What is your oppinion of adding a multi table tournament double your money to sky poker. I think it would give players new to the game a chance to get involved in multi table tournaments with a realistic chance to get in the money and give them more confidence. Do you think its worth asking the rest of the players if they would like or dislike this idea.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Tabby, This season's Sky Poker Tour has already been to Manchester, it was Leg One, & as next season's plans have yet to be fina lisedI don't know when it will next return to Manchester. The Grand Final will be held in Nottingham in September, though, which is only an hour South, so maybe we will see you there. Posted by Tikay10
Tikay can you put a good word in for blackpool for next year lol - i'd love a close one - I'm a Morecambe Bay boy so wouldn't even need a hotel for that one
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Tikay can you put a good word in for blackpool for next year lol - i'd love a close one - I'm a Morecambe Bay boy so wouldn't even need a hotel for that one Posted by ACESOVER8s
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi HAL, In short, you don't. The games you are not good at, or don't like, you can "sit-out" from. When playing DC, I prefer to avoid Irish, Pineapple, Paduki, & especially Hold Em, so when someone selects any of those, I just say to the Dealer "deal me out please". Given the choice, I only play Omaha High, Omaha Hi-Lo, Super-Stud, Stud, Hi-Lo Stud, & Lowball. Posted by Tikay10
Cheers Boss
I notice a healthy "dislike" for Holdem creeping in now that OHL is on the Sky scene
A Forum regular, who Posts a lot of advice - good advice, to - in the "Poker Clinic", asked a question on here, then removed it, as they felt I was a little too busy to reply, & it was a complex question. But I remembered the question, & answered some of it privately via PM.
The gist of the question was this.
By giving good advice in "The Poker Clinic", are they giving away the secrets of their own game, & therefore decreasing their ability to make a profit, & if so, should they cease giving poker advice?
I replied, & with factual stats to back it up, that the chances of that happening were very remote indeed. I proved, mathematically, that the chances were 1 in several thousand of anyone who shares a Table with him/her of even seeing the replies, in fact.
But there was also another angle to this.
Helping others to improve themselves is surely one of THE great joys in life. "It's good to give", nothing is more satisfying, surely? We were all hopeless when we began at poker, some of us still are, in fact, but we remember with gratitude & affection those who helped us in our early days, do we not?
Heres a story, 100% true, which demonstrates my view.
I have a hero in business life, a man by the name of Warren Buffett, & I have every book ever written about him, & there are many.
Google or wiki him, he's probably America's richest man, or nearly so. He's a very odd man, too, very morally upright, very "humane" as to how he makes money. At the last count, he was worth £42 BILLION. He has children, but instead of leaving the cash to them, he has bequeathed almost every cent to The Gates Foundation, a most worthy Charity run by Bill Gates, he of Microsoft, & Bill's wife, Melinda.
He made his money by following certain investment principles. No matter what the current vogue, no matter how out of touch they claimed he was (he's over 80 now), he stuck to his guns, did it HIS way, & achieved quite astounding returns. For him, AND his Clients. In poker, the equivelant would be Tom Dwan, or whoever, who seems unbeatably good.
But here's the thing. Lots of people wondered how he did it, what was the secret, & he developed a following, people "coat-tailing" him, trying to find his secret.
So he told them how he does it. Everything, he held nothing back. He spends THREE DAYS A WEEK doing this, & has even set up a Classroom cum Conference Centre in the little town he lives in. (Which, by the way, is called "Omaha"). The "students" arrive by the bus-load, two sessions per day, & after the seminars, he takes them all to dinner. At his expense. He does not charge a cent for any of this, it's all 100% free.
Asked why, he just says "what is it to make money & succeed, if I cannot have the pleasure & satisfaction of helping others do the same? I may die rich, but I'd rather die knowing I helped a few along the way. And I like to be liked - surely, most of us do, don't we?".
And how did he become so clever, how did he learn to do what he does so well? Simple. Another guy taught him, exactly as he teaches others. (The other guy was called Ben Graham).
Who are we to argue with Warren Buffett, & Ben Graham, who has made, personally, more money for himself, & millions of others, than any living American, despite telling everyone how he does it?
So that's my answer. Give a little, it does no harm, & lots of good.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Cheers Boss I notice a healthy "dislike" for Holdem creeping in now that OHL is on the Sky scene Keep Smiling HAL_9000 Posted by HAL_9000
Good question! But the reply will have to wait until tomorrow, I'm afraid, as I am off out now.
Why is this site full of bad players, which rely on luck and get given it by the bad software, also all these players use that stupid idea that some cleaver sod thought would be good to put on the website and thats called the 'hot-o-meter' this needs to go its turning players into fishs and making players think hands such a K10 are good cards, if you were to ask a professional if they play K10 they would say no its a rag hand suited or not!
Why is this site full of bad players, which rely on luck and get given it by the bad software, also all these players use that stupid idea that some cleaver sod thought would be good to put on the website and thats called the 'hot-o-meter' this needs to go its turning players into fishs and making players think hands such a K10 are good cards, if you were to ask a professional if they play K10 they would say no its a rag hand suited or not! Posted by JMCB
Wow, software that "gives" luck. I wish that I had the patent on that. If this site is truly made up of bad players, then just rejoice and make the most of it.
As for the "hot-o-meter", I think that it's just there for a bit of fun. I'm pretty sure that no-one would take it seriously - certainly not for long.
Why is this site full of bad players, which rely on luck and get given it by the bad software, also all these players use that stupid idea that some cleaver sod thought would be good to put on the website and thats called the 'hot-o-meter' this needs to go its turning players into fishs and making players think hands such a K10 are good cards, if you were to ask a professional if they play K10 they would say no its a rag hand suited or not! Posted by JMCB
Sounds like someone lost to K 10 when they felt they shouldnt
As for the "bad" software helping lucky players I played on 5 different sites over the weekend and got lucky on all of them so "bad" software isnt exclusive to Sky
Then again I also got unlucky on all of them, so maybe we will just put it down to variance
Why is this site full of bad players, which rely on luck and get given it by the bad software, also all these players use that stupid idea that some cleaver sod thought would be good to put on the website and thats called the 'hot-o-meter' this needs to go its turning players into fishs and making players think hands such a K10 are good cards, if you were to ask a professional if they play K10 they would say no its a rag hand suited or not! Posted by JMCB
if you were to ask a pro he would tell you that he'll play any hand dependant on the situation. This is a situation based game not a game of who has the best cards - Remember that and you'll go far my friend lol
Seriously though, the software doesn't dictate who wins and any cards are good cards in the right situation
P.S you look to be doing well at MTT's but very badly at STT's (my problem is not unlike yours) I'm going to quit stt's as i don't make any money from them - You've dumped 2/3rds of your profit from MTT's playing sit n go's. I'd look at my own game before just throwing random comments out
Just started on skypoker site and was fortunate enough to hit the final table of a tournament here. Advanced on to go head 2 head (with fairly equal stacks) with the eventual winner and was overall quite pleased with my play but the question I have is this:
I was comfortable with the play up to and including the final table until I got to head2head and then I found the pace of play and the size of the blinds completely running away with me. Do you have any advice when going head 2 head?
If you unregister you will just lose your seat, however if you can play next Thursday i'd have a word with customer services and see if you can transfer it to that game instead. Not sure if they CAN do that but it won't hurt to ask.
Hi Tikay, first forum post! (Apart from wishing SkyPoker Happy Birthday!) Relativley new to online poker but play alot of live play, reasonably successfully (Only been 18 since December and poker has been my life since!)
I'll be honest, i'm not doing well atall ! struggling with the transition between live and online play. As a student i don't have much money so BR hasn't ever been above £50! Currently on around £30.
Is there a way to manage this well? Or do you think it would be best to save some pennies up and invest more?
Hi Tikay, first forum post! (Apart from wishing SkyPoker Happy Birthday!) Relativley new to online poker but play alot of live play, reasonably successfully (Only been 18 since December and poker has been my life since!) I'll be honest, i'm not doing well atall ! struggling with the transition between live and online play. As a student i don't have much money so BR hasn't ever been above £50! Currently on around £30. Is there a way to manage this well? Or do you think it would be best to save some pennies up and invest more ? Cheers, Sam. Posted by MintSam
Hi MintSam
Welcome to Sky Poker and the forum, most of the players use the 5% rule where we will risk no more than 5% of our bankroll in any game, I found grinding up in the micro stakes Sit and Go Double you monies.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi MintSam Welcome to Sky Poker and the forum, most of the players use the 5% rule where we will risk no more than 5% of our bankroll in any game, I found grinding up in the micro stakes Sit and Go Double you monies. Posted by acebarry10
Oh right ok, so literally like £2 DYM's and 2p-4p cash tables? NOT had a good day today, decided to play the 3k double stack. Had 10k just after the break and decided to make the most outrageous play betting the pot with air on a 10 high board which probably would of worked in live play. Still, I'll get used to the tinternet. BR £19
Thanks for replying mate i thought everyone was just going to leave me hanging :P
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Oh right ok, so literally like £2 DYM's and 2p-4p cash tables? NOT had a good day today, decided to play the 3k double stack. Had 10k just after the break and decided to make the most outrageous play betting the pot with air on a 10 high board which probably would of worked in live play. Still, I'll get used to the tinternet. BR £19 Thanks for replying mate i thought everyone was just going to leave me hanging :P Posted by MintSam
Lol, we always answer, not maybe straight away, but we do answer, yup low DYm,s and low cash, the problem is, if you dont, you end up playing with scared money and lose your temper, good luck on the tables
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Oh right ok, so literally like £2 DYM's and 2p-4p cash tables? NOT had a good day today, decided to play the 3k double stack. Had 10k just after the break and decided to make the most outrageous play betting the pot with air on a 10 high board which probably would of worked in live play. Still, I'll get used to the tinternet. BR £19 Thanks for replying mate i thought everyone was just going to leave me hanging :P Posted by MintSam
I was given a bit of advice never try to bluff if there is an ace or a ten on the flop as it is likely that someone has called with a rag ace trying to get two pair or if there is a ten, then someone has a good drawing hand as most players call face cards hoping to catch something on the flop.
hi tikay . this is not a question , but a request . i posted a poker version of the poem " if " on general chat . have a read . when i did it i imagined it was you reciting it . passing down good advise as you do on the box . if you do please read greghoggs edited version as he kindly cleaned it up for me .
If Sky made a movie about your life, do you agree Michael Caine should play you or do you think somkeone else would be better? If so, then who? Posted by Ms_Chips
Train A, traveling 70 miles per hour (mph), leaves Westford heading toward Eastford, 260 miles away. At the same time Train B, traveling 60 mph, leaves Eastford heading toward Westford. When do the two trains meet? How far from each city do they meet?
You need to google super6 password, I am sorry, but passwords for ouside tournys are never given out on the forum
Tikay can you put a good word in for blackpool for next year lol - i'd love a close one - I'm a Morecambe Bay boy so wouldn't even need a hotel for that one
If you mean the Birthday freeroll it is in red i this section of the forum.
+1 that would be awesome
A Forum regular, who Posts a lot of advice - good advice, to - in the "Poker Clinic", asked a question on here, then removed it, as they felt I was a little too busy to reply, & it was a complex question. But I remembered the question, & answered some of it privately via PM.
The gist of the question was this.
By giving good advice in "The Poker Clinic", are they giving away the secrets of their own game, & therefore decreasing their ability to make a profit, & if so, should they cease giving poker advice?
I replied, & with factual stats to back it up, that the chances of that happening were very remote indeed. I proved, mathematically, that the chances were 1 in several thousand of anyone who shares a Table with him/her of even seeing the replies, in fact.
But there was also another angle to this.
Helping others to improve themselves is surely one of THE great joys in life. "It's good to give", nothing is more satisfying, surely? We were all hopeless when we began at poker, some of us still are, in fact, but we remember with gratitude & affection those who helped us in our early days, do we not?
Heres a story, 100% true, which demonstrates my view.
I have a hero in business life, a man by the name of Warren Buffett, & I have every book ever written about him, & there are many.
Google or wiki him, he's probably America's richest man, or nearly so. He's a very odd man, too, very morally upright, very "humane" as to how he makes money. At the last count, he was worth £42 BILLION. He has children, but instead of leaving the cash to them, he has bequeathed almost every cent to The Gates Foundation, a most worthy Charity run by Bill Gates, he of Microsoft, & Bill's wife, Melinda.
He made his money by following certain investment principles. No matter what the current vogue, no matter how out of touch they claimed he was (he's over 80 now), he stuck to his guns, did it HIS way, & achieved quite astounding returns. For him, AND his Clients. In poker, the equivelant would be Tom Dwan, or whoever, who seems unbeatably good.
But here's the thing. Lots of people wondered how he did it, what was the secret, & he developed a following, people "coat-tailing" him, trying to find his secret.
So he told them how he does it. Everything, he held nothing back. He spends THREE DAYS A WEEK doing this, & has even set up a Classroom cum Conference Centre in the little town he lives in. (Which, by the way, is called "Omaha"). The "students" arrive by the bus-load, two sessions per day, & after the seminars, he takes them all to dinner. At his expense. He does not charge a cent for any of this, it's all 100% free.
Asked why, he just says "what is it to make money & succeed, if I cannot have the pleasure & satisfaction of helping others do the same? I may die rich, but I'd rather die knowing I helped a few along the way. And I like to be liked - surely, most of us do, don't we?".
And how did he become so clever, how did he learn to do what he does so well? Simple. Another guy taught him, exactly as he teaches others. (The other guy was called Ben Graham).
Who are we to argue with Warren Buffett, & Ben Graham, who has made, personally, more money for himself, & millions of others, than any living American, despite telling everyone how he does it?
So that's my answer. Give a little, it does no harm, & lots of good.
Don't let me forget, though!
Wow, software that "gives" luck. I wish that I had the patent on that.
If this site is truly made up of bad players, then just rejoice and make the most of it.
As for the "hot-o-meter", I think that it's just there for a bit of fun. I'm pretty sure that no-one would take it seriously - certainly not for long.
Sorry, but this is brilliant.
Sounds like someone lost to K 10 when they felt they shouldnt
As for the "bad" software helping lucky players I played on 5 different sites over the weekend and got lucky on all of them so "bad" software isnt exclusive to Sky
Then again I also got unlucky on all of them, so maybe we will just put it down to variance
Seriously though, the software doesn't dictate who wins and any cards are good cards in the right situation
P.S you look to be doing well at MTT's but very badly at STT's (my problem is not unlike yours) I'm going to quit stt's as i don't make any money from them - You've dumped 2/3rds of your profit from MTT's playing sit n go's. I'd look at my own game before just throwing random comments out
Just started on skypoker site and was fortunate enough to hit the final table of a tournament here. Advanced on to go head 2 head (with fairly equal stacks) with the eventual winner and was overall quite pleased with my play but the question I have is this:
I was comfortable with the play up to and including the final table until I got to head2head and then I found the pace of play and the size of the blinds completely running away with me. Do you have any advice when going head 2 head?
I do love that pic of you on TAKE ON TIKAY..really nice `pic xxxx
I'll be honest, i'm not doing well atall ! struggling with the transition between live and online play. As a student i don't have much money so BR hasn't ever been above £50! Currently on around £30.
Is there a way to manage this well? Or do you think it would be best to save some pennies up and invest more?
Cheers, Sam.
Welcome to Sky Poker and the forum, most of the players use the 5% rule where we will risk no more than 5% of our bankroll in any game, I found grinding up in the micro stakes Sit and Go Double you monies.
NOT had a good day today, decided to play the 3k double stack. Had 10k just after the break and decided to make the most outrageous play betting the pot with air on a 10 high board which probably would of worked in live play. Still, I'll get used to the tinternet.
BR £19
Thanks for replying mate i thought everyone was just going to leave me hanging :P
Lol, we always answer, not maybe straight away, but we do answer, yup low DYm,s and low cash, the problem is, if you dont, you end up playing with scared money and lose your temper, good luck on the tables
Train A, traveling 70 miles per hour (mph), leaves Westford heading toward Eastford, 260 miles away. At the same time Train B, traveling 60 mph, leaves Eastford heading toward Westford. When do the two trains meet? How far from each city do they meet?
thank you