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El Mogul's Diary!



  • edited May 2012
    Dunno if anyone reads this but I'm gonna update it anyway! Hmph

    16th May (after first post)

    Sooo basically just played a load of £2.25 DYMs and won as many as I lost which mean I made a bit of a loss due to the rake... -.-

    I've messed up on the records... as I often do, so I'll just give you the rough figures! As I said I won as much as I lost playing the DYMs so that cost me about a fiver in rake.

    Also played a £2.30 BH in the evening and didn't cash (1 bounty). Had the guy drawing to like 4 outs when it was all-in on the turn... and then he got there on the river... so a slight bad beat.

    Played the Coach Kendall FR and came about 350th out of 1000 (not sure on my exact place as for some reason I can't open my table history). This tournament was mental and I was going for the win (as one must in a tourney like this) as the places payed were only in the <1%! My exit hand here was a flip.

    Bankroll: At the end of the day it was about £115
    C4P: Think these were around 350

    Once again... I apologise for messing up on my records... I am a donk!
  • edited May 2012
    I Read It!!

    ps Welcome to The Hitsquad Comrade!!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul's Diary!:
    I Read It!! ps Welcome to The Hitsquad Comrade!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Cheers RV... and I shall make the team proud ;)
  • edited May 2012
    I'm reading too, and I hope you're back to good health. 

    Unfortunately 'bingo' plays like the 5-bet shove with Q6s have become increasingly common in the low stakes Bounty Hunters. It's a shame because the tournaments are being ruined, at times it's the MTT equivalent of Russian Roulette. It's great when you hold aces like this time, but obviously that isn't going to happen too often. All you can do is play super-tight, get your chips in the middle with say the top 5% of your range and hope for the best.
  • edited May 2012
    Hi Gary, I'm not 100% but well enough to play profitable poker :P

    Yeah, there are a lot of 'bingo' players at the low stakes but I don't mind too much cause they're easy to identify and are willing to donk off a lot of their chips. So, as long as you have a decent hand then your winning against them the majority of the time when chips are in the middle. Of course, when your on a card drought and are not picking up many premiums these players can be quite frustrating as you cannot play back at them... but I think generally they're little cash machiines!
  • edited May 2012

    17th May

    Continuing with the £2.25 DYM 'grind' today and still continuing to make gradual progress. Think I won about 3/4 of the total played and made a proft of around £8. Not running amazingly... but not running terrible either so all is good. Lost one AIPF when my AK failed to hold against AJ. I'm planning on grinding a lot of DYMs now but I probably won't give you many details of plays because DYMs are pretty straight forward and my strategy doesn't really vary when playing these...

    Then, in the evening I played a £2.30 BH (8.05) and the £3.30 mini BH. Exited the mini after an hour without any bounties after shoving over a big-stack's PFR with pocket 8s when I was short. He turned over TT and I was out.

    Had a deep-ish run in the £2.30 BH though and came 53/295. Was a bit gutted to exit here as I have a big hunger to win one of these tourneys ATM! My exit hand was a steal hand attempt turned into a flip. Two players limped pre when I was in the BB. I had K9s and just over 10 bigs (most players had quite short stacks at this stage) and decided to shove. The first limper called and turned over eights. Gotta win the flips and all that... If I were to win this flip I would have had a nice chip stock indeed. Got a few bounties though which pretty much covered my buy-in so it's not all bad.

    I've decided I'm not going to show the specific numbers of how many DYMs I played, lost and won etc... mainly because I lose track of the specific numbers quite regularly and it's too fiddly! (Silly lazy me...)

    Bankroll: £120.29 + £5...ish
    C4P: 416 + 50...ish

    Also still might play a bit more tonight, if I do I'll just count it as part of tomorrow's update.

  • edited May 2012
    Gonna set myself a wee target!

    This weekend, I'm just going to play DYMs (probs £2.25 ones like I've been doing) and by the Monday my aim is to have £150 in the roll... so that's like £30 profit over the next few days. So I'm not going to play any tourneys... which I often do... so yeah, this is da plan!

    Gonna have to grind quite a bit I quess... but that's OK, I have a lot of free time at the minute. I multi-table four tables usually with DYMs... tried six a couple of times but it slows my laptop down and they can't really all fit on the screen (mini-view).

    Sooo just a lil target... let's see how it goes! :)
  • edited May 2012
    18th May

    Okaaay, so I played a lot of DYMs yesterday (around 25 £2.25 ones) and didn't do great overall. The amount I won was around the amount I lost but because of the high volume I lost more that £5 in rake. I may have made a couple of small mistakes, but 95% of my play was sound. Just not running too great ATM.

    Prior to playing all these DYMs though I had a go at the 'DYM Challenge'. Got to level 3 (£1.10... I think?) and busted out after my queens lost to AJ (AIPF)... haven't attempted it since but might do soon.

    So so far, this mini target I set myself isn't going too well... but hey ho, positive thinking etc etc etc!

    Now I know I said I wasn't going to do any tourneys during this weekend but I used a promotion that I was informed about via e-mail, which was spend £5 on Sky Vegas and Get a £5 tourney token. In my mind this seemed like a win win situation as the worst case scenario would be if I lost the whole £5 on Sky Vegas and then got £5 back in a tourney token. So I had ten goes on Blackjack (50p bets) and quit as soon as I reached the £5. I actually lost no money and made a profit on about 50p... so including the tourney token, that amounted to a profit of £5.50.

    No luck in the tourney itself though and I was short-stacked pretty much constantly. Got a bounty from it though (which I think was around £1.80) ... so again a nice small profit.

    But still ended the day on a negative...

    Bankroll: £115.32
    - £4.97
    C4P: 500
    + 84
  • edited May 2012

    19th May

    Again, played a lot of DYMs today... but with more success. I made a decent profit in the earlier sessions despite getting a lot of beats around the bubble. This negative variance though was made up for during sessions in the evening where I was running pretty golden. The total number of (£2.25) DYMs that I played today was around 30... so a decent grind.

    Also played some HU... 'cause I was bored and they technically are DYMs... ;) Played 5 of these (£1.10 stake because I'm not that experienced HU) and won 3... so not too bad, although I wasn't really playing them to make much of a profit.

    Might be able to make my target by monday!


    Bankroll: £133.07 + £17.75
    C4P: 589 + 89

  • edited May 2012
    nice going El,
    nearly doubled your money already,
  • edited May 2012
    Best of Luck El,

    Played a few with you last week.Good solid player.Hopefully I will get back on the tables next week sometime.

    Run well and good luck with your challenge.

  • edited May 2012
    Just read through the Diary.
    Very intersting.
    Keep up the good work and good luck.

    Just out of interest, do your parents know you play hours and hours of poker?   and do they class it as "idiotic gambling" .      ?
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul's Diary!:
    nice going El, nearly doubled your money already, :-) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Cheers Dev :)

    Yeah, well I've already doubled my initial deposit... and almost doubled the amount that I started this diary with. The plan is that when I get to £150 I'm gonna start doing some £3.30 DYMs again! Shouldn't be too long now... I hope hah!

    In Response to Re: El Mogul's Diary!:
    Best of Luck El, Played a few with you last week.Good solid player.Hopefully I will get back on the tables next week sometime. Run well and good luck with your challenge. Pat
    Posted by day4eire76
    Cheers man, glad your reading my thread! You seem solid too... don't hurry back to soon :P

    In Response to Re: El Mogul's Diary!:
    Just read through the Diary. Very intersting. Keep up the good work and good luck. Just out of interest, do your parents know you play hours and hours of poker? and do they class it as "idiotic gambling" . ?
    Posted by 1267
    Cheers for the interest!

    And yes they do... and I find it very funny. My mum is worse than my dad, for instance if I have a big win on a tourney or something she will say 'But you're not going to put it all back in though are you?'... so I say yes I'm going to blow the whole lot of it... just to wind her up.

    People who don't play poker seriously just won't understand the game and won't understand that there is money to be made it's as simple as that. So whatever they say regarding me playing online poker I just take it with a pinch of salt and give them little or no reaction.

    My dad's not so bad though, if I win a big tourney and tell him, he'll be more impressed and will not say much regarding the negativities that he thinks are associated with poker.
  • edited May 2012
    20th May


    Played 25 DYMs today, and despite playing quite a lot I have made very little progress. Some beats occured today... but the bulk of the DYMs that I lost today was where the blinds were stupidly high (e.g. 200/400, 300/600 etc) and you had to keep shoving with anything to stay afloat so it was basically anyone's game... unless there were those people who do not raise and just blind out(unfortunately, these were sparse today). Akin to yesterday, I did slightly better in the evening session and managed to make a profit on the day... but not much of a profit.

    Also played a 60p DYM and won... don't know why I played it.

    And played a £1 Survivor and got through to tomorrow's one. Played this as I have never played it before, and for a quid I thought I'd give it a go.

    So...... target failed, but I still want to get to £150 quickly so then I can play the £3.30 DYMs (as this is the BR limit that I have set myself to play this level).

    Bankroll: £136.02 + £2.95
    C4P: 675
    + 86
  • edited May 2012
    21st May

    Yesterday was the worst day since I started this diary. It's a cliche to say 'oh, I was getting unlucky and so many beats', but I actually was getting a brutal bout of variance from the get go!

    Played a fair few DYMs as usual and lost 9 and won 4 (if my records are correct). My play was fine (although a misclick on the one committed most of my stack so I was forced to go with it with practically no hand) but as I said it was just a terrible session. Went out in the first hand in one... I had jacks pre and the flop came 10 high. It went all in on the flop and I was ahead as the guy had QT... and he hit a Q or a T (can't quite remember) on the turn... suppose it's not as bad as the river. Jacks continued to be a bad hand for me as I managed to get it all-in pre-flop with some donk who called my shove with pocket 2s when I had jacks... he hit trips. Another frustrating one - on the bubble me and a guy were all in (similiar stack sizes) with AQ. His was suited clubs and mine was suited spades... of course he hit a flush.

    Then played 5 tourneys in the evening  (2 £2.30s, 1 £3.30, 1 £1.10 and the Tues. survivor). I'm not going to go into detail as the theme of constant negative variance that I was experiencing in the DYMs seemed to continue in these... so you get the general idea.I did however get (to my amazement) lucky a few times in the £1.10 tourney... although this was only a minor consolation as I did not even cash in this tourney (not to mention not cashing in all the others).

    So all-in-all it was a terrible day in terms of poker, and the amount I lost was the most since I started this diary. So I'm gonna take a break from poker for a couple of days and probs start playing again at the end of the week... probably.

    So see you soon Sky... I will be scouting the forums occasionally though.

    P.S I've unlocked my SharkScope account so you can spy on my losses as much as you want! ;)

    Bankroll: £113.97 - £22.05
    C4P: 732 + 57
  • edited May 2012

    Just to let anyone know who is interested in this, I'm temporarily suspending the diary. I personally think I'm getting a bit of bad variance ATM n there's no point in me going on everyday about how I got 'unlucky'. Also, it sucks a bit to constantly write about how you've got unlucky just after you've got unlucky. Was wondering if my play was bad... but after checking my SC graphs for Sky and 'Stars I'm convinced I have at least some level of skill.

    Bankoll is stable enough though (just under £120) but just gonna leave the diary for a bit.



  • edited May 2012
    not a stupid idea - you have enough to concentrate on turning it around without worrying about the diary.

    looking forward to the resumption when you tell us how it all got better

  • edited May 2012
    hi El,
    if u r feelin bad...
    try losing £130 in 1 session....
    then you,ll know what "feeling bad"really
    (*  *)
    see you soon buddy,
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul's Diary!:
    not a stupid idea - you have enough to concentrate on turning it around without worrying about the diary. looking forward to the resumption when you tell us how it all got better gl
    Posted by GELDY
    Yeah exactly... hopefully I can provide some positive results soon!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: El Mogul's Diary!:
    hi El, if u r feelin bad... try losing £130 in 1 session.... then you,ll know what "feeling bad"really (*  *)    "    ^ see you soon buddy, dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Yeah I read... unfortunate that :/ Didn't know what to say so I didn't post anything lol, but I'm positive you'll bounce back!
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