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SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: tonight's ALL-TOURNAMENT massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds

edited April 2012 in Poker Chat
In Response to SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
We'll have FOUR hours of live , uninterrupted coverage of the Easter Sunday £25K Super Roller.



  • edited April 2012

    You want more tournament coverage on 865?


    Well you’ve got it this Sunday! We'll have FOUR hours of live, uninterrupted coverage of the Easter Sunday £25K Super Roller.


    Driving the show all night will be myself, Richard Orford and Redmond Lee.

    It's our first show together and with nothing but the big game to concentrate on, this is a must-see and, if you can play it, a must-experience.


    So, real simple this time. No competitions, no frills, just watching and playing the live main event all the way till midnight.


    We start at 7 for ‘Tonight on Sky Poker' and the big tourney coverage begins at 8. 


    Make sure you’re playing this Sunday- satellites are still running-and make sure you keep buzzing us with your interesting hands from that tournament. We're just going to do that main event and nothing else.


    Also- the big question of the night.


    Rate yourself as a poker player


    Sum it up, how good do you think you are? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? What’s your killer weapon? What’s your Achilles heel? How far have you come in the last year? You can be serious, or you can be funny, but always be brutally honest.


    Best message contribution on the night via this thread, email or Twitter will win free entry into Thursday Night’s Sky sports Bounty Hunter worth £33.


    So just to recap…

    Easter Sunday 7pm- 12am


    BRING. IT. ON!!!!!!!

  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    I managed to qualify for the tournament tonight through the £24 satellite.  Really looking forward to playing in the tournament and watching the show.
  • edited April 2012

    Should be an amazing tournament and show!
  • edited April 2012

    I might get to see some of my hands played as I managed to qualify for the Roller through a £24 satellite.  Mind you with the structure of this game I might not actually play a hand for the first 4 hours lol.

  • edited April 2012
    VERY excited about this show

  • edited April 2012

    Rate yourself as a poker player

    Better than average at micro- low stakes over 2-3 years

    Progression - Not a lot - I learnt about position for the 1st time at Newcastle SPT almost 2 years back after playing the game for nearly 5 years

    Achhiles Heel - Next to my foot

    Main Weakness - It used to be a nice little extra side income ( not a lot - but enough) , but now whenever i go away for a few days I come back and cant get back into it. I haven,t played a hand online for nearly 2 weeks ,which is unheard of for me

    I,ve got a seat in the Blackpool SPT which i,m really looking forward to and as a result have gone down to the G casino there (nearest casino to Preston ) and played a cpl of long cash sessions just for some practise -as i hadn,t played cash before in a casino but did ok at 50p/£1. and still play in my pub leaugue once or twice a week - I would go to the Casino more , but its nearly 30 miles away and i have to rely on a lift when others are going

    My strength would have to be concentration and patience (when on my A game)  at the right times and good BRM which neans i should never go skint, but once again i won,t be playing online tonight or tommorow because of the Masters,

    Q for Redmond or anyone else - How do low stakes players who may not be making lots of money like Redmond motivate themselves to put the hours in online?


    Have a good show


  • edited April 2012
    In Response to SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    Rate yourself as a poker player   Sum it up, how good do you think you are? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? What’s your killer weapon? What’s your Achilles heel? How far have you come in the last year? You can be serious, or you can be funny, but always be brutally honest.   Best message contribution on the night via this thread, email or Twitter will win free entry into Thursday Night’s Sky sports Bounty Hunter worth £33.   So just to recap… Easter Sunday 7pm- 12am   IT’S SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY   BRING. IT. ON!!!!!!!
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    How good am I - Fish.
    Strengths - Nothing.
    Weaknesses - Everything.
    Killer weapon - Being a luckbox.
    Achilles Heel - Sitting at a Poker table.
    How far have I come - Only thing that's progressed is the length of waiting list on my tables.
  • edited April 2012
    I'm a fish, but a profiting fish : )

    Strengths... not being afraid to take shots

    Massive weakness, tilt withdrawing 95% of my bankroll after a week of running bad... and out of principle don't want to deposit so have to grind my way back up :(

    Killer weapon, Overbet shoving the river <3

    Achilles heel... my computer only being able to handle 3 tables at a time grrr

    How far have you come in the last year: Well I've only been playing 1 year, but being in decent profit at each of cash STTs and MTTs
  • edited April 2012

    I think i am getting there always looking to improve my game and willing to learn.
    My strength is Double your moneys and being able to access opponants hand ranges and taking the pot away in position.
    My killer weapon is my sheer aggresion at the table always leaving my opponts clueless what i have got which is great when i have aces!
    Achilles heel- Going on tilt and playing bigger games than i should!
    Have come a lot in the last year i lived in America last year and started to play 1/3 cash games in an underground game in Orlando!  Then i went to vegas for a week and played.  Im always looking to improve my game.
  • edited April 2012
    Can't wait for this tourney. I am getting bought in by my Mom as a present for Easter so will enjoy playing in this tourney. Love the deep structure and long clock and hope that with new tablets starting to take effect and a sunny outlook due to a positive experience with CC I can play well and mix it up with the big boys. Have a great show Rich and Reds and I really think that with your qualities you will become a combination that the punters will be asking for again and again. I bet any money you like that you will have a special surprise guest or two on the night and I really hope one of them is the Mighty Tikay! Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited April 2012
    Rate myself- better than average

    Strengths-I feel I play well in position and use my aggression well

    weaknesses-Sometimes overthink situations and also struggle to lay a big hand down at times

    I feel over the last year I`ve defo improved especially in my cash game which was always my weakest format and least profitable now its my best format most profitable lol but at a cost my mtts have suffered don`t play as much as I used to because i`m always grindin the cash tables and don`t know if its just variance or I just suck at mtts now but no had a big win in nearly a year but we will see in the future if it turns for me goin to try ans sat into the 25k tourney tonight so wish me luck and hopefully yous will see me at final table tomorrow lol.

    have a good show on sun guys
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    Can't wait for this tourney. I am getting bought in by my Mom as a present for Easter so will enjoy playing in this tourney. Love the deep structure and long clock and hope that with new tablets starting to take effect and a sunny outlook due to a positive experience with CC I can play well and mix it up with the big boys. Have a great show Rich and Reds and I really think that with your qualities you will become a combination that the punters will be asking for again and again. I bet any money you like that you will have a special surprise guest or two on the night and I really hope one of them is the Mighty Tikay! Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
    Posted by shaun84
    Lol! No pressure!

    Thanks Shaun, muchos appreciatos.

    Personally, I'm raring to go after an extended break due to dropping a sprog, as they say in medical circles.

    Loving all the input on this thread so far- great answers, please keep it coming.

    I'll award a Sky Sports Bounty Hunter seat to the best one tomorrow night!
  • edited April 2012
    Ok, ok- here's my stab at it.

    How do I rate myself as a poker player?
    Not bad- I feel with the amount of tutiion I've had now I have the potential to become a quality player if I put in the required hours on the baize.

    Strengths- discipline on the table (exercising patience when card-dead, not tilting)

    Weaknesses- discipline off the table i.e. bankroll amagenemt. Lack of aggression in the early to mid-stages of tournaments. Being pushed off hands when a player 3 bets against me light.

    Killer weapon- watching the table and picking up on player's mind-states and thought patterns irrespective of their poker play.

    Achilles Heel- too often believing my opponent has the goods and airing too much on the side of caution.

    In the last year, my online cash poker has improved beyond all recogintion and my live play is still far and away (based on results and profit) better than my online record- although due to life getting in the way, I'm getting fewer opportunites to practice my live play. Hopefully an appearance at the imminent SPT Cardiff will sort that out!

    Ok, that's a few thoughts off the top of my head.

    Over to you guys for yours...
  • edited April 2012
    Good luck to everyone in the Super Roller tomorrow and please try and get in that field if you're not already by satelliting in cheaply.

    When we launch our coverage of the game from 8 we want to hit the ground running with lots of you out on the frontline firing in hand requests for us to show, so we can get as many different players as possible featured on the show.

  • edited April 2012
    The whole show is dedicated to the super roller this week? So you've managed to avoid your "Analyse My Play" yet again, Richard? You jammy so-and-so... such a luckbox.

    Actually, I have to give you credit for playing very impressively on Wednesday evening, one or two mistakes aside. A staggering ROI in a timed tournament of 1226%... tough to argue with that. Very nicely done.

    As for my own game:

    How good am I? - Not as good as I'd like to be.
    My greatest strength - Reading your soul. lol
    Biggest weakness - What's one of those?
    The last year - Hardly played a hand in the last six months, so not very profitable.
  • edited April 2012
    nice to see bigger tornis on this site >> might fun

  • edited April 2012
    If I play as I think I should play I'm ok, but too often slip into fishy bad habits and spew.
  • edited April 2012
    A question for rich-orford we all know your wife has just had a baby ( congrates again ) but am i right in thinking you won a side event 9 months ago and with tikay winning the brighton side event will we be expecting the pitter patter of mini tikay`s ??

    also i thought us male`s could have more paternaty time off or did mother hen grab you by the goolagong`s and told you to get back to work ??

    i`m not tonite biggy but gl all esp the TPT PLAYERS
  • edited April 2012
    8 hours to show time!

    In the tournament right now? Exactly 100 players who will have their own dedicated programme tonight for 5 hours watching and commenting on their play.

    Want some of that?

    Satellites are up and running all day- you can get in for as little as a fiver.

    Check here for the latest sats to run. Snooze, you lose!
  • edited April 2012
    I've thought long and hard about this rich, and decided to give a serious answer.
     strengths WHISKY
     weakness WHISKY
     killer weapon WHISKY
    Achilles heal  WHISKY
    How far have i come in the last year. not to bad really i think im one of the top min cashers on sky in mtts. troubles is im so drunk by the time i reach the final table i forget why im there and donk out. i think ive sorted it tho i wont start my whisky till after the first break in the super roller tonight so should be alright on the final table.
    look out for me i will be carrying the team 51 flag:))
  • edited April 2012

    T Minus 4 hours!

    107 players in the mix right now for tonight and massive overlay in the biggest game on the site for weeks.

    Get into those sats for your chance to play on the big tables tonight on live national television and a shot at a massive cash prize.

    Meantime- keep the answers coming in on rating yourself as a player- they're all excellent- I'll be reading them all out from 7pm onwards.

    As soon as the game begins let's get those hands sent in. Clock the hand i.d. number from the Super Roller and post it to us on this thread with a a few words of explanation as to why you want it shown.

    You don't have to be involved in the hand or even to be playing in the tournament- if you're watching tonight's tournament then please be our eyes and ears on the ground and alert us of anything huge on the baize. Brilliant poker  play, sick hands, fantastic lay-downs, talking points etc etc.

  • edited April 2012
    Sum it up, how good do you think you are? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? What’s your killer weapon? What’s your Achilles heel? How far have you come in the last year?

    My strengths :- When I'm playing well, I am ultra aggressive.
    My Weaknesses :-When I'm playing bad I'm still ultra aggressive
    My killer weapon :-Disguising my hands in the mid/late stages
    My achilles heel :- Poor timing when trying to bluff someone.

    How far have I come in the last year :- Its difficult to assess as when I started back on Sky Poker in August/September I played really well up to Christmas, then I started a monster downswing. I am now on new tablets and my head feels a lot clearer and I have less pain which equals less propencity towards tilting. I would say I've learned a lot in the last year as I haven't missed a single 865 show. Knowing stuff doesn't necessarily equate to putting it into practice, so that is my goal this year. I will be trying to implement all the tips I've learnt over the stated period. Lets hope it starts tonight in the Super Roller.
    Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    T Minus 4 hours ! 107 players in the mix right now for tonight and massive overlay in the biggest game on the site for weeks. Get into those sats for your chance to play on the big tables tonight on live national television and a shot at a massive cash prize. Meantime- keep the answers coming in on rating yourself as a player - they're all excellent- I'll be reading them all out from 7pm onwards. As soon as the game begins let's get those hands sent in. Clock the hand i.d. number from the Super Roller and post it to us on this thread with a a few words of explanation as to why you want it shown. You don't have to be involved in the hand or even to be playing in the tournament- if you're watching tonight's tournament then please be our eyes and ears on the ground and alert us of anything huge on the baize. Brilliant poker  play, sick hands, fantastic lay-downs, talking points etc etc.
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Don't you mean, they're all egg-cellent, Rich?
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds : Don't you mean, they're all egg-cellent, Rich?
    Posted by SkyPokerTV
    Groans at the egg ;)
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds : Don't you mean, they're all egg-cellent, Rich?
    Posted by SkyPokerTV
    Indeed- they're all on it like an Easter bonnet!

    Blimey, I'm excited about this tournament. I'd defo be playing be it if I wasn't hosting it.

    A little bit of value has gone begging there, sorry folks!
  • edited April 2012
    When im good i am a handful to anyone in tourneys, but when im bad i can donate chips like the local fish n chip shop :( 

    Strong points include: Good tournament agression and knowing when to shove etc 

    Bad points include: Bad BRM and playing when tired or not in the mood

    Looking forward to it tonight will have to watch both 865 and masters, have a good one!
  • edited April 2012
    looking forward to the show tonight.......would love to be playing but have tried in vain to qualify, i am having one more shot at a satellite!

    best of luck to everyone playing tonight!
  • edited April 2012
    3 hours to the show.

    4 hours to the big game.

    116 players in the paddock and rising...
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    In Response to Re: I'd defo be playing be it if I wasn't hosting it. A little bit of value has gone begging there, sorry folks!
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Sort it out Sky!
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