It the very first hand of a bounty hunter tournament. I am delt pocket aces in the small blind, there is a limper just before the button, I make it 80 (blinds are 10 and 20) the big blind calls and so does the limper the flop comes 3s Jd 3h, as i am to act first i make a pot sized bet and the big blind folds the limper flat calls. The turn comes 8c i make another pot size bet of 720 and again limper calls river comes 4s i move all in and get called by a Q3suited, Should i have just checked on turn and see wot the limper does or have i played this correctly, i have no reads on opponent as it first hand, Also i had just been playing in another tourney and in two hands had aces and kings cracked by worse hand so may have been still a little upset. IS there anything different i could have done Posted by alan1506
Not much, really, just a cooler.
Once the flop comes "paired" there is always a chance someone has your Aces beat.
It's a peculiar call by Villain Pre-Flop, but he does his money 90%+ of the time calling with Q-3, so don't worry about it, it's just a setback, & you win the coup most of the time.
I think once he calls me twice, I slow down, & maybe get off the hand, but really, it's just a cooler.
Forget about it & move on. If you play enough poker, you will get Aces beat every night of the week. If you play them properly, though (& you did), you will end up nicely in profit on them.
Hi guys whilst watching the sky poker tv shows i hear alot about the live events, just wonderng how you find out about them and what are the conditions to enter etc? may be a stupid question any help would be appreciated Alex Posted by crookz
Hi crookz,
AceBarry has answered the question perfectly. The Qualifying Satellites for SPT Leeds will start at the beginning of April.
Hi Tikay, one technical question re the rake on sky poker. Why is it 7.5% on the lower limit tables and 5% when you play higher? i understand the need for rake (its a commercial business after all) but i dont see why lower stakes players are "punished" the most. it costs the same to "run the table" whether the stakes are 1p/2p or £5/£10. obviously the profit's a lot smaller but players have to start somewhere and if like me you enjoy playing heads up at lower stakes table that extra 2.5% can make a big difference over time. is it really necessary/moral to charge the people who can least afford it the most to play the same game? will be interested to hear your thoughts. thanks, Ian Posted by igfbobby1
Hi Bobby,
Firstly, apologies for missing the question originally, & thank you for being understanding about it. You'd be amazed at how upset some peeps get if I miss a question, or a greeting, but I'd never swerve it deliberately, & I just struggle to cope with everything, & I miss stuff sometimes.
Difficult question to answer, really.
A service provider can charge whatever they wish, as long as they do so openly, & Clients have the choice of accepting or not. It's how the free market works the world over.
An Online Poker Room proivides a basket of value (or not), not just Reg Fee & Rake, but a whole bunch of other stuff, too. All of these things need to be factored into any price equation comparision.
Put simply, it's a business model decision, & I'm not party to their thinking on "why", nor is it right for me to question it, it's their perfect right, just as long as they do it openly & transparently, & Clients have the option of accepting, or not, as they see fit. No two supermarkets change the same price for identical products, but the overall "basket" of prices represents the true competiveness.
"necessary", both parties have a choice, but it's not "necessary" as such. It's a business, though, & that's a decision they choose to make, & they do so in full possession of the data which we must presume tells them that the price is, in the true sense, cost effective. If the price of a product ever gets out of line, the sales data soon shows it so, & it's adjusted accordingly. We can assume much from that.
"moral". I'm not sure where "moral" comes into it, with due respect, I'm srtruggling to see any moral issue.
Good question, & I apologise again for the delay in replying.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : There is no definitive answer to that, it depends how you define "better". There is no real measurable way of defining the "best" poker player. Fortunately, it does not matter. Posted by Tikay10
Good afternoon,I have been nosey and watched the big stake tables a few times imo they are all better than me and are on equal amounts in the skill factor,Playing those stakes they are as good as each other imo.
Just a quick line to partially vent my frustration at what just happened in Double Your Money tournament. Down to the last four and one player, who shall remain nameless, was quite vocal in the chatbox about only wanting the ladies to win (last bloke standing here) and was continually folding blinds to the other female avatars...fair enough I went out of the sit and go in fourth to a fair hand beaten by said player, but at one stage the other two female avatars were down to less than a thousand chips with blinds at 200-400.
Simply pointing out that I thought this sort of thing was bad play and frowned upon. Similar to announcing your hand in the chat with players still to act type thing.
Right, calmed down now, and posted the right one with all the swearing taken out
Just a quick line to partially vent my frustration at what just happened in Double Your Money tournament. Down to the last four and one player, who shall remain nameless, was quite vocal in the chatbox about only wanting the ladies to win (last bloke standing here) and was continually folding blinds to the other female avatars...fair enough I went out of the sit and go in fourth to a fair hand beaten by said player, but at one stage the other two female avatars were down to less than a thousand chips with blinds at 200-400. Simply pointing out that I thought this sort of thing was bad play and frowned upon. Similar to announcing your hand in the chat with players still to act type thing. Right, calmed down now, and posted the right one with all the swearing taken out Posted by Jinx566
Hi Jinx
I think I would seriously consider contacting Customer Care and passing this onto them.
will you be playing the 300 deepstack at dtd in a couple of weeks tikay? ive never played it before but im playing well at the minute so might take my first shot at it in april.
Hello, Mr. Tikay, i am looking for live tournament near Peterborough maybe You can recommend some place with reasonable buy-in? Posted by Martis
Hmm, Peterborough is not exactly Poker nirvana, but it is what it is.
The nearest - & I'll only advise as to fully-licensed venues - would be Gala Leicester (NOT to be recommended as a poker Venue at all), & Aspers OR Gala in Northampton, both of which do Tourney Poker at lower buy-in levels. Aspers Northampton, in particular, is becoming a fine Room, in fact. Both are a bit of a trot, but no pain, no gain, & I think you'd enjoy it.
Slightly further away, & probably roughly equidistant, is DTD in Nottingham, & G-Luton, both of which have a fine range of low buy-in Tourneys. DTD is not open Mondays or Tuesdays, G-Luton is a 7 day operation. Luton Tourneys start at £5 I think, DTD's start at £20.
If I can help further, just ask.
Sky Poker is an Online Room, & that's what we are about, but never be in any doubt, Live Poker is terrific fun if you enjoy meeting a wide range of people, & play poker for fun. I try to play Live at least once or twice a week, whenever my Diary permits, & it's a social occasion for me.
will you be playing the 300 deepstack at dtd in a couple of weeks tikay? ive never played it before but im playing well at the minute so might take my first shot at it in april. Posted by hurst05
Unfortunately not, Hursty, as I'm booked to do the Live Show on 865 on the Sunday. (Sunday 3rd). Wish I could, but work has to take priority.
Really, I hope you give it a shot, I think you'd do well in it. Try & persuade Dohhhh to play it, too, I think he'd kill it, I really do.
I'd buy a piece of the action (at 1:1) in either or both of you if you did, if either of you were interested in selling a bit.
Whatever you decide, good luck. Do it, you won't regret it, & if the Tourney goes wrong, you can kill the cash games there, they are reputedly very soft on Deeepstack weekends.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Unfortunately not, Hursty, as I'm booked to do the Live Show on 865 on the Sunday. (Sunday 3rd). Wish I could, but work has to take priority. Really, I hope you give it a shot, I think you'd do well in it. Try & persuade Dohhhh to play it, too, I think he'd kill it, I really do. I'd buy a piece of the action (at 1:1) in either or both of you if you did, if either of you were interested in selling a bit. Whatever you decide, good luck. Do it, you won't regret it, & if the Tourney goes wrong, you can kill the cash games there, they are reputedly very soft on Deeepstack weekends. Posted by Tikay10
Hi Tikay,
I'll be playing the £10 triple chance at my local casino tonight... if you want to buy a piece of me I've got 100% of me still available ;o)
Tikay what is a tripple range merger then?? Posted by donkeyplop
google is your friend, Plopper.
Basically, some of the youngsters get carried away with the lingo, & out-think themselves, or at least that's my view.
Here's a generic description of range merging. Some of it will make your eyes bleed, but if you read the more "advanced" Poker Forums, you see this sort of stuff every day. Really, the guys are getting a bit ahead of themselves when they trot this sort of stuff out. IMO, of course. It's just a new expression for an old trick, really, just as "floating" was a few years ago.
"......Bluffing is an important part of the game of Poker. Fooling other players into dropping out of a hand is a large part of it. Being able to identify when an opponent is bluffing is another. Among the more advanced Poker techniques related to bluffing is a practice called “range merging.” It refers to taking advantage of opponents who feel it is their mission to take on other players who bluff, especially on the river.
In order to apply range merging, one must first be able to identify hands known as “bluffcatchers.” These hands are capable of beating a bluff but they lack the value to be bet as certain winners. Typical examples might be an Ace-high hand with a good kicker, an intermediate pair, or a weak two pair.
When a bet is made on the river, the betting player is usually on an extreme of the range, either a very strong hand going for value or a failed hand being played as a complete bluff. Because monster hands occur infrequently, an opponent holding a bluffcatcher has a better than average chance of winning in such situation by calling or raising.
Knowing this, some players are constantly seeking to manoeuvre themselves into bluff-busting positions. There is good money to be made in busting a bluff. But there is also good money to be made in exposing bluff busters. A player using range merging will find opportunities to use marginal hands to bet on the river against bluffcatchers. In other words, the range of hands bet on the river will no longer be the extremes, but intermediary hands as well—the merging of ranges.
Dangers of Range Merging
One caution regarding range merging is that it really only works when an opponent has been absolutely identified as on a bluff-busting mission. Otherwise, betting a large range of hands on the river has too many attendant dangers, not the least of which is falling prey to opponents who slowplay their hands.
In fact, it makes no sense to our marginal hands against opponents who never call with a worse hand. There is no value in it. Similarly, betting the river must not be done with a hand that is too low on its range to beat a moderately good bluffcatcher. A pair of fours, for example, would lose to most bluffcatchers.
How much to bet on the river depends on the table and circumstances of play. The idea is to catch the bluff buster in a trap, not to scare him/her away.
When Range Merging Fails
One advantage of range merging is that it gains something even when it fails. The bluff buster who lucks out a win of, say, an over pair will not realize the true meaning of the bet on the river. He/she will think of it of “value bluffing” and will not stop chasing after potential bluffs. This can be turned into an even bigger opportunity later in the session, since the range merging player now is a “known bluffer who was caught.”
Nor should the range merging player be too concerned about re-raises. If there has been no indication in early betting intervals that the bluff buster has been on a strong hand, any re-raise can only mean that he/she has totally bought into the belief of a bluff. The sky is the limit when range merging works in this way. ......"
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Tikay, I'll be playing the £10 triple chance at my local casino tonight... if you want to buy a piece of me I've got 100% of me still available ;o) Posted by JockBMW
Very kind of you Jock, but I'd not want to deprive you of your rightful winnings & just deserts. And you get to keep all you win, how good is that?
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hmm, Peterborough is not exactly Poker nirvana, but it is what it is. The nearest - & I'll only advise as to fully-licensed venues - would be Gala Leicester (NOT to be recommended as a poker Venue at all), & Aspers OR Gala in Northampton, both of which do Tourney Poker at lower buy-in levels. Aspers Northampton, in particular, is becoming a fine Room, in fact. Both are a bit of a trot, but no pain, no gain, & I think you'd enjoy it. Slightly further away, & probably roughly equidistant, is DTD in Nottingham, & G-Luton, both of which have a fine range of low buy-in Tourneys. DTD is not open Mondays or Tuesdays, G-Luton is a 7 day operation. Luton Tourneys start at £5 I think, DTD's start at £20. If I can help further, just ask. Sky Poker is an Online Room, & that's what we are about, but never be in any doubt, Live Poker is terrific fun if you enjoy meeting a wide range of people, & play poker for fun. I try to play Live at least once or twice a week, whenever my Diary permits, & it's a social occasion for me. Good luck you. Posted by Tikay10
Hello, thanks for detailed answer. I will try northampon in next few days i guess. I never played live. I played online bit everythere, wanna try live. Thanks again
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Very kind of you Jock, but I'd not want to deprive you of your rightful winnings & just deserts. And you get to keep all you win, how good is that? Posted by Tikay10
I am deeply disappointed.....
What does Hursty have that I don't.
Apart from talent......
Apart from talent & youth.....
Apart from talent & youth & experience....
Apart from ..................... I'll get my coat ;o)
Hello Tikay - I couldn't find any live help on the site so I took the liberty of spamming your page in order to make a request. I won entry into the £500 velocity guaranteed tournament through one of the £1.10 satellites tonight. However, I am now unable to play in this tournament. I was wondering if you could pull some strings so I could have the free tournament entry deferred to another night. I like the way i'm able to go straight over the heads of the customer service team and make this request direct to the sky top dog. See what you can hustle for me! Remember that I referred to you as a 'top dog' when deciding whether to waste your time sorting this out for me. Thanks mate! Posted by chaff822
Hi chaff
The contact details for Customer Care, including live chat are at the bottom of the page, that would be your best chance of gettin the entry defered.
Hello Tikay. Just wondered if you had Paul Jackson booked on again at any time? He was absolutely awesome at giving advice and the way he explained it the other week. Learnt loads from watching that program. Has he any intention of playing on the site at all? Thanks in advance.
Hello again, played in Northampton casino You recomended, it was nice experience, plenty mistakes and tells, but still nice. Knocked out 3 players, was with 20k chips at some point then others got 6000. but run ended then i holded AhKs i raised preflop 2k (blinds 300/600) got caller Kh10h, flop comes 7h2h9k. He raises 4k and i pushed 12k all in he called turn Qh, river 8k. And my first live tournament mid possition ~20/49 runners. I am dissapointed on such exit, then i pushed on flop i was still 60/40 favourite. Was it bad push with 25BB, (average chips around 11k)?
Hello Tikay. Just wondered if you had Paul Jackson booked on again at any time? He was absolutely awesome at giving advice and the way he explained it the other week. Learnt loads from watching that program. Has he any intention of playing on the site at all? Thanks in advance. Posted by DrSharp
Hi Dr,
Yes, Paul Jackson is on Mother's list to be on the Show as Guest Analyst again, I'll ask Mother to give you the date as soon as it is confirmed.
He told me he would play the next £220 (Thursday of NEXT week), & if he does, I'll ask him to play a few smaller Tourneys, too.
Hello Tikay - I couldn't find any live help on the site so I took the liberty of spamming your page in order to make a request. I won entry into the £500 velocity guaranteed tournament through one of the £1.10 satellites tonight. However, I am now unable to play in this tournament. I was wondering if you could pull some strings so I could have the free tournament entry deferred to another night. I like the way i'm able to go straight over the heads of the customer service team and make this request direct to the sky top dog. See what you can hustle for me! Remember that I referred to you as a 'top dog' when deciding whether to waste your time sorting this out for me. Thanks mate! Posted by chaff822
Yo Chaffy,
Flattery will get you, well, nowhere!
Barry's answer nailed it, really.
Did it get sorted? If I can help, I will, though I'll probably get a slap for interfering. Happy Days.
What night was it intended to be, & what night did you want it to be?
Hello again, played in Northampton casino You recomended, it was nice experience, plenty mistakes and tells, but still nice. Knocked out 3 players, was with 20k chips at some point then others got 6000. but run ended then i holded AhKs i raised preflop 2k (blinds 300/600) got caller Kh10h, flop comes 7h2h9k. He raises 4k and i pushed 12k all in he called turn Qh, river 8k. And my first live tournament mid possition ~20/49 runners. I am dissapointed on such exit, then i pushed on flop i was still 60/40 favourite. Was it bad push with 25BB, (average chips around 11k)? Posted by Martis
Knew you'd enjoy it?
Your exit? Not much you did wrong there, to be honest. You were in great shape to push (much preferred to being the caller) & he had to hit. He can only really call if he has the Flush draw as well as the K. He did nowt wrong, nor you, just big on big rerally. You are a monsta if you win that coup.
It's a hand which, at that stage, blinds, stack, etc, demands you can be ultra aggro, & you were. Just one of those things. Keep the pressure on in those spots.
You will be pleased to know the lovely members of the customer service team allowed me to enter the £5.50 tournament of my choice. I did a double your money and won it so it went perfectly Nice one Posted by chaff822
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Dr, Yes, Paul Jackson is on Mother's list to be on the Show as Guest Analyst again, I'll ask Mother to give you the date as soon as it is confirmed. He told me he would play the next £220 (Thursday of NEXT week), & if he does, I'll ask him to play a few smaller Tourneys, too. Posted by Tikay10
Cheers Tikay! Looking forward to it. Sorry for been a bit slow but what is the 'next £220'? Is that the cash game you were referring to when he was analyst? If so, are you covering some of the hands onTV or is it a case of railing on site?
I also watched 'the' hand he played against Ivey. Quality!
Hi there tikay, when will the satelites start for the next leg of the sky poker tour in leeds? Also, ehat is the structure ie starting stacks, and levels etc
Hi there tikay, when will the satelites start for the next leg of the sky poker tour in leeds? Also, ehat is the structure ie starting stacks, and levels etc Thanks Posted by clunge83
The Satellites start next week, I believe - "beginning of April" I gather. They'll be well advertised.
Structure for what - the Satellites, or the SPT itself?
Once the flop comes "paired" there is always a chance someone has your Aces beat.
It's a peculiar call by Villain Pre-Flop, but he does his money 90%+ of the time calling with Q-3, so don't worry about it, it's just a setback, & you win the coup most of the time.
I think once he calls me twice, I slow down, & maybe get off the hand, but really, it's just a cooler.
Forget about it & move on. If you play enough poker, you will get Aces beat every night of the week. If you play them properly, though (& you did), you will end up nicely in profit on them.
There is no real measurable way of defining the "best" poker player. Fortunately, it does not matter.
AceBarry has answered the question perfectly. The Qualifying Satellites for SPT Leeds will start at the beginning of April.
Firstly, apologies for missing the question originally, & thank you for being understanding about it. You'd be amazed at how upset some peeps get if I miss a question, or a greeting, but I'd never swerve it deliberately, & I just struggle to cope with everything, & I miss stuff sometimes.
Difficult question to answer, really.
A service provider can charge whatever they wish, as long as they do so openly, & Clients have the choice of accepting or not. It's how the free market works the world over.
An Online Poker Room proivides a basket of value (or not), not just Reg Fee & Rake, but a whole bunch of other stuff, too. All of these things need to be factored into any price equation comparision.
Put simply, it's a business model decision, & I'm not party to their thinking on "why", nor is it right for me to question it, it's their perfect right, just as long as they do it openly & transparently, & Clients have the option of accepting, or not, as they see fit. No two supermarkets change the same price for identical products, but the overall "basket" of prices represents the true competiveness.
"necessary", both parties have a choice, but it's not "necessary" as such. It's a business, though, & that's a decision they choose to make, & they do so in full possession of the data which we must presume tells them that the price is, in the true sense, cost effective. If the price of a product ever gets out of line, the sales data soon shows it so, & it's adjusted accordingly. We can assume much from that.
"moral". I'm not sure where "moral" comes into it, with due respect, I'm srtruggling to see any moral issue.
Good question, & I apologise again for the delay in replying.
Right, calmed down now, and posted the right one with all the swearing taken out
I think I would seriously consider contacting Customer Care and passing this onto them.
The nearest - & I'll only advise as to fully-licensed venues - would be Gala Leicester (NOT to be recommended as a poker Venue at all), & Aspers OR Gala in Northampton, both of which do Tourney Poker at lower buy-in levels. Aspers Northampton, in particular, is becoming a fine Room, in fact. Both are a bit of a trot, but no pain, no gain, & I think you'd enjoy it.
Slightly further away, & probably roughly equidistant, is DTD in Nottingham, & G-Luton, both of which have a fine range of low buy-in Tourneys. DTD is not open Mondays or Tuesdays, G-Luton is a 7 day operation. Luton Tourneys start at £5 I think, DTD's start at £20.
If I can help further, just ask.
Sky Poker is an Online Room, & that's what we are about, but never be in any doubt, Live Poker is terrific fun if you enjoy meeting a wide range of people, & play poker for fun. I try to play Live at least once or twice a week, whenever my Diary permits, & it's a social occasion for me.
Good luck you.
Really, I hope you give it a shot, I think you'd do well in it. Try & persuade Dohhhh to play it, too, I think he'd kill it, I really do.
I'd buy a piece of the action (at 1:1) in either or both of you if you did, if either of you were interested in selling a bit.
Whatever you decide, good luck. Do it, you won't regret it, & if the Tourney goes wrong, you can kill the cash games there, they are reputedly very soft on Deeepstack weekends.
Basically, some of the youngsters get carried away with the lingo, & out-think themselves, or at least that's my view.
Here's a generic description of range merging. Some of it will make your eyes bleed, but if you read the more "advanced" Poker Forums, you see this sort of stuff every day. Really, the guys are getting a bit ahead of themselves when they trot this sort of stuff out. IMO, of course. It's just a new expression for an old trick, really, just as "floating" was a few years ago.
"......Bluffing is an important part of the game of Poker. Fooling other players into dropping out of a hand is a large part of it. Being able to identify when an opponent is bluffing is another. Among the more advanced Poker techniques related to bluffing is a practice called “range merging.” It refers to taking advantage of opponents who feel it is their mission to take on other players who bluff, especially on the river.
In order to apply range merging, one must first be able to identify hands known as “bluffcatchers.” These hands are capable of beating a bluff but they lack the value to be bet as certain winners. Typical examples might be an Ace-high hand with a good kicker, an intermediate pair, or a weak two pair.
When a bet is made on the river, the betting player is usually on an extreme of the range, either a very strong hand going for value or a failed hand being played as a complete bluff. Because monster hands occur infrequently, an opponent holding a bluffcatcher has a better than average chance of winning in such situation by calling or raising.
Knowing this, some players are constantly seeking to manoeuvre themselves into bluff-busting positions. There is good money to be made in busting a bluff. But there is also good money to be made in exposing bluff busters. A player using range merging will find opportunities to use marginal hands to bet on the river against bluffcatchers. In other words, the range of hands bet on the river will no longer be the extremes, but intermediary hands as well—the merging of ranges.
Dangers of Range Merging
One caution regarding range merging is that it really only works when an opponent has been absolutely identified as on a bluff-busting mission. Otherwise, betting a large range of hands on the river has too many attendant dangers, not the least of which is falling prey to opponents who slowplay their hands.
In fact, it makes no sense to our marginal hands against opponents who never call with a worse hand. There is no value in it. Similarly, betting the river must not be done with a hand that is too low on its range to beat a moderately good bluffcatcher. A pair of fours, for example, would lose to most bluffcatchers.
How much to bet on the river depends on the table and circumstances of play. The idea is to catch the bluff buster in a trap, not to scare him/her away.
When Range Merging Fails
One advantage of range merging is that it gains something even when it fails. The bluff buster who lucks out a win of, say, an over pair will not realize the true meaning of the bet on the river. He/she will think of it of “value bluffing” and will not stop chasing after potential bluffs. This can be turned into an even bigger opportunity later in the session, since the range merging player now is a “known bluffer who was caught.”
Nor should the range merging player be too concerned about re-raises. If there has been no indication in early betting intervals that the bluff buster has been on a strong hand, any re-raise can only mean that he/she has totally bought into the belief of a bluff. The sky is the limit when range merging works in this way. ......"
Got that?
I won entry into the £500 velocity guaranteed tournament through one of the £1.10 satellites tonight.
However, I am now unable to play in this tournament.
I was wondering if you could pull some strings so I could have the free tournament entry deferred to another night.
I like the way i'm able to go straight over the heads of the customer service team and make this request direct to the sky top dog.
See what you can hustle for me! Remember that I referred to you as a 'top dog' when deciding whether to waste your time sorting this out for me.
Thanks mate!
The contact details for Customer Care, including live chat are at the bottom of the page, that would be your best chance of gettin the entry defered.
Yes, Paul Jackson is on Mother's list to be on the Show as Guest Analyst again, I'll ask Mother to give you the date as soon as it is confirmed.
He told me he would play the next £220 (Thursday of NEXT week), & if he does, I'll ask him to play a few smaller Tourneys, too.
Flattery will get you, well, nowhere!
Barry's answer nailed it, really.
Did it get sorted? If I can help, I will, though I'll probably get a slap for interfering. Happy Days.
What night was it intended to be, & what night did you want it to be?
How much was the Entry Fee?
Knew you'd enjoy it?
Your exit? Not much you did wrong there, to be honest. You were in great shape to push (much preferred to being the caller) & he had to hit. He can only really call if he has the Flush draw as well as the K. He did nowt wrong, nor you, just big on big rerally. You are a monsta if you win that coup.
It's a hand which, at that stage, blinds, stack, etc, demands you can be ultra aggro, & you were. Just one of those things. Keep the pressure on in those spots.
Next time, Final Table, right?
I did a double your money and won it so it went perfectly
Nice one
Well done chaffy.
I also watched 'the' hand he played against Ivey. Quality!
Hi there tikay, when will the satelites start for the next leg of the sky poker tour in leeds?
Also, ehat is the structure ie starting stacks, and levels etc
Structure for what - the Satellites, or the SPT itself?