Hi Tikay.. can u please let me know when the suits are going to register me into the 8K sports on Thursday as i am still not registered and its only 3 days away.. Many Thanks Gaynor aka Dutchess1962 Posted by DUTCHESS62
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : You'll find that the cards play out no differently on Sky Poker than on any other online site or any live card room/casino. So, I would say that it is good for Sky Poker to be run this way. You, on the other hand, may need a reality check. Posted by MereNovice
I can only agree this is what happens in poker. I do however have a question about pocket kings how often on paper should they hold up as ive noticed that they very seldom win. Less than 1 % on a showdown with both players all in pre flop. This happens on all sites also and I dont have any complaints I have learned to fold them every time. I have played on Ladbrokes , Full tilt, Sky (obviously) , Lucky ace, Poker heaven, Poker stars, Titan , Bet fair and Party poker. Maybe Im just unlucky with them but my notes confirm my percentages to be correct as I have kept track of them since July last year only winning with them twice out of 137 times both times I picked up the blinds every other hand seems to be ok. I know it cant be the randomizer as Im sure that they are all different on other sites. Other than this one hand I enjoy the game surely this doesnt happen live. PS this is in no way a complaint just an observation af a freak percentage of wins with a premium hand.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : I can only agree this is what happens in poker. I do however have a question about pocket kings how often on paper should they hold up as ive noticed that they very seldom win. Less than 1 % on a showdown with both players all in pre flop. This happens on all sites also and I dont have any complaints I have learned to fold them every time. I have played on Ladbrokes , Full tilt, Sky (obviously) , Lucky ace, Poker heaven, Poker stars, Titan , Bet fair and Party poker. Maybe Im just unlucky with them but my notes confirm my percentages to be correct as I have kept track of them since July last year only winning with them twice out of 137 times both times I picked up the blinds every other hand seems to be ok. I know it cant be the randomizer as Im sure that they are all different on other sites. Other than this one hand I enjoy the game surely this doesnt happen live. PS this is in no way a complaint just an observation af a freak percentage of wins with a premium hand. Posted by bigred147
If you've had KK all in preflop 137 times and only won two of them then basically you are just really unlucky.
Against a random hand KK should win over 80% of the time, but even if the people you were playing against were only shoving their top 10% of hands then you should win about 70% of them.
Have you got any stats about how often you win with Kings when you don't get all the chips in preflop?
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : If you've had KK all in preflop 137 times and only won two of them then basically you are just really unlucky. Against a random hand KK should win over 80% of the time, but even if the people you were playing against were only shoving their top 10% of hands then you should win about 70% of them. Have you got any stats about how often you win with Kings when you don't get all the chips in preflop? Posted by BelovedLtd
yes it wins ok when there are community cards but the pre flop just doesnt add up. As I say I find it ammusing that they lose so many times pre flop and I am in no way worried about it just a strange statistic which I suppose will happen. Some of the all ins have also been strange e.g. I push all in and get called with 3 8 then the flop comes giving my opponent getting two pair at first it was annoying but now I just avoid them if there is an all in. I can say that K K wins about 40 % of the time against opponents post flop. The actual stats are 231 winning hands to 573 hands played that said in the early months of playing I didnt know when to fold them so there is room for variance in these stats. I will put it down as a bogey hand for me and enjoy playing the other 168 hands available. Good to know they should be winning 70% of the time and I suppose over time this stat would eventually even out.
Hey Tikay hows it going? I just wondered when and if? The sky poker tour will be coming back to manchester. been playing two years online now and it would be great to put a face to all the players on Sky poker. Cheers Tabby.
25 of may i played in tournament, and then were 2 of us left, game collapsed, could do nothing.... sky provides broadband. so one way or another i am blaming sky for taking 2nd place with no chance to respond... And few sec back seen a tournament there same bug acured in 900 guaranteed tournament of 26 of may, from equal chip stack one player won with no respond... 2nd place was desided by bug, he could complain only by a chat but couldn't play.... Who can sort this out.... I lost possibility to earn 20 pounds more, that lad on other tour. lost 100 by taking 2nd place.... and feeling loosing this way is really really bad. Thanks for responding.
P.s. I will check answer tomorow
If You can see how these final hands were played, You will understand what i mean:
Hello, serious mistakes accures on site.... 25 of may i played in tournament, and then were 2 of us left, game collapsed, could do nothing.... sky provides broadband. so one way or another i am blaming sky for taking 2nd place with no chance to respond... And few sec back seen a tournament there same bug acured in 900 guaranteed tournament of 26 of may, from equal chip stack one player won with no respond... 2nd place was desided by bug, he could complain only by a chat but couldn't play.... Who can sort this out.... I lost possibility to earn 20 pounds more, that lad on other tour. lost 100 by taking 2nd place.... and feeling loosing this way is really really bad. Thanks for responding. P.s. I will check answer tomorow If You can see how these final hands were played, You will understand what i mean: https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby?action=go_tnmt_lobby&game_id=2695396https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby?action=go_tnmt_lobby&game_id=2696617 Posted by Martis
Hi Martis,
I cannot help in these matters I'm afraid - you need to deal direct with Customer Care. If the problems were indeed due to a problem with Sky Poker, then I know they will deal with the manner in a fair & equitable way.
Congrats on a nice cash, by the way, very well done.
Hey Tikay hows it going? I just wondered when and if? The sky poker tour will be coming back to manchester. been playing two years online now and it would be great to put a face to all the players on Sky poker. Cheers Tabby. Posted by TABBYCAT
Hi Tabby,
This season's Sky Poker Tour has already been to Manchester, it was Leg One, & as next season's plans have yet to be finalised, I don't know when it will next return to Manchester.
The Grand Final will be held in Nottingham in September, though, which is only an hour South, so maybe we will see you there.
I've been trying to find out what bankroll you need to play hilo. On every site I have been on they measure banrolls in "big bets", not pull-ups, which I can't quite make out. However they all agree that because of the split oppurtunities, the variance should be lower, and the bankroll needed would also be lower than nlhe and omaha.
Hi Tikay Luvs yeh really, Do you remember LML getting her first "Royal" you do, well I got one on the same day but was not able to post it. My Royal was in Holdum game and I think so was LMLs. Having said that do you remember [ probably not me being so forgettable, and you being so busy ] that I tried Omaha for the first time when it was new on Sky. I did come un-stuck and had a moan thinking I had the best hand, only to crash out not knowing the rules. Well thought I would give it another ago after reading the rules { always handy if you want to win } after a few games blimey got to like it and a break from Holdum. Where's this going your asking, well "bingo" or should'nt I use that word as I'm hoping you'll say well played. "OK maybe not!.!!!! The point is, I Popped another Royal so just like your opinion are Royal's easyer to get in Omaha.? Trying to print hand No 261502443 26th May time 21.52pm if you have time. Annie x
Tikay I've been trying to find out what bankroll you need to play hilo. On every site I have been on they measure banrolls in "big bets", not pull-ups, which I can't quite make out. However they all agree that because of the split oppurtunities, the variance should be lower, and the bankroll needed would also be lower than nlhe and omaha. Posted by Wilhelm
Hi Mr Will,
Not an easy question, & in truth, I don't know the answer, but perhaps one of the regulars may be able to help.
But as you allude, variance is MUCH lower in Hi-Lo Omaha, it's just about the lowest poker variance there is really, assuming it's played properly. (See comment about that in my latest Blog).
This particularly applies to Hi-Lo Omaha Cash. Play with care, avoid entering Pots you are only only likely to plit, be VERY selective as to starting-hand criteria, & when you hit your super-drawing hands, bet them big & strong. Normally in Omaha, if the Board pairs, & we are on straights & flushes (pairs, two pairs & even sets are not that good in Omaha), we have to slow down, but if you are on the Lo, then that does not matter, & you can keep pumping up the pot.
Hi Tikay Luvs yeh really, Do you remember LML getting her first "Royal" you do, well I got one on the same day but was not able to post it. My Royal was in Holdum game and I think so was LMLs. Having said that do you remember [ probably not me being so forgettable, and you being so busy ] that I tried Omaha for the first time when it was new on Sky. I did come un-stuck and had a moan thinking I had the best hand, only to crash out not knowing the rules. Well thought I would give it another ago after reading the rules { always handy if you want to win } after a few games blimey got to like it and a break from Holdum. Where's this going your asking, well "bingo" or should'nt I use that word as I'm hoping you'll say well played. "OK maybe not!.!!!! The point is, I Popped another Royal so just like your opinion are Royal's easyer to get in Omaha.? Trying to print hand No 261502443 26th May time 21.52pm if you have time. Annie x Posted by logdon
Hi Annie,
I hope your overseas trip went well.
Firstly, I'm afraid I cannot access Hand ID's of other players - there'd be murders if I could, as I'd have "inside info" - so I can't look at the hand as such.
But Royal Flushes, although extremely pleasing, are much, MUCH more frequent in 4 Card Omaha. Think about it this way - when we play 4 Card Omaha, we have what amounts to SIX different two-card "hands" in our 4 cards. I don't know if that makes it 6 times more likely to hit a Royal - I doubt it somehow - but it sure is a lot more common, or "less rare" in Omaha.
I'm very glad to hear you are enjoying the Omaha - it's a truly beautiful game, with so many subtle nuances, & for me, a refreshing change from the one-dimensional crash-bang-wallop of Texas Hold Em, though it's each to their own.
I even play, in B & M venues, 6 card Omaha - in that, we have no less than FIFTEEN 2 card holdings, so in that, Royal Flushes & quads are almost two-a-penny.
By the bye, if you are puzzled how there come to be "6 hands" per 4 card Omaha hand, or 15 "hands" per 6 card Omaha hand, see below. In fact, if we play Hi-Lo, well those figures all increase again, because we are, in effect, playin two SEPERATE games in one hand.
High Only 4 card Omaha Hands.
Assume we name our 4 cards A, B, C & D. Out 2 card hands are......
I have recently found myself with a moral dilemma, 50% poker related. Which i reckon, maybe at one point of your successful career, you found yourself with. You see, I like to be part of the 'sky poker' community, I even like the discussions with people I sometimes don't seem to get along with. However, i have studied a lot, an awful lot, and begin to worry that when I post some poker help, that maybe i'm giving my game away by giving advice. I have no intention of becoming the poker queen or travel about playing big tournaments (I don't do tournaments) I just want to have something to do whilst being at home doing dishes and nurture my family but do you honestly think I would do my free time profits harm if I was to sponge out what i've absorbed. I take my poker serious but I don't reckon, so serious that I shouldn't share it.
God, lets to to the question (I didn't even know what the question was at the start of my typing), oh (and i'm not calling you God either)
How much do you think it effects your profitablilty when you post your advice in front of 100 eyes and is there a moral benefit that would conquer all.
Thanks TK And here's me looking at the pretty pictures, not my ABC. Back to School. No wonder your so busy, that was some in-depth explanation. Thought you would just say , yes they are more common. Don't know if I can get my head round all that, just yet.!!!! Sorry about the Holdum "Hubby" spin on game.? I will still play mostly hold'em, also going to try deepies. Lovely holiday but missed my Poker three months like prison sentence. Thank you, you are the best better than all the rest.!!!! Annie x
In Response to Unfair final 2 finish : Hi Martis, I cannot help in these matters I'm afraid - you need to deal direct with Customer Care. If the problems were indeed due to a problem with Sky Poker, then I know they will deal with the manner in a fair & equitable way. Congrats on a nice cash, by the way, very well done. Posted by Tikay10
Why is it that the players on sky poker are so bad? I have been playing 5p 10p games and it seems impossible for any of the players to fold. I resorted to making raises of 10 x the big blind and still was called by morons with J,2 off suit, I am a very tight player and can't beleive when I am getting AA,KK,QQ,JJ AND RAISING 10 X the blind I am still being called by these idiots who consitantly out draw me and call all the way to the river. I think I will stick to poker stars where the standard is much higer even in the low stakes games. If I had your job I would have to just tell it how it is, I would simply say why don't you all stick at playing snap you bunch of c***s!!!
why is it there are far to many straight draws on this site theres 1 every other hand its awful game play????? Posted by hulk24
Sorry Hulk, I don't really understand your question.
Could you elaborate, please?
FWIW, every flop, on every onlline poker site on earth, & every B & M poker game, has a straight draw, albeit often only a runner-runner-straight draw. Every "turn" has a straight-draw, too.
Sky Poker use exactly the same poker rules as everyone else.
PS - Geeky factoid # 1.
For a straight to complete, either a 5 or a 10 HAS to be involved.
Geeky Factoid # 2.
The best bluff I ever saw was in the WSOP $10,000 Omaha Bracelet Event. Geezer had a starting hand of 10-10-10-10, which is just about as bad a starting hand as it is possible to have. The Board came A-K-Q-J-7, & our Hero therefore KNEW nobody could have the obvious nut straight here. So he played it mega-slow, & then check-raised, & took it down. Because he knew, 100%, nobody could call.
There are 4 other Hi-Lo articles in the same series, too - see "Strategy Articles" on the lower left hand side of the Page I have linked you to.
Above all.....
1) Do NOT enter pots unless you think you have some semblance of a chance to win BOTH Pots.
2) Remember that hands like (which include) A-K & A-Q, which are almost "premium" in Hold Em, are pretty useless in any form of Omaha.
3) Even Aces - A-A-x-x single-suited are not much cop in any form of Omaha UNLESS you can get it heads up pre, & even then are not much of a favourite against 4 random cards. A-A-9-3 single suited is only EVEN Money in regular Omaha - barely favourite - against, say, 7-8-9-10 Double-Suited. (51% v 49% in fact, so a "flip"). I am referring to what might be known as "bad aces" - say, A-A-9-3 single suited, as opposed to "good Aces", (A-A-9-3 Double Suited) where in the same hand, the odds would now become 60%-40%. So even the difference between "good" & "bad" Aces is massive in Omaha.
4) Forget EVERYTHING you know about hand-rankings from Hold Em if you wish to play Omaha regular, or Omaha Hi-Lo, profitably. If you try to transfer hand-rankings & starting hand criteria from Hold Em to Omaha you will lose all your money. And fast. They are totally different games, (as different as Rugby League & Rugby Union) & the necessary skillset does not easily transfer across.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Yes Michael - see the article HERE There are 4 other Hi-Lo articles in the same series, too - see "Strategy Articles" on the lower left hand side of the Page I have linked you to. Above all..... 1) Do NOT enter pots unless you think you have some semblance of a chance to win BOTH Pots. 2) Remember that hands like (which include) A-K & A-Q, which are almost "premium" in Hold Em, are pretty useless in any form of Omaha. 3) Even Aces - A-A-x-x single-suited are not much cop in any form of Omaha UNLESS you can get it heads up pre, & even then are not much of a favourite against 4 random cards. A-A-9-3 single suited is only EVEN Money in regular Omaha - barely favourite - against, say, 7-8-9-10 Double-Suited. (51% v 49% in fact, so a "flip"). I am referring to what might be known as "bad aces" - say, A-A-9-3 single suited, as opposed to "good Aces", (A-A-9-3 Double Suited) where in the same hand, the odds would now become 60%-40%. So even the difference between "good" & "bad" Aces is massive in Omaha. 4) Forget EVERYTHING you know about hand-rankings from Hold Em if you wish to play Omaha regular, or Omaha Hi-Lo, profitably. If you try to transfer hand-rankings & starting hand criteria from Hold Em to Omaha you will lose all your money. And fast. They are totally different games, (as different as Rugby League & Rugby Union) & the necessary skillset does not easily transfer across. Posted by Tikay10
Thanks Tony for answering so quickly have just had a quick look at the link there's quite a bit of info to take in so i will study it more over the weekend as for the month of June i will be playing more of hi-lo cash tables very much appreciate the info above
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thanks Tony for answering so quickly have just had a quick look at the link there's quite a bit of info to take in so i will study it more over the weekend as for the month of June i will be playing more of hi-lo cash tables very much appreciate the info above many thanks michael Posted by DTWBANDIT
You are most welcome Michael.
Thank you also for the PM you sent me drawing attention to your Forum Post. I replied to that, too.
why does no one post on my posts and my account has been hacked for a £100. no help from sky, no help from the communicaty. NOTHING. SO COULD YOU HELP ME???
Tikay ... How do you manage to get proficient at all the games in Dealers Choice. I was just wondering rather then actually intending to dip my toe Keep Smiling HAL_9000 Posted by HAL_9000
In short, you don't.
The games you are not good at, or don't like, you can "sit-out" from.
When playing DC, I prefer to avoid Irish, Pineapple, Paduki, & especially Hold Em, so when someone selects any of those, I just say to the Dealer "deal me out please".
Given the choice, I only play Omaha High, Omaha Hi-Lo, Super-Stud, Stud, Hi-Lo Stud, & Lowball.
Tikay, does sky take a rake from winnings on MTT holdem tournaments. Of late my balance does not appear to reflect my total winnings from tournaments. Kind regards Posted by gingerlama
Hi gingerllama,
No - there are NO deductions from Tournament winnings. A "registration fee" is taken in advance, & that's it, nothing else.
If you have a genuine Account Query, probably best to speak to Customer Care.
To check your winnings (or "losings"!), click "My Account" at the top left of the page, & all your "ins & outs" are clearly displayed there.
Delighted to hear you have been winning - nice one, keep it up.
Good luck on Thursday - win the lot!
If you've had KK all in preflop 137 times and only won two of them then basically you are just really unlucky.
Against a random hand KK should win over 80% of the time, but even if the people you were playing against were only shoving their top 10% of hands then you should win about 70% of them.
Have you got any stats about how often you win with Kings when you don't get all the chips in preflop?
Just responding to the mastercash show.
I reckon the reason i flated with the straisght on the end is their was a potnetial flush on board.
Good show Tikay I enjoyed it a lot.
How can you win a hand when your hole cards are face down for the first two levels
and you can't bet as no betting/fold options are displayed?
Hi Redking
I've replied to your thread - hopefully that'll help you out. If you need anything else - just shout.
Hello, serious mistakes accures on site....

25 of may i played in tournament, and then were 2 of us left, game collapsed, could do nothing.... sky provides broadband. so one way or another i am blaming sky for taking 2nd place with no chance to respond... And few sec back seen a tournament there same bug acured in 900 guaranteed tournament of 26 of may, from equal chip stack one player won with no respond... 2nd place was desided by bug, he could complain only by a chat but couldn't play.... Who can sort this out.... I lost possibility to earn 20 pounds more, that lad on other tour. lost 100 by taking 2nd place.... and feeling loosing this way is really really bad. Thanks for responding.
P.s. I will check answer tomorow
If You can see how these final hands were played, You will understand what i mean:
I cannot help in these matters I'm afraid - you need to deal direct with Customer Care. If the problems were indeed due to a problem with Sky Poker, then I know they will deal with the manner in a fair & equitable way.
Congrats on a nice cash, by the way, very well done.
This season's Sky Poker Tour has already been to Manchester, it was Leg One, & as next season's plans have yet to be finalised, I don't know when it will next return to Manchester.
The Grand Final will be held in Nottingham in September, though, which is only an hour South, so maybe we will see you there.
I've been trying to find out what bankroll you need to play hilo. On every site I have been on they measure banrolls in "big bets", not pull-ups, which I can't quite make out. However they all agree that because of the split oppurtunities, the variance should be lower, and the bankroll needed would also be lower than nlhe and omaha.
Not an easy question, & in truth, I don't know the answer, but perhaps one of the regulars may be able to help.
But as you allude, variance is MUCH lower in Hi-Lo Omaha, it's just about the lowest poker variance there is really, assuming it's played properly. (See comment about that in my latest Blog).
This particularly applies to Hi-Lo Omaha Cash. Play with care, avoid entering Pots you are only only likely to plit, be VERY selective as to starting-hand criteria, & when you hit your super-drawing hands, bet them big & strong. Normally in Omaha, if the Board pairs, & we are on straights & flushes (pairs, two pairs & even sets are not that good in Omaha), we have to slow down, but if you are on the Lo, then that does not matter, & you can keep pumping up the pot.
I hope your overseas trip went well.
Firstly, I'm afraid I cannot access Hand ID's of other players - there'd be murders if I could, as I'd have "inside info" - so I can't look at the hand as such.
But Royal Flushes, although extremely pleasing, are much, MUCH more frequent in 4 Card Omaha. Think about it this way - when we play 4 Card Omaha, we have what amounts to SIX different two-card "hands" in our 4 cards. I don't know if that makes it 6 times more likely to hit a Royal - I doubt it somehow - but it sure is a lot more common, or "less rare" in Omaha.
I'm very glad to hear you are enjoying the Omaha - it's a truly beautiful game, with so many subtle nuances, & for me, a refreshing change from the one-dimensional crash-bang-wallop of Texas Hold Em, though it's each to their own.
I even play, in B & M venues, 6 card Omaha - in that, we have no less than FIFTEEN 2 card holdings, so in that, Royal Flushes & quads are almost two-a-penny.
By the bye, if you are puzzled how there come to be "6 hands" per 4 card Omaha hand, or 15 "hands" per 6 card Omaha hand, see below. In fact, if we play Hi-Lo, well those figures all increase again, because we are, in effect, playin two SEPERATE games in one hand.
High Only 4 card Omaha Hands.
Assume we name our 4 cards A, B, C & D. Out 2 card hands are......
In 6 card High Only, it would be.....
I have recently found myself with a moral dilemma, 50% poker related. Which i reckon, maybe at one point of your successful career, you found yourself with. You see, I like to be part of the 'sky poker' community, I even like the discussions with people I sometimes don't seem to get along with. However, i have studied a lot, an awful lot, and begin to worry that when I post some poker help, that maybe i'm giving my game away by giving advice. I have no intention of becoming the poker queen or travel about playing big tournaments (I don't do tournaments) I just want to have something to do whilst being at home doing dishes and nurture my family but do you honestly think I would do my free time profits harm if I was to sponge out what i've absorbed. I take my poker serious but I don't reckon, so serious that I shouldn't share it.
God, lets to to the question (I didn't even know what the question was at the start of my typing), oh (and i'm not calling you God either)
How much do you think it effects your profitablilty when you post your advice in front of 100 eyes and is there a moral benefit that would conquer all.
Why is it that the players on sky poker are so bad? I have been playing 5p 10p games and it seems impossible for any of the players to fold. I resorted to making raises of 10 x the big blind and still was called by morons with J,2 off suit, I am a very tight player and can't beleive when I am getting AA,KK,QQ,JJ AND RAISING 10 X the blind I am still being called by these idiots who consitantly out draw me and call all the way to the river. I think I will stick to poker stars where the standard is much higer even in the low stakes games. If I had your job I would have to just tell it how it is, I would simply say why don't you all stick at playing snap you bunch of c***s!!!
Could you elaborate, please?
FWIW, every flop, on every onlline poker site on earth, & every B & M poker game, has a straight draw, albeit often only a runner-runner-straight draw. Every "turn" has a straight-draw, too.
Sky Poker use exactly the same poker rules as everyone else.
PS - Geeky factoid # 1.
For a straight to complete, either a 5 or a 10 HAS to be involved.
Geeky Factoid # 2.
The best bluff I ever saw was in the WSOP $10,000 Omaha Bracelet Event. Geezer had a starting hand of 10-10-10-10, which is just about as bad a starting hand as it is possible to have. The Board came A-K-Q-J-7, & our Hero therefore KNEW nobody could have the obvious nut straight here. So he played it mega-slow, & then check-raised, & took it down. Because he knew, 100%, nobody could call.
hi tikay have been playing 2p/4p hi-lo do you have any tips or strategy for starting hands?? dtw
There are 4 other Hi-Lo articles in the same series, too - see "Strategy Articles" on the lower left hand side of the Page I have linked you to.
Above all.....
1) Do NOT enter pots unless you think you have some semblance of a chance to win BOTH Pots.
2) Remember that hands like (which include) A-K & A-Q, which are almost "premium" in Hold Em, are pretty useless in any form of Omaha.
3) Even Aces - A-A-x-x single-suited are not much cop in any form of Omaha UNLESS you can get it heads up pre, & even then are not much of a favourite against 4 random cards. A-A-9-3 single suited is only EVEN Money in regular Omaha - barely favourite - against, say, 7-8-9-10 Double-Suited. (51% v 49% in fact, so a "flip"). I am referring to what might be known as "bad aces" - say, A-A-9-3 single suited, as opposed to "good Aces", (A-A-9-3 Double Suited) where in the same hand, the odds would now become 60%-40%. So even the difference between "good" & "bad" Aces is massive in Omaha.
4) Forget EVERYTHING you know about hand-rankings from Hold Em if you wish to play Omaha regular, or Omaha Hi-Lo, profitably. If you try to transfer hand-rankings & starting hand criteria from Hold Em to Omaha you will lose all your money. And fast. They are totally different games, (as different as Rugby League & Rugby Union) & the necessary skillset does not easily transfer across.
many thanks michael
Thank you also for the PM you sent me drawing attention to your Forum Post. I replied to that, too.
no help from sky, no help from the communicaty.
In short, you don't.
The games you are not good at, or don't like, you can "sit-out" from.
When playing DC, I prefer to avoid Irish, Pineapple, Paduki, & especially Hold Em, so when someone selects any of those, I just say to the Dealer "deal me out please".
Given the choice, I only play Omaha High, Omaha Hi-Lo, Super-Stud, Stud, Hi-Lo Stud, & Lowball.
Kind regards
No - there are NO deductions from Tournament winnings. A "registration fee" is taken in advance, & that's it, nothing else.
If you have a genuine Account Query, probably best to speak to Customer Care.
To check your winnings (or "losings"!), click "My Account" at the top left of the page, & all your "ins & outs" are clearly displayed there.
Delighted to hear you have been winning - nice one, keep it up.