35 1 Benjamin Jenkins 35 2 Tom Kugelstadt 35 3 David Kilpatrick 35 4 Sami Yusuf 35 5 Norman Gold 35 6 Jason Herbert 35 7 Martin Rottem Dahle 35 8 Ian Frazer 35 9 Andrew Peters
In Response to Re: GD luck SolarCarro, Macmonster, TheDon90 and Runitsrann today Day2 UKIPT : The 1 at the top! Isn't he the most successful online player in the World? Quite surreal seeing Don's name right next to him!!! What an effort! Hope he can keep his head and not go nutz. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Yes, Chris Brammer was recently reported as being, officially, the best (most successful) Online Tourney player in the world in 2011, or something similar.
37 1 Paul Nunes 37 2 Phil Long 37 3 Thomas Mccready 37 4 Przemek Piotrowski 37 5 Grant Pirie 37 6 Calvin Anderson 37 7 Peter Haslam 37 8 Andrew Jeffrey 37 9 John Sadler
Finally, and presumably the first Table to break, we have Don's Table. The only plsayer who I seem to insta recognise there is Kyriacos Dionysiou - he is the legend that is Greek Jack. Owns a bunch of properties, mostly fish & chip shops, in Grantham. Very competent player, with a long "database" entry, stretching back a decade or more. Not one to try & bluff.
78 1 Paul Clark 78 2 Gavin Oldman 78 3 Michael Kossov 78 4 Vassilis Korkas 78 5 Paul Delaney 78 6 Donald Campbell 78 7 Benjamin Preece 78 8 Kyriacos Dionysiou 78 9 Duarte Costa
Good luck Sky Guys!!!!!!!! Hope you all go deep and one of you binks.
Also for the good of the London and Essex poker economy, I hope Bingo will get a decent cash. TBF he's a dangerous player and can go out or triple up on any given hand, he's also a fun guy to play a game with, seen him make young players cry at the table more than once.
True, Tommy, Bingo Bill is a proper legend. And fruitcake. Love him to bits.
When Bingo Bill sits at a cash table, the queue for seats stretches round the block. He'll bust you, or double you up. Put him on a hand? Forget that, he can turn up with anything!
True, Tommy, Bingo Bill is a proper legend. And fruitcake. Love him to bits. When Bingo Bill sits at a cash table, the queue for seats stretches round the block. He'll bust you, or double you up. Put him on a hand? Forget that, he can turn up with anything! Posted by Tikay10
He's great, played with him tons. I use him as a barometer for the mental strength of anyone new at the cash table. If they rant and rave after his runner runner straight has cracked a slow played set, then they don't understand poker and I am content.
Really nice guy away from the table too in my experience, cracking ribber and rubber at the table as well.
Gl to all the Sky players today Lol tikay, your timing must be a tad off with regards to staking Brammer hehe He is so due a big score in the live circuit! Posted by dylan12
I have a handful of stakes left in this, though, & I believe you have one, too - good luck mate..
In Response to Re: GD luck SolarCarro, Macmonster, TheDon90 and Runitsrann today Day2 UKIPT : Sigh......;) I have a handful of stakes left in this, though, & I believe you have one, too - good luck mate.. boom boom boom boom, eso blue Posted by Tikay10
Yeah one stake left but the sweepstake as well
Eso done us proud, we have returns and still one tournament left to play on the package I believe
In Response to Re: GD luck SolarCarro, Macmonster, TheDon90 and Runitsrann today Day2 UKIPT : Yeah one stake left but the sweepstake as well Eso done us proud, we have returns and still one tournament left to play on the package I believe Posted by dylan12
Oh wow, Ian Senior - "macmonster here" - up to 170,000, after a most peculiarly played (by others) two pair hand. He begun the day around 50,000 I think.
Many thanks to Tighty, working for others today, for the photo. We love Tighty.
Don Campbell @ The_don90 Sick. Aj on bb qt3 flop 2 hearts I c.c turn heart I c.s guy cals aq no heart for 100k. Didnt hit k or heart According to Tighty, the oponent was Greek Jack and he had AQ but... according to twitter he is back to 35k after being down to 16k Posted by dylan12
Guessed it woulda been Greek Jack - he is MUCH better than most think, & gets a good read on anyone.
In Response to Re: GD luck SolarCarro, Macmonster, TheDon90 and Runitsrann today Day2 UKIPT : Guessed it woulda been Greek Jack - he is MUCH better than most think, & gets a good read on anyone. Posted by Tikay10
I have played him a few times and I found im quite tough to play against tbh, doesn't back down easily and recently anyway, seems to go deep in most tournaments!
35 1 Benjamin Jenkins
35 2 Tom Kugelstadt
35 3 David Kilpatrick
35 4 Sami Yusuf
35 5 Norman Gold
35 6 Jason Herbert
35 7 Martin Rottem Dahle
35 8 Ian Frazer
35 9 Andrew Peters
I have 10% of his action in the Monte Carlo EPT.
I have exactly ZERO % of his action in this.
The one & only Red-Dog.
37 1 Paul Nunes
37 2 Phil Long
37 3 Thomas Mccready
37 4 Przemek Piotrowski
37 5 Grant Pirie
37 6 Calvin Anderson
37 7 Peter Haslam
37 8 Andrew Jeffrey
37 9 John Sadler
46 1 Martin Jorgensen
46 2 Grzegorz Matla
46 3 Liam Batey
46 4 Richard Evans
46 5 Leon Campbell
46 6 Jack Mcdermott
46 7 Ronak Kotecha
46 8 Richard Pearce
75 1 Milorad Dobrijevic
75 2 Gareth Fry
75 3 Arrash Zafari
75 4 Marc Goodwin
75 5 Iqbal Ahmed
75 6 Surinder Sunar
75 7 Hagen Schuetze
75 8 Pete Akery
75 9 Jon Young
Finally, and presumably the first Table to break, we have Don's Table. The only plsayer who I seem to insta recognise there is Kyriacos Dionysiou - he is the legend that is Greek Jack. Owns a bunch of properties, mostly fish & chip shops, in Grantham. Very competent player, with a long "database" entry, stretching back a decade or more. Not one to try & bluff.
78 1 Paul Clark
78 2 Gavin Oldman
78 3 Michael Kossov
78 4 Vassilis Korkas
78 5 Paul Delaney
78 6 Donald Campbell
78 7 Benjamin Preece
78 8 Kyriacos Dionysiou
78 9 Duarte Costa
If I have missed others, Post them up.
Lets go, & please remember, you CAN Post "information" from other sites here. Just no Cutting & Pasting, please.
Our huge thanks to Tighty, aka SPT Rich, for his assistance.
Also for the good of the London and Essex poker economy, I hope Bingo will get a decent cash.
TBF he's a dangerous player and can go out or triple up on any given hand, he's also a fun guy to play a game with, seen him make young players cry at the table more than once.
True, Tommy, Bingo Bill is a proper legend. And fruitcake. Love him to bits.
When Bingo Bill sits at a cash table, the queue for seats stretches round the block. He'll bust you, or double you up. Put him on a hand? Forget that, he can turn up with anything!
Really nice guy away from the table too in my experience, cracking ribber and rubber at the table as well.
A spectacular start to Day Two.
Chris Brammer busts Jude Ainsworth - Jude had the nut straight (Broadway) & Chris had the.....nut flush!
The ppt was 290,000, & so the Chip Leader is now HUGE.
MBN to be Chris Brammer.
I have a handful of stakes left in this, though, & I believe you have one, too - good luck mate..
boom boom boom boom, eso blue
Jeez, Brammer up to 350,000 now!
With special thanks to SPT Tighty, here's Don & Dave, pictured today.
26 players exited in the first half hour, including Joe Grech & Liv Boeree.
Oh wow, Ian Senior - "macmonster here" - up to 170,000, after a most peculiarly played (by others) two pair hand. He begun the day around 50,000 I think.
Many thanks to Tighty, working for others today, for the photo. We love Tighty.
I believe Don has taken a bit of a hit, but I don't have details to hand.
About 290 players remain.
Sick. Aj on bb qt3 flop 2 hearts I c.c turn heart I c.s guy cals aq no heart for 100k. Didnt hit k or heart
According to Tighty, the oponent was Greek Jack and he had AQ
according to twitter he is back to 35k after being down to 16k
Getting close to the money now - 234 left, 207 paid.
We have lost Ian Frazer, Ian Bruce, Nik Persaud, & "Pab".
Brammer is motoring on.
Good effort, Don.
Thanks Dyl.