Nice one Dazler, it was only a matter of time before it came along. You still gonna be playing the same kinda tournaments now? Are there any tournies that you've been wanting to play and couldn't but feel like you can afford now? Posted by Lambert180
ty all yes was very nice to finaly get a decent amount rather than the small cashes. Ive had a bad day so far and had some horrible beats for some reason that always happens to me after a bigish win lol. But ive qualified into the open to night through a frenzy satalite i didnt normaly touch them before as it took a big chunk outta my br but wont feel so bad this time with bigger br and only cost me £5, i did try and do an open direct to which cost me another £4 odd so ive got in for roughly under half price.
I will feel a bit more comfortable now buying into £5 mtts and £5 dym but dont think im gonna go above that. Which is what i used to do and ended up going backwards like before. So the plan is to stick to the 2.5% or maybe 5% if im having a good day. I have to take out around £30 to pay some bills so im gonna be around the £280 mark for my br which is still a nice amount to build on for the rest of the month. My plan was to hit the £200 and now ive made it to the £300 mark im hoping to get to £350-£400 and make around 2000 C4P by the end of the month. As long as i dont do anything stupid like i normaly do. My confidence after the win im hoping will be much stronger but i dont wanna get too confident and play silly which can happen when your a bit more flushed and gonna keep a level head and play as i would normaly.
The good thing is im up on DYM, Cash and Mtts this month so its onwards and upwards hopefully another nice big bit of binkage may happen again
Just came 2nd in the mini tonight and ft another mtt although was a bit grrrrrrrrd at the call i had with pk Ks after a raise then a reraise then my shove only to be called by A3 and they hit a st8, but all fandabbydosy and binkywinky in the mini also bubbled in the 2nd stage 12k bounty hunter nearly made it but no cigar. Thanks to all the railers aswell even if you were all from enemy teams and said us TNP members were rubbish but i appreciate it anyways made it fun ive even got a little sharky on my scope stats teehee
£1000 mini 381 runners
Coombzie15240001£285.75 + 20 League PointsDazler02£171.45 + 16 League PointsJamieReyes03£114.30 + 14 League Pointssheffwed04£80.01 + 12 League PointsRogueCell05£68.58 + 10 League Pointstyler8806£57.15 + 8 League Pointsbenc07£45.72 + 6 League Points
£100 gar rebuy
fatcat1011280001£74.40 + 10 League PointsJONESY198302£46.50 + 8 League Pointsriccoy2203£27.90 + 6 League Pointsajccfc04£20.46 + 4 League PointsDazler05£16.74 + 2 League Points
Cash profit this month +£50.88 DYM profit this month +£67.50
BR now £473.03 but ive taken £40 out so £433.03p C4P is 839
congratulations Mr f.e.c.k.meister and I am dead jealous. You binked, then I binked. You binked again while I went down in flames in every tourny I played tonight. Good on you. Posted by GELDY
Cheers Geldy im sure you will bink over my bink again before i over bink you then you come back at me with another bink
but before you ask - no - I am not up for it (the diary that is) - I need to keep my energy levels up for my next overbinkage - besides my play is far too random for the scrutiny of a diary
Well done Dazler. Don't appreciate the rubbish team remark though. TNP are the greatest team. Posted by Dagnamit
Just to clarify, and I am sure Daz would agree, the team banter was all said in jest and the TKP members were actually railing the TNP player!! We are not Team51,000
Well done BTW Father! See you in my Bar later......hopefully
Hi daz, Quick question I notice you seem to prefer re-buy tournies & recommend people trying to build a bankroll try them. Any particular reason ? Mike Posted by Woogie8688
yes mike the reason i say this is if you buy in for say a £1.10 mtt and its a rebuy the quality of play is a lot looser and players take more risks because they know they can rebuy which is good for us. If you play solid on them and only buy in once and maybe an add on its not gonna cost you any more than £3 or only £1 if you do well from the start, but play the mtt like you would a normal mtt the prize fund really bumps up with players just rebuying a silly number of times. Plus you do have that added chance if you have a bad beat to still play and take it down. A normal 20 seat mtt you might only get a top prize of £10 or so and once your out your out, but in a rebuy for the same cost you can make £30 or more and still stay in a bit like on a cash game. Trick with them though is dont keep rebuying if you go out move on to the next one when you have reached your limit, Dont just shove all in every hand like some do just to try and get an early double up or they try to play catch up at the end and will still buy in even when blinds are 1000 and if they buy in they only get 2 bb which is just daft lol. There the ones that bump it up nicely hope that explains it
It might not suit all players but i personaly would recomend them.
In Response to Re: Running like Jesus challenge MINIMOUSE BINKAGE : yes mike the reason i say this is if you buy in for say a £1.10 mtt and its a rebuy the quality of play is a lot looser and players take more risks because they know they can rebuy which is good for us. If you play solid on them and only buy in once and maybe an add on its not gonna cost you any more than £3 or only £1 if you do well from the start, but play the mtt like you would a normal mtt the prize fund really bumps up with players just rebuying a silly number of times. Plus you do have that added chance if you have a bad beat to still play and take it down. A normal 20 seat mtt you might only get a top prize of £10 or so and once your out your out, but in a rebuy for the same cost you can make £30 or more and still stay in a bit like on a cash game. Trick with them though is dont keep rebuying if you go out move on to the next one when you have reached your limit, Dont just shove all in every hand like some do just to try and get an early double up or they try to play catch up at the end and will still buy in even when blinds are 1000 and if they buy in they only get 2 bb which is just daft lol. There the ones that bump it up nicely hope that explains it It might not suit all players but i personaly would recomend them. Posted by Dazler
Thanks daz,
Sounds good to me, I reckon its well worth a go then.
And its ok if I crash & burn I won't hold you liable :-)
In Response to Re: Running like Jesus challenge MINIMOUSE BINKAGE : Thanks daz, Sounds good to me, I reckon its well worth a go then. And its ok if I crash & burn I won't hold you liable :-) Will let you know how I get on Mike Posted by Woogie8688
lol if you win though i want credit just remember you will get players calling draws all day long so be prepared to fold and dont go crazy with top pairs reel the fishys in and you will do well.
Anyone know the sharkscope criteria for being a shark Poor old Dazler seems to have already lost his recently earned Shark Mojo, even though his results keep on going up and up! Keep binking Dazler - you're on a heater Posted by GELDY
On my torny stats my little sharky is still a wigglin says im on tilt at the same time though lol so im a shark on tilt and you dont wanna be swimmin with one of them
anyone else see a shark. it wasn't there when i last looked 15mins ago. maybe its just giving the feckmeister an ego boost to get him to sign up? Posted by GELDY
Cheeky booger wait till i win the main event tonight and then i get a BIG FAT KILLER WHALE to gobble up the shark
Had a really bad run yesterday morning played a little nl4 and had someone shove with Q5off and such like every hand i call with QQ and he did it with other rubbish only to get lucky and hit a flush and this happend 3 times in a row before they hit and run but i watched that player move up a few levels on cash and saw them lose £40 in 3min st8 after which made me chuckle. i also tried £11 dym to give it a try and although i did well and was stacked with final 4 unfortunately i ended up calling with premiums and blinds were so high at around level 9 everyone who was short ended up either shoving on my raises and hitting with J5off against my pk As and winning i bubbled on about 4 in a row which really hurt. So i stopped them and played quite a lot of £5 dym and got a few streaks going think my best was 9 in a row which got me back up where i was. I also thought id have a go in the main and mini and got deep in both but think i made a mistake as it was a £10 rebuy and i bought in once and done a rebuy. Looking back and the way the payout structure was i dont think it was worth adding on in the end and it cost me £30 so a lesson learned in that mtt, i also played a few satalites but got no where in them. Going to carry on with the £5 dym and maybe a few mtts tonight with a little bit of nl4.
keep it going daz, just try and keep off my table if u cheers :-) dev Posted by devonfish5
ty devon but the tables ive been on with you today ive been uber ul lol
did manage to come 23rd in the mini bounty hunter tonight though was really gutted as had decent stack at the end and my top pair was out kicked and that was the end of me really thought i was going to make ft sigh. Also played in the main did ok in that but silly players kept calling raises with J3 and hitting silly aginst my AJ for 2 pair. Ive made the top 100 on stt league and also came 2nd in a £250 gar bounty hunter
Also had a go at the nl8 and did ok in that so up on cash tables too and might give that a bash from now on.
this turned out nice on my first go at nl8 since the challenge started and gives a good example of pot control and why betting the right amounts on each street and why you should bet more pre post and turn with certain hands.
I will feel a bit more comfortable now buying into £5 mtts and £5 dym but dont think im gonna go above that. Which is what i used to do and ended up going backwards like before. So the plan is to stick to the 2.5% or maybe 5% if im having a good day. I have to take out around £30 to pay some bills so im gonna be around the £280 mark for my br which is still a nice amount to build on for the rest of the month. My plan was to hit the £200 and now ive made it to the £300 mark im hoping to get to £350-£400 and make around 2000 C4P by the end of the month. As long as i dont do anything stupid like i normaly do. My confidence after the win im hoping will be much stronger but i dont wanna get too confident and play silly which can happen when your a bit more flushed and gonna keep a level head and play as i would normaly.
The good thing is im up on DYM, Cash and Mtts this month so its onwards and upwards hopefully another nice big bit of binkage may happen again
Just came 2nd in the mini tonight and ft another mtt although was a bit grrrrrrrrd at the call i had with pk Ks after a raise then a reraise then my shove only to be called by A3 and they hit a st8, but all fandabbydosy and binkywinky in the mini
Thanks to all the railers aswell even if you were all from enemy teams and said us TNP members were rubbish but i appreciate it anyways
£1000 mini 381 runners
Coombzie15240001£285.75 + 20 League PointsDazler02£171.45 + 16 League PointsJamieReyes03£114.30 + 14 League Pointssheffwed04£80.01 + 12 League PointsRogueCell05£68.58 + 10 League Pointstyler8806£57.15 + 8 League Pointsbenc07£45.72 + 6 League Points
£100 gar rebuy
fatcat1011280001£74.40 + 10 League PointsJONESY198302£46.50 + 8 League Pointsriccoy2203£27.90 + 6 League Pointsajccfc04£20.46 + 4 League PointsDazler05£16.74 + 2 League Points
Cash profit this month +£50.88
DYM profit this month +£67.50
BR now £473.03 but ive taken £40 out so £433.03p C4P is 839
Keep it going.......and a Shark too.............nice one Jaws!!
It might not suit all players but i personaly would recomend them.
Poor old Dazler seems to have already lost his recently earned Shark Mojo, even though his results keep on going up and up!
Keep binking Dazler - you're on a heater
BR £402 - £40 withdrawl so now £362
C4P 1105
just try and keep off my table if u
did manage to come 23rd in the mini bounty hunter tonight though was really gutted as had decent stack at the end and my top pair was out kicked and that was the end of me really thought i was going to make ft sigh. Also played in the main did ok in that but silly players kept calling raises with J3 and hitting silly aginst my AJ for 2 pair. Ive made the top 100 on stt league and also came 2nd in a £250 gar bounty hunter
Also had a go at the nl8 and did ok in that so up on cash tables too and might give that a bash from now on.
£1200 mini bounty hunter 349 runners came 23rd
30p dymW3 L360p dymW3 L21.10 dymW3 L1
2.25 dymw 8 L43.30 dymw 38 L195.50 dymw 41 L1911 dymw 2 L7
cash profit +£49.55
Total profit: £428.78 minus £40 withdrawl so £388.78
C4P: 1253 = £12.53 to come
looks like your luck,s changed.
(* .. *)