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El Mogul's Diary!



  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    good rhymes, record a video and do eminem? 
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    Or write for MC Hartigan?
  • edited May 2012
    5th May

    Only played three tourneys today and a bit of NL4. Standard stuff all round... My aces got beaten by 86o in the one but after cashing for a decent amount last night this didn't bother me too much. Wasn't happy with the way I played in the third tourney though (3.30 mini BH)... I managed to get a big stack early on (due to a big stack donk shoving with every hand so all I had to do was wait for a big hand and limp, and he'd shove over me), but I think I donked off a lot of my chips by being overly aggressive. My exit hand was fine though. I was all in with two others with AQs. The one guy had pocket 6s and the other had pocket 7s so I was in good a position to tripple up but it wasn't meant to be...

    No poem tonight as I'm going away for a couple of days and have to pack... gutted right? Doubt I'll be playing much (if at all) where I'm going as the wifi will be quite erratic, but if I do play it will just be cash.

    Also just finished reading 'Kill Everyone' which is IMO a very good book for those willing to get better at tournaments. There is a lot of complicated stuff in it though so I wouldn't reccommend it to people that haven't been playing long... but yeah, tis a good read!

    Bankroll: £112.78 - £6.54
    C4P: 79 + 19
  • edited May 2012
    liking your poems very much El Mogul, sorry I've only just noticed your diary in the forum.

    I wish you all the very best with this and looking forward to reading about your progress

    Good Luck

    Lorraine :) x
  • edited May 2012
    hi EL,
    have a nice trip
    see you soon
  • edited May 2012
    there was an old man from sky

    Who came to give poker a try

    the cards seemed fixed

    and it got right on his wicks

    so he started to cry and he said f.k this bye bye 

    im never coming back to this poxy site called sky

    Good bye

    But he came back weeks later

    Had a go as a high staker

    and found he was more giver not a taker

    oh nooooo not a 2 outter ff sake and not only that sky take 10% rake ffs

  • edited May 2012
    Some of yours rhymes
    Should be listed as crimes
    But good luck with the poker n good luck with the odes
    I hope you're rhyming gets better and you win loads and loads

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    Some of yours rhymes Should be listed as crimes But good luck with the poker n good luck with the odes I hope you're rhyming gets better and you win loads and loads
    Posted by SoLack
    You'd think Solack was a proffessional bard
    Unlike Dohhhhhhhh who is a drunken lard
    I too hope that you win your fortune
    And of your poems, i hope to read more soon

  • edited May 2012
    now am i going mad
    are these poems just a passing fad
    where are you EL
    missing you like hell
    come back and we,ll all be glad.!!!

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    liking your poems very much El Mogul, sorry I've only just noticed your diary in the forum. I wish you all the very best with this and looking forward to reading about your progress Good Luck Lorraine :) x
    Posted by yidette9
    Thankyou lorraine :)

    There are soooo many diaries in the forum so I'm not suprised you've only just noticed mine; appreciate the interest!
  • edited May 2012
    Hah! Loving all the poems FP! Think this might be turning into more of a poker poem thread than a poker diary thread!

    ...Think I have an addiction to exclamation marks!

    Also, I'll be updating the diary properly tomorrow... as I'm baack home then!
  • edited May 2012

    6th May

    OK, so wasn't sure about the internet connection in the place where I went so I just played a bit of cash. Quite a good session as made about two full buy-ins (NL4) profit. Not much else to say really as it was just grinding out a bit on cash... well I say grinding, I was mostly single tabling! Didn't get unlucky at all, and don't think I sucked out as far as I can remember... so all in all it was a nice sesh!

    Bankroll: £120.55 + £7.77
    C4P: 84 + 6

    7th May

    As usual I played a bit of cash. Made as small profit of a few quid which is always good to keep the roll ticking over. I then had a good few hours to kill in the evening and I realised that the internet connection wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be so I played a few tourneys. Also, I was in the living room and everyone was watching 'Embarrasing Bodies' so I needed something to distract myself with as that program is just revolting!

    I played the £3.30 Mini BH (which is actually my fav. tournament at the lower stakes) and I think I managed to get a bounty... that was about it.

    I also played the £100 Deep Stack at around 7:45 as I noticed a lot of decent players were registered. I find it more fun playing against competent players because it's more challenging... I think. i was actually doing quite well in this one and had a deep run. My exit hand was very interesting... although I can't seem to find it on hand history. Basically I raised from EP with JJ and the guy just flatted OTB with QQ. Flop came jack high which gave me the temporary nuts so I bet out. The guy then shoves over me and I see what he has... so at this point I'm pretty happy. The turn comes a king I think which gives him outs (as there is already a ten on the board) and then the river comes a queen! Meh...

    Played the Take on Tikay too and was very gutted to come 11th! Really wanted to win this one as I know a lot of skillful players play it. Think I made a profit of like £2 which annoyed me as I had put a lot of effort into this one and as I said was going for the win... but that's tourneys for you. I was one of the main chip leaders for a while but I had a decent chunk taken when my KQ lost to Q9  (AIPF). From them on it was very hard for me to regain a powerful chip stack and I ended up shoving with KT from the CO when I was below ten bigs.

    Bankroll: £121.48 + 93p
    C4P: 100 + 16

    8th May

    Tournaments can be so frustrating...

    Played like ten minutes of cash when I got home before the tourneys around 8:00 started. Lost 29p I think? So yeah, nothing much to report.

    I played two £2.30 BHs and didn't cash in either. Was doing OK in both and I'm happy with the way I played but none of my efforts were rewarded.

    Played the Mini Open too and had another frustrating finish (akin to the Take on Tikay the night before). Finished 13th out of 387 runners and again, was annoyed at this result as I really wanted to win or at least get in the top 5. I had a mountain of chips at one point and I was then moved to a tight/passive table which was fine as it was easy to add to my stack. But then, a player was moved to my table who had more chips than me and he was more loose and aggressive than the others on my table... not good. I raised with pocket 6s a few hands after he had joined the table and he shoved his enitre stack! Bearing in mind that we were both the largest stacks on the table and both had a decent stack in general I did not want to call this at all... so I folded. I also raised PF in the next hand with A7s... and he shoved again! Had to fold... So then I tightened up my image and I soon became short-ish stacked so had to make some moves. I ended up shoving with K7 to try and take the blinds and the guy that had been playing back at me woke up with AK... Game Over.

    Bankroll: £123.91 + £2.43
    C4P: 109 + 9

    El Poem:

    So it's been a frustrating few days I have to say,
    I'm getting so close, yet so far away,
    Two near misses but at least I cashed,
    No, forget that, I want money that I can splash!

    Here's hoping that I'll take down a tourney soon,
    Well, it could just happen once in a blue moon!
    But at least I haven't blown all the money in my roll,
    And become so desperate that I have to sell my soul!

  • edited May 2012
    Mega post FTW! ^
  • edited May 2012
    Yeah totally undertstand what you mean about that dreaded cash just off the 10th place when it starts rising every time a player busts, it's sucks so much as just 10 or so more places higher makes a MASSIVE difference. But that really is what makes MTT's so fun as the thrill is unmatched when you finally win :)
  • edited May 2012
    9th May

    Went to the cinema yesterday so only played a bit of NL4 in the night. Made about one BI so's all good! Nothiing else to say... boring stuff.

    Bankroll: £127.59 + £3.68
    C4p: 113 + 4

    Also, I'm probably gonna do just one poem a week as I feel one a day might be too much... and I can't be bothered to be creative everyday!

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    Yeah totally undertstand what you mean about that dreaded cash just off the 10th place when it starts rising every time a player busts, it's sucks so much as just 10 or so more places higher makes a MASSIVE difference. But that really is what makes MTT's so fun as the thrill is unmatched when you finally win :)
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Yeah exactly. I'm trying to focus mainly on MTTs at the minute so I suppose I better get used to the near misses... but hopefully I'll have some decent results soon too!
  • edited May 2012
    10th May


    Gonna round up today's play now I think...

    Overall, quite a good day. Had a bad start though as I didn't cash in the first BH I played and I lost around £4 Playing NL4 - The bulk of this was lost due to a guy shoving over my check-raise on the flop when I had top pair and he had mid pair... he got lucky and hit a straight... but meh, tis poker!

    Played two MTTs in the late afternoon though and did quite well. Can't really give you details of the main pots and all that as I was basically auto-piloting as I was doing like 5 other things at the same time! Didn't even know that I reached the final table on one that's how detached I was! Probably should have focused more... But yeah, cashed in both (£2.30 BH and a £1.10 rebuy) and came third in both. Should have gotten at least second in the one but my A9 lost to A6 (AIPF) which damaged me significantly when we were 3-handed (I think).

    Just played a couple of £2.25 DYMs as well and cashed in both so happy days. :)

    So yeah, all-in-all a good day, would have liked to have won a bit more from the MTTs, but can't really complain too much!

    Bankroll: £140.13 + £12.54
    C4P: 130 + 17
  • edited May 2012

    11th May

    Not so much progress...

    Had a terrible time playing NL4 today. I think I may have been playing bad to start off with which may have cost me a couple of quid, but from then on I was just getting constantly unlucky. The standard stuff of rag aces beating kings... yeah, you know the drill. So I think I lost over £10 playing NL4! Not good...

    Played one £2.30 BH in the late afternoon and came 10th out of 80-ish runners so just got in the money. Made a small profit from that but nothing much.

    Then went out in the evening and got drunk down the pub... came back and played another £2.30 BH... how silly of me! Playing drunk was quite fun... by no means was I playing good. Played like an uber LAG from the start which is very interesting to do from level 1 in a small buy-in BH. I remember some guy shoving over my PFR with J9 cause he was fed up that I was raising every hand... so I called with nines and took his bounty. So yeah didn't cash in this, but got a bounty... I obv. wasn't taking this seriously anyway... bahah!

    Note to self: Don't play when drunk!

    Bankroll: £127.13 - £13.00
    C4P: 155 + 25

  • edited May 2012
    Okay so I have been a bit all over the place the last few days and lost track of everything so I won't post my progress over the past few days cause I'm quite lost tbh...

    Been quite stressed with certain things and this has in no doubt affected my game.

    My bankroll has taken a big hit - I'm around £110 now (down from £140). £10 of this was lost due to not cashing in tourneys and the other £20 was lost playing cash. I would say half of the £20 lost in cash was due to getting unlucky and the other half was due to me playing poorly... or at least not playing how NL4 should be played.

    Giving cash a break for a while... at the minute I'm thinking I'm not playing cash again... but I know that this is just a temporary state of mind and I will most likely have the urge to play again in the future.

    To be honest I'm not a great cash game player anyway and I am/was determined to get better at cash as I know I'm a winning player at SNGs and MTTs (as my Sharkscope graphs will prove - although I've currently locked them) and wanted to become a winning player at cash too.

    So for the time being I'm just going to stick to DYMs and MTTs while my bankroll is... 'wounded'.

    I personally don't think I'm cut out for cash and I think my game is more suited to structured forms of poker. I would love to be great at all three but I don't think I'm naturally a competent cash player.

    This also got me wondering if there are any very successful poker players who aren't great at cash... ThinK Phil Hellmuth might be one... oh God, am I a Phil Hellmuth?! Oh dear...
  • edited May 2012
    hi EL,
    what,s with all the colour changes ?


  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    hi EL, what,s with all the colour changes ? LOL dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    It looks funky :P ... And more inviting to read ;)
  • edited May 2012
    Rainbow writing ftw :)
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary : It looks funky :P ... And more inviting to read ;)
    Posted by El_Mogul
    It looks like sweets and made me want to lick the screen :S
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary : It looks like sweets and made me want to lick the screen :S
    Posted by gaga87
    I'll take that as a compliment ;)
  • edited May 2012
    OK so...

    Went back to what I know best and played some DYMs. Did quite well and I seem to be running pretty good in them at the minute.

    DYMs (£2.25)

    Played: 8
    W: 7
    Profit: £10.00

    Also played a couple of tourneys...

    In the BH I raised to 3x OTB with ATo after two limpers and the both called. I shoved after no action on the flop (Risky I know) but I did have outs...;) got called by a guy with an open-ended straight draw and a flush draw so it was about 50/50... I lost so that was my exit hand in that one.

    In the ToT I raised to 2.5 x from MP with sevens and got called by a big stack on the blinds. The flop was a knig and two low cards (lower than a seven). He checked to me and I shoved with not many BBs and he had the king so yeah... that was my exit hand in that one.

    £.2.30 BH 
                                          Take on Tikay

    Place: 97/293 (2 bounties)             Place: 60/180
    Profit: - £0.80                                 Profit: - £2.20

    Bankroll: £116.25
    C4P: 251
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary : I'll take that as a compliment ;)
    Posted by El_Mogul
    Yes it was lol, very good diary you got going here, keep it up! :D
  • edited May 2012
    nice 1 El,
    keep the good run going
  • edited May 2012
    Good to see you bouncing back. Downswings are unavoidable, they're guaranteed to come, it's how you deal with them that matters. Likeable diary, keep up the good work.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    Good to see you bouncing back. Downswings are unavoidable, they're guaranteed to come, it's how you deal with them that matters. Likeable diary, keep up the good work.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    nice 1 El, keep the good run going :-) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary:
    In Response to Re: El (The Rhyming Donkey) Mogul's Diary : Yes it was lol, very good diary you got going here, keep it up! :D
    Posted by gaga87
    Cheers for the positive responses! Quit the poem thing quite quickly as I felt it was getting a bit stale but I'll try and ensure that the diary remains interesting to read... even if that does mean using funky colours ;)
  • edited May 2012
    15th May

    Was really ill yesterday (and still am today) so only played two tourneys... although I probably shouldn't have been playing altogether. I either have flu or tonsilitis and I've hardly had any sleep over the past few days so poker may not be the best thing to do!

    But, as I said I played two tourneys - a £2.20 deep stack (only 17 runners) and a £2.30 BH. Quickly crashed and burned in the deep stack and I got my AK in against kings which pretty much put me out of the tourney. Normally I would have gotten away from it pre-flop as the guy was showing an uncharacteristically large amount of strength... but with me being ill, sleep deprived and all that my discipline was not really there.

    I managed to cash in the bounty hunter however, but I TOTALLY messed up the final table. Making calls that I know I shouldn't... bluffing with nothing etc... just pure bad play all round. If I was in a better state of mind I know I would have been able to secure at least third. Considering how bad I was feeling though, I don't think I did too bad ;)

    £2.20 DS                               
    £2.30 BH

    Place: 16/17                          Place: 5/53
    Profit: - £2.20                        Profit: + £4.42

    Bankroll: £118.47 + £2.22
    C4P: 256 + 5
  • edited May 2012
    Got nothing else to do ATM so might aswell update today so far...

    16th May (so far)

    Was up early (due to illness) and noticed that there was a £3.30 BH on at 10.45. Had loads of drugs (the good kind ;)) and felt quite good by this time so I decided to play it. I got a bounty early on due to some donk 5-betting me with Q6s in the first level when I had aces. Went out about half an hour later... due to my over-aggression. Thought I might have played the hand slightly bad so I posted the hand on the poker clinic to be analysed by all the poker docs. Don't think It was a terrible play over all though.

    After this I was still feeling pretty good so I played 6 £2.25 DYMs. Still doing pretty well in these as all my good hands held up.

    DYMs (£2.25)

    Played: 8
    W: 5
    L: 1
    Profit: + £6.50

    £3.30 BH

    Place: 47/68
    Profit: - £.2.17

    bankroll: £122.80 + £4.33
    C4P: 277
    + 22
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