ok lets say then that i check it down, player 1 or 2 hits the turn or river with any 2 overcards or flush then bets or shoves so i just gave them that opotunity. The guy with AK wins overal so gets his double tripple up, player 1 or 2 would also win giving them a considerable amount of more chips to play with by doubling up also. I think i can end the game here against the guy that is all in as i was ahead, if i lose against him it aint no worry and ive left the other 2 players short with 2 bb. If they both double up that leaves 1 player with 1k rather than 2 of them with 1k. The way it turned out i knocked out one of the players with the 1k stack next hand. yes i could of just folded pre and let them fight it out but i didnt so still. Not saying its the best move for me to shove just pointing out it wasnt necisarily a bad play and it only would cost me 2 big blinds at that level leaving me with 5k stack either way.
Had absolute nightmare day on dym's decided to play a £33 dym for the challenge and did well was chip leader whole game kept the lead only lost one flip with AQ vrs pk 10s against shorty he doubled up then other player who was short was up against rag A all in and doubled up with AQ, it got to level 9 or 10 and blinds were so high that i went card dead lost my chip lead and ended up having to shove with 97suited and opponant who only had 700 chips earlier showed AK suited and hit everything so that was the end of my challenge at level 9 really gutted as thought i had it in the bag.
Kept getting bad beats all day so had a go at couple of mtts and cashed in one. So down quite a bit and hopefully will have better tomorrow night.
Railing the vegas final now routin for geldy but wish them all luck.
Cheers Dazler - was most appreciated - wp on the DS - but be careful with playing dym's above your normal level - always a shame to see a hard grind bankroll go up in flames - which is what should have happened to me tonight.
Cheers Dazler - was most appreciated - wp on the DS - but be careful with playing dym's above your normal level - always a shame to see a hard grind bankroll go up in flames - which is what should have happened to me tonight. Posted by GELDY
no problem geldy was epic to watch ty for the entertainment, yea i am being semi cautious at the moment lol
Just had this hand in a £16 dym which was pretty sick to be honest, the game before i lost with pk Ks so thought i would play them cautiously and trap, So flat call the raise pre see if i see an A then evaluate, The A comes but guy was a bad player on my notes so could have a Rag A. He raises the flop so i make flat call then dream card comes. Now i know hes prob going to bet into me so i check it ready to take the lot off him and he dosnt bet the turn to my surprise river comes so i make the pot sized bet he reraises me and i dont think i could fold here as put him on a week Ace or st8 draw after he bet the flop and didnt put him on flush as there was no flush draw until the turn which he didnt bet. but seems every time i slow any hand they always hit silly. I should of bet the turn maybe but didnt want to scare him off and expected him to bet. Luckily i did cash in the end.
I dont mind the logic of the flat call pre or on the flop, you cant fold KK every flop that has an ace. But having put the guy on something like an ace at worst , then for me you have got to get some money in as you are 1st to lead out having hit your set on the turn. The worst that can happen is he folds but your are then at least charging him for his draw to the straight/ flush.
Congrats on the cash m8. Have you found a liking for the £16.50 tables?
Hi Daz, I dont mind the logic of the flat call pre or on the flop, you cant fold KK every flop that has an ace. But having put the guy on something like an ace at worst , then for me you have got to get some money in as you are 1st to lead out having hit your set on the turn. The worst that can happen is he folds but your are then at least charging him for his draw to the straight/ flush. Congrats on the cash m8. Have you found a liking for the £16.50 tables? Mike Posted by Woogie8688
yea agree with that woggie if he has the A he would call anyways so should bet the turn. Yea for some reason i can win on the £16 dym but not the £11 ones so far ive won 5 lost 0.
I wouldn't be confused or lose any sleep over some posts on the forum. During my brief time with Sky poker & here on the forum I have to say that I find 90% of what is posted to be interesting, informative, humorous, thought provoking & stimulating ( even if some threads go way beyond my intellectual thinking).
Unfortunately there are one or two people who obviously get some sort of perverse pleasure from posting things that irritate, annoy, upset, anger and even try to make Ch 865 presenters look stupid.
To use a wise mans phrase " Next hand move on" and that is exactly the way these posts/posters should be viewed. There is so much positive to taken from this forum but occasionally you have to ignore & the best policy is not to rise to the bait.
im chuffed just won the 2k hu shuffle game satalite and it only cost me only £1 for a £52 ticket just gotta win that now lol 2k hu shuffle satalite 19 runners Dazler 47500 1 Entry to £2,000 HU Shuffle Posted by Dazler
Congrats Daz,
Any chance of you selling a piece of the action say 50% ?
let me know the best way of getting you the 50p mate, am confident you can take it down
Daz, I wouldn't be confused or lose any sleep over some posts on the forum. During my brief time with Sky poker & here on the forum I have to say that I find 90% of what is posted to be interesting, informative, humorous, thought provoking & stimulating ( even if some threads go way beyond my intellectual thinking). Unfortunately there are one or two people who obviously get some sort of perverse pleasure from posting things that irritate, annoy, upset, anger and even try to make Ch 865 presenters look stupid. To use a wise mans phrase " Next hand move on" and that is exactly the way these posts/posters should be viewed. There is so much positive to taken from this forum but occasionally you have to ignore & the best policy is not to rise to the bait. Mike Posted by Woogie8688
Dont worry mike i wont lose any sleep over it lol. He was a troll attacking him just out of pure jelously i think but when i see these people posting stupid things i do like to put them in there place, i think its really sad they feel thats all they can contribute to the forum. Its like when you get one during game in the chat box! i love to shut them up and im quite good at it
im chuffed just won the 2k hu shuffle game satalite and it only cost me only £1 for a £52 ticket just gotta win that now lol 2k hu shuffle satalite 19 runners Dazler 47500 1 Entry to £2,000 HU Shuffle Posted by Dazler
Congrats Daz,
Any chance of you selling a piece of the action say 50% ?
let me know the best way of getting you the 50p mate, am confident you can take it down
TY for the confidence in me mike it would be nice to take it down but i think HU games are really difficult and you have to win a lot of flips so its mainly going to be just being very lucky on the day lol. Ill try and get some practice in though and play a few hu shuffle games in preperation for it. In regard to 50% of the action for 50p i cant do that lol but ill offer you 50% of the winnings for say 1k and you can start up a 1k game and just ship it over to me and not play ahand if you like
Having given your counter proposal with regards to the 1k investment m8 some serious consideration, & seeing the way you are running now ( as per the above hands). On this occasion I feel it may be prudent to decline your most generous offer.
I look forward to us being able to conduct some future business together.
hi Daz, ul m8, 56 get rid, jq same. ul on kk. not criticizing "just saying" :-) dev Posted by devonfish5
56 a good drawing hand JQ also a good drawing hand KK is a hand of doom lol
Thing is Devon im not gonna get AK or AA every hand so i gotta play other cards lol. And the point is i hit pretty well with them so they wernt bad plays i just got very ul.
hi Daz, fair enough m8, just giving my opinion. you obviously play a diferent game to me,but it,s what works that matters. yes u did get unlucky,i,m just saying what i would have done in those spots. that,s the thing about this game we all try and play,we all see it diferently don,t we? be lucky, :-) dev
Everybody plays different, the thing to remember with DYMS is that you dont have to win you get the same for 3rd place, so playing marginal starting hands doesnt pay off as often as it does in tournies.
Ok last couple of days have been painful some horrible cards and rivers and was losing a bit of faith and br was slowly depleting to the point where i was down nearly £100. I don't think i played so well on a number of games as was tilting a fair bit. The crazy players were out and calling every thing and hitting there 2 outters. DYM games i didn't do that well in and mtts i did but ended in a car crash each time. I managed to final table 4 mtts this evening and 1 earlier today. Thankfully cashed nicely in the early hours of this morning by taking down a £200 gar, I was running over it like a steam roller until the hand below happened and thought id end up getting a 3rd but some how clawed it back and got the win. This is why i love mtts so much because i can grind all day with dyms but binking an mtt is so satisfying and bumps up your br so much quicker.
My other half is away for a few days so ive got lots of time to play more poker without feeling guilty of neglecting her and gonna be trying to satellite into the roller if i can. I'm looking forward to the Jubilee hu game on sat too. I'm so glad that variance does swing the other way and its sometimes hard to remember that it does when you are running bad so for anyone that is going through it never give up because it does change.
To sum up the month i really didn't expect to take on the dym's and found that i am not that bad at them, even though im still not a big fan as they do get a little boring, but as long as i mix it up with my favorite choice which is mtts i can still enjoy poker while making a steady increase in my br and C4P which i well execeded in terms of how many i got to.
At the start of this month i only started with a br of £20 and tried to stick to a strict br management which ive never been so great at and dipped into the bad br management the last 2 days, so really annoyed with myself for that. But overall i have noticed a much better player in myself because of it and tried to grind and grind until i was at a point i felt comfortable to move up a level. Reading other players diarys has really spurred me on and given me ideas to how best increase my br and feeding off of others knowledge and experiences has really helped no end. I've learned so much this month and hopefully will take that into next month, this is why i think i always come back to sky because the forum is a great place to center your thoughts process and have fun playing poker with all the team stuff that goes on and banter about the game we all love.
Ive enjoyed the sun and done some gardening and planted some grass seed i just hope it takes because last year i did it and bought grass feed not grass seed and after putting that down the packet said do not put grass seed on for another 6 months after dohhhhhh (i never read the labels just looked at the picture on the box).
This month is going to be a lot of fun with the Euro 2012 and England winning maybe!!!! well i can dream!. I actually got a bit of work and will be payed £200 for an hours work so im hoping things are on the up after a bad year for me. I know its a quiet period for poker but im gonna be grinding away and hopefully getting a big binkage next month ya never know. If i do id definitely like to go to an SPT but at the moment i need a healthier br before i do that. The world series of poker is very soon and looking forward to that and hope that the guys representing skypoker will do well and ill be routin for them. Not sure how im going to tackle next month and may put a pole up letting you decide what format i should be playing.
Anyways i should be off ta bed now so ta ta for now
BR £384.67 minus £40 withdrawal so now £344.67 C4P 2740 = £32.88 to come
£100 gar speed
£31.50 + 15 League Points
£21 + 12 League Points
£14.70 + 10 League Points
£10.50 + 8 League Points
£8.40 + 6 League Points
£7.35 + 4 League Points
£6.30 + 3 League Points
£5.25 + 2 League Points
£200 gar
£100 + 20 League Points
£60 + 16 League Points
£40 + 12 League Points
8 League Points
4 League Points
when this happend didnt expect too win it and too be fair i shouldnt of been raising and calling a raise utg either so my own fault but hey im not perfect. And i got away with a lucky escape in the end.
ok so today ive been trying to get into the high roller games and ive played quite a few and final tabled all of them i got through to the semi on the 20k roller was near the end in 2nd place have pk A raise get reraised so i shove they call and i lose to pk 6s, its absolutely ridiculous how many times ive seen pk As beat today its got to be around 20 or more times by myself and other players that ive seen, one guy even had pk As lost with them then next hand gets pk As again and lost with them. I also was near the money in the 12k bounty had pk Js against pk 4s wadda ya know i lose again. I really dont wanna go down the route of the rng but seriously it aint natural.
As the owner of the aforementioned 44 I did feel a little guilty. I reckon it was your chips that were unlucky, as I lost them pretty quick. Luckily mine were more loyal and I managed to cash in 23/434.
But you know mtt variance - can be brutal - but you'll swing good again for sure, I mean you're getting pretty close even on your bad runs.
Hey Daz, sorry to hear it As the owner of the aforementioned 44 I did feel a little guilty. I reckon it was your chips that were unlucky, as I lost them pretty quick. Luckily mine were more loyal and I managed to cash in 23/434. But you know mtt variance - can be brutal - but you'll swing good again for sure, I mean you're getting pretty close even on your bad runs. Posted by GELDY
no need to feel guilty geldy (hey that rymes lol) glad you cashed you did nothing wrong i just cant believe the amount of times ive seen pk As lose today its crazy! i mean for the best starting hand in the deck they arnt much cop on here. Yea i get bad runs and i get lucky myself and beat the players with pk As but i just cant understand how its every single time i see them and i wasnt exagerating when i said i saw them beat 20 times. Same with pk Ks, i know its just a pair and i know varience can be a pain in the backside but seriously it just dosnt feel right to me. Its always when someone shoves first and you end up calling and low and behold you see your way ahead and boom boom boom they hit everything. I think the hampster turning the wheel has a gammy leg. Even as i type i just had pk As and guy hits 2 pair on the flop with Q6off but finaly i actualy win with them and board pairs lol (its a miricle).
In the VLV final I had AA - min raise called by the BB - he had 2 prs on the flop on which we are allin - luckily I bink another A, but otherwise I would have been history.
Tonight in the miniBH I shove with my 1010 on a 9 high flop. I'm insta-called by the AA. Runner runner 10 10 for quads. You didn't stand a chance with only JJ against my 44.
Kept getting bad beats all day so had a go at couple of mtts and cashed in one. So down quite a bit and hopefully will have better tomorrow night.
Railing the vegas final now routin for geldy but wish them all luck.
£100 deepstack 93 runners came 2nd
Just had this hand in a £16 dym which was pretty sick to be honest, the game before i lost with pk Ks so thought i would play them cautiously and trap, So flat call the raise pre see if i see an A then evaluate, The A comes but guy was a bad player on my notes so could have a Rag A. He raises the flop so i make flat call then dream card comes. Now i know hes prob going to bet into me so i check it ready to take the lot off him and he dosnt bet the turn to my surprise river comes so i make the pot sized bet he reraises me and i dont think i could fold here as put him on a week Ace or st8 draw after he bet the flop and didnt put him on flush as there was no flush draw until the turn which he didnt bet. but seems every time i slow any hand they always hit silly. I should of bet the turn maybe but didnt want to scare him off and expected him to bet. Luckily i did cash in the end.
2k hu shuffle satalite 19 runners
(* *)
In Response to Re: Running like Jesus challenge
Posted by Dazler
Congrats Daz,
TY for the confidence in me mike it would be nice to take it down but i think HU games are really difficult and you have to win a lot of flips so its mainly going to be just being very lucky on the day lol. Ill try and get some practice in though and play a few hu shuffle games in preperation for it. In regard to 50% of the action for 50p i cant do that lol but ill offer you 50% of the winnings for say 1k and you can start up a 1k game and just ship it over to me and not play ahand if you like
ul m8,
56 get rid,
jq same.
ul on kk.
not criticizing
"just saying"
JQ also a good drawing hand
KK is a hand of doom lol
Thing is Devon im not gonna get AK or AA every hand so i gotta play other cards lol. And the point is i hit pretty well with them so they wernt bad plays i just got very ul.
fair enough m8,
just giving my opinion.
you obviously play a diferent game to me,but it,s what works that matters.
yes u did get unlucky,i,m just saying what i would have done in those spots.
that,s the thing about this game we all try and play,we all see it diferently don,t we?
be lucky,
My other half is away for a few days so ive got lots of time to play more poker without feeling guilty of neglecting her and gonna be trying to satellite into the roller if i can. I'm looking forward to the Jubilee hu game on sat too. I'm so glad that variance does swing the other way and its sometimes hard to remember that it does when you are running bad so for anyone that is going through it never give up because it does change.
To sum up the month i really didn't expect to take on the dym's and found that i am not that bad at them, even though im still not a big fan as they do get a little boring, but as long as i mix it up with my favorite choice which is mtts i can still enjoy poker while making a steady increase in my br and C4P which i well execeded in terms of how many i got to.
At the start of this month i only started with a br of £20 and tried to stick to a strict br management which ive never been so great at and dipped into the bad br management the last 2 days, so really annoyed with myself for that. But overall i have noticed a much better player in myself because of it and tried to grind and grind until i was at a point i felt comfortable to move up a level. Reading other players diarys has really spurred me on and given me ideas to how best increase my br and feeding off of others knowledge and experiences has really helped no end. I've learned so much this month and hopefully will take that into next month, this is why i think i always come back to sky because the forum is a great place to center your thoughts process and have fun playing poker with all the team stuff that goes on and banter about the game we all love.
Ive enjoyed the sun and done some gardening and planted some grass seed i just hope it takes because last year i did it and bought grass feed not grass seed and after putting that down the packet said do not put grass seed on for another 6 months after dohhhhhh (i never read the labels just looked at the picture on the box).
This month is going to be a lot of fun with the Euro 2012 and England winning maybe!!!! well i can dream!. I actually got a bit of work and will be payed £200 for an hours work so im hoping things are on the up after a bad year for me. I know its a quiet period for poker but im gonna be grinding away and hopefully getting a big binkage next month ya never know. If i do id definitely like to go to an SPT but at the moment i need a healthier br before i do that. The world series of poker is very soon and looking forward to that and hope that the guys representing skypoker will do well and ill be routin for them. Not sure how im going to tackle next month and may put a pole up letting you decide what format i should be playing.
Anyways i should be off ta bed now so ta ta for now
BR £384.67 minus £40 withdrawal so now £344.67
C4P 2740 = £32.88 to come
£100 gar speed
£200 gar
well played,
enjoyed the read too,
best wishes as always,
£20 gar