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SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: tonight's ALL-TOURNAMENT massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds



  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds : Sort it out Sky!
    Posted by EvilPingu

    I see you're playing this one, mate.

    Best of British to you- throw me some hand i.ds if you get the chance and some thoughts on the game. Ty.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: this weekend's all-tourney massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds : Lol! I see you're playing this one, mate. Best of British to you- throw me some hand i.ds if you get the chance and some thoughts on the game. Ty.
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    LOL dont encourage him Ricardo...
  • edited April 2012
    T Minus 2 hours to the show.

    3 to 'Shuffle Up and Deal'.

    Huge tonight!

    122 in the lobby. Get on it!
  • edited April 2012
    I'm in now! So that adds to the value for all the Sharks who will be Had to wait till 17:30 as I have a £100 daily limit on deposits. I used my brain for once and put half in yesterday at 17:30. Buzzing about this tournament and can't wait to enjoy 5 hours of pokertainment. I'll be recording the Masters to watch after the 865 show finishes, so please don't give any spoilers out during the show.:)
    Best wishes from an excited Brummie. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited April 2012

    Good luck to everyone playing in the super roller tonight, hope you all have a fantastic night.

    My Strengths: Patience grinding low stakes cash and BRM. Also I think I do well in tournaments lasting a long time and I believe I have a good percentage of cashes to buy ins.
    My Weaknesses: Commiting too many chips in tournaments to continuation bets after i've missed with AK etc only to fold to a 3 bet and give away far too much of my stack.
    My strength in tournaments is also a weakness as I play too tight which always allows me to reach final stages but I have yet to place first as I am usually short stacked by the end.

    My killer Weapon: I've not really developed one yet. Improving my game slowly with the help of the Sky poker channel but missing alot of good shows because of my girlfriend wrestling the tv remote off me :(

    My Achilles heel: Not having a bank roll big enough to play any main events of anything close to one :(

    How far Have I come in the last year: Started early january using skys new player offer. Manged to use my ten pound free tickets to win a £3.30 DYM and a £3.30 roulette and since then grinded my bank roll to £100+
    I'm hoping I can continue to build my bank roll through out this year and get a chance to play for some real money.

    Looking forward to the show.

    P.s Gl to Evil Pingu enjoy reading his diary and lets see if he can bink another one.

  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: tonight's ALL-TOURNAMENT massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    Good luck to everyone playing in the super roller tonight, hope you all have a fantastic night. My Strengths: Patience grinding low stakes cash and BRM. Also I think I do well in tournaments lasting a long time and I believe I have a good percentage of cashes to buy ins.   My Weaknesses: Commiting too many chips in tournaments to continuation bets after i've missed with AK etc only to fold to a 3 bet and give away far too much of my stack. My strength in tournaments is also a weakness as I play too tight which always allows me to reach final stages but I have yet to place first as I am usually short stacked by the end. My killer Weapon: I've not really developed one yet. Improving my game slowly with the help of the Sky poker channel but missing alot of good shows because of my girlfriend wrestling the tv remote off me :( My Achilles heel: Not having a bank roll big enough to play any main events of anything close to one :( How far Have I come in the last year: Started early january using skys new player offer. Manged to use my ten pound free tickets to win a £3.30 DYM and a £3.30 roulette and since then grinded my bank roll to £100+ I'm hoping I can continue to build my bank roll through out this year and get a chance to play for some real money. Looking forward to the show. P.s Gl to Evil Pingu enjoy reading his diary and lets see if he can bink another one.
    Posted by smith08619
    Nice post Smith. I think you've done well to grind your bankroll up and hope you continue to play well and keep improving. You'll be in Main Events soon and will hopefully get some big wins. Keep plugging away mate and I hope to see you posting on here in future about some major successes.
    Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited April 2012
    Just looked in the lobby and realised with the money I spent on satellites and eventually buying in direct anyway, I'll still be losing money if I min cash. Suppose I'll just have to take it down then :P
  • edited April 2012
    Interesting hand at my table i had pocket 7s and the other 2 players had kk and pocket queens.  Hand id


  • edited April 2012
    Hi guys.

    Looking forward to a good show.

    Only been playing poker for 10 days so still very much a novice but was going to have a shot at this big tourney tonight just for the lolz but missed the reg because busy on a cash table and even though i still managed to get onto the mtt lobby in time i somehow managed to make the super roller disapear from my screen by accidentally hitting low stakes at the bottom of the lobby and running out of time to reg by the time i realised what i had done !

    Gutted (although with the experiance ive got it prob saved me £110 :)  )

    BTW Rich could you please stop trying to talk Tommyd into giving up his day job and playing poker 24/7 because things are hard enough for me on the cash tables to start off without seeing tommy sitting there all day long :(

    Have a good show and could i say good luck to players Scotty77 and Tommyd who i have learnt so much from watching and listening to on ch865 and also player 1267 who i spoke to today and seems such a nice guy and i always like to see the good guys win :)

  • edited April 2012
    Hand ID: 503333264 From the super Roller

    On the button, i think its fairly standard to open here.

    When the flop comes and the player in SB leads, i'm hoping to call down quite cheaply should no scare cards come, when the 10 comes on the turn, i know i'm behind but should still i call the re-raise on the turn hoping for the miracle card, then knowing i will get paid IF it comes.
  • edited April 2012
    channel 865 or last day of masters channel 865 or last day of masters decisions decisions ooo i have sky plus so shall be watching the show later have a great show guys :) 
  • edited April 2012
    Hi guys!!!

    Hand History #503336448 (20:19 08/04/2012)

    Looking back i think i was behind here until i binked the river, was turn raise correct on this board and should it of been a larger raise?
  • edited April 2012
    please show hand 503340774  should you play so hard at the start of a big tourny tina
  • edited April 2012
    Interesting hand where I had aces - Despite winning a pretty big pot in the end, would like Redmond's thoughts, especially on what I should do on the wettest turn card ever. I think I played it badly tbh. Is it too passive to just check/fold the turn?


    Also had a bustout on my table while I was posting this, will post again shortly if the hand is of interest.
  • edited April 2012
    Sum it up, how good do you think you are? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? What’s your killer weapon? What’s your Achilles heel? How far have you come in the last year

    I would rate myself a 7/10 on an average day
    Strengths would be my aggression
    Weakness would be my errrrrr over aggression
    Killer weapon would be my ability to bink river sets
    Achilles heel is binking river sets that give nut flushes to the villain

    In the last year i have gone from a recreational player to a profitable player especially my MTT game improving hugely with an ROI of nearly 80%

    Loving the roller

    Kalie x
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: tonight's ALL-TOURNAMENT massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds:
    Also had a bustout on my table while I was posting this, will post again shortly if the hand is of interest.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Um, yeah, you might like this one.


  • edited April 2012

    I have no weaknesses!

    I am undoubtedly the best player on the site!

    When I make my moves they are 100% successful!

    All the above are totally true for at least 2 or 3 hands every tournament.

    Which is why I admire the likes of Scotty77, Tommy D, Lolufold, Glitterbabe, Peg1, Yoyo and so many more.

    I play for fun and have learnt so much, listening to the advice given on 865.

    but unlike many on here I recognise my flaws.

    Each tournament is a war of attrition. 100% concentration, extreme discipline, positive decision making, good cards and favourable variance are all necessary components of being successful at the game.

    The above mentioned players have rounded their game in such a way that they appear devoid of emotion.

    They play thousands of hands and make key decisions over and over again.

    Which is why they are prepared to risk the whole of their stack without conscience if they believe the odds are in their favour, through statistics or expert knowledge of an opponents commitment or weaknesses.

    When the plays come off and we see the hands replayed on shows. It is understandable for recreational players like myself to scream Luck box at the telly and swear blind "on line poker is rigged", but we don't take into consideration only 50 or 60 of the best hands are shown from tournaments where many thousands have been played out.

    I don't have weaknesses I have flaws!

    My flaws are. I don't have an analytical mind, my concentration wavers depending on my environment. I don't play nearly enough hands, I fall in love with my cards, I find it difficult to commit my stack when the odds are clearly in my favour, and I'm too lazy to make notes on my opponents.

    But I enjoy every tournament, have few regrets and learn from any decisions I make.

    In my world I am, and always will be the greatest player in the world!

    The answer as to how to become a winning poker player will always be:-

    You have to be focussed

    You have to put in the hours

    You have to have the temperament

    You need an analytical mind

    You need to be disciplined

    but most of all you need to enjoy the taking part!

  • edited April 2012
    My spelling is appalling and my grammar worse!
  • edited April 2012
    I had full house in this hand 9s full of kings and my oppinant called me down with the ace.  I bet big on all streets to get full value.  Hand id is


  • edited April 2012
    Another big hand from my table i flopped i straight and my opponant had 2 pair


  • edited April 2012
    can u show this hand..

    Hand History #503362722

    was i right to call initially..    then i wanted to know where i stood on my middle pair so i raised after the first check..    then did i have value for the call... 

    i think he played it right with the pot raise to push me off the up and down with middle pair..

  • edited April 2012
    was this hand a correct fold 503371330 please show tina
  • edited April 2012
    sick sick fold on the royal flush. id throw myself out the window after that. lol
  • edited April 2012
    hi anychance you could show this hand and whether i got enough for it cheers shauny 503374019
  • edited April 2012
    richard. pls. shaun has an illness...  he is team 51...  his mother has been looking after him for 4 years
  • edited April 2012
    out ouch hit trips but out

    show hand

  • edited April 2012
    Plenty of history with oppo, he likes to put people in tough spots.  Not sure I like my play but feel it's very oppo dependant.  Thoughts?

    Hand History #503387211
  • edited April 2012
    Hi Richard and Redmond

    Can you please show my hand 503390412.  I think it will be interesting.

    Great show

  • edited April 2012
    unbelivable hand i raise with k3 button min reraises i think hes weak so i 4 bet him he calls flop comes down kk2.  I bet small to induce he rejams 60 big blinds and turn his q river 10 for a straight unbelivable.  Hand id is


  • edited April 2012
    Can you play my hand against crazy loose Loza6666.

    Snap call on river, what you think?

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