finaly got to play some mtts today has been 4 days since i played in one. 1st one i shoulda cashed but bubbled after silly player gets uber lucky right 1 off the ft. Then played in Barrys torny which was a lot of fun and great turn out for his memory so wd to all that played i came 19th, had ago in mini deepstack and was doing well till my pk As get beat by pk5s and hit set. Also played in the DTD monthly couldnt really do well in that and was 4 tabling so lost concentration. And finaly made final table in £100 deepy and came 4th outta 114 field was chip leader for majority till hand below
£100 garn Deepstack 114 runners
£10.26 + 12 League Points
this was pretty sick and couldnt really fold it knew i was up against a drawing hand
1st mtt of the day and came 2nd in £50 gar 38 runners but my AJ vrs pk3s lost flop came the A but he hit set the majority of players in it were just awfal and had around 30k in chips when blinds were only 100 lol. got to level 6 in the dym challenge but lost it sadley. Will have another go after ive played the mini bounty hunter.
well just played another mtt tonight and came 3rd ive been chip leader in all tornys bubbled a few aswell but just cant get that elusive 1st place. Some of the poker ive seen tonight has been really bad and when i say really bad i mean omg bad lol (full moon i think).
I spent about 1hr explaining to a poker pro that kept telling me he dosnt want bad players at his table and all the good ones are leaving sky. He was such an expert that i took all his chips but trying to explain i want bad players cos there the ones that make me money i just ended up banging my head against a brick wall. It was quite comical really but some just dont grasp it no matter how many times you tell them.
Anyways made a profit today of about £25 and C4P is 413
In Response to Re: Running like Jesus challenge : its around £153 at the moment don Posted by Dazler
ty m8.
I think this is an extremely difficult challenge expessially on a site such as sky (in the nicest possible way). I believe Mr Fergusson had help from Multi-table sit and goes once he got to the stage you at now, and obviously they come with higher prizepools. Even low stake MTTs had much more runners and allow for bigger cashes on those binks.
Getting to £153 i salute you on what i rekon must be a nightmare challenge.
In Response to Re: Running like Jesus challenge : ty m8. I think this is an extremely difficult challenge expessially on a site such as sky (in the nicest possible way). I believe Mr Fergusson had help from Multi-table sit and goes once he got to the stage you at now, and obviously they come with higher prizepools. Even low stake MTTs had much more runners and allow for bigger cashes on those binks. Getting to £153 i salute you on what i rekon must be a nightmare challenge. Posted by The_Don90
yea it is a grind and would be good to bink a low stakes big ring game to bump it up properly. But as long as i keep grinding the small mtts and build a br then move up its def do-able! how long that may take god only knows lol. If i get enough br to play in the main events i think ive got a good chance to get part the way there. Until then im gonna keep on grindin and be happy with any profit i make.
In Response to Re: Running like Jesus challenge : yea it is a grind and would be good to bink a low stakes big ring game to bump it up properly. But as long as i keep grinding the small mtts and build a br then move up its def do-able! how long that may take god only knows lol. If i get enough br to play in the main events i think ive got a good chance to get part the way there. Until then im gonna keep on grindin and be happy with any profit i make. Posted by Dazler
awful night of fish getting lucky and knocking me out on the bubble of pretty much every mtt game ive played, made the final table about 3 times. came 28th on the football freeroll with over 500 runners but it paid 20 lol. Oh yea and got 80p profit on £300 bounty hunter. And made it through a satalite for 12k bounty hunter only to go out first hand with AK vrs AQ hit K on flop they hit Q and then they hit Q on river.
Got a cash in the £750 bounty hunter 222 runners and came 12th
Keep it up Daz, Ul on the FT with me earlier, that guy ran over us all in the end, Im sure some people just have God Mode days,, run good. Posted by Oopnorth
cheers bud he did run like devil didnt he and i think i was pretty much on tilt by that point after the bad shoves ive been seeing today especialy when im ahead. I dont normaly get effected by tilt to be honest but today i did for about 20min, Gamblers with out a thought process can be a little anoying at times.
Did get one fish shover though a min ago, so i know they do hold up now and again it just amazes me how many players shove there entire stack on the flop holding a drawing hand whether its a gut shot flush or st8. The one below isnt a bad shove but a couple i had earlier was just dispicable. But as long as im getting my chips in ahead i know overal the odds are in my favour.
ok start of the evening and im in a deepstack hand 1 was a pretty horrid beat but im still in
hand below it was in a £5.50dym which amazed me at this level i thought the quality got better not worse lol i may stick at the £5.50 level if its like this.
here is my dym stats at the moment for the month i got to level 6 in the dym ladder challenge and trying level 3 again tonight.
ok finished up for the night played a quite a few mtts and bought into an £11 bounty hunter and started well in all but didnt cash in any lol. Had a go with the forum peeps on nl4 10seater and binked 2 all ins with my pk As, ty Greghogg and played a few dym at the 5quid mark and won about 4 in a row. So basicaly im down just a couple of quid which is better than being down a lot i suppose. I keep getting done with A10 so many times even when im raising and reraising a raise when i hold AK or AQ and they hit and its doing my nut in to be honest. Hopefully will run in the mtts a bit better tomorrow.
hi Daz, know what u mean about A 10 m8, 2bh best to just throw it in muck, even though it feels like a waste, just gets u into trouble as u say. br looking good..... and all from nothing,.... brilliant.!!! so i wouldn,t be feeling 2 bad. good luck today :-) dev
hi Daz, know what u mean about A 10 m8, 2bh best to just throw it in muck, even though it feels like a waste, just gets u into trouble as u say. br looking good..... and all from nothing,.... brilliant.!!! so i wouldn,t be feeling 2 bad. good luck today :-) dev Posted by devonfish5
i do chuck um lol i didnt mean im losing with them but against them, prob is my opponants think its the bloomin nuts and turns out it has been for them lol. But ty devon na i dont feel too bad iz a happy bunny and a glass half full kinda guy
Prob gonna take a break today and rest myself for the DTD which im gonna take down all 3 tormorrows
The Dazler has only gone and won the £750 gar bounty hunter and as i was hu playing that was hu in another ft and came 2nd whoooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo finaly a nice bit of binkage at the same time. Was really ul on the £50 gar as i was all in with AK suited and my opponent had K9 and binked the 9, But cant complain cos i got uber lucky on the last hand with 10 3 against KK bb special.
Nice one Dazler, it was only a matter of time before it came along.
You still gonna be playing the same kinda tournaments now? Are there any tournies that you've been wanting to play and couldn't but feel like you can afford now?
£100 garn Deepstack 114 runners
got to level 6 in the dym challenge but lost it sadley. Will have another go after ive played the mini bounty hunter.
£50 gar rebuy 38 runners.
Br is £142 with C4P 390
£100 gar with 100 runners came 5th
I spent about 1hr explaining to a poker pro that kept telling me he dosnt want bad players at his table and all the good ones are leaving sky. He was such an expert that i took all his chips
Anyways made a profit today of about £25 and C4P is 413
£100 gar came 3rd
I think this is an extremely difficult challenge expessially on a site such as sky (in the nicest possible way). I believe Mr Fergusson had help from Multi-table sit and goes once he got to the stage you at now, and obviously they come with higher prizepools. Even low stake MTTs had much more runners and allow for bigger cashes on those binks.
Getting to £153 i salute you on what i rekon must be a nightmare challenge.
Got a cash in the £750 bounty hunter 222 runners and came 12th
Did get one fish shover though a min ago, so i know they do hold up now and again it just amazes me how many players shove there entire stack on the flop holding a drawing hand whether its a gut shot flush or st8. The one below isnt a bad shove but a couple i had earlier was just dispicable. But as long as im getting my chips in ahead i know overal the odds are in my favour.
hand below it was in a £5.50dym which amazed me at this level i thought the quality got better not worse lol i may stick at the £5.50 level if its like this.
here is my dym stats at the moment for the month i got to level 6 in the dym ladder challenge and trying level 3 again tonight.
W3 L1 profit 30p60p dymW3 L2 profit -40p1.10 dymW3 L0 profit £2.652.25 dymw 7 L4 profit £3.30p3.30 dymw 32 L16 profit £31.305.50 dymw 9 L4 profit +£18.17pTOTAL Profit = £59.83
Cash profit so far is +£32.94
C4p is 505 so on target and total br is £160
hand 1
30p dymW3 L1 profit +30p60p dymW3 L2 profit -40p1.10 dymW3 L1 profit +£1.552.25 dymw 7 L4 profit +£3.30p3.30 dymw 33 L16 profit +£36.305.50 dymw 13 L4 profit +£36.50
TOTAL Profit = +£77.75
total profit +£40.14
BR £158.04 C4P 560
know what u mean about A 10 m8,
2bh best to just throw it in muck,
even though it feels like a waste,
just gets u into trouble as u say.
br looking good.....
and all from nothing,....
so i wouldn,t be feeling 2 bad.
good luck today
Prob gonna take a break today and rest myself for the DTD which im gonna take down all 3 tormorrows
The Dazler has only gone and won the £750 gar bounty hunter and as i was hu playing that was hu in another ft and came 2nd whoooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo finaly a nice bit of binkage
£750 bounty hunter
You still gonna be playing the same kinda tournaments now? Are there any tournies that you've been wanting to play and couldn't but feel like you can afford now?