even just flated the reraise. And he did raise pre. Oh well we live and learn. But he was running like a hot potatoe. Still i really enjoyed this game and long may it continue great format for a sunday afternoons poker.
Have withdrawn most of my br apart from £20 ready for the SPT on friday had a horrible last couple of nights so didnt want to risk anymore of it. I think ive posted enough beats to last and could of posted a lot more but wanna stay positive and the next post will be a win. Ill be using my br so i can fully enjoy the spt and play a side event or two if the main goes south. Really cant wait for this event as its my first one and will be good to see all the players, presenters and analists from here in person. Its gonna be a 4hr drive and im coming up with a fellow sky poker player who kindly has offerd to take me up with him. Ill be staying at the premiere inn which ive been told is about 3 half miles away from the DTD casino which isnt too far. Ill be coming up on the friday and hopefully will manage to make it to day 2 of the main. My live play is a bit rusty and even though im more of an mtt player online id say live im better suited to cash games live. So im really gonna have to step upto the mark. Theres some really good players going to be there but im not going to let it faze me and just play my best. I think i can hold my own and have a real chance to cash in something. If not its gonna be a lot of fun eitherway and i for one can not wait.
I just noticed im in the jackpot freeroll in a couple of hours so hopefully can bink £50 to bump up my br as im pretty much starting from scratch again with the £20 i have left. I only have 1000 starting chips so at a bit of a disadvantage but any thing can happen! As they say ya gotta be in it to win it
yo d man gd luck for f,roll, if you see me 2nite tell me to get to bed ,but you wont?.... gd luck for the spt, but please dont play as you do on here ul be out 2 round on 8s all in lol.... prob see u l8r this week ...
yo d man gd luck for f,roll, if you see me 2nite tell me to get to bed ,but you wont?.... gd luck for the spt, but please dont play as you do on here ul be out 2 round on 8s all in lol.... prob see u l8r this week ... Posted by wayne1958
well im in 1st place in the jackpot freeroll wayne holding 35k in chips and 28 to go! do you think ill cash? lol
hi Daz, gl on your 1st spt, i'm sure it will be alot of fun. hope you cash and run good. not sure if you will be there on sunday?is that the final day,i think it is. hope you are anyway,i'll be thinking of you especially as it is my birthday. gl buddy. dev ps;don't forget the paracetomol lol
hi Daz, gl on your 1st spt, i'm sure it will be alot of fun. hope you cash and run good. not sure if you will be there on sunday?is that the final day,i think it is. hope you are anyway,i'll be thinking of you especially as it is my birthday. gl buddy. dev ps;don't forget the paracetomol lol Posted by devonfish5
cheers devon im sure it will be a lot of fun cant wait. I will be there on sunday too. Ill say a happy Birthday to you for then m8 hope you have a good un
Good tip on the paracetamol ill remember that.
£1200 mini 343 runners came 24th needed a double up shoved with pk 7s and ran into pk Qs. Never had so many pk As and AKs in one mtt before was rediculous how many times i had it unfortunatly everyone folded when i had them.
also came close to the money on couple of other boutny hunters after good lead just ran into horribleness time and time again but i made buy in back with bounties
Cashed in the mini and a £150 deepstack although i shoulda got further if it wernt for your shinanigans dave im still reething over that one but ill get ya next time lol keep reading those books
Anyways came home and decided to play a couple of mtts i cashed 3 outta 4 the last one i had the hand below ouch!!!!!!!!!!!
750 gar bounty hunter 188 runners came 13th
this was a bit harsh lol
Also gonna be playing the hu challenge quarter against largearce at 11.30 if any one wants to spectate.
£100 gar
Think im gonna tally up all my wins from this thread tomorrow and see how much ive won in mtts and see how much i actualy have made in profit. Will be interesting to see how much im winning and how much im spending since i started this! im sure it will amount to quite a bit in wins compared to how much profit ive actualy made, but will be interesting to see.
£100 bounty hunter 41 runners came 1st with 6 bountys
Mini open 376 runners came 19th lost 2 flips and out
£250 bounty hunter
168 runners came 2nd
in a £11 scary stt
random hmmmmmmmm
oh look thats a surprise
£50 gar
I just noticed im in the jackpot freeroll in a couple of hours so hopefully can bink £50 to bump up my br as im pretty much starting from scratch again with the £20 i have left. I only have 1000 starting chips so at a bit of a disadvantage but any thing can happen! As they say ya gotta be in it to win it
1k Jackpotpot freeroll 408 runners came 2nd
DTD £150 gar
248 runners came 19th
gl on your 1st spt,
i'm sure it will be alot of fun.
hope you cash and run good.
not sure if you will be there on sunday?is that the final day,i think it is.
hope you are anyway,i'll be thinking of you especially as it is my birthday.
gl buddy.
ps;don't forget the paracetomol lol
Good tip on the paracetamol ill remember that.
£1200 mini 343 runners came 24th needed a double up shoved with pk 7s and ran into pk Qs. Never had so many pk As and AKs in one mtt before was rediculous how many times i had it unfortunatly everyone folded when i had them.
£150 deepstack 83 runners came 10th