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Ask Tikay?



  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Cashbox Could you please edit your post and remove the opponents names please, If you feel you have suffered abuse on the tables, please contact Customer Care, you can find the contact details at the bottom of the page. Thank you Sky Mod
    Posted by Sky_Mod4
    Names made so they cannot be made out sorry about that. No need to report it I can understand the frustration that leads to it we have all felt it and it wasn't that bad in fairness.

    Tikay thanks for the quick response and I appreciate the comments which are very true. I wouldn't have minded some feedback on my play though as it's always good to have another insight to try and improve my game.
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Names made so they cannot be made out sorry about that. No need to report it I can understand the frustration that leads to it we have all felt it and it wasn't that bad in fairness. Tikay thanks for the quick response and I appreciate the comments which are very true. I wouldn't have minded some feedback on my play though as it's always good to have another insight to try and improve my game.
    Posted by Cashbox
    Any hands your struggling with matey post em in the clinic - you usually gat good solid responses - not just what you did was right/wrong but the reasons for it & how to play similar situations next time.

    Give it a go always worth the time invested.
  • edited November 2010
    Were you in Torquay the other day?

    I was walking through one of our parks and spotted an elderly gentleman (in a strange scarf) feeding the pigeons.  This person was not only feeding the pigeons but also telling them what to do "You've had enough, let someone else have some, you stop being a bully or I won't feed you anymore!"
    As I watched, I noticed one of the pigeons was on the outer edge of the rest and was not able to get any of the lovely seed which was being offered.  I realised this pigeon had some sort of line tangled around it's leg and this was hampering it's movement. The 'pigeon feeder' noticed this birds' injury.  Without a seconds' hesitation the man shouted at the to of his vioce.........

    "If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times... Never Ever Limp!"
  • edited November 2010

    Rumbled, that was me, Smudgesmit!

    This coming Saturday, on the Live Show, I expect to reach a personal milestone - it will be the 1 zillionth time I have said to players "please limp less"! They never listen to me, though, so they are not that daft.

    Fortunately, the better Tourney structures being phased in now do the job for me, because the more technically correct players are cashing time & time again. (Have you seen GliterBabe's results lately?) Long may it last.  
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Deep in $5 rebuys:
    In Response to Deep in $5 rebuys : Hi Mark, That's a really well-constructed & presented Question. I think you are starting fom the wrong place, though. 17th of 1,690 this week, & 67th last week is excellent - there's not much wrong with your game. (More of which shortly). You have to grasp a fundamental though. In 1,700 runner Tourneys, someone like Phil Hellmuth, who, shall we hypothesise, has a decent edge on the fierld in relative terms, will win it, what, one time in 600? 700? And he'll cash 3 times in 10, maybe. There is massive Variance in large-field Tourneys, & you are just are NOT gonna win every one.   Now, your game. Well it seem fine to me, but there's just one trick to remember. The deeper you go, the more aggro you must be. Just gradually fettle the aggro throttle firmer & firmer. Hand ranges? Forget them. Play position, players, "spots", little commando raids on the Blinds. 4-4? Muck it or shove, never call. Be persistently consistent, & look for every single "spot" you can. Unopened Pots in late Position are a golden harvest waiting to be picked, & first one to Bet usually gets the fruit. Good Luck - come & tell us when you get the big scoopio. PS - And, ahem, play more on Sky Poker!
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi Tikay,

    I am back. Been away in France for a while. My game has come on leaps and bounds just following your last few gems of advise. My last 3 SKY poker tournaments have harvested 2 wins. My game is ready for the next level. I will try the primo and some of the bigger tournaments on here between now and christmas.

    I am ready to post some of my findings from the last couple of years. Strategy has moved on but the basics are still always worth remembering.

    See you at the tables

  • edited November 2010
    Just played this evenings £11 SPT event at 10pm which I think is going to be shown on TV at some point. I was looking to win my third tournament from 4 entries. I got heads up but got disconnected! So frustrating only to get reconnected and blinded away in minutes when the chip leader. Is there any compensation for that from SKY? I thought I had his game sussed to and was looking forward to taking him out - so a little sour going to bed.

    Hope to see some hands on TV

  • edited November 2010
    i would just like to say goodbye i think tonite sky exeeded even my form of the f i x i had a pair of 10s my opponent had a pair of 10s you can mabye see where i am going not even my kings against nines my jacks against fours etc and i mean a lot of etc live up to the hand tonite wot odds on a flush. you may say thats poker but if this so called luck had to befall on your blue eyed boys who seem to have all the luck and win most and end up in top ten of most of your tourneys, i say why , percentage wise the top players in the world dont make so many final tables in world poker as your blue eyed boys do on sky poker. in other words stop the f i x and let the cream rise you cannot f i x success. and you will get noware your big players are not so big. so take my advise or fall, because world or euro poker wont put the cards in there lap, and again goodbye  p.s have a look at my hand history and you may see my point
  • edited November 2010

    A "not so serious" question regarding the recent maintenance.

    Can you get them to change the site back to before it happened?
    I was winning then, but since the site came back on I've been out flopped and rivered so many times I think it has been rigged against me!!?
    It was extremely annoying yesterday to put it mildly, not so much this morning.

    Well, you did say to post more?! 

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    i would just like to say goodbye i think tonite sky exeeded even my form of the f i x i had a pair of 10s my opponent had a pair of 10s you can mabye see where i am going not even my kings against nines my jacks against fours etc and i mean a lot of etc live up to the hand tonite wot odds on a flush. you may say thats poker but if this so called luck had to befall on your blue eyed boys who seem to have all the luck and win most and end up in top ten of most of your tourneys, i say why , percentage wise the top players in the world dont make so many final tables in world poker as your blue eyed boys do on sky poker. in other words stop the f i x and let the cream rise you cannot f i x success. and you will get noware your big players are not so big. so take my advise or fall, because world or euro poker wont put the cards in there lap, and again goodbye  p.s have a look at my hand history and you may see my point
    Posted by RAB642
  • edited November 2010

    Does anybody know any funny moves????? My personal fav... The guy's checking before you then calling a hearty raise, obviously fishing, and does so on the flop and then repeats the turn... If the river comes an innocent card and he checks again, trust me, you could fire 1  BB and he would fold his hand instantly... so what i do is just check it in behind them revealing the extent of the guys fishing to the table and in the process embarassing the player fishing... then maybe a cheeky comment saying "you'll never be a fisherman *fish slap*" or "desperate call on the turn pal" either way he'll think twice about fishing against you again...

  • edited November 2010
    tikay you legend. can you ask James underscore Hartigan...daft middle name if you ask me.
    Who is the most famous New York jets quarterback.
    Answer...Flash Gordon....but dont tell him straight away.
  • edited November 2010
    Hello, again!! i have re posted again cuz still no reply ive also made the print please help?????
    I’ve been playing poker now for about 6 months now so still Fairly new to the game. Seem to be doing ok so far though after reading books ect… and watching poker clinic…my question is this:ive been watching some of the top players of sky poker on cash games and have realised that most of them are playing between 6 and 12 tables at a time! Most of them are playing each other on all 12 tables.. How is this possible?(its the same crowd all the time)the ones that are always on sky tv.. And what kind of set up at home do you need to do this? How do you get to work out how payers behave, betting patterns ect..?ive had max 5 tables on my screen watching them and cant keep up watching never mind interested
    P.S maybe some of the players who read this could also help?
    Many thanks
    P.S ive been asking this question on other fourms and they all seem to to talk about *poker Bots* can you explain about this too???

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hello, again!! i have re posted again cuz still no reply ive also made the print please help????? I’ve been playing poker now for about 6 months now so still Fairly new to the game. Seem to be doing ok so far though after reading books ect… and watching poker clinic…my question is this:ive been watching some of the top players of sky poker on cash games and have realised that most of them are playing between 6 and 12 tables at a time! Most of them are playing each other on all 12 tables.. How is this possible?(its the same crowd all the time)the ones that are always on sky tv.. And what kind of set up at home do you need to do this? How do you get to work out how payers behave, betting patterns ect..?ive had max 5 tables on my screen watching them and cant keep up watching never mind interested P.S maybe some of the players who read this could also help? Many thanks    Benny P.S ive been asking this question on other fourms and they all seem to to talk about *poker Bots* can you explain about this too???
    Posted by benny4560
    Hi benny

    Some people have more than one monitor attached to the PC, and can have at least 4 tables per monitor, the more monitors, the more tables thay can play at one time.

    Poker bots, they are a programme written to supposedly play poker and try to beat the odds by calculations of the algorhythms of the Random Number Generater, no poker site will allow them, the software each poker site has can spot them instantly by its play and would freeze the account it plays on.

  • edited November 2010
    after the river  should i fold 1st hand 311493327  at 14 17 18    2ndhand311532471 at 16 52 38 needed to look twice
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    after the river  should i fold 1st hand 311493327  at 14 17 18    2ndhand311532471 at 16 52 38 needed to look twice
    Posted by innit
    Hi innit

    I am afraid that tikay cannot see anyone elses hand histories
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi benny Some people have more than one monitor attached to the PC, and can have at least 4 tables per monitor, the more monitors, the more tables thay can play at one time. Poker bots, they are a programme written to supposedly play poker and try to beat the odds by calculations of the algorhythms of the Random Number Generater, no poker site will allow them, the software each poker site has can spot them instantly by its play and would freeze the account it plays on.
    Posted by acebarry10
    Poker bots are actually computer programmes written to play poker. They do not calculate anything related to Random Number Generators but work using algorithms written to try to produce near optimal play. They vary in sophistication but are largely predictable (and hence exploitable by good players) due to their nature.

    Poker sites routinely monitor action to make sure that these types of programs are not used.

    Some inexperienced players claim that their use is much more widespread than it actually is because they cannot understand how a human being can play so many concurrent tables. However, if you look on  a well known video hosting site, you will be able to find many videos of people playing staggering numbers of tables.

    You can rest assured that the players who seriously multi-table on Sky Poker are real human beings. You can even meet some of them if you turn up at a Sky Poker Tour event.
  • edited November 2010

    hit a royal flush twice in one afternoon is this unusua never happend before is it rare whats the odds

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hit a royal flush twice in one afternoon is this unusua never happend before is it rare whats the odds
    Posted by innit
    The answer is on your other thread
  • edited November 2010
    hello Tikay

    this is my first post on the forums any ideas would be greatly recieved

    i have been watching sky poker (which i this is top notch btw) for a while and now have decided to have a go.

    when i first started i was admittedly hemorrhaging cash like no tomorrow from being to aggressive and lose in wrong places so i have become alot tighter and lowered my range

    Just wanted to get your throught on this today was 1 of many toble that ive sat down at where it was a tight table and i brought in for max which was £8 it was a 4p/8p table but the deck was cold for me for a number of hour what should i be doing move on or grind through it

    ty very much keep up good work
  • edited November 2010
    I was playing in one of the S P T qualifiers earlier today and something strange happened. My hand was raised and I was unable to see my cards. I dont need any action done nor am I going to complain as the blinds were 20/40 and I still had my 3000 stack so the 120 chips didnt affect the game. I obviously had to fold when it came round to me after there was a caller as I still had two cards face down and I would be betting blind. I folded and continued the game with no other problems but what would happen in this situation if it was at a later stage of a tournament?
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    I was playing in one of the S P T qualifiers earlier today and something strange happened. My hand was raised and I was unable to see my cards. I dont need any action done nor am I going to complain as the blinds were 20/40 and I still had my 3000 stack so the 120 chips didnt affect the game. I obviously had to fold when it came round to me after there was a caller as I still had two cards face down and I would be betting blind. I folded and continued the game with no other problems but what would happen in this situation if it was at a later stage of a tournament?
    Posted by bigred147
    Hi Bigred, sorry to hear you had a problem.  I have copied this from another part of the forum, and yes I know it talks about disconnections, but I am 99% sure it also applies to any problems that you encounter.  I would also suggest taking a screenshot if at all possible.

    Thank you for your post.I'm really sorry to hear that you've been experiencing disconnection issues whilst playing on Sky Poker.  In order that we can fully investigate this matter you will need to contact our customer care team and have the following information to hand

    ·         Username
    ·         Poker Alias
    ·         Time of disconnect
    ·         Hand ID (s)
    ·         Has this happened for you before?
    ·         If so when (approx)
    ·         Geographical location of the user
    ·         ISP
    ·         Browser
    ·         Operating System
    ·         Version of flash Player
    ·         Were you running other applications at the time?

    Once the customer care team have all of this information, it will be passed to our technical team for investigation.  They will also endeavour to respond to you within 48 hours.You can get in touch with the team either by free phone (08000 720 882), by email ( or by live chat (links at the bottom of the page).Posting this information on the forum will not ensure a full investigation takes place. Please make the report to our customer care team.Sky Poker is committed to providing a stable gaming platform for our customers and apologise for any inconvenience you may experience while using our service.
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Bigred, sorry to hear you had a problem.  I have copied this from another part of the forum, and yes I know it talks about disconnections, but I am 99% sure it also applies to any problems that you encounter.  I would also suggest taking a screenshot if at all possible. Thank you for your post. I'm really sorry to hear that you've been experiencing disconnection issues whilst playing on Sky Poker.  In order that we can fully investigate this matter you will need to contact our customer care team and have the following information to hand ·          Username ·          Poker Alias ·          Time of disconnect ·          Hand ID (s) ·          Has this happened for you before? ·          If so when (approx) ·          Geographical location of the user ·          ISP ·          Browser ·          Operating System ·          Version of flash Player ·          Were you running other applications at the time? Once the customer care team have all of this information, it will be passed to our technical team for investigation.  They will also endeavour to respond to you within 48 hours. You can get in touch with the team either by free phone (08000 720 882), by email ( ) or by live chat (links at the bottom of the page). Posting this information on the forum will not ensure a full investigation takes place. Please make the report to our customer care team. Sky Poker is committed to providing a stable gaming platform for our customers and apologise for any inconvenience you may experience while using our service.
    Posted by Sky_Mod4
    Thanks for the reply, although it didnt really affect the game I will make customer care aware of what happened.
  • edited November 2010
    Can anyone tell me how to win a hand with K K. I have played them in as many different ways possible since June 2009 and have managed to win less than 5% of the time. One site in particular I find they almost never win. The last 6 times I ve had them they have lost all in pre flop. The odds were that bad that I stopped playing them for 2 or 3 months but after an update saw that they were fairing better but the last 2 months have convinced me that its best just to fold them.
  • edited December 2010
    hi tikay, can u help? i absolutely love sky poker and often find myself prowling the poker lobby looking for
    tournements to enter. The problem is, i tend to get carried away and like a mad man, i start entering tournement after tournement with not much success. I dont have a huge budget so all these buy-ins sometmes bankrupt me. whats your advice on this? I know its crazy.
  • edited December 2010

    Quick question, why the download?? whats the difference??

  • edited December 2010
    No question.  Just a link that I think TK might find interesting cos its some weird machine that looks cool...tbf TK can prob make a bid too
  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Quick question, why the download?? whats the difference??
    Posted by MILLER82
    Basically its much quicker and is a big help to those who multitable.  Also should stop all those annoying disconnections that some players have been experiencing as t takes up less computer memory.
  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    No question.  Just a link that I think TK might find interesting cos its some weird machine that looks cool...tbf TK can prob make a bid too
    Posted by scotty77
    Bit like this lot that was sold on eBay a while back!
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