Can you show this hand and tell me whether this is the correct way to get the max in your opinion or would Reds have done it differently, after the flop following everybody's limp?
Just back from a great weekend of live poker, the APAT tournament at Coventry followed by a live satellite to the UKIPT My results - 40th at APAT and binked a seat to the UKIPT (wahey - Rich wanna purchase 10%?) Mike1975 is currently Heads Up in the APAT Coventry event Funk for Mike please!! Dave Posted by SolarCarro
unbelivable hand i raise with k3 button min reraises i think hes weak so i 4 bet him he calls flop comes down kk2. I bet small to induce he rejams 60 big blinds and turn his q river 10 for a straight with aj unbelivable. An unbelivable bad beat for me but think it would be very interesting for everyone to see please show! Hand id is
Mike takes it on the very next hand with a nine and a three. Paul was outstanding across the tournament but many congratulations to Mike Hudson, the William Hill English Amateur Poker Champion for 2012!
NEWSFLASH Mike takes it on the very next hand with a nine and a three. Paul was outstanding across the tournament but many congratulations to Mike Hudson, the William Hill English Amateur Poker Champion for 2012! Posted by SolarCarro
In Response to Re: SUPER ROLLER SUNDAY: tonight's ALL-TOURNAMENT massive live show on 865 with Rich and Reds : Wow u played that hand bad I think, just calling incase he has quads....cant beleive they say that was good play. Posted by Spad3s
tbh every other time i shove there, but when i was in the hand, i just had a very strange feeling i was behind, i couldn't fold incase i was wrong, so i just felt the call was best option at the time
Thanks for all the posts everyone- couldn't have done the show without you. And surely a record number of hand requests? All of them were brilliant as well- really interesting and gave us plenty to analyse and talk about.
Thanks for all the posts everyone- couldn't have done the show without you. And surely a record number of hand requests? All of them were brilliant as well- really interesting and gave us plenty to analyse and talk about. Well done all! Posted by RICHORFORD
You know the show is good when I send in a hand request with someone getting knocked out by a Royal Flush and it doesn't make it on the show :P
Yup echo everything Richard said! Thankyou for all your contributions. Had some very interesting hands and really enjoyed it. The time flew by! Your support for us and the show is very much appreciated.
Hand History #503395650 (21:48 08/04/2012)
this was tough£25k
ps.. already a great show.
My results - 40th at APAT and binked a seat to the UKIPT (wahey - Rich wanna purchase 10%?)
Mike1975 is currently Heads Up in the APAT Coventry event
Funk for Mike please!!
Question for redmond.
Do you think the standard on sky has improved in the last 12 months and do you ever not join a table due to the palyers already seated?
Can you show this hand and tell me whether this is the correct way to get the max in your opinion or would Reds have done it differently, after the flop following everybody's limp?
How long did it take to learn the game enough for you to be a winning player (from scratch)?
Sorry, thats for reds again, not rich obviously!
another hand in the super Roller, did i play this ok?
Mike takes it on the very next hand with a nine and a three. Paul was outstanding across the tournament but many congratulations to Mike Hudson, the William Hill English Amateur Poker Champion for 2012!
Can I borrow Shauns mum please ?
Great show
Hand History #503348723 (20:39 08/04/2012)