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  • edited May 2012
    People that keep shoving wide untill you snap and call them with K-8, then they manage to split the pot with J-2--lol---- Nice one Max-- well played mate!---- in the end---lol
  • edited May 2012
    People that write "well played" in the chat box when the flop comes 992 and some flopwit calls a massive bet with 10-8----- woops--- that was me!
    Posted by oynutter
    OHHH that really boils my pickle after you have just had you AA cracked by a K9 off and they shove pre hit trip ks or 9s and another player says nh after you just got knocked out, NH my a.
  • edited May 2012
    Whats up with you all. People can play a hand how they like, good or bad, its their choice and money and if they are bad(like me) then they will lose in the long run (like me). The only thing which should get on your wick is abuse. Rant over sorry.
  • edited May 2012
    the arrogance of people wanting you to play the game a way that suits them :)

    Surely a good poker player will take all theinformation leaked by players on this thread and use it against them APART from the stuff that is deemed bad etiquette and/or just plain stupid play :)
  • edited May 2012
    I find the most annoying thing, usually live but sometimes online aswell is after everyhand  the same player saying i would have had full house , next hand , i would have had flush with my 73 of hearts.
    OK i think once in a while everyone has gone damn i folded this or that but some people go on and on and on.


    As you can proberly tell there is someone at my local casino who does this constantly and i am slightly annoyed by it.

    The other thing that really gets my wick is when someone gets beat they say "Good old SKY" or "another SKY classic"
  • edited May 2012

    2 of my pet hates have proved popular. Ha ha and ty in the chatbox always get me riled. People who have to give their opinion on how the hand was played especially when they weren't involved. Just shut up please!

  • edited May 2012
    Most of the things that are listed here annoy me in some form or another. How I deal with them now is to not let them tilt me too much. I'm really trying to not type anything in chat boxes after a bad beat/stoopid play etc but if I have to it's either 'sigh' or 'meh'.(occasionally I type more but I'm doing it less). This actually helps me detilt and as a result  I play better.
  • edited May 2012
    bad body odour and loud mouth drunken idiots (live poker)

    a can of sure for men (or women :) costs two quid... a small price to pay to prevent me breathing in your Bo.

    being an oaf at the table and disrespecting people space only encourages me to try to bust you... quickly...
  • edited May 2012
    ...the insta-min/re-raise, or insta-min-check/raise, or insta-min 4-bet....etc etc

    ...oh and being slowplayed with the nuts when you think you have the nuts...TILT
    rolfus Sit out     
    iLoveToast Small blind  £0.25 £0.25 £64.06
    huuuuume Big blind  £0.50 £0.75 £91.25
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    WHOAMI196 Raise  £2.00 £2.75 £57.19
    britrock Fold     
    Mucka1 Fold     
    iLoveToast Call  £1.75 £4.50 £62.31
    huuuuume Fold     
    • J
    • 7
    • 8
    iLoveToast Check     
    WHOAMI196 Bet  £3.50 £8.00 £53.69
    iLoveToast Call  £3.50 £11.50 £58.81
    • 4
    iLoveToast Check     
    WHOAMI196 Bet  £8.00 £19.50 £45.69
    iLoveToast Call  £8.00 £27.50 £50.81
    • K
    iLoveToast Check     
    WHOAMI196 Bet  £19.00 £46.50 £26.69
    iLoveToast All-in  £50.81 £97.31 £0.00
    WHOAMI196 All-in  £26.69 £124.00 £0.00
    iLoveToast Unmatched bet  £5.12 £118.88 £5.12
    iLoveToast Show
    • 9
    • 10
    WHOAMI196 Show
    • A
    • A
    iLoveToast Win Straight Flush to the Jack £117.08  £122.20
  • edited May 2012
    "TY" and "BYE" in chat box used to cause me road rage until I perma muted chat across all games.

    People limp calling every pot, regardless of format/level/stage of T, and deck smacking them consistently.

    Deck warming when table donk has just left.........

    Phil Hellmuth/Tony G

    How hooked I am on zoom/rush.

    Having to bite my tongue live.

  • edited May 2012
    What about those flopwits that use the whole time bar to make every single decision!!!!--even whether or not to call an all in for 5000 chips on the first level of a deep stack with 7-3 os!!!----
    Posted by oynutter
    I went through a stage of doing this tbh - well half bar..

    Not to tilt ppl but just because it does something very interesting in terms of controlling flow of game.  I quit bothering as increased multi tabling made it moot. 

    I kind of see it as live equivelant of being concious of action intervals (time taken to bet/check when action on us).
  • edited May 2012
    Losing River cards!

    I think they should dealt first and called Streaming Puddles!
  • edited May 2012
    There is a Guy that plays live at my Local Casino.  Every Hand that goes to show down.... AND I MEAN EVERY HAND, even if he's not involved, he always says.

    "Yeah that's what I put you on".... EVERY SINGLE BLOODY TIME.   

    The guy must have X-Ray glasses he is so good.  Can't quite work out why he never cashes ;o)
  • edited May 2012

    Nothing really gets on my wick except rude and abusive behaviour....which i report back to SKY hopefully to get them banned. I have no qualms about this and nobody else should. 
    Sometimes, i do feel that some chat can be misread or misinterpreted though. I like to have a chat in the chat box myself though as i only play one table at a time. I'm there to enjoy myself not to particularly make money by grinding.

    People who multi have a problem understandably and turn chat off but there's enough that don't.
    Good manners is all that's needed. If someone puts nh, i put Ty. Someone last night put :( when i check raised him and he had to fold. Nice touch. "sigh" is fine too. I will often put cheers gl folks after i'm knocked out etc. What's wrong with wishing people well. yes, i'd like to be there but.....

    TommyD and Solack were on my table last night trying to knock each other out with short stacks it looked like and i put "congrats Tommy" based on his vegas package win. If he didn't have chat on then at least others saw it. I wish him well.
    Earlier in the same T there was some terrible behaviour by one chap(and poor 'blaming sky' play too). Swear words the lot. He lost a few hands and i'm pleased to say he was completely tilted. It was lovely to see him disappear 'down the chute" as it were. His name will be reported to Sky today!.........
    "If you can't do the time then don't do the crime."

    Why have people got to swear by writing connotations of the usual words to get around sky chat. Can't they hold back in the time it takes to write it? It flabbergasts me! Mind you, the spelling and grammar of these 'people' beggars belief and probably is a 'tell' on their level of education and good manners.....

    Anyway, i'll " goodnight Gracie" as it were. OOOO, i do feel better for that! Sorry, i just got carried away. Have a good weekend. All the best....

    PS Before all you ex english teachers check my spelling and grammar, i will admit to running the spell checker over this tome! As an ex maths teacher, i know my limits!!! Cheers

  • edited May 2012
    When u raise 5xbb utg with AA and someone calls with j,10 suited and then calls all your huge bets to the river and rivers a flush then bets a small bet to try to make it look like a steal so I shove an lose it all!!!true story form last night! DONKEYS are what get on my nerves !!awfull donkeys that do nothing but get lucky and go eee awww eee awe,call what they shouldn't,play out of position,and generally don't have a clue! They grind my gears!
    Good thread by the way,opening the flood gates for some serious winging lol
  • edited May 2012
    When u raise 5xbb utg with AA and someone calls with j,10 suited and then calls all your huge bets to the river and rivers a flush then bets a small bet to try to make it look like a steal so I shove an lose it all!!!true story form last night! DONKEYS are what get on my nerves !!awfull donkeys that do nothing but get lucky and go eee awww eee awe,call what they shouldn't,play out of position,and generally don't have a clue! They grind my gears!
    Good thread by the way,opening the flood gates for some serious winging lol
  • edited May 2012

    People who post exactly the same thing twice on forum threads ;)

  • edited May 2012
    People telling everyone how they should play (mainly live) Ummmm bricking straight flush/royal draws is never fun :( Most of all tho its the OMG RIGGED brigade.  Got no clue about the game at all or the numbers involved within just amazing amounts of ignorance and its usually poor players who rather than accept they are poor players want to blame it on the Sky RNG.  Just incred.
    Posted by scotty77
    This pretty much summed up what i was going to add.

    Especially people in heads up cash where they have a go at you for playing their tendencies against them. I think it's frustration because they can't figure out how to beat you.
  • edited May 2012
    People who post exactly the same thing twice on forum threads ;)
    Posted by GaryQQQ

  • edited May 2012
    People who post exactly the same thing twice on forum threads ;)
    Posted by GaryQQQ

  • edited May 2012
    First thing that comes to mind is people limping with AA, sigh.
  • edited May 2012
    I often seen people min raise with AA in the bb after 5 limpers, but this action is simply far too funny to get on my wick.
  • edited May 2012
    Nothing really gets on my wick except rude and abusive behaviour....which i report back to SKY hopefully to get them banned. I have no qualms about this and nobody else should.  Sometimes, i do feel that some chat can be misread or misinterpreted though. I like to have a chat in the chat box myself though as i only play one table at a time. I'm there to enjoy myself not to particularly make money by grinding. People who multi have a problem understandably and turn chat off but there's enough that don't. Good manners is all that's needed. If someone puts nh, i put Ty. Someone last night put :( when i check raised him and he had to fold. Nice touch. "sigh" is fine too. I will often put cheers gl folks after i'm knocked out etc. What's wrong with wishing people well. yes, i'd like to be there but..... TommyD and Solack were on my table last night trying to knock each other out with short stacks it looked like and i put "congrats Tommy" based on his vegas package win. If he didn't have chat on then at least others saw it. I wish him well. Earlier in the same T there was some terrible behaviour by one chap(and poor 'blaming sky' play too). Swear words the lot. He lost a few hands and i'm pleased to say he was completely tilted. It was lovely to see him disappear 'down the chute" as it were. His name will be reported to Sky today!.........   "If you can't do the time then don't do the crime." Why have people got to swear by writing connotations of the usual words to get around sky chat. Can't they hold back in the time it takes to write it? It flabbergasts me! Mind you, the spelling and grammar of these 'people' beggars belief and probably is a 'tell' on their level of education and good manners..... Anyway, i'll " goodnight Gracie" as it were. OOOO, i do feel better for that! Sorry, i just got carried away. Have a good weekend. All the best.... PS Before all you ex english teachers check my spelling and grammar, i will admit to running the spell checker over this tome! As an ex maths teacher, i know my limits!!! Cheers
    Posted by profman15
    LOL people that declare nothing gets on their wick, and then proceed to type a looper rant---- What's that all about---lol
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: WHAT GETS RIGHT ON YOUR POKERY WICK? : OHHH that really boils my pickle after you have just had you AA cracked by a K9 off and they shove pre hit trip ks or 9s and another player says nh after you just got knocked out, NH my a.
    Posted by Dazler
     + a Nutter---- lol-- What should we do with these people Dazler?
  • edited May 2012
    People who post exactly the same thing twice on forum threads ;)
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    Lol it's my iPhone ok!!? Haha ;) nice one
  • edited May 2012
    What about when everyone folds round to the big blind, and they use the whole time bar to decide not to show their hand??--- who gives a flying flop what they had?--- FLAPHEADS!
  • edited May 2012
     BUT WHAT i REALLY HATE---- Is doctors and consultants that tell you bare faced lies!!!!

     I was told by the cardiologist consultant that my intolerance and inability to suffer fools gladly was a well known symptom of my heart condition, they fixed my heart,  but Richard Orford still gets on my wick!!!
  • edited May 2012
    The rigged comment do they realy think we want to hear them moan but I do tell them if you think its rigged boy that makes you realy stupid to pay your money and play.

    Players in a satellite who dont relise 1 or 3rd go through so why are they so stupid to risk it all on the bubble when it dosent matter who wins!

    Also the rude offensive players who dont understand the game and want to have a fight with you arr bless them I do make it my mission when they are rude to me to get poker revenge which of course is to take their stack every time we met on a table lol

    And 1 last one the players who dont enjoy and have fun at the game why the hell pay to be unhappy lol
  • edited May 2012
    Woops, I just caught myself moaning about people that moan about people that moan!!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: WHAT GETS RIGHT ON YOUR POKERY WICK? :  + a Nutter---- lol-- What should we do with these people Dazler?
    Posted by oynutter
    get a cheese grater, coat it with salt after blunting it a little and then grate off there nose! then use the grated nose and sprinkle it over some dog poo and make them eat it!
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