hi tikay wonder if you can help how to i stop getting beat by numpties?i mean the kind of player that calls a raise under the gun with 10-4 9-3 6-2 all suited and 9 out of 10 catch the flush i play pretty tight and raise in poss with good hand premium, hands if you like and still get shot down time after time no matter how high you bet they still call and catch is it my bad play or they just getting lucky but they get lucky alot for instance i had kk in bb raised £1.60 pre was called buy 6-3 suited they catch the flkush time and time again help please
These things happen in poker and you obviously think they happen too often to you. But Tikay will only be able to offer condolences ! And calling them numpties wont help.
If you genuinely want to know if you can stop it happening so frequently, get a few hand histories together and post them with your question in the poker clinic. Lots of guys there will help you out. It may be that you are just running bad at the moment but there may also be some small adjustment you can make to your game.
hi tikay wonder if you can help how to i stop getting beat by numpties?i mean the kind of player that calls a raise under the gun with 10-4 9-3 6-2 all suited and 9 out of 10 catch the flush i play pretty tight and raise in poss with good hand premium, hands if you like and still get shot down time after time no matter how high you bet they still call and catch is it my bad play or they just getting lucky but they get lucky alot for instance i had kk in bb raised £1.60 pre was called buy 6-3 suited they catch the flkush time and time again help please Posted by thecovkid
it wont end. you want these callers, they will lose more than they win. your just picking afew hands were you lose. chin up & youl be ok
got same prob as ralpho have taped 20 hours plus to see primo 3rd dec any chance you put the date on the presenters table so it gives us a clue when it was recorded watched your life history at wet lands me and wife will be going there this summer looks a good day out REALLY enjoy the programes has improved my game. next stage is to play live poker good luck for the new year to all at sky
Although this is my site of choice, I had to move away because I had continual problems with the old browser version. Now that you have a good app, my New Year Resolution was to move back.
I was dismayed when the first programme I watched had you and Redmond Lee disparaging players who sit down short stacked at cash tables. The consensus seemed to be that action should be taken to increase min stacks because they "change the dynamic of the game."
Of course it changes the dynamic - so what? Being more or less aggressive, tighter or looser than the other players change the dynamics at the table. This is the essence of poker. I like to sit with only 20 or so Bigs because I find that many players do not understand HOW this changes the dynamics and this is profitable.
I have often heard you state that people are entitled to play their chips any way they choose. Why don't you defend their right to bring as few as they wish to the game with as much vigour?
The most important differences when you sit short stacked is that you are denying yourself fold equity and future implied odds. Many people (e.g. Trevor Harris ;-) would not wish to make these sacrifices and advise against it. Fair enough. The compensaton is that you also deny fold equity and future implied odds to your opponents. The majority of opponents at modest stake tables do not understand this aspect and will regularly offer favourable odds without realising this.
I started sitting short to improve my tournament play. At the early levels, tournament dynamics are very like deep cash games and it is easy to practice this. The dynamics of heads up are different but most of us seldom reach that point of a tournament - and it can be practiced in heads up cash games.
The part of tournament play where practice really pays off is when you get near to or into the cash but find yourself with a below average stack of 15 to 30 blinds. (Below this, decisions are "easy.") The best way to practice this is to sit short stacked at a cash table and close your mind to rebuys.
Redmond changes the dynamics at the table when he uses a large stack (often several hundred bigs) to put pressure on an opponent. No-one would suggest that this is wrong or that excess chips over a particular limit should have to be removed from the table. Why therefore is it frowned upon to be short so that the big stacks cannot pressure you?
To me this is just bullying by the habitual big-stackers and I am a bit disgusted.
Please respond. I would really like to know why we "shorties" are looked on as second class citizens!
A question for the man himself...A question for the legeng...TONY TIKAY KENDALL...
No more introduction TK sorry. Here is my problem.
I enjoy playing cash but I have a massing leak.I don't know when to leave the table and I do it only when I have gone bust. I sit in the table,start playing and win some money.When I double my buy-in, or generally have some more money to play I become getting greedy, play looser and think I rule the table. What's the result when the ego goes into play? Splash money to other players and end up cursing my game although I started playing pretty solid.
So I would like your advice on this matter.When should I leave the table? When I double up? Should I set a target before sitting at the table and leave when I get to it?
Why when discussing stacks in tournaments do we only consider how many big blinds we have? Surely it is better to use Dan Harringtons "M" theory, especially as the majority of tables are 6 handed on sky poker?
Hi Tikay Why when discussing stacks in tournaments do we only consider how many big blinds we have? Surely it is better to use Dan Harringtons "M" theory, especially as the majority of tables are 6 handed on sky poker? What do you and everyone else think? Thanks Posted by hepburn
It's Paul Magriel's concept, isn't it? (Hence the M - surname).
I guess it's the lack of antes on Sky that means it's not used much.
Although this is my site of choice, I had to move away because I had continual problems with the old browser version. Now that you have a good app, my New Year Resolution was to move back. I was dismayed when the first programme I watched had you and Redmond Lee disparaging players who sit down short stacked at cash tables. The consensus seemed to be that action should be taken to increase min stacks because they "change the dynamic of the game." Of course it changes the dynamic - so what? Being more or less aggressive, tighter or looser than the other players change the dynamics at the table. This is the essence of poker. I like to sit with only 20 or so Bigs because I find that many players do not understand HOW this changes the dynamics and this is profitable. I have often heard you state that people are entitled to play their chips any way they choose. Why don't you defend their right to bring as few as they wish to the game with as much vigour? The most important differences when you sit short stacked is that you are denying yourself fold equity and future implied odds. Many people (e.g. Trevor Harris ;-) would not wish to make these sacrifices and advise against it. Fair enough. The compensaton is that you also deny fold equity and future implied odds to your opponents. The majority of opponents at modest stake tables do not understand this aspect and will regularly offer favourable odds without realising this. I started sitting short to improve my tournament play. At the early levels, tournament dynamics are very like deep cash games and it is easy to practice this. The dynamics of heads up are different but most of us seldom reach that point of a tournament - and it can be practiced in heads up cash games. The part of tournament play where practice really pays off is when you get near to or into the cash but find yourself with a below average stack of 15 to 30 blinds. (Below this, decisions are "easy.") The best way to practice this is to sit short stacked at a cash table and close your mind to rebuys. Redmond changes the dynamics at the table when he uses a large stack (often several hundred bigs) to put pressure on an opponent. No-one would suggest that this is wrong or that excess chips over a particular limit should have to be removed from the table. Why therefore is it frowned upon to be short so that the big stacks cannot pressure you? To me this is just bullying by the habitual big-stackers and I am a bit disgusted. Please respond. I would really like to know why we "shorties" are looked on as second class citizens! Posted by metaraptor
Well firstly, I believe that the main goal for TK and the other people on the channel is to teach alot of complete novices how to grasp the basics of the game, like not limping pre, how you play draws, how you play when you hit strong, playing position. So in general I think alot of it is aimed to teach the basic fundamentals...short stacking not being one of them. To play short stacked cash, properly and profitably is a more advanced strategy and doesn't appeal to 90% of people. As TK always says, you can never please everyone, but you can please the vast majority.
On the Redmond Lee front, his stack is only as big as he's got it up to himself, everyone has the same opportunity to start with the same amount of chips. As you said in your bit about short stacking, how you remove implied odds from your opponents, likewise, it doesnt matter if Redmond has 1000 big blinds on the table, what matters is the effective stack (what Redmond's opponent has) and to be honest, anyone playing at that high a level will know Redmond and won't be whining because he's 'bullying' them.
...........Hi Tony, I c&p'd something I posted in GPC wrt Omaha HiLo and wondered if you knew if Sky had any thoughts (or if anything was in the pipeline) with trying to increase traffic for HiLo........many thanks Billy.
"I would love to learn to play HiLo properly but I'm not really prepared to fritter away my bankroll doing so......I learnt / learning Omaha by playing the freerolls and micro dym's but as yet Sky have not got these running for HiLo (or maybe haven't got the traffic to do so). My thoughts on getting more players to try HiLo is to get some deepstack freerolls (normal structures would be much less beneficial imo as the game would be over far too quickly for most newbies). I would love to see micro stake HiLo stt's to enable a few of us to get to grips with the game.....gd luck guys. Ps: wud love to see Penguin/Imber and the regular Omaha players take a lead in getting Sky to achieve this as I'm sure you would have more sway with the the suits etc;....gd luck."
Ps:.......The cheapest Omaha HiLo stt is £2-10p Hu..........I am convinced that is far too expensive for many to learn a highly skilled game.
Hello Tikay, i was just wondering if you could find out if the sky poker tv channel is going to be showing the UKOPS ME semi satellite from the 23rd of december please ? And if so what date and time will it be aired ? They have so far shown 5 different episodes of the satellites from 8th of november to 16th of december, i think you featured on the 1st or 2nd one shown with Redmond Lee. I have set my sky plus box to record all episodes of UKOPS satellites highlights and so far it has recorded 15 ish episodes but it is only 5 different episodes in them 15 airings being shown on a repeat loop i presume. If you could find out if the semi sat from 23rd dec is going to be shown that would be great Tikay, then if its not i can take the setting of my box to record every episode as its wasting all the memory for recording other programmes on my sky box lol Posted by ralpho1127
Hi Ralpho.
I'm afraid it's probable that this Semi-final was not televised - only a few of therm were.
Hi tikay, been playing on sky for a while now, normally small medium cash. however playing only 1 table is quite boring but i cant seem 2 multi table and get all screens in view hence i end up being timed out as the screen flips from table to table. is there a way of having say 4 tables in view at once? how do the players who play 10 or more tables at once do it? Posted by THE_VALLEY
Hi Valley.
Have you tried using "Mini-View"?
If not, give that a try, it really helps, & you can easily fit 4 Tables within the screen of your monitor.
To enable it, open the Table as usual, then go to the top right hand side of the Table, & you'll see a little icon which says "Mini-View", just click it, & hey presto, job done. To revert to "normal view", just click it again, & it reverts to a normal size Table.
Give that a spin, & let me know how you get on, please.
Leg 4 North – Alea Casino, Glasgow 10th March 2012 £110 buy-in, 1 day event (150 player cap) Hi TiKay Can we buy in direct for this event or is it online qualification only. Thanks, Khristian Posted by khrist1977
Morning khrist,
I don't know yet, in truth, it depends how fast the seats go via Satellites.
Alea Glasgow is a fairly small venue, & Sky Poker Events in Glasgow are usually keenly anticipated, hence they "satellite out" fairly quickly. Priority clients, of course, always have the option to buy-in Direct to SPT events.
Satellites will commence almost immediately after SPT Luton (28/29 January), so let's say first week in February.
If there are still plenty of seats available with a week to go to the SPT Glasgow, well yes, they'll be available for Direct Buy-In then, I imagine.
domdom08 hi tikay could recommend a poker book for me as i would like to try and improve my poker,,i"ve only been playing a few months and couldnt get any worse lol,,i hope to hear from you. ps love channel 865 Posted by domdom08
Morning domdom.
I'm, not much of a fan of learning poker from books, nothing beats learning the hard way, by playing & losing. It's the losing bit which teaches us quickest, & best, because losing money concentrates our mind, & hurts our pride.
However, if you want a good book, which covers all aspects of the game, nothing has ever beaten Doyle Brunson's "Super System 2". (The "2" meaning it's an update of the original edition). See....
It's said by the hardcore lads to be out of date, but that's nonsense. Poker is essentially a very simple game, & Doyle has never done a days work in his life. OK, poker has evolved, but the best hand still wins. Get it in good the majority of the time, & you'll be alright.
Also remember the absolute basics - try to raise rather than limp, & positional awareness. The latter is far & away the most important thing, our hands are so much easier to play IN position, & so difficult to play OUT of position. We can also play a far wider range of hands when we are in position.
Limping in? I've yet to meet a winning player who is a serial limper. All winning players bring it in with a Raise. It's that simple.
hi tikay wonder if you can help how to i stop getting beat by numpties?i mean the kind of player that calls a raise under the gun with 10-4 9-3 6-2 all suited and 9 out of 10 catch the flush i play pretty tight and raise in poss with good hand premium, hands if you like and still get shot down time after time no matter how high you bet they still call and catch is it my bad play or they just getting lucky but they get lucky alot for instance i had kk in bb raised £1.60 pre was called buy 6-3 suited they catch the flkush time and time again help please Posted by thecovkid
Hi Covvy.
Did you see the reply by Penguin7? That pretty much said it all.
First up, it's the modern way to demean our opponents by calling them "numpties", "fish", or whatever. First rule of life & poker - RESPECT your opponents, & if you don't, you'll get your backside bitten. I have never called a poker player a "fish" or a "numptie" in my entire life, & I never will. It's just disrespectful.
Now, it's a common misconception that newcomers to poker have, they NEVER expect to be outdrawn, but that's just crazy, & unless you get your head round this aspect, you are never going to enjoy the game.
Look at it like this.
We have A-10, opponent has K-J, & it all goes in, pre-flop.
We are (roughly) a 60% to win the hand, Oppo is 40% to win the hand.
And so, we will win this hand (over the long term) six times in 10. And we will lose it 4 times in 10. It's the 4 times in 10 that you lose it that seems to be the bit that most struggle with.
But, try looking at it from another angle........
If we could ALWAYS get our money in as a 60/40 favourite, we could retire within 12 months, it's like printing money. The maths never lie.
And if it is THAT good - and it is - well surely we should allow oppo to win 4 times in 10 without complaining? Soon, he will be busto. And you?
Well, as Marcellus Wallace said to Butch.....
"....a year from now, when you kicking it in the Caribbean, you gonna say to yourself, "tikay was right....."
Hi Tikay, I don't suppose there is any word from the suits about a prize for Salad24 for winning the HU championship is there? Paul Posted by Lambert180
Hi Paul.
Can you remind me who the runner-up was, please?
I'll sort a little something out for both 1st & 2nd. Not much, but you know what Tesco say.....
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?: [QUOTE]Hi tk, is there any omaha weekly tourney like the omahartigan but maybe with you as the weekly player as we all know you love omaha Posted by seppe
The amount of Omaha liquidity is increasing steadily on Sky Poker now, but although you & I may particularly enjoy Omaha, we must remember that it does not have the mass appeal of NLH, & it never will. If it ever reached 5% of the total site traffic, (& I don't have the numbers to hand) I'd be very surprised. Therefore we cannot focus TOO much on what may become 5% of the traffic at the expense of 95% of the traffic.....
Weekly Omaha Tourney? Yes, I'd love it, & I would deffo play it, Diary permitting. At present, when time permits, I am sticking to Omaha Cash on Sky Poker, which I 2 or 3 Table, & very much enjoy. Come join me one night, you'd have a ball.
got same prob as ralpho have taped 20 hours plus to see primo 3rd dec any chance you put the date on the presenters table so it gives us a clue when it was recorded watched your life history at wet lands me and wife will be going there this summer looks a good day out REALLY enjoy the programes has improved my game. next stage is to play live poker good luck for the new year to all at sky Posted by innit
Thanks innit. Sadly, I doubt that PRIMO from December 3rd will be shown now, it's too far back - sorry. The PRIMO Shows are repeated during the week after transmission, but rarely beyond that. Sorry!
Wetlands? Do try & go there, it's a superb day out, & gets you wonderfully close to nature.
I have read that Sky's liquidity and number of players are increasing massively the last months and that is pretty cool.A regular night will have at least 5000 players online.Great stuff guys.Keep up the good work.
Question for you and the Sky crew: Are you thinking of launching a poker app for mobile phones? I think that this is another way of increasing liquidity in the site.Playing poker on the move.
Hi There TK. I have read that Sky's liquidity and number of players are increasing massively the last months and that is pretty cool.A regular night will have at least 5000 players online.Great stuff guys.Keep up the good work. Question for you and the Sky crew: Are you thinking of launching a poker app for mobile phones? I think that this is another way of increasing liquidity in the site.Playing poker on the move. Posted by GreekWay
If you mean a Mobile App, yes. Personally, I'd say it is more suited to an i-Pad than a mobile Phone, but I'm having on of my pedant days today.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : If you mean a Mobile App, yes. Personally, I'd say it is more suited to an i-Pad than a mobile Phone, but I'm having on of my pedant days today. Posted by Tikay10
Well, I think more people have an Iphone or an Android than those having Ipads.Why exclude the masses then?
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Covvy. Did you see the reply by Penguin7? That pretty much said it all. First up, it's the modern way to demean our opponents by calling them "numpties", "fish", or whatever. First rule of life & poker - RESPECT your opponents, & if you don't, you'll get your backside bitten. I have never called a poker player a "fish" or a "numptie" in my entire life, & I never will. It's just disrespectful. Now, it's a common misconception that newcomers to poker have, they NEVER expect to be outdrawn, but that's just crazy, & unless you get your head round this aspect, you are never going to enjoy the game. Look at it like this. We have A-10, opponent has K-J, & it all goes in, pre-flop. Odds? We are (roughly) a 60% to win the hand, Oppo is 40% to win the hand. And so, we will win this hand (over the long term) six times in 10. And we will lose it 4 times in 10. It's the 4 times in 10 that you lose it that seems to be the bit that most struggle with. But, try looking at it from another angle........ If we could ALWAYS get our money in as a 60/40 favourite, we could retire within 12 months, it's like printing money. The maths never lie. And if it is THAT good - and it is - well surely we should allow oppo to win 4 times in 10 without complaining? Soon, he will be busto. And you? Well, as Marcellus Wallace said to Butch..... "....a year from now, when you kicking it in the Caribbean, you gonna say to yourself, "tikay was right....." Posted by Tikay10
Tikay is there a reason for very poor reception on the double your money tables compared to all other tables, as when i play cash or tournanents there is no problem but on (dym) tables it is chronically slow, its very embarresing holding up other players and missing out on good hands because the screen freezes.
Look forward to your response, incidentally I am connected to Talk Talk.
great nite again just played b h 300 in finished 20th never took 1 bounty great site played all nite best hands all nite going 2 river lost every time all i can say is dont comp about skyjoker best poker site by far yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr thanks sky
Hi Tikay, I'v only recently started playing poker for cash online for a short while and i don't put alot in normally £5 a time as i don't want to lose a great deal but im finding playing low stakes it's nearly impossible to put most of a pot for a few pound, do you think higher stakes should be better ? id say im a ok player i almost always play a relatively strong hands.... Another thing was that i seem to always get drawn on, for example i flop A-5 straight so i decided to bet 2x the big blind, i get raised about 3x my bet so i push all in and get called, he has aces and board runs 5 5 giving him a full house.... this happens an awful lot and there just doesnt seem i can do anything right, i know you will get drawn out on, but it seems i do all the time, im winner on the flop and even the tunr but i get river'd all the time... any tips ? plus how would you say live compares to online ? thanks
These things happen in poker and you obviously think they happen too often to you. But Tikay will only be able to offer condolences ! And calling them numpties wont help.
If you genuinely want to know if you can stop it happening so frequently, get a few hand histories together and post them with your question in the poker clinic. Lots of guys there will help you out. It may be that you are just running bad at the moment but there may also be some small adjustment you can make to your game.
Good luck.
I don't suppose there is any word from the suits about a prize for Salad24 for winning the HU championship is there?
Although this is my site of choice, I had to move away because I had continual problems with the old browser version. Now that you have a good app, my New Year Resolution was to move back.
I was dismayed when the first programme I watched had you and Redmond Lee disparaging players who sit down short stacked at cash tables. The consensus seemed to be that action should be taken to increase min stacks because they "change the dynamic of the game."
Of course it changes the dynamic - so what? Being more or less aggressive, tighter or looser than the other players change the dynamics at the table. This is the essence of poker. I like to sit with only 20 or so Bigs because I find that many players do not understand HOW this changes the dynamics and this is profitable.
I have often heard you state that people are entitled to play their chips any way they choose. Why don't you defend their right to bring as few as they wish to the game with as much vigour?
The most important differences when you sit short stacked is that you are denying yourself fold equity and future implied odds. Many people (e.g. Trevor Harris ;-) would not wish to make these sacrifices and advise against it. Fair enough. The compensaton is that you also deny fold equity and future implied odds to your opponents. The majority of opponents at modest stake tables do not understand this aspect and will regularly offer favourable odds without realising this.
I started sitting short to improve my tournament play. At the early levels, tournament dynamics are very like deep cash games and it is easy to practice this. The dynamics of heads up are different but most of us seldom reach that point of a tournament - and it can be practiced in heads up cash games.
The part of tournament play where practice really pays off is when you get near to or into the cash but find yourself with a below average stack of 15 to 30 blinds. (Below this, decisions are "easy.") The best way to practice this is to sit short stacked at a cash table and close your mind to rebuys.
Redmond changes the dynamics at the table when he uses a large stack (often several hundred bigs) to put pressure on an opponent. No-one would suggest that this is wrong or that excess chips over a particular limit should have to be removed from the table. Why therefore is it frowned upon to be short so that the big stacks cannot pressure you?
To me this is just bullying by the habitual big-stackers and I am a bit disgusted.
Please respond. I would really like to know why we "shorties" are looked on as second class citizens!
We Are Honoured!!
That is all!!
I guess it's the lack of antes on Sky that means it's not used much.
On the Redmond Lee front, his stack is only as big as he's got it up to himself, everyone has the same opportunity to start with the same amount of chips. As you said in your bit about short stacking, how you remove implied odds from your opponents, likewise, it doesnt matter if Redmond has 1000 big blinds on the table, what matters is the effective stack (what Redmond's opponent has) and to be honest, anyone playing at that high a level will know Redmond and won't be whining because he's 'bullying' them.
...........Hi Tony, I c&p'd something I posted in GPC wrt Omaha HiLo and wondered if you knew if Sky had any thoughts (or if anything was in the pipeline) with trying to increase traffic for HiLo........many thanks Billy.
"I would love to learn to play HiLo properly but I'm not really prepared to fritter away my bankroll doing so......I learnt / learning Omaha by playing the freerolls and micro dym's but as yet Sky have not got these running for HiLo (or maybe haven't got the traffic to do so).
My thoughts on getting more players to try HiLo is to get some deepstack freerolls (normal structures would be much less beneficial imo as the game would be over far too quickly for most newbies). I would love to see micro stake HiLo stt's to enable a few of us to get to grips with the game.....gd luck guys.
Ps: wud love to see Penguin/Imber and the regular Omaha players take a lead in getting Sky to achieve this as I'm sure you would have more sway with the the suits etc;....gd luck."
Ps:.......The cheapest Omaha HiLo stt is £2-10p Hu..........I am convinced that is far too expensive for many to learn a highly skilled game.
I'm afraid it's probable that this Semi-final was not televised - only a few of therm were.
Have you tried using "Mini-View"?
If not, give that a try, it really helps, & you can easily fit 4 Tables within the screen of your monitor.
To enable it, open the Table as usual, then go to the top right hand side of the Table, & you'll see a little icon which says "Mini-View", just click it, & hey presto, job done. To revert to "normal view", just click it again, & it reverts to a normal size Table.
Give that a spin, & let me know how you get on, please.
I don't know yet, in truth, it depends how fast the seats go via Satellites.
Alea Glasgow is a fairly small venue, & Sky Poker Events in Glasgow are usually keenly anticipated, hence they "satellite out" fairly quickly. Priority clients, of course, always have the option to buy-in Direct to SPT events.
Satellites will commence almost immediately after SPT Luton (28/29 January), so let's say first week in February.
If there are still plenty of seats available with a week to go to the SPT Glasgow, well yes, they'll be available for Direct Buy-In then, I imagine.
My advice would be to try & satellite in.
Good luck!
I'm, not much of a fan of learning poker from books, nothing beats learning the hard way, by playing & losing. It's the losing bit which teaches us quickest, & best, because losing money concentrates our mind, & hurts our pride.
However, if you want a good book, which covers all aspects of the game, nothing has ever beaten Doyle Brunson's "Super System 2". (The "2" meaning it's an update of the original edition). See....
It's said by the hardcore lads to be out of date, but that's nonsense. Poker is essentially a very simple game, & Doyle has never done a days work in his life. OK, poker has evolved, but the best hand still wins. Get it in good the majority of the time, & you'll be alright.
Also remember the absolute basics - try to raise rather than limp, & positional awareness. The latter is far & away the most important thing, our hands are so much easier to play IN position, & so difficult to play OUT of position. We can also play a far wider range of hands when we are in position.
Limping in? I've yet to meet a winning player who is a serial limper. All winning players bring it in with a Raise. It's that simple.
Did you see the reply by Penguin7? That pretty much said it all.
First up, it's the modern way to demean our opponents by calling them "numpties", "fish", or whatever. First rule of life & poker - RESPECT your opponents, & if you don't, you'll get your backside bitten. I have never called a poker player a "fish" or a "numptie" in my entire life, & I never will. It's just disrespectful.
Now, it's a common misconception that newcomers to poker have, they NEVER expect to be outdrawn, but that's just crazy, & unless you get your head round this aspect, you are never going to enjoy the game.
Look at it like this.
We have A-10, opponent has K-J, & it all goes in, pre-flop.
We are (roughly) a 60% to win the hand, Oppo is 40% to win the hand.
And so, we will win this hand (over the long term) six times in 10. And we will lose it 4 times in 10. It's the 4 times in 10 that you lose it that seems to be the bit that most struggle with.
But, try looking at it from another angle........
If we could ALWAYS get our money in as a 60/40 favourite, we could retire within 12 months, it's like printing money. The maths never lie.
And if it is THAT good - and it is - well surely we should allow oppo to win 4 times in 10 without complaining? Soon, he will be busto. And you?
Well, as Marcellus Wallace said to Butch.....
"....a year from now, when you kicking it in the Caribbean, you gonna say to yourself, "tikay was right....."
Can you remind me who the runner-up was, please?
I'll sort a little something out for both 1st & 2nd. Not much, but you know what Tesco say.....
[QUOTE]Hi tk, is there any omaha weekly tourney like the omahartigan but maybe with you as the weekly player as we all know you love omaha
Posted by seppe
The amount of Omaha liquidity is increasing steadily on Sky Poker now, but although you & I may particularly enjoy Omaha, we must remember that it does not have the mass appeal of NLH, & it never will. If it ever reached 5% of the total site traffic, (& I don't have the numbers to hand) I'd be very surprised. Therefore we cannot focus TOO much on what may become 5% of the traffic at the expense of 95% of the traffic.....
Weekly Omaha Tourney? Yes, I'd love it, & I would deffo play it, Diary permitting. At present, when time permits, I am sticking to Omaha Cash on Sky Poker, which I 2 or 3 Table, & very much enjoy. Come join me one night, you'd have a ball.
Wetlands? Do try & go there, it's a superb day out, & gets you wonderfully close to nature.
Look forward to your response, incidentally I am connected to Talk Talk.
Thedoctor9 (George)