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Ask Tikay?



  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    wat a joke beat kj suited ak suited sit and go i  double chips last 3 out good hands aswell lol still out even joked wif player said i could not go out i did lol just played cash game even winner lolnot me soz shok told cant bother tikka yer site a joke prob barred best hand all nite b4 flop beat wat a bad site sky is but i dond deposit a lot says everything 2 me corrupt  sad sad site nite  all even new players say cant loose even appologise 4 hands says eveything hits sat player 2 nite new said cant play won tourney says evey ting sky a joke yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Posted by shann
    Good afternoon Shann.

    Just give me a little help here - did you raise pre-flop? This may have made all the difference.

    I have to say, Shann, that I can't keep replying to Posts like this. I had a quick look at your previous Posts, & they are all much of a muchness.

    On the 23rd December you Posted.....

    "....great nite on sky again bh aj suited all in had 2 cos not won a hand again shok beat off bingo caller sky loves game over quik make more money wat a joke sky is getting a bad name wonder wy dont say sour grapes same every week and wen i did win would not let me withdraw said i had not deposited enough site joke told off pro leave sky alone bad site...."

    On the 24th December you Posted.....

    "....sit ad go jj would u b live it 4 players him aa wot a shok gave me jjj great gave him aaa i was shoked wy me do u thik sky want me gone i wonder even players i play cant b live it sky is corrupt if u complain u shot not won in weeks but tika will tell u that cards site a joke yes me again ...."

    I've had a good look at all your Posts, & I'm starting to get the impression - it's just a hunch, but not much gets past me - that you may not be entirely happy with Sky Poker.

    I do hope your fortunes take a turn for the better soon, be it here, or wherever you choose to play your poker.

    Take care now.

  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : I'll have 500 on that ! Question for Tikay, regarding the new timed tournaments. Is there any plans to have the same sort of tournies , but with a standard MTT prizepool?   e.g   1st  (most chips)   £80   2nd (second most chips)  £50 3rd   £35 4th   £20  regardless of "exact" chips.
    Posted by 1267
    Thanks 1267 - may I call you "1"?

    No, no plans at present, as far as I know, but down the line, who knows?

    Timed Tournaments are brand new to Sky Poker, & have been extremely well-recieved so far. I suspect the suits thinking here will be "let them settle down for a month or two, see how they pan out, & then, if they need some added zing, or extra bells & whistles, adjust accordingly.

    One quite important facet of the way they have been structured is that they pay a lot "deeper", (thus less variance) & I would imagine Sky Poker, for now, would wish that to continue.

    As to the future, well, who knows, all things are possible.
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thats class, did you put that together Noseybonk ? That brought tears to my eyes listening to it, funniest thing ive heard in a long time, wait until Tikay listens to that. By the way i am still none the wiser to Shanns launguage of chioce, but its a bit easier to understand in audio than in the original written version lol
    Posted by ralpho1127
    I'm not sure it would, given my position, be appropriate to comment further, Ralpho.

  • edited January 2012

    I need to pop outside, don't wait up for me, I may be a while.

  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : I'm not sure it would, given my position, be appropriate to comment further, Ralpho.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hello Tikay, i wasnt looking for you to comment on Noseybonks audio recreation of Shanns rant, i just said wait until Tikay listens to it, i will just presume you have listened to it, i didnt want clarification that you had listened to it and found it hilarious, i just presume you would of. It was not a question for you Tikay. Just thought i would clear it up incase you thought i was trying to get you to leave a comment about the audio, i know you are in no position to start publicly laughing at such serious posts that are left for you. You can just laugh at them privately TIKKA. lol
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hello Tikay, i wasnt looking for you to comment on Noseybonks audio recreation of Shanns rant, i just said wait until Tikay listens to it, i will just presume you have listened to it, i didnt want clarification that you had listened to it and found it hilarious, i just presume you would of. It was not a question for you Tikay. Just thought i would clear it up incase you thought i was trying to get you to leave a comment about the audio, i know you are in no position to start publicly laughing at such serious posts that are left for you. You can just laugh at them privately TIKKA. lol
    Posted by ralpho1127[

    Hi Ralpho,

    Yes, all understood mate. I perhaps should have added a smiley. ;)
  • edited January 2012
    What are you having for dinner? May I suggest chicken, Tikka.

  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    What are you having for dinner? May I suggest chicken, Tikka.
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    i think he may mean Tikay has a dodgy Tika
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    What are you having for dinner? May I suggest chicken, Tikka.
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    I suppose you think thats punny:)
  • edited January 2012

    Any chance you could have a look at this thread, and maybe ask some of the people upstairs to have a look as well? Quite a lot of players seem to be unhappy with micro stakes not being included in happy hour and the rake in low stakes tournaments.

  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?: Any chance you could have a look at this thread, and maybe ask some of the people upstairs to have a look as well? Quite a lot of players seem to be unhappy with micro stakes not being included in happy hour and the rake in low stakes tournaments. Thanks, EvilPingu
    Posted by EvilPingu

    I'm afraid it's "rather difficult" to keep everyone happy, but as I stated on the original thread - once it was bought to my attention - I sent it upstairs.
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thanks 1267 - may I call you "1"? No, no plans at present, as far as I know, but down the line, who knows? Timed Tournaments are brand new to Sky Poker, & have been extremely well-recieved so far. I suspect the suits thinking here will be "let them settle down for a month or two, see how they pan out, & then, if they need some added zing, or extra bells & whistles, adjust accordingly. One quite important facet of the way they have been structured is that they pay a lot "deeper", (thus less variance) & I would imagine Sky Poker, for now, would wish that to continue. As to the future, well, who knows, all things are possible.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I prefer 12.

    I'll certainly look forward to playing more timed tournaments, and hope to see 22 and 33 games in the lobby soon ?
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : I prefer 12. I'll certainly look forward to playing more timed tournaments, and hope to see 22 and 33 games in the lobby soon ?
    Posted by 1267
    I think I'll keep it formal then, & address you as Mr 7.

    There is already a £22 Timed Tournament - "T-T", every evening @ 22.45.

    There are no plans - that I am aware of - to introduce regular, scheduled T-T's at higher buy-ins than £22.

    I am not party to any more information on this than you, but if you think about it, there is not likely to be much demand for T-T's above £22. That is how it would seem to me, anyway.

    However, keep your mincers peeled for the occasional "special" Big Buy-In T-T, (bigger than £33......) with plenty of satellites etc. Coming to a Sky Poker Table near you, soon.  
  • edited January 2012
    hi tikay, ive knocked nlh on the head & ive really got into omaha mainly 20pl im loving it but i aint seen you since my quad 10s beat your ace f/h come back lol. bit of a brag i know. just a fun post ment to be light hearted :)
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Dya know, I can honestly say, there has NEVER been a stage in my entire poker playing life that I have ever had one of these rants about how 'its all fixed'. I really just can't understand that kind of mindset, why can't people understand there are some basic laws of probability in play. If Man Utd are 3-0 after the first half, and they're 1/500 to win, that doesn't mean it will NEVER not happen, it means it's VERY unlikely, but one day a team will come back to draw 3-3. Nothing is a 100% safe bet otherwise bookies wouldn't give you a price on it. Me personally have been going through a bit of a bad patch, been playing loads of HU SnGs and for the last 2 days have lost count how many times people have flopped the nut straight at the same time as me flopping top 2 pair or a set, but I know it's never gonna last (hence why you play small enough stakes to ride out the bad patches)
    Posted by Lambert180
    great analogy Paul ...............and just to prove it does happen, it happened at Anfield when the goal machine that was Razor Ruddock completed the comeback after we went 3 down. although funnily enough I do remember people saying Souness must have pulled an Ace out of his sleeve at half time lol
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay, ive knocked nlh on the head & ive really got into omaha mainly 20pl im loving it but i aint seen you since my quad 10s beat your ace f/h come back lol. bit of a brag i know. just a fun post ment to be light hearted :)
    Posted by dogcharlie

    Mr Charlie!

    Post taken in the intended spirit, Sir, worry not. I doubt I've ever got needled by losing a hand of poker in my life, I leave tilt to the kids.

    I've taken a bit of a break from the nightly Online Poker since Xmas, as I have just moved house, & I need to sort the place out properly. I've also been getting up at 5am every day, as there's a lot going on in my day job with Sky Poker, so I'm a bit wrecked in the evenings. I keep an Online Diary elsewhere, too, & I've been very busy on that since Xmas, writing daily articles & all sorts of eclectic stuff, (golf, football, betting, wildlife, the properties of concrete, etc) which is a bit of a passion with me, I adore writing about this & that.

    I'll re-commence playing Online next week (am at Luton all this weekend), & I'll mostly be playing Omaha Cash, on 3 to 4 Tables per night, just 10p-20p, & 25p-50p mainly. Playing low stakes Omaha cash is terrific fun, I really enjoy it, so worry not, my money will be at your disposal again soon.

    So much to do, so little time....  
  • edited January 2012

    Yikes, over 4,000 Posts on this thread now, wow.

    Many thanks to everyone who helps me with the replies, & keep the questions coming, please.

    Please note that the thread occasionally attracts "rant" Posts, "why is there a pause before the river?", "there are too many flushes on this site", "why does Sky Poker hate me", "I got done by sky again, a rag ace beat my Kings" type nonsense. 

    In future, I will not be replying to any of these, & if they suggest that Sky Poker, it's Staff, or me, are in any way dishonest, or acting improperly, I will have them removed. Enough is enough, & all these libellous remarks are not acceptable.

    Have a good day. ;)
  • edited January 2012
    hi tikay, i realize you can be v.busy but when you get a chance could you check pm. plus also i put thread up gen chat under the heading, who do you think Luton SPT, would like to know who you think.

               many thanks 

  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay, i realize you can be v.busy but when you get a chance could you check pm. plus also i put thread up gen chat under the heading, who do you think Luton SPT, would like to know who you think.            many thanks                    martin
    Posted by spornybol
    Thank you Martin.

    Yes, I have seen the PM, though not had time to reply, as I have been in the studio all day.

    It's a grand thread, & much appreciated, but we already have some special SPT Luton "giveaways" planned, in conjunction with the Live Update, so it does not really add up to give prizes for your thread as well.

    Hope that makes sense, & you understand.  
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thank you Martin. Yes, I have seen the PM, though not had time to reply, as I have been in the studio all day. It's a grand thread, & much appreciated, but we already have some special SPT Luton "giveaways" planned, in conjunction with the Live Update, so it does not really add up to give prizes for your thread as well. Hope that makes sense, & you understand.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    yep no probs, was only a thought.

    gl in luton, esp against the welsh ( diaboot and two jackpot winners) lol
  • edited January 2012
    Hi Tikay you LEGEND!!!!!

    Just wondering if its all possible for you to pull some strings and see if sky could open a betting book on on who will win the spt luton?

    Would be great fun!!!!

  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Tikay you LEGEND!!!!! Just wondering if its all possible for you to pull some strings and see if sky could open a betting book on on who will win the spt luton? Would be great fun!!!!
    Posted by macapaca
    Good morning.

    That's not really possible, I'm afraid, as the actual runners will not be known until several hours after the Tournament commences.

    We have run a book on previous events from time to time, "specials" etc, but the level of interest was fairly low, & does not justify the resource needed to set it all up.

    Look forward to meeting you this weekend.
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Good morning. That's not really possible, I'm afraid, as the actual runners will not be known until several hours after the Tournament commences. We have run a book on previous events from time to time, "specials" etc, but the level of interest was fairly low, & does not justify the resource needed to set it all up. Look forward to meeting you this weekend.
    Posted by Tikay10
    No worries mate see you the weekend

  • edited January 2012

    Hi Tikay

    Do you know what your most profitable game is?  i.e. NLH Deep Stack or Omaha Bounty 

    Have you won more online or live?
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    [QUOTE]Hi Tikay Do you know what your most profitable game is?  i.e. NLH Deep Stack or Omaha Bounty  Have you won more online or live?
    Posted by SUPERSNEDD

    If there is such a thing as an Omaha BH, I've never played one!

    Live or Online? "Live".
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : [QUOTE ]Hi Tikay Do you know what your most profitable game is?  i.e. NLH Deep Stack or Omaha Bounty  Have you won more online or live? Posted by SUPERSNEDD
    If there is such a thing as an Omaha BH, I've never played one! Live or Online? "Live".
    Posted by Tikay10

    LOL, I've never heard of a Omaha BH, but it certainly sounds a mad one
  • edited January 2012

    Has Sky Poker ever considered Step Tournaments?

    Sort of Survivor style, but rather than over 7 nights, they are more like an STT that when they are full they run

    Step 1 entry - £5
    Step 2 entry - £10
    Step 7 - pays out 1st, 2nd and 3rd
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Has Sky Poker ever considered Step Tournaments? Sort of Survivor style, but rather than over 7 nights, they are more like an STT that when they are full they run Step 1 entry - £5 Step 2 entry - £10 etc etc Step 7 - pays out 1st, 2nd and 3rd
    Posted by SUPERSNEDD
    Yes, they have considered them, & all sorts of other stuff.

    Fear not, there is more than enough new stuff coming through, and the Timed Tourneys - which have gone down tremenmdously well - have barely settled down yet.

    More new stuff soon......
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : If there is such a thing as an Omaha BH, I've never played one! Live or Online? "Live". Posted by Tikay10
    LOL, I've never heard of a Omaha BH, but it certainly sounds a mad one
    Posted by SUPERSNEDD

    ooooooh look what I found lol

    Start Date/Time16:40 - 26 JanCash Prize Pool£0Heads Prize Pool£0Buyin + Fee£2 + £0.30DescriptionThis is a Omaha Bounty Hunter tournament. Each player starts with 2000 chips with blind levels increasing every 10 minutes.
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Mr Charlie! Post taken in the intended spirit, Sir, worry not. I doubt I've ever got needled by losing a hand of poker in my life, I leave tilt to the kids. I've taken a bit of a break from the nightly Online Poker since Xmas, as I have just moved house, & I need to sort the place out properly. I've also been getting up at 5am every day, as there's a lot going on in my day job with Sky Poker, so I'm a bit wrecked in the evenings. I keep an Online Diary elsewhere, too, & I've been very busy on that since Xmas, writing daily articles & all sorts of eclectic stuff, (golf, football, betting, wildlife, the properties of concrete, etc) which is a bit of a passion with me, I adore writing about this & that. I'll re-commence playing Online next week (am at Luton all this weekend), & I'll mostly be playing Omaha Cash, on 3 to 4 Tables per night, just 10p-20p, & 25p-50p mainly. Playing low stakes Omaha cash is terrific fun, I really enjoy it, so worry not, my money will be at your disposal again soon. So much to do, so little time....  
    Posted by Tikay10[/Q

    yikes 5am starts rather you than me lol.

    been on abit of tilt the last few days but tonight got most of it back, im determined to make my omaha a success & sticking with it.

    any tips would be welcome & i PROMISE i wont hit quads again ha
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