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El Mogul's Diary!

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat
GL with it - Seems like you,ve made a good start already



  • edited May 2012
    OK, this is a bit impulsive but I've decided to start a diary (despite the fact that there seem to be a whole lot already on this forum). Not sure if anyone will be interested but I like to write and I think the diary will help be keep my focus and sustain my motivation if not anything else. I deposited £50 last week (after previously withdrawing my roll of £400 because I needed the money at the time) and I'm now up to £75 after playing a few small stakes MTTs and a bit of NL4.

    Background of me:

    I'm 18 and finished college last year passing my three A-levels (much to my surprise). Wasn't ready to go to uni straight away so I deferred my place in Swansea uni (studying English) 'til September this year. I'm currently claiming job seekers which helps me stay afloat (even though I'm lucky to have financially stable parents who will support me IF I ever need anything depserately). Cannot get a job to save my life! No one wants to hire an 18 year old with no experience it seems... So during the large amount of spare time that I have had, I've basically been playing on a few poker sites and now I obv. play on Sky (loving the community BTW). Overall during my short online career I've made around £500 profit (which I'm happy with but I ultimately want to make a lot more progress!).

    So with it being the start of a new month and all that I've decided to start this diary. Been reading EvilPingu and GaryQQQ's diary over the past few weeks and both diarys have inspired me to start one of my own. I will mainly be playing £2.20 BH touneys (due to the fact that the bounties I collect from these will help keep me above water during times of variance) and NL4. Hope you all enjoy!

    Bankroll before I officially start: £75.02 

    P.S I will also summarise each day of poker in a short poem - just for the fun of it!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    OK, this is a bit impulsive but I've decided to start a diary (despite the fact that there seem to be a whole lot already on this forum). Not sure if anyone will be interested but I like to write and I think the diary will help be keep my focus and sustain my motivation if not anything else.
    Posted by El_Mogul
    No better reason to start a diary than this IMO - Good luck.
  • edited May 2012
    good luck with your challenge EL

    loving the poem idea btw....

    we could get something going here....
    you & i....
    right up my street.   lol

    best wishes


  • edited May 2012
    GL, poem sounds interesting :) 
  • edited May 2012
    Best of luck to you, love the poems idea!
  • edited May 2012
    Good luck with your challenge, and sorry to dissapoint but £2 BH's are 30p rake :(
  • edited May 2012
    Yeah the £2 BHs are 30p and are generally pretty terrible value (as I've been told) unless you play the later ones with decent guarantees.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    GL with it - Seems like you,ve made a good start already MP
    Posted by MP33
    Cheers man, hopefully I can keep the positive trend going!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    In Response to El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum! : No better reason to start a diary than this IMO - Good luck.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Cheers Ping!
  • edited May 2012

    devonfish5, YOUNG_GUN and GaryQQQ - Cheers guys, and yeah as I mentioned I like to write and adding poker poems to the diary could be a bit of fun... as well as making those boring days of poker where nothing much happens seem more interesting! :P

  • edited May 2012
    Dudeskin8, Lambert180 - The rake at the lower levels isn't exactly favorable IMO anyway so it will be a bit of a grind... but I should be getting my C4P from last month soon which is something like £27 which will allow me to play the odd £3.30 tourney (most likely the 8:15 Mini BHs).
  • edited May 2012
    Also if anyone can tell me how to reply to many posts in one post (with the pink boxes etc) then that would be great! I'm not exactly the best when it comes to computers...
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    Also if anyone can tell me how to reply to many posts in one post (with the pink boxes etc) then that would be great! I'm not exactly the best when it comes to computers...
    Posted by El_Mogul
    Click to reply to a post.
    Highlight, copy, go back.
    Click the next post to reply to
    Paste the first post
    Repeat ad infinitum.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum! : Click to reply to a post. Highlight, copy, go back. Click the next post to reply to Paste the first post Repeat ad infinitum.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Ahh OK cheers, pretty simple then haha!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum! : Ahh OK cheers, pretty simple then haha!
    Posted by El_Mogul
    trying to reply myself..
    have i got
    thank you Evil,
    i was wondering how you did it too.
    cheers buddy
  • edited May 2012
    May 2nd

    Don't think I'll be playing much more today so I might as well summarise my sessions now.

    Got off to the worst possible start today. Some guy decided to play aces really strangely and I ended up getting my money in with jacks on a flop with low cards. Then basically got really unlucky for the rest of my cash session. For example if I had kings pre, the flop would come up with an ace and my opponent would always seem to have it! And to end it off my aces got beaten by J7... so by this time I got pretty fed up and entered the £2.20 deep stack at 2.20 and a BH around the same time. I was out of the deep stack pretty quick - I flopped top two pair and the guy flopped bottom set so it was all going in. However I did manage to win back some of my losses today as I came 3rd out of 46 in the BH... which was complete mayhem so it was pretty easy to gilde into the money.

    There's probably not much point in posting my C4P cause I'm hardly gaining anything at these stakes but I'll post it anyway.

    Bankroll: £67.99 - £7.03
    C4P: 24p + 15

    Anyway... Here's the poem!


    So it’s the second of May, what can I say?Jumped into NL4 and had a bad start to the day,3-bet my jacks pre, got a caller in the blinds,It appears he was getting tricky, as it’s aces that he finds, He donk bets the flop and I think he’s weaker than he is,So I shove all-in and he shows the rockets, you’ve gotta be taking the P***! Things didn’t improve at NL4; I just lost more and more,I found the aces and raised, got callers galore!The flop comes down 76J rainbow,Me and a fish go all-in, what does he show?!Seven Jack is his holding and I can’t believe my eyes,But all I can do is sit back and exert a barrage of sighs, So I left the cash games and entered a couple of tournies,Maybe in these Lady Luck will work for me,But that wasn’t meant to be as I hastily exited the deep stack,I flopped top two pair and he had a set, I want my money back!But in the bounty hunter I was doing OK,It seemed that all the donkeys had come out to play! This one was a frenzy; people really wanted them bounties,Even though one could barely buy them a pack of Rowntrees!Within an hour I was at the final table,Forty-six had become six and yet, the donkeys hadn’t returned to their stable,Despite being short, getting in the money was easy,I ended up bagging third; low stakes bounty hunters are pretty breezy…
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    May 2nd Don't think I'll be playing much more today so I might as well summarise my sessions now. Got off to the worst possible start today. Some guy decided to play aces really strangely and I ended up getting my money in with jacks on a flop with low cards. Then basically got really unlucky for the rest of my cash session. For example if I had kings pre, the flop would come up with an ace and my opponent would always seem to have it! And to end it off my aces got beaten by J7... so by this time I got pretty fed up and entered the £2.20 deep stack at 2.20 and a BH around the same time. I was out of the deep stack pretty quick - I flopped top two pair and the flopped bottom set so it was all going in. However I did manage to win back some of my losses today as I came 3rd out of 46 in the BH... which was complete mayhem so it was pretty easy to gilde into the money. There's probably not much point in posting my C4P cause I'm hardly gaining anything at these stakes but I'll post it anyway. Bankroll: £67.99 - £7.03 C4P: 24p + 15 Anyway... Here's the poem! Ahem So it’s the second of May, what can I say? Jumped into NL4 and had a bad start to the day, 3-bet my jacks pre, got a caller in the blinds, It appears he was getting tricky, as it’s aces that he finds, He donk bets the flop and I think he’s weaker than he is, So I shove all-in and he shows the rockets, you’ve gotta be taking the P***!   Things didn’t improve at NL4; I just lost more and more, I found the aces and raised, got callers galore! The flop comes down 76J rainbow, Me and a fish go all-in, what does he show?! Seven Jack is his holding and I can’t believe my eyes, But all I can do is sit back and exert a barrage of sighs,   So I left the cash games and entered a couple of tournies, Maybe in these Lady Luck will work for me, But that wasn’t meant to be as I hastily exited the deep stack, I flopped top two pair and he had a set, I want my money back! But in the bounty hunter I was doing OK, It seemed that all the donkeys had come out to play!   This one was a frenzy; people really wanted them bounties, Even though one could barely buy them a pack of Rowntrees! Within an hour I was at the final table, Forty-six had become six and yet, the donkeys hadn’t returned to their stable, Despite being short, getting in the money was easy, I ended up bagging third; low stakes bounty hunters are pretty breezy…
    Posted by El_Mogul
    For some reason the poem came out in one big paragraph... but oh well hopefully it will make enough sense!
  • edited May 2012
    Nice poem, bit long but cool :) 
  • edited May 2012
    Quality poem Sir, as someone who likes to write a bit too, thats some achievement to get it all in sync with the weird wonderful world of online poker terms, look forward to the next instalment.
  • edited May 2012

    like it like it like it like it like it like it.

    you get the general idea....
    where this goes nobody knows.
    great game this poker
    so hit and miss
    highs and lows
    jacks and jokers.
    u say donkeys
    i say a**
    your go mate
    fold or pass.
    my aces v queens
    got cracked twice tonight
    double your money
    don,t think so honey
    not very funny.
    it,s getting late
    time 4 bed
    enough said.!!!

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    Nice poem, bit long but cool :) 
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    TY! Yeah I know... It was supposed to be quite short but I kept thinking of things to add LOL.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    Quality poem Sir, as someone who likes to write a bit too, thats some achievement to get it all in sync with the weird wonderful world of online poker terms, look forward to the next instalment.
    Posted by Oopnorth
    Haha cheers mate. I'm gonna try and do one everyday so you shan't have to wait long... I'll try and make the next one a tad shorter though!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul - Yet another diary to swell the forum!:
    like it like it like it like it like it like it. you get the general idea.... where this goes nobody knows. great game this poker so hit and miss highs and lows jacks and jokers. u say donkeys i say a** your go mate fold or pass. my aces v queens got cracked twice tonight double your money don,t think so honey not very funny. it,s getting late time 4 bed enough said.!!! dev :-)
    Posted by devonfish5
    That's pretty good Dev. FP! It seems I have a bit of competition. :P
  • edited May 2012

    3rd May

    So I'm continuing to run bad (at least, that's my excuse) and if it wasn't for the C4P that came through today I'd almost be down to my initial deposit. I wouldn't say I'm running terrbile ATM but I'm definitely not running good! Aces and kings seem to unequivocally fail for me so I think I might just fold them pre-flop and shove with 27o instead. ;)

    Played around five MTTs and only cashed in one for a profit of like 20p - big money! Also played a couple of DYMs, just to offset the boredom of when I was playing one MTT at a time. Didn't cash in either DYM - again, it was a tale at constant beats. I also played a bit of NL4 in the night, but there's nothing really to say about that as nothing interesting happened.

    I'm happy with the way I'm playing though so as long as I keep doing what I'm doing I should see profit soon enough... I hope!

    Bankroll: £81.92 (Boosted by £27 of C4P)
    C4P: 49 + 25

    Just a short one this time...

    Give me a couple af aces, or maybe just kings,
    Surely I'll be good with these,
    But it appears not, as I always lose the lot,
    C'mon poker gods, let them hold just once, please?

    These fish call with deuce-seven, they win and they're in Heaven,
    They love the spin of that roulette ball,
    But it's OK, I can handle these beats,
    I'm playing poker after all!

  • edited May 2012

    4th May

    Ok, today was a better day! Played a bit of cash for a while and ended up breaking even but, played two £2.30 BH tournaments in the evening and came 3rd out of 300-ish runners in the one! Actually got quite unlucky a few times in the tourney but managed to hang on. Then on the final table bubble I managed to get a tripple up (which is always nice) and then got my aces in against AQ which put me way above average. The final table bubble itself though went on for ages but when we actually got to the final table people got picked off fairly quickly. My exit hand was pocket 6s which the BB called with tens... so pretty standard stuff.

    Bankroll: £119.32 + £37.40
    C4P: 61 + 12

    This poem is a tad boring... but I'm tired... so yeah!

    Today was a better day,
    Perhaps im turning round this bad start to may,
    Binked a final table,
    Ran over the weak and able,
    Then went out in third for a decent pay day,

    The competition wasnt' bad,
    Surprisingly, there weren't many beind rad,
    Got a few heads,
    From the fishies on which I fed,
    But from then on there weren't that many to add!

    My eyes have now gone square,
    From the screen of which I've stared,
    I admit, this poem is boring,
    But give me a break, I'm tired; almost snoring!
    So I bid you all good night, I'm off to bed ('bed' in a Scottish accent... sort of rhymes! xD)

  • edited May 2012
    Good to see my chips went to good use, A9 < TT :)

    Keep it going mate ;)
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    Good to see my chips went to good use, A9 < TT :) Keep it going mate ;)
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Haha yeah cheers!

    Yeah, I almost folded but I figured I was ahead or your shoving range so had to call. UL though, I would have done the same in your pos!
  • edited May 2012
    nice going El..
    keep it going,

    ps;likeing the poems mate,
    i,ll through in the odd 1 now & again,
    when it,s not to late
    top marks 10/10
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    nice going El.. keep it going, :-) dev ps;likeing the poems mate, i,ll through in the odd 1 now & again, when it,s not to late top marks 10/10
    Posted by devonfish5
    Cheers Dev.!

    I've been reading your diary/challenge thready too BTW. DYMs can be frustrating at times, but I'm sure you'll see profit soon enough!
  • edited May 2012
    good rhymes, record a video and do eminem? 
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