In Response to Re: WHAT GETS RIGHT ON YOUR POKERY WICK? : get a cheese grater, coat it with salt after blunting it a little and then grate off there nose! then use the grated nose and sprinkle it over some dog poo and make them eat it! Posted by Dazler
Thanks for the advice there Dazler, should I use my dog, or their dog?
gotta be when my husband (budgirl) is sitting right beside me watching me play and offers his advice. I used to go with his advice and lose ....... now I just give him "the look" and he shuts up The Look ftw xx Posted by yidette9
NANA NA NA, NANA NA NA, NA NA NANA NA, NANA NANA NA NA, She's got the look!--- good song init--lol
People that write "good luck" in the chat box after someone shoves on the bubble and everyone has folded round to them--- then let the time bar go to zero, and fold.
gotta be when my husband (budgirl) is sitting right beside me watching me play and offers his advice. I used to go with his advice and lose ....... now I just give him "the look" and he shuts up The Look ftw xx Posted by yidette9
i suspect me and budgril have something in common. mel tells me about a hand i say, can i see hand history (my prefered way of teaching) alot of the time comes the look.
In Response to Re: WHAT GETS RIGHT ON YOUR POKERY WICK? : LOL people that declare nothing gets on their wick, and then proceed to type a looper rant---- What's that all about---lol Posted by oynutter
Sorry if you think my post was a "looper rant", oynutter. It wasn't meant to be at all. By the way i put "nothing really got on my wick" not "nothing got on my wick" which is different. Maybe, it's tthat misinterpretation thing. I meant mine to be semi-serious in that i think we should report abusive, rude and racist comments but tried to make it light-hearted. Maybe, in the same way that your nine posts on the same topic have, eh?(Some ARE funny...LOL) Let's agree to say hi when we meet on a Cheers...
In Response to Re: WHAT GETS RIGHT ON YOUR POKERY WICK? : Sorry if you think my post was a "looper rant", oynutter. It wasn't meant to be at all. By the way i put "nothing really got on my wick" not "nothing got on my wick" which is different. Maybe, it's tthat misinterpretation thing. I meant mine to be semi-serious in that i think we should report abusive, rude and racist comments but tried to make it light-hearted. Maybe, in the same way that your nine posts on the same topic have, eh?(Some ARE funny...LOL) Let's agree to say hi when we meet on a Cheers... Posted by profman15
Sorry profman, was only having a laugh, "looper rant", lol--- I knew that would wind you up, but I could'nt help myself--sorry
Tikay has taught me a lot about poker philosophy and I've decided all these people are selfish in bed and therefore missing out on all those lovely things we do for our julees pleasure--- haha-- ner ner na ner ner!!
In Response to Re: WHAT GETS RIGHT ON YOUR POKERY WICK? : get a cheese grater, coat it with salt after blunting it a little and then grate off there nose! then use the grated nose and sprinkle it over some dog poo and make them eat it! Posted by Dazler
Daz, with such a vivid imagination Im not surprised I havent got a clue what the hell youre doing when we meet and end up a jibbering wreck at the keyboard at some of your sublime manouveres... Run well, but keep making me smile too !
In Response to Re: WHAT GETS RIGHT ON YOUR POKERY WICK? : Daz, with such a vivid imagination Im not surprised I havent got a clue what the hell youre doing when we meet and end up a jibbering wreck at the keyboard at some of your sublime manouveres... Run well, but keep making me smile too ! Posted by Oopnorth
lol my brain is overflowing with wierdness its like a big tent at the circus of bizare filled with baboons wearing mankinees dancing around a badger wearing wellington boots holding a dil-do
Endless threads about people being abused at the tables is starting to get on my pokery wick---- If someone recieves unacceptable abuse in the chat box, they can report it-- problem solved---game over--flop sake!
I just say something like "shut up you flaphead", or "jeeezzuss, is that right, I thought my Mum was passed it"
If you want to report them, do so, all alone by yourself, high horses are for people with extra long legs, innit
Endless threads about people being abused at the tables is starting to get on my pokery wick---- If someone recieves unacceptable abuse in the chat box, they can report it-- problem solved---game over--flop sake! I just say something like "shut up you flaphead", or "jeeezzuss, is that right, I thought my Mum was passed it" If you want to report them, do so, all alone by yourself, high horses are for people with extra long legs, innit Posted by oynutter
# players that say ha ha after a suck out # players that min raise all the way to river every hand # constant limp callers # players that call raises with 10 3 suited only to hit a 3 against your AK and call every street with bottom pair or hit trip 3s. # players that talk about your mum # players that go all in after you raise with top pair when they hold bottom pair and hit 2 pair # players that complain about how they prefer good players to bad players # losing with AA or KK against pk 4s # players on cash that come on with 50p shove then get 4 callers only to quadruple up with a rubbish hand # know it alls or the 'poker pros' # players that talk about your sharkscope stats during play # abusive players that arnt even at the table playing pop in to insult you Posted by Dazler
In Response to Re: WHAT GETS RIGHT ON YOUR POKERY WICK? : Sorry profman, was only having a laugh, "looper rant", lol--- I knew that would wind you up, but I could'nt help myself--sorry Posted by oynutter
Sorry oynutter
Cheers. you've put a smile on my face as i WAS unsure of your i realise i fell into your trap good and proper....nice one. hope to see ya at the tables....GL
In Response to Re: WHAT GETS RIGHT ON YOUR POKERY WICK? : Sorry oynutter Cheers. you've put a smile on my face as i WAS unsure of your i realise i fell into your trap good and proper....nice one. hope to see ya at the tables....GL Posted by profman15
Nice one Profman, feel free to exact revenge, but beware, I have been known to tell my Mum!
oooohhhhhhh that one gets right up me knickers it clearly states english at the tables at all times.
woops, that was me too--lol
Let's agree to say hi when we meet on a Cheers...
Tikay has taught me a lot about poker philosophy and I've decided all these people are selfish in bed and therefore missing out on all those lovely things we do for our julees pleasure--- haha-- ner ner na ner ner!!
I just say something like "shut up you flaphead", or "jeeezzuss, is that right, I thought my Mum was passed it"
If you want to report them, do so, all alone by yourself, high horses are for people with extra long legs, innit
Schwartz over Feldman any day.
Cheers. you've put a smile on my face as i WAS unsure of your i realise i fell into your trap good and proper....nice one. hope to see ya at the tables....GL
People who moan about calls that they consider to be outragragous
People who take poker too seriously
Hope this isnt just me as it wont make sense but this really winds me up