I mentioned Liam Batey earlier. Here is he, doing his day job. Great music, too. EDIT - I have removed the link, (the one I originally posted, lol!) as the music lyrics were not exactly, umm, "on message". Ahem. Cripes, I had to moderate myself! Just go to You Tube, & search for "Liam Batey BMX Racing Video" "Uh, yo......" Posted by Tikay10
Just slightly - Reminds me off the first time i was allowed to the pictures as a kid to watch BMX bandits. Had a few races myseld after that although not in the same league as those guys
GL to the Don as well. Not seen him for a while on here
Ps - Had a look at the "other forum". Just realised how Tikay does it .He,s got his own body double so he can nip off for a nap whenevr he feels Page 6 on the Day 3 update thread
Never got anything going today. Don't think I ever got above starting! Exit hand was this. I hvae 12k at 150/300. Ian Frazer opens for 700 and I flat KJcc on the btn both blinds call Flop is 5c 2c 8s. Blinds check and Frazer bets 950 into nearly 3k. I raise to 2.6k witht he 2NFD and 2 overs happy to get it in here and go for a spin. Then the SB snap calls. I'm insta - he has a set. Ian Frazer tank jams. I snap call KNOWING the my overcards are basically dead and mr small blind is coming along. I have 8kish behind and its like a 36-37k pot. Yeah SB does snap call with 88 8c turn 7c river. GG ME! GL to Solarcarro and Runnitsran and anyone else who makes day 2. In 2 minds about going to play sides/cash or just going back home! Posted by scotty77
UL m8. Rebuy Open is on tonight. Get back to your hotel and play that. No distractions in a hotel room so you may play optimally and smash a tourney to make up for the buy-in at UKIPT. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
Never got anything going today. Don't think I ever got above starting! Exit hand was this. I hvae 12k at 150/300. Ian Frazer opens for 700 and I flat KJcc on the btn both blinds call Flop is 5c 2c 8s. Blinds check and Frazer bets 950 into nearly 3k. I raise to 2.6k witht he 2NFD and 2 overs happy to get it in here and go for a spin. Then the SB snap calls. I'm insta - he has a set. Ian Frazer tank jams. I snap call KNOWING the my overcards are basically dead and mr small blind is coming along. I have 8kish behind and its like a 36-37k pot. Yeah SB does snap call with 88 8c turn 7c river. GG ME! GL to Solarcarro and Runnitsran and anyone else who makes day 2. In 2 minds about going to play sides/cash or just going back home! Posted by scotty77
Absolutely gutted for you Ryan, such an awful cooler
As of 00:50hrs Don Campbell was chip leader with 167,000 chips. He hero called for a massive pot with A high. Here it is, stolen from tightys update on Blonde Poker Forum. Don Campbell 167,000 and chipleader
As of 00:50hrs Don Campbell was chip leader with 167,000 chips. He hero called for a massive pot with A high. Here it is, stolen from tightys update on Blonde Poker Forum. Don Campbell 167,000 and chipleader Don raises with UTG to 2,300 AcJh One caller, Amran Kang 2c 4c 5s flop Don leads 3,600 Kang re-raises to 8,500 Don calls turn 10d Don checks Kang 11,500 Don calls river Kh Don checks Kang 19,700 Don flats with Ace high Kang insta-mucks, and is left with 14,000 Posted by Mohican
Hey I don't mind, but please ask permission from myself or tikay first next time. thanks
Fantastic performance from Don yesterday. I never knew he could play lolol! I won't link, but today's seat draw is up elsewhere Very best of luck to Don, Solar Carro, Macmonster and Runitsrann today Today would be the day to run good, fellas! Posted by SPT
Thanks Tighty.
I will shortly Post the current situation, & thank you.
In a battle of the analysts.....Ry Ry and Ian Frazer are on the same table...(for now) Posted by MAXALLY
That is the perfect example of what IS perfectly acceptable. Taking the info from elsewhere, & re-packaging it.
It's all a llttle awkward, I know, but some very interwined commercial relationships are involved, & we want to do right by others, as they do right by us.
A few "interesting" names are highlighted. If you see any I have missed, or Sky Poker regulars, please Post accordingly, & we can add them to the sweat.
Christopher Brammer 72 7 180800 Donald Campbell 71 3 166600 Gareth Teatum 78 8 160000 Timothy Clarke 73 5 159900 Nathan Kiely 34 1 153000 Richard Young 76 8 152900 Keith Ridley 11 6 146900 Nikita Staroverov 76 5 140000 Steven Warburton 13 7 137000 Kenneth Kull 15 3 126300 Fraser Bellamy 34 2 125800 Kristian Linnell 35 3 123800 Arturs Daugis 73 2 122600 Mark Hawks 75 8 122400 Veronika Pavlakova 75 1 120000 Rowan Schaap 14 9 118400 Danny Mchugh 71 5 115800 Samad Razavi 76 7 112900 Sanders Jansen 72 8 110300 Paul Orritt 78 7 109700 Bjorne Lindberg 74 4 108000 Markus Wetzel 71 4 107000 Tom Drew 72 4 106400 Kristian Downer 73 6 102000 Edward Roger 11 1 101300 Peter Haslam 12 4 100700 Nikhil Persaud 15 8 99800 Pawel Czartoryski 76 4 99200 Lars-johan Persson 15 1 98000 Jude Ainsworth 14 7 97600 Paul Mctaggart 75 9 86500 Huang Guoxun 73 8 85400 Miriam Segal 77 8 79300 Rob Angood 77 7 78400 Grzegorz Matla 77 4 77800 Nick Woodward 75 5 77300 Darren Fuller 74 7 76700 Alexander Elias 74 9 73800 Daniel Moosah 35 8 72000 Neil Harvey 77 1 71400 Ian Frazer 13 9 70000 Rory Mchugh 78 5 69600 Robert Jones 11 2 67200 David Clark 12 9 66700 Martynas Slapsys 75 4 66300 Paul Foltyn 77 9 63800 Kevin Allen 75 6 63500 Milorad Dobrijevic 72 6 63300 Richard Pearce 35 1 61800 Bartek Palka 12 1 61200 George Dickson 11 3 58400 Adam Palethorpe 72 2 57600 Fraser Macintyre 74 8 57400 Andrew Peters 14 1 56200 Stephen Burt 71 2 55600 Jason Beazley 74 3 54700 Laura Pursglove 14 8 54600 Ryan Fronda 35 9 54000 Costas Artemi 74 1 54000 Ashton Clayton 35 2 53600 Amrik Kang 71 6 51200 Todd Swain 11 8 50400 John Charalambous 12 3 50100 Ian Senior 14 5 50100 Emmett Mullin 12 2 47800 Chris Parker 75 3 47600 Matthew Townsend 13 1 46200 David Hughes 11 4 46200 Jeff Kimber 34 7 45900 Joerg Wilms 13 8 44000 David Thor Runarsson 72 9 43100 Daniel Robertson 77 3 43000 Liam O Donoghue 76 2 42900 Neil Rogers 13 3 42700 Ashley Marc Locker 14 2 41000 Benjamin Jenkins 78 9 40100 David Stanbury 15 5 39900 Lee Atherton 12 6 39800 Donald Elliot 15 7 38800 Simao Barbosa 78 2 38600 David Stonehouse 13 4 38200 David Mccoy 15 2 36600 Spyros Mouzoura 34 6 35800 Luke Hatfield 71 7 35600 Che Wing Raymond Lau 77 6 35400 Charles Flynn 76 3 35100 Seun Oluwole 76 9 34300 Laurence Ryan 71 8 33800 Andrew Thornton 74 6 32400 James Morris 34 8 31500 Andrew Abernethy 34 3 31000 Parvis Tafreshi 76 1 31000 Jonathan Clark 13 2 31000 Jake Kumar 14 4 30900 Andrew Jeffrey 15 4 30300 Adrian Nunez 14 6 28500 Przemek Piotrowski 15 9 28100 Dominic Sakal 73 1 27500 Alina Salnikova 72 5 26900 Barry Mc Mahon 77 5 26400 Charles Fabian 11 9 26100 Duarte Costa 73 3 26000 Scott Kenyon 73 9 25900 Alexey Staroverov 12 8 25800 Olivia Boeree 75 2 25200 Joseph Lalor 14 3 25000 Matthew Buckland 15 6 25000 Mateusz Matla 35 6 24900 William Davies 12 5 24400 Stephen Kirk 73 4 24300 Ian Gwynne 13 5 23500 Mike Jones 78 6 23400 Craig Burke 11 7 22700 Mukesh Morjaria 34 9 20800 Saevar Ingi Saevarsson 35 4 20700 Jonathan Walker 71 1 20600 Osman Mustanglou 73 7 20000 Sean Robertson 75 7 19100 Paul Clark 34 5 18800 Dean Clay 71 9 18000 David Gunter 78 4 17900 Johannes Mulders 35 5 16900 Gary Hill 35 7 16300 Keith Hawkins 34 4 16300 Paul Clarke 78 3 13900 Dejan Platie 13 6 8600
1 1 Shamil Patel 1 2 David Gunter 1 3 Paul Clarke 1 4 Richard Milner 1 5 Kes Beech 1 6 Daniel Robertson 1 7 Laurence Ryan 1 8 Andrew Thornton 1 9 Danny Mchugh
This is NOT our Richard Milner. This one can play.
Get researching this Table, please, it might help our man......
23 1 Adrian Nunez 23 2 Edward Roger 23 3 Ben Senior 23 4 Bahman Alizadehpour 23 5 Jen-yue Chiang 23 6 Andrew Hawksby 23 7 David Thompson 23 8 Marco Ruggeri 23 9 Rob Green
From this Table, we know Nick Hicks, from SPT's, & from Sky Poker ("SamauriBoy" I think).
Ian Senior is macmonster.
25 2 Michael Howard 25 3 Richard Young 25 4 Nick Hicks 25 5 Alexey Staroverov 25 6 Tony Andreou 25 7 Ian Senior 25 8 Fraser Macintyre 25 9 Bartek Palka
Ian Bruce is "LeBruce" on Sky Poker, and a SPT regular.
33 1 Matthew Maule 33 2 Andy Noble 33 3 Keith Ridley 33 4 Ian Bruce 33 5 Andrew Abernethy 33 6 Jack Allen 33 7 Fergal Nealon 33 8 Ronald Lawton 33 9 Sarah Berry
126 players safely negotiated Day 1c, a follows. A few "interesting" names are highlighted. If you see any I have missed, or Sky Poker regulars, please Post accordingly, & we can add them to the sweat. Christopher Brammer 72 7 180800 Posted by Tikay10
The 1 at the top!
Isn't he the most successful online player in the World?
Quite surreal seeing Don's name right next to him!!!
What an effort! Hope he can keep his head and not go nutz.
James Rann is "runitsrann", who you know well. Curiously, George Dickson, "geo the sarge" (ex-Military) on other Forums, lives in the same City as James - Edinburgh.
34 1 George Dickson 34 2 Mani Elmarsson 34 3 James Rann 34 4 Martynas Slapsys 34 5 Ashley Marc Locker 34 6 James Glossop 34 7 Tony Bedford 34 8 Ambrogro Morreale 34 9 Edward Swales
GL to the Don as well. Not seen him for a while on here
Ps - Had a look at the "other forum". Just realised how Tikay does it .He,s got his own body double so he can nip off for a nap whenevr he feels
Page 6 on the Day 3 update thread
Don still alive 37k
Exit hand was this.
I hvae 12k at 150/300.
Ian Frazer opens for 700 and I flat KJcc on the btn both blinds call
Flop is 5c 2c 8s.
Blinds check and Frazer bets 950 into nearly 3k. I raise to 2.6k witht he 2NFD and 2 overs happy to get it in here and go for a spin.
Then the SB snap calls. I'm insta - he has a set.
Ian Frazer tank jams.
I snap call KNOWING the my overcards are basically dead and mr small blind is coming along. I have 8kish behind and its like a 36-37k pot.
Yeah SB does snap call with 88
8c turn 7c river.
GL to Solarcarro and Runnitsran and anyone else who makes day 2.
In 2 minds about going to play sides/cash or just going back home!
Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
Thanks for the good wishes, much appreciated
like ma favorite book......GO DOG GO!!!
Here it is, stolen from tightys update on Blonde Poker Forum.
Don Campbell 167,000 and chipleader
Don raises with UTG to 2,300 AcJh
One caller, Amran Kang
2c 4c 5s flop
Don leads 3,600
Kang re-raises to 8,500
Don calls
turn 10d
Don checks
Kang 11,500
Don calls
river Kh
Don checks
Kang 19,700
Don flats with Ace high
Kang insta-mucks, and is left with 14,000
Goooooo Gooooooooooooo goooooooooooo!
...and doing skypoker proud too. good stuff donald
Good luck guys!
Fantastic performance from Don yesterday. I never knew he could play lolol!
I won't link, but today's seat draw is up elsewhere
Very best of luck to Don, Solar Carro, Macmonster and Runitsrann today
Today would be the day to run good, fellas!
Morning Gentlemen, Ladies, &, of course, Solack.
Hopefully, we should have a terrific sweat today, tomorrow, & even Monday, with Don, Dave, & a few other Sky Poker regulars still going along nicely.
First, though, I would just wish to clarify the position with information from other Sites.
THREE differert companies, & websites, are covering this in different ways - one has chip counts, another a blog, the third has Live Updates.
Sky Poker get on well with all three, & we cherish those relationships.
The "etiquette" & rules are quite clear.
We must NOT "Cut & Paste" info from the other sites onto Sky Poker.
We CAN "lift" information (which is freely available in the domain) & reproduce it here.
Just be sensible, commonsense rules, & lets enjoy a great sweat for our guys.
I will shortly Post the current situation, & thank you.
It's all a llttle awkward, I know, but some very interwined commercial relationships are involved, & we want to do right by others, as they do right by us.
OK, lets go!
Lets go.
The survivors from Day 1A & Day1B have already been Posted on this Thread. Many thanks to Tighty for his assistance.
Next up, I'll Post the Day 1C survivors, including, yes, our Don.
Then I'll give you todays table & seat draw etc.
126 players safely negotiated Day 1c, a follows.
A few "interesting" names are highlighted. If you see any I have missed, or Sky Poker regulars, please Post accordingly, & we can add them to the sweat.
Christopher Brammer 72 7 180800
Donald Campbell 71 3 166600
Gareth Teatum 78 8 160000
Timothy Clarke 73 5 159900
Nathan Kiely 34 1 153000
Richard Young 76 8 152900
Keith Ridley 11 6 146900
Nikita Staroverov 76 5 140000
Steven Warburton 13 7 137000
Kenneth Kull 15 3 126300
Fraser Bellamy 34 2 125800
Kristian Linnell 35 3 123800
Arturs Daugis 73 2 122600
Mark Hawks 75 8 122400
Veronika Pavlakova 75 1 120000
Rowan Schaap 14 9 118400
Danny Mchugh 71 5 115800
Samad Razavi 76 7 112900
Sanders Jansen 72 8 110300
Paul Orritt 78 7 109700
Bjorne Lindberg 74 4 108000
Markus Wetzel 71 4 107000
Tom Drew 72 4 106400
Kristian Downer 73 6 102000
Edward Roger 11 1 101300
Peter Haslam 12 4 100700
Nikhil Persaud 15 8 99800
Pawel Czartoryski 76 4 99200
Lars-johan Persson 15 1 98000
Jude Ainsworth 14 7 97600
Paul Mctaggart 75 9 86500
Huang Guoxun 73 8 85400
Miriam Segal 77 8 79300
Rob Angood 77 7 78400
Grzegorz Matla 77 4 77800
Nick Woodward 75 5 77300
Darren Fuller 74 7 76700
Alexander Elias 74 9 73800
Daniel Moosah 35 8 72000
Neil Harvey 77 1 71400
Ian Frazer 13 9 70000
Rory Mchugh 78 5 69600
Robert Jones 11 2 67200
David Clark 12 9 66700
Martynas Slapsys 75 4 66300
Paul Foltyn 77 9 63800
Kevin Allen 75 6 63500
Milorad Dobrijevic 72 6 63300
Richard Pearce 35 1 61800
Bartek Palka 12 1 61200
George Dickson 11 3 58400
Adam Palethorpe 72 2 57600
Fraser Macintyre 74 8 57400
Andrew Peters 14 1 56200
Stephen Burt 71 2 55600
Jason Beazley 74 3 54700
Laura Pursglove 14 8 54600
Ryan Fronda 35 9 54000
Costas Artemi 74 1 54000
Ashton Clayton 35 2 53600
Amrik Kang 71 6 51200
Todd Swain 11 8 50400
John Charalambous 12 3 50100
Ian Senior 14 5 50100
Emmett Mullin 12 2 47800
Chris Parker 75 3 47600
Matthew Townsend 13 1 46200
David Hughes 11 4 46200
Jeff Kimber 34 7 45900
Joerg Wilms 13 8 44000
David Thor Runarsson 72 9 43100
Daniel Robertson 77 3 43000
Liam O Donoghue 76 2 42900
Neil Rogers 13 3 42700
Ashley Marc Locker 14 2 41000
Benjamin Jenkins 78 9 40100
David Stanbury 15 5 39900
Lee Atherton 12 6 39800
Donald Elliot 15 7 38800
Simao Barbosa 78 2 38600
David Stonehouse 13 4 38200
David Mccoy 15 2 36600
Spyros Mouzoura 34 6 35800
Luke Hatfield 71 7 35600
Che Wing Raymond Lau 77 6 35400
Charles Flynn 76 3 35100
Seun Oluwole 76 9 34300
Laurence Ryan 71 8 33800
Andrew Thornton 74 6 32400
James Morris 34 8 31500
Andrew Abernethy 34 3 31000
Parvis Tafreshi 76 1 31000
Jonathan Clark 13 2 31000
Jake Kumar 14 4 30900
Andrew Jeffrey 15 4 30300
Adrian Nunez 14 6 28500
Przemek Piotrowski 15 9 28100
Dominic Sakal 73 1 27500
Alina Salnikova 72 5 26900
Barry Mc Mahon 77 5 26400
Charles Fabian 11 9 26100
Duarte Costa 73 3 26000
Scott Kenyon 73 9 25900
Alexey Staroverov 12 8 25800
Olivia Boeree 75 2 25200
Joseph Lalor 14 3 25000
Matthew Buckland 15 6 25000
Mateusz Matla 35 6 24900
William Davies 12 5 24400
Stephen Kirk 73 4 24300
Ian Gwynne 13 5 23500
Mike Jones 78 6 23400
Craig Burke 11 7 22700
Mukesh Morjaria 34 9 20800
Saevar Ingi Saevarsson 35 4 20700
Jonathan Walker 71 1 20600
Osman Mustanglou 73 7 20000
Sean Robertson 75 7 19100
Paul Clark 34 5 18800
Dean Clay 71 9 18000
David Gunter 78 4 17900
Johannes Mulders 35 5 16900
Gary Hill 35 7 16300
Keith Hawkins 34 4 16300
Paul Clarke 78 3 13900
Dejan Platie 13 6 8600
The highlighted names.....
Donald Campbell is "Don90".
Nik Persaud you know from the Sky Poker UK Cash Game. Hopefully, he won't have a bad beat todfay.
Ian Senipr is macmonster.
Olivia Boeree is Liv Boeree.
Stephen Kirk, a Luton regular, owns several forums, including a bird forum, & a steal locomotive forum. He's also a retired civil aeroplane pilot.
William Davies is "Bingo Bill". His moniker derives from his playing style. Mad as a box of frogs, & a lovely bloke.
Play resumes @ midday.
346 players remain in.
207 will get paid.
8 levels will be played today.
Survivors from today return tomorrow, when they will play UNTIL they reach an 8 handed Final.
The Final will be on Monday.
£1,137,500 is in the Prizepool, distributed as follows.....
1 - £210,400
2 - £125,000
3 - £96,700
4 - £79,600
5 - £62,500
6 - £45,500
7 - £34,000
8 - £22,750
9-10 - £17,050
11-12 - £11,350
13-15 - £8,000
16-18 - £6,820
19-22 - £5,680
23-27 - £4,540
28-36 - £3,400
37-45 - £2,700
46-54 - £2,300
55-63 - £2,080
64-81 - £1,920
82-99 - £1,770
100-126 - £1,620
127-153 - £1,480
154-180 - £1,350
181-207 - £1,240
Some Table & Seat draws......
1 1 Shamil Patel
1 2 David Gunter
1 3 Paul Clarke
1 4 Richard Milner
1 5 Kes Beech
1 6 Daniel Robertson
1 7 Laurence Ryan
1 8 Andrew Thornton
1 9 Danny Mchugh
This is NOT our Richard Milner. This one can play.
Get researching this Table, please, it might help our man......
23 1 Adrian Nunez
23 2 Edward Roger
23 3 Ben Senior
23 4 Bahman Alizadehpour
23 5 Jen-yue Chiang
23 6 Andrew Hawksby
23 7 David Thompson
23 8 Marco Ruggeri
23 9 Rob Green
From this Table, we know Nick Hicks, from SPT's, & from Sky Poker ("SamauriBoy" I think).
Ian Senior is macmonster.
25 2 Michael Howard
25 3 Richard Young
25 4 Nick Hicks
25 5 Alexey Staroverov
25 6 Tony Andreou
25 7 Ian Senior
25 8 Fraser Macintyre
25 9 Bartek Palka
Ian Bruce is "LeBruce" on Sky Poker, and a SPT regular.
33 1 Matthew Maule
33 2 Andy Noble
33 3 Keith Ridley
33 4 Ian Bruce
33 5 Andrew Abernethy
33 6 Jack Allen
33 7 Fergal Nealon
33 8 Ronald Lawton
33 9 Sarah Berry
James Rann is "runitsrann", who you know well. Curiously, George Dickson, "geo the sarge" (ex-Military) on other Forums, lives in the same City as James - Edinburgh.
34 1 George Dickson
34 2 Mani Elmarsson
34 3 James Rann
34 4 Martynas Slapsys
34 5 Ashley Marc Locker
34 6 James Glossop
34 7 Tony Bedford
34 8 Ambrogro Morreale
34 9 Edward Swales