I know what you mean In the VLV final I had AA - min raise called by the BB - he had 2 prs on the flop on which we are allin - luckily I bink another A, but otherwise I would have been history. Tonight in the miniBH I shove with my 1010 on a 9 high flop. I'm insta-called by the AA. Runner runner 10 10 for quads. You didn't stand a chance with only JJ against my 44. Posted by GELDY
yea i remember that one lol. For some strange reason as soon as it turned midnight and the last day of the month is over everyone is winning with pk As now, Gremlins me thinks lol just had AK hit the K on a flop JK5 and he wins with a Set of Js so big pk pairs are safe now AK is the one to watch out for
Did well in this and at the end had AK hit the A aginst short stack and they hit a gut shot st8 then got knocked out after i hit my Rag A in the bb against a limper holding AK lol
whoooooooohooooooooo just managed to qualify for the 5k bounty hunter got the £110 ticket for £5 after making a quater and semi.
As well as being in that im in the jubilee hu game tomorrow so i could be up for some very nice binkage.
Ive tried and tried to get in the 20k game and final tabled every single game but just cant seem to do it. Im still gonna keep at it though as this month i wanna cash big for a change last month i did the grind this month i wanna win something nice.
Had a go on the open tonight and this was horrible way to go out so didnt bother rebuying.
hi geldy yea ty i got 3 bounties in it but really gutted as went out in 7th place it paid 5, was doing so well for first half of the game and in 1st place but short stacks got so lucky every time i had a pk pair! was so close to the money and went out with the hand below which was pretty sick and again i could see it coming. Oh well cant grumble good roi for £5 buy and not a bad day in all. Hope i can get a cash in the Jubilee hu game tomorrow.
well after a bad day of trying to satellite into the roller and playing in the 2k jubilee hu game and doing terrible also playing the main and getting no where. Its cost me quite a bit in terms of buy ins to get nowhere. But i always seem to put one in the back of the net by the end of the night with a bink so got most of it back. Prob to lose it all again tomorrow lol.
Still took a bit of time out to see England just about win, was a loverly goal and the guy who did the shoving of our player should of been sent off. Just finishing off with one of my favorite late night mtts the £750 bounty hunter which i must say has a great structure compared to the roller sats hmmmm!! Then im gonna call it a night as the other half is back tomorrow and i have to do a spot of midnight cleaning. Ive also been checking out to see if the grass seed ive planted is doing anything and like my br its not really doing anything exciting yet but we had some rain today and tomorrow may show signs of growth.
ok so i haven't made it into the 20k roller and iv given up now but iv made it into the 5k bounty hunter for the second time running this week for less than a fiver. Just bought in direct for £4.80 for a £110 ticket so hopefully will cash in this one. I did get 3 bounty's for £131 in the last one and came 7th but it paid 5 so hopefully no bubble and a win or top place cash ya never know. Not only that but my C4P is bumped up very nicely because of this satelliting into the big mtts.
I was just wondering about the really big mtts that go on around the world with the World series of poker about to start. Sky have had satellites and tornys to get into it which is wonderful, but will sky ever do any of the other big tournaments like the EPT or UKIPT and such like. They have the skypoker tour but having prizes for these major tornaments i think would be a great addition to the site and also bring a lot more traffic here and a great advertisement if we had skypoker players at these big events. You see players that do play in these events advertising the sites they play on which ovb reaches out to players to consider which sites they come from. Is there a reason they don't do it or do they have plans for this in the future do you think?
went out of both the mini primo and 5k bounty with no bountys needed double up in both had top pair and st8 draw in both shoved and get called by just over cards and they hit. So bit disapointed really i even hit quad 10s in the 5k bounty and pretty much card dead for both.
Hi all ive been away for a couple of days mainly because the other half has been on hols and the other because ive found a game on my xbox i just cant put down, its called minecraft a pc game thats been around for quite a while but ive just discoverd it, im a bit of a gamer anyway and heard good things about it and at first glances it looks really basic with just blocks that you build worlds with. Anyways its awsome and cant put it down lol. So ive kinda taken a break from poker but need to get back into the swing of things. Ive looked at the lobby and see there is a new lucky 7s mtt so think i might have a look see tonight at that as well as the Euro freeroll, not sure what else ill be playing yet as need to ease back into a game that dosnt involve blocks Also not long before the football is on so will prob take breaks while that is on. Prob do me good to be honest and keep me playing a fresh game.
Ok then what have i been upto this feels like a long while i haven't been playing much online poker the last couple of days. I have gotten some freelance work hopefully and decided to go to the casino tonight and play some live poker, which i havnt done in quite some time! probably around 7 months or so. Anyways the plan was to go and watch the Euro games on today have a couple of pints and maybe play a little bit on the cash tables. If i did well on there then in would play in the live torny. Although it ended up by the time i got called for a seat on the cash table there was only about 45 min before the mtt started and didn't really wanna sit for that short a time. The tournament was £33 buy in with 5000 chips and if you registered early you got a bonus amount of chips which took it to 6000 with 20min blinds.
This is how it went briefly. 1st hand i had A10 clubs made a raise and had caller flop came all low with 2 clubs, so made continuation bet and got flatted, turn card came a blank the guy bets it so i flat call, i miss the flush and he checks it so i check and he hit quad 4s on the flop, phew im glad i didnt hit the nut flush lol.
Another key hand i called a min raise with 45 spades in position flop came st8 draw and flush draw so i make a bet and get flat called, turn card i hit my st8 and theres an A on the board plus i got my flush draw, the guy raises a big amount so i shove he snap calls and shows AQoff kaboom double up for me end of torny for him.
Next key hand ive got AQ suited big blinds are 200 im on the bb and 1 player limps then sb limps so i raise to 650, limper calls then sb re raises to 2k, so im thinking well what to do here! if i call ive got position and its nearly half my stack and if i miss hes gonna put out a bet what ever and the other player behind me i dont know if hes gonna come in or not, so my only option is to shove on the small blind and go hu. But im thinking hes maybe slow played pk As or pk Qs maybe AK in which case my AQ isnt looking too good so make the fold. They both turned over and sb showed A10 and other player showed KJ flop came 10,10,K so even though i had the st8 draw i wouldn't of hit it and made a lucky escape.
Next up had AK out of position in the bb a guy raises fairly big so i flat pre, flop came 10 and two lowish cards no draws, he raises and i know hes just C betting so i shove on a complete bluff as looking at the guy i knew he didn't hit the 10 he instantly folds and i take down a nice pot.
Next hand get a raiser then a caller and then a shove! look at my cards and whoooohoooo there are the beauties and see pk Rockets so instantly snap call and other player behind me reshoves for the rest of my chips so i snap call him and wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii they hold and i more than tripple up to 26k when average is 9k
Now this next hand was against the same guy with the A10 previously and he keeps playing it and has lucked out about 4 times with it against other players so hes raised and i hold JQ clubs so im likeing it at the moment and decide to see a flop. Flop comes AKJ so ive hit bottom pair with the st8 draw he bets so i flat call. turn comes another J. Now im thinking ok im looking pretty sweet now as ive hit trip Js with the st8 draw and hes betting into me so i check...... and he bets again and i flat. But would you adam an eve it the river is an A which basicaly if he has pk Qs Ks or any A or K im done for now and hes shoved all in for around 7k which would leave me with 3k left so i decide to fold the FH which is never nice, only for me to find out he only had pk 6s grrrrrrr!!! I should know better than to slow play on a board like that. And lost half my stack so down to around 10k
So ive lost quite a chunk of my stack after the last hand and blinds have gone up quite a bit and after 88 runners we are around the 36 left mark. So gotta start playing more aggressively to get back up to the average.
Unfortunately after that i hit a few hands but everyone was playing uber aggressive and i was put in situations for my torny life with either drawing or 2nd pair cards so leaked quite a bit and blinds were now 1k and only had 5k left along with 1 other player who also had about the same every other player had a decent stack. All i could do at this point was wait for any premium or pk pair shove and steal the blinds as everyone was just limping and didnt wanna get involved. I shoved about 3 times and everyone folded so made it through the bb twice.
Then im on the button holding pk 6s and 4 players just limp for 1200 so i shove all in i get 2 callers and 1 shows 10J suited the other shows pk Ks. Good night me and gg where's my jacket.............. although so i thought lol! I only go and hit a st8 shock horror and the guys face just dropped. Im back in the game with around 26k now.
I manage to get up just past the 30k mark and only 16 players left top 9 get paid.
We go on a break i have a cigarette and chuckle with the other players left about how lucky i was and we then go back upto play.
All of a sudden players are dropping left right and center and i find my self on the final table.
Blinds are 6k now and i hold 26k in total and theres one left with only 8k but all players decide that they will take off £50 off the prize fund so 10th place dosnt go home empty handed.
Anyways we lose another 2 players so im in 8th place in the bb with 18k in chips look at my cards and have KQ so decide to make my move and shove, the sb decided to call for another 10k and shows KJ so im looking good for a double up all i have to do is dodge a J and boom J comes on the flop and thats me done
All in all it was so much fun and really enjoyed playing live and making the final table after such a long time away from it and the contrast from playing online. But i have to say the bad beats and crazy cards i was seeing was just the same as playing online, one guy shove pre with Pk Js and lost 3 times with them after 2 callers, in one of them both held pk As, The other one he lost the A10 guy called and hit trip As. One difference i did notice was pk As held at least 10 times in every all in and didnt lose once during the tourny which dosnt happen online often lol. The guy that was short stacked with only 5k like me ended up getting a ridiculous amount of double ups and had over 100k from 5k in the space of half an hour and was the best comeback ive seen in ages and he went on to win it. So goes to prove no matter how short you are never give up.
I got £80 for 8th place so it payed for a few pints and my taxi home with some left over and a whole night of fun
Ok then what have i been upto this feels like a long while i haven't been playing much online poker the last couple of days. I have gotten some freelance work hopefully and decided to go to the casino tonight and play some live poker, which i havnt done in quite some time! probably around 7 months or so. Anyways the plan was to go and watch the Euro games on today have a couple of pints and maybe play a little bit on the cash tables. If i did well on there then in would play in the live torny. Although it ended up by the time i got called for a seat on the cash table there was only about 45 min before the mtt started and didn't really wanna sit for that short a time. The tournament was £33 buy in with 5000 chips and if you registered early you got a bonus amount of chips which took it to 6000 with 20min blinds. This is how it went briefly. 1st hand i had A10 clubs made a raise and had caller flop came all low with 2 clubs, so made continuation bet and got flatted, turn card came a blank the guy bets it so i flat call, i miss the flush and he checks it so i check and he hit quad 4s on the flop, phew im glad i didnt hit the nut flush lol. Another key hand i called a min raise with 45 spades in position flop came st8 draw and flush draw so i make a bet and get flat called, turn card i hit my st8 and theres an A on the board plus i got my flush draw, the guy raises a big amount so i shove he snap calls and shows AQoff kaboom double up for me end of torny for him. Next key hand ive got AQ suited big blinds are 200 im on the bb and 1 player limps then sb limps so i raise to 650, limper calls then sb re raises to 2k, so im thinking well what to do here! if i call ive got position and its nearly half my stack and if i miss hes gonna put out a bet what ever and the other player behind me i dont know if hes gonna come in or not, so my only option is to shove on the small blind and go hu. But im thinking hes maybe slow played pk As or pk Qs maybe AK in which case my AQ isnt looking too good so make the fold. They both turned over and sb showed A10 and other player showed KJ flop came 10,10,K so even though i had the st8 draw i wouldn't of hit it and made a lucky escape. Next up had AK out of position in the bb a guy raises fairly big so i flat pre, flop came 10 and two lowish cards no draws, he raises and i know hes just C betting so i shove on a complete bluff as looking at the guy i knew he didn't hit the 10 he instantly folds and i take down a nice pot. Next hand get a raiser then a caller and then a shove! look at my cards and whoooohoooo there are the beauties and see pk Rockets so instantly snap call and other player behind me reshoves for the rest of my chips so i snap call him and wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii they hold and i more than tripple up to 26k when average is 9k Now this next hand was against the same guy with the A10 previously and he keeps playing it and has lucked out about 4 times with it against other players so hes raised and i hold JQ clubs so im likeing it at the moment and decide to see a flop. Flop comes AKJ so ive hit bottom pair with the st8 draw he bets so i flat call. turn comes another J. Now im thinking ok im looking pretty sweet now as ive hit trip Js with the st8 draw and hes betting into me so i check...... and he bets again and i flat. But would you adam an eve it the river is an A which basicaly if he has pk Qs Ks or any A or K im done for now and hes shoved all in for around 7k which would leave me with 3k left so i decide to fold the FH which is never nice, only for me to find out he only had pk 6s grrrrrrr!!! I should know better than to slow play on a board like that. And lost half my stack so down to around 10k So ive lost quite a chunk of my stack after the last hand and blinds have gone up quite a bit and after 88 runners we are around the 36 left mark. So gotta start playing more aggressively to get back up to the average. Unfortunately after that i hit a few hands but everyone was playing uber aggressive and i was put in situations for my torny life with either drawing or 2nd pair cards so leaked quite a bit and blinds were now 1k and only had 5k left along with 1 other player who also had about the same every other player had a decent stack. All i could do at this point was wait for any premium or pk pair shove and steal the blinds as everyone was just limping and didnt wanna get involved. I shoved about 3 times and everyone folded so made it through the bb twice. Then im on the button holding pk 6s and 4 players just limp for 1200 so i shove all in i get 2 callers and 1 shows 10J suited the other shows pk Ks. Good night me and gg where's my jacket.............. although so i thought lol! I only go and hit a st8 shock horror and the guys face just dropped. Im back in the game with around 26k now. I manage to get up just past the 30k mark and only 16 players left top 9 get paid. We go on a break i have a cigarette and chuckle with the other players left about how lucky i was and we then go back upto play. All of a sudden players are dropping left right and center and i find my self on the final table. Blinds are 6k now and i hold 26k in total and theres one left with only 8k but all players decide that they will take off £50 off the prize fund so 10th place dosnt go home empty handed. Anyways we lose another 2 players so im in 8th place in the bb with 18k in chips look at my cards and have KQ so decide to make my move and shove, the sb decided to call for another 10k and shows KJ so im looking good for a double up all i have to do is dodge a J and boom J comes on the flop and thats me done All in all it was so much fun and really enjoyed playing live and making the final table after such a long time away from it and the contrast from playing online. But i have to say the bad beats and crazy cards i was seeing was just the same as playing online, one guy shove pre with Pk Js and lost 3 times with them after 2 callers, in one of them both held pk As, The other one he lost the A10 guy called and hit trip As. One difference i did notice was pk As held at least 10 times in every all in and didnt lose once during the tourny which dosnt happen online often lol. The guy that was short stacked with only 5k like me ended up getting a ridiculous amount of double ups and had over 100k from 5k in the space of half an hour and was the best comeback ive seen in ages and he went on to win it. So goes to prove no matter how short you are never give up. I got £80 for 8th place so it payed for a few pints and my taxi home with some left over and a whole night of fun Posted by Dazler
In Response to Re: Running like Jesus challenge : nice read m8, wd on getting to ft Posted by waller02
ty waller glad someones read it lol. I went down tonight but just couldnt hit a thing and was a rebuy with every fish hitting and ended up a bit on tilt and donked with AJ suited on cash table when it run into pk Qs all flushing cards across the board none of which were my suit lol.
Came home and managed to ft on here tonight though. And would of in other but i shoved with AK only to be called by A10 off and the usual thing of them hitting trip 10s happend
i,ve read it Daz, just didn,t know what to say,plus bin busy playing m8. sounds like u had a fun night as u say. well played m8, (* *) " ^ dev Posted by devonfish5
ty devon it was fun and nice to take a break from the screen although i went down the night after and couldnt hit a thing but it was a rebuy torny with lots of really lucky fish, i havnt been playing much last week really and havnt decided what format i was going to play this month, I did the dym thing last month but fancy a change from it so might stick to cash tables and mtts this month. I dont think i will bother with the 2/4p and just play 5/10p games so far ive done ok on them but only played 3 tables. I also bought into the main last night for £55 after i bubbled a sat for £11 so it really bit into my br but thought id take a risk on it just this once but didnt get anywhere sadly. Im willing to take a few risks to win bigger but not overly as i dont wanna just stick around the same level of br and looking to bump it up quite a bit if i can, it may work it may not.
After last night my br has taken a bit of a nose dive but still healthy enough keep going. I did notice my mtt stats on sharkscope have dropped way down but thats because i satalited into about 3 £100 mtts so looks worse than it is.
cash games June5/10pbuy in £10 = profit +£14.02buy in £10 = profit +£4.31buy in £15 = profit +£15.11 profit = £33.34
BR for june is £243.12 i did take out £60 from that to play live so have to work it hard to get back over the £300 mark
C4p is 959
couple of hands that were interesting 1st one was on cash the other i just cant believe why in deepstack.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetopchip Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £29.99 xxxBig blind £0.10 £0.15 £18.99 Your hole cards K K useless1 Fold Dazler Raise £0.40 £0.55 £14.50 coco521 Fold topchip Call £0.35 £0.90 £29.64 xxxRaise £1.00 £1.90 £17.99 Dazler Call £0.70 £2.60 £13.80 topchip Call £0.70 £3.30 £28.94 Flop 6 6 K topchip Check xxxBet £1.65 £4.95 £16.34 Dazler Call £1.65 £6.60 £12.15 topchip Fold Turn J xxxBet £6.60 £13.20 £9.74 Dazler All-in £12.15 £25.35 £0.00 xxxCall £5.55 £30.90 £4.19 xxxShow J J Dazler Show K K River Q Dazler Win Full House, Kings and 6s £29.50 £29.50
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDazler Small blind 15.00 15.00 6145.00 horatio946 Big blind 30.00 45.00 4425.00 Your hole cards Q Q Bazooka999 Fold mrcrisp408 Fold hall07567 Raise 150.00 195.00 3595.00 quadme Fold Dazler Raise 495.00 690.00 5650.00 horatio946 Fold hall07567 Raise 1800.00 2490.00 1795.00 Dazler All-in 5650.00 8140.00 0.00 hall07567 All-in 1795.00 9935.00 0.00 Dazler Unmatched bet 2415.00 7520.00 2415.00 Dazler Show Q Q hall07567 Show 3 K Flop 4 10 9 Turn 2 River K hall07567 Win Pair of Kings 7520.00 7520.00
had another session on cash 5/10p bit ul on the first hand but next hand was not to great a flop for my set but he played it week and got me there in the end. So total profit after 4 games is £42.68
Nice read on the casino dazler. Do you really think cards aren't random when presented online? Posted by profman15
Um lets just say without getting in to that debate and everyone jumping down my throat about how can it not be random that i do see some very odd things with online poker that does make me go hmmm. But saying that i do see the same strange things and crazy hands that come out live as i mentioned in the live game that i was at the other night, or any other live games ive played. So whether i do think it is or isnt random, i dont think it matters because i still play online and im not gonna moan about it. I mean how can it not be the same live as online! I beat pk Ks by hitting a st8 with pk 6s at the casino lol. One thing i know is totally random and thats me Glad you liked the read profman
I played 2 tables of cash yesterday and everything i hit was either set against higher set or someone flushing hits so lost £28 and then i decided to play a £22 dym and bubbled on that so was a bit silly really. I played in the £750 bounty tonight and made final table only for me to have 910 in bb against 10,3 and the 10 3 hits 2 pair on the flop grrrr hand before that was with same guy i had pk 10s other guy had AK and he had AJ all the chips are in pre and he hits the A and the J me thinks the dealer was on his side, still managed to get 4 place so not a bad effort. I also withdrew £50 as i needed some cash so total withdrawn now is £110 making my br now £185 and C4P 1039. Im playing less but i think im enjoying it more because of it, i might not make so much C4P this month but prob make around the same profit as i would playing more volume.
hi Daz, nice cash in bh m8. have 2 agree with you about playing less and enjoying it more,pretty much same 4me atm,playing shorter sessions than i have been, probably around the 3 hour now rather than 4 or 5 that i was. it,s been nice having some time left at the end of the evening so have been watching Big Brother at 10pm. yes,i know it,s rubbish....but it,s good rubbish imo. enjoy the football later, best wishes, dev
hi Daz, nice cash in bh m8. have 2 agree with you about playing less and enjoying it more,pretty much same 4me atm,playing shorter sessions than i have been, probably around the 3 hour now rather than 4 or 5 that i was. it,s been nice having some time left at the end of the evening so have been watching Big Brother at 10pm. yes,i know it,s rubbish....but it,s good rubbish imo. enjoy the football later, best wishes, dev Posted by devonfish5
sorry dev didnt see you post until tonight as havnt been playing atall really with the football and all. Not quite sure why i havnt been playing just wasnt in the mood like i usualy am. Ive not had any bad loses or anything either just taken a big break from it all and playing it casual. I came back on monday and had a go at the DTD did quite well in one of them but gave up on the totk mtt as it didnt start for over 2 hours lol so got a refund and refused to play. Anyways came back on tonight and had a go at the mini bounty hunter and got 1 bounty and came 3rd in another mtt i played not quite sure how the one that won it did as he was prob one of the worst players ive seen in a long while (some people dont know how to play but end up uber lucky lol) also won my hu torny in the hypers against JockBMW and i must say considering it was a hyper we had a wicked game that lasted ages more like a regular game and didnt realise you could get any play out of them.
Also been looking at getting out more and a bit fit so looking for a bike but they certainly have changed over the years since i last bought one. Im sat here with a glass of whisky and is nice to be back playing again though would be nice to get a decent mtt win so i can buy a nice bike. Anyways ta ta for now and wd dev on how your dym games are going that was a very nice C4p you got there keep it up
Real nice to see you back man, its been a boring place without you but know what you mean I had a few days break to get the enthusiasm back. But a couple of tourney wins always helps with that.
In Response to Re: Running like Jesus challenge : sorry dev didnt see you post until tonight as havnt been playing atall really with the football and all. Not quite sure why i havnt been playing just wasnt in the mood like i usualy am. Ive not had any bad loses or anything either just taken a big break from it all and playing it casual. I came back on monday and had a go at the DTD did quite well in one of them but gave up on the totk mtt as it didnt start for over 2 hours lol so got a refund and refused to play. Anyways came back on tonight and had a go at the mini bounty hunter and got 1 bounty and came 3rd in another mtt i played not quite sure how the one that won it did as he was prob one of the worst players ive seen in a long while (some people dont know how to play but end up uber lucky lol) also won my hu torny in the hypers against JockBMW and i must say considering it was a hyper we had a wicked game that lasted ages more like a regular game and didnt realise you could get any play out of them. Also been looking at getting out more and a bit fit so looking for a bike but they certainly have changed over the years since i last bought one. Im sat here with a glass of whisky and is nice to be back playing again though would be nice to get a decent mtt win so i can buy a nice bike. Anyways ta ta for now and wd dev on how your dym games are going that was a very nice C4p you got there keep it up £100 gar Dazler 0 3 £20 Posted by Dazler
hi daz, missed u m8,nice 2 see u back, well done on yr cash yes guess u r right bikes have changed a bit since u last bought 1....
In Response to Re: Running like Jesus challenge : hi daz, missed u m8,nice 2 see u back, well done on yr cash yes guess u r right bikes have changed a bit since u last bought 1.... THEY NOW HAVE 2 WHEELS BOTH THE SAME SIZE!!! LOLZ be lucky m8 dev Posted by devonfish5
cheers woogie and dev is nice to be playing again had a go at the dtd tonight and was doing well in all of them for a good while and lost a few flips when i was ahead. I got a cash at the end of the night.
Unfortunately i had really bad news today and my best friend past away in a horrible accident so i played poker to get my mind away from it and distract me, it sorta helped but sorta didnt. My mind is up in the clouds at the moment and cant really quite believe it, im gutted beyond belief and didnt really know what to do today and some banter on the dtd helped lighten my mood as always. He played on this site a couple of times but he was what id call a donk and i told him that but he had fun and thats what counts lol. Really gonna miss him and is such a waste at his young age, dont think this year can get any worse.
Anyways i won an mtt tonight but not sure how considering how im feeling.
£750 bounty hunter 163 runners came 10th
As well as being in that im in the jubilee hu game tomorrow so i could be up for some very nice binkage.
Ive tried and tried to get in the 20k game and final tabled every single game but just cant seem to do it. Im still gonna keep at it though as this month i wanna cash big for a change last month i did the grind this month i wanna win something nice.
Had a go on the open tonight and this was horrible way to go out so didnt bother rebuying.
4k bounty hunter 41 runners came 7th
Orfordable deepstack 73 runners came 3rd
This one really hurt should of seen it really but was multi tabling and just saw nut flush! could you fold here?
another silly one
Still took a bit of time out to see England just about win, was a loverly goal and the guy who did the shoving of our player should of been sent off. Just finishing off with one of my favorite late night mtts the £750 bounty hunter which i must say has a great structure compared to the roller sats hmmmm!! Then im gonna call it a night as the other half is back tomorrow and i have to do a spot of midnight cleaning. Ive also been checking out to see if the grass seed ive planted is doing anything and like my br its not really doing anything exciting yet but we had some rain today and tomorrow may show signs of growth.
£100 gar
See you in the lucky 7s tonight and gl
This is how it went briefly. 1st hand i had A10 clubs made a raise and had caller flop came all low with 2 clubs, so made continuation bet and got flatted, turn card came a blank the guy bets it so i flat call, i miss the flush and he checks it so i check and he hit quad 4s on the flop, phew im glad i didnt hit the nut flush lol.
Another key hand i called a min raise with 45 spades in position flop came st8 draw and flush draw so i make a bet and get flat called, turn card i hit my st8 and theres an A on the board plus i got my flush draw, the guy raises a big amount so i shove he snap calls and shows AQoff kaboom double up for me end of torny for him.
Next key hand ive got AQ suited big blinds are 200 im on the bb and 1 player limps then sb limps so i raise to 650, limper calls then sb re raises to 2k, so im thinking well what to do here! if i call ive got position and its nearly half my stack and if i miss hes gonna put out a bet what ever and the other player behind me i dont know if hes gonna come in or not, so my only option is to shove on the small blind and go hu. But im thinking hes maybe slow played pk As or pk Qs maybe AK in which case my AQ isnt looking too good so make the fold. They both turned over and sb showed A10 and other player showed KJ flop came 10,10,K so even though i had the st8 draw i wouldn't of hit it and made a lucky escape.
Next up had AK out of position in the bb a guy raises fairly big so i flat pre, flop came 10 and two lowish cards no draws, he raises and i know hes just C betting so i shove on a complete bluff as looking at the guy i knew he didn't hit the 10 he instantly folds and i take down a nice pot.
Next hand get a raiser then a caller and then a shove! look at my cards and whoooohoooo there are the beauties and see pk Rockets so instantly snap call and other player behind me reshoves for the rest of my chips so i snap call him and wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii they hold and i more than tripple up to 26k when average is 9k
Now this next hand was against the same guy with the A10 previously and he keeps playing it and has lucked out about 4 times with it against other players so hes raised and i hold JQ clubs so im likeing it at the moment and decide to see a flop. Flop comes AKJ so ive hit bottom pair with the st8 draw he bets so i flat call. turn comes another J. Now im thinking ok im looking pretty sweet now as ive hit trip Js with the st8 draw and hes betting into me so i check...... and he bets again and i flat. But would you adam an eve it the river is an A which basicaly if he has pk Qs Ks or any A or K im done for now and hes shoved all in for around 7k which would leave me with 3k left so i decide to fold the FH which is never nice, only for me to find out he only had pk 6s grrrrrrr!!! I should know better than to slow play on a board like that. And lost half my stack so down to around 10k
So ive lost quite a chunk of my stack after the last hand and blinds have gone up quite a bit and after 88 runners we are around the 36 left mark. So gotta start playing more aggressively to get back up to the average.
Unfortunately after that i hit a few hands but everyone was playing uber aggressive and i was put in situations for my torny life with either drawing or 2nd pair cards so leaked quite a bit and blinds were now 1k and only had 5k left along with 1 other player who also had about the same every other player had a decent stack. All i could do at this point was wait for any premium or pk pair shove and steal the blinds as everyone was just limping and didnt wanna get involved. I shoved about 3 times and everyone folded so made it through the bb twice.
Then im on the button holding pk 6s and 4 players just limp for 1200 so i shove all in i get 2 callers and 1 shows 10J suited the other shows pk Ks. Good night me and gg where's my jacket.............. although so i thought lol! I only go and hit a st8 shock horror and the guys face just dropped. Im back in the game with around 26k now.
I manage to get up just past the 30k mark and only 16 players left top 9 get paid.
We go on a break i have a cigarette and chuckle with the other players left about how lucky i was and we then go back upto play.
All of a sudden players are dropping left right and center and i find my self on the final table.
Blinds are 6k now and i hold 26k in total and theres one left with only 8k but all players decide that they will take off £50 off the prize fund so 10th place dosnt go home empty handed.
Anyways we lose another 2 players so im in 8th place in the bb with 18k in chips look at my cards and have KQ so decide to make my move and shove, the sb decided to call for another 10k and shows KJ so im looking good for a double up all i have to do is dodge a J and boom J comes on the flop and thats me done
All in all it was so much fun and really enjoyed playing live and making the final table after such a long time away from it and the contrast from playing online. But i have to say the bad beats and crazy cards i was seeing was just the same as playing online, one guy shove pre with Pk Js and lost 3 times with them after 2 callers, in one of them both held pk As, The other one he lost the A10 guy called and hit trip As. One difference i did notice was pk As held at least 10 times in every all in and didnt lose once during the tourny which dosnt happen online often lol. The guy that was short stacked with only 5k like me ended up getting a ridiculous amount of double ups and had over 100k from 5k in the space of half an hour and was the best comeback ive seen in ages and he went on to win it. So goes to prove no matter how short you are never give up.
I got £80 for 8th place so it payed for a few pints and my taxi home with some left over and a whole night of fun
Came home and managed to ft on here tonight though. And would of in other but i shoved with AK only to be called by A10 off and the usual thing of them hitting trip 10s happend
£200 garn
just didn,t know what to say,plus bin busy playing m8.
sounds like u had a fun night as u say.
well played m8,
(* *)
After last night my br has taken a bit of a nose dive but still healthy enough keep going. I did notice my mtt stats on sharkscope have dropped way down but thats because i satalited into about 3 £100 mtts so looks worse than it is.
cash games June5/10pbuy in £10 = profit +£14.02buy in £10 = profit +£4.31buy in £15 = profit +£15.11
profit = £33.34
BR for june is £243.12 i did take out £60 from that to play live so have to work it hard to get back over the £300 mark
C4p is 959
couple of hands that were interesting 1st one was on cash the other i just cant believe why in deepstack.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetopchip Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £29.99 xxxBig blind £0.10 £0.15 £18.99 Your hole cards K K useless1 Fold Dazler Raise £0.40 £0.55 £14.50 coco521 Fold topchip Call £0.35 £0.90 £29.64 xxxRaise £1.00 £1.90 £17.99 Dazler Call £0.70 £2.60 £13.80 topchip Call £0.70 £3.30 £28.94 Flop 6 6 K topchip Check xxxBet £1.65 £4.95 £16.34 Dazler Call £1.65 £6.60 £12.15 topchip Fold Turn J xxxBet £6.60 £13.20 £9.74 Dazler All-in £12.15 £25.35 £0.00 xxxCall £5.55 £30.90 £4.19 xxxShow J J Dazler Show K K River Q Dazler Win Full House, Kings and 6s £29.50 £29.50
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDazler Small blind 15.00 15.00 6145.00 horatio946 Big blind 30.00 45.00 4425.00 Your hole cards Q Q Bazooka999 Fold mrcrisp408 Fold hall07567 Raise 150.00 195.00 3595.00 quadme Fold Dazler Raise 495.00 690.00 5650.00 horatio946 Fold hall07567 Raise 1800.00 2490.00 1795.00 Dazler All-in 5650.00 8140.00 0.00 hall07567 All-in 1795.00 9935.00 0.00 Dazler Unmatched bet 2415.00 7520.00 2415.00 Dazler Show Q Q hall07567 Show 3 K Flop 4 10 9 Turn 2 River K hall07567 Win Pair of Kings 7520.00 7520.00
£1200 mini bounty hunter 470 runners came 18th
I played 2 tables of cash yesterday and everything i hit was either set against higher set or someone flushing hits so lost £28 and then i decided to play a £22 dym and bubbled on that so was a bit silly really. I played in the £750 bounty tonight and made final table only for me to have 910 in bb against 10,3 and the 10 3 hits 2 pair on the flop grrrr hand before that was with same guy i had pk 10s other guy had AK and he had AJ all the chips are in pre and he hits the A and the J me thinks the dealer was on his side, still managed to get 4 place so not a bad effort. I also withdrew £50 as i needed some cash so total withdrawn now is £110 making my br now £185 and C4P 1039. Im playing less but i think im enjoying it more because of it, i might not make so much C4P this month but prob make around the same profit as i would playing more volume.
£750 bounty hunter 166 runners came 4th
nice cash in bh m8.
have 2 agree with you about playing less and enjoying it more,pretty much same 4me atm,playing shorter sessions than i have been, probably around the 3 hour now rather than 4 or 5 that i was.
it,s been nice having some time left at the end of the evening so have been watching Big Brother at 10pm.
yes,i know it,s rubbish....but it,s good rubbish imo.
enjoy the football later,
best wishes,
Also been looking at getting out more and a bit fit so looking for a bike but they certainly have changed over the years since i last bought one. Im sat here with a glass of whisky and is nice to be back playing again though would be nice to get a decent mtt win so i can buy a nice bike. Anyways ta ta for now and wd dev on how your dym games are going that was a very nice C4p you got there keep it up
£100 gar
missed u m8,nice 2 see u back,
well done on yr cash
yes guess u r right bikes have changed a bit since u last bought 1....
be lucky m8
Unfortunately i had really bad news today and my best friend past away in a horrible accident so i played poker to get my mind away from it and distract me, it sorta helped but sorta didnt. My mind is up in the clouds at the moment and cant really quite believe it, im gutted beyond belief and didnt really know what to do today and some banter on the dtd helped lighten my mood as always. He played on this site a couple of times but he was what id call a donk and i told him that but he had fun and thats what counts lol. Really gonna miss him and is such a waste at his young age, dont think this year can get any worse.
Anyways i won an mtt tonight but not sure how considering how im feeling.
£100 gar