Really loving the movie suggestions- some great answers in there.
Could do with a few more of your questions to the panel.
Could get a really interesting debate or two on the go tonight between Tommy, Ryan and Neil- can you find the question that they'll have wildly differing opinions over?
That is my challenge to you!
Also- any hand ids in your hand hisotry from a main or mini event or a MAstercahs table that you want us to show? Anything from the past fortnight that's atalking point and spark off some debate.
Hi gang, Really looking forward to the night's viewing.
I was lucky enough to come joint first in the DTD FORUM last night(Great event by the way, and what poker should be....good fun).
It wa between mysel and HITMAN_RV. He needed to win the last tourney to equal my score but would win on countback by virtue of having the lowest finishing position of the tournaments played.
On my final table i was all-in with the chip leader with KK v 99. My opponent found a 9 and i was out. On HITMAN's final table, he was all-in with the chip leader with JJ versus KK but managed to flop a J and although there was still a long way to go, he then had a massive stack and went on, desevedly, i feel, to win it.
Now, this isn't a bad beat story. In fact i'm chuffed to have been in the mix and loved raling the final table. Its a great atmosphere and i'm sure Hitman will put his freeroll win to better use than i would.
The reason i tell you this story is that, on the question of films, i can say that my favourite 'poker' film is now.........
Get it , Rich? Maybe i should shave my hair off and come as Yul Brynner if i ever get to make an SPT event!!
I've just been on SKY for coming up to a year and i'm thoroughly enjoying it. There isn't a downside as far as i can see as you listen and implement any good suggestions.
Also a question for TommyD when going to vegas if you got to the final 9 who would you invite over to rail you and why? also what flavour sandwiches are you packing
Some more Poker Movie Titles made up of Presenters & Guests
Cool Hand Rich A Street Car Named Orford TommyDoes Vegas Finding Ryan (nemo) A Fistful of Carlo's Chips Analyse This Jakally Tikay & the Chocolate Chip Factory Anna & the King
added a few more movies to my earlier list but i also have a hand request from a £16dym would like your thoughts. Hand History #524939729 (15:21 29/05/2012) Just had this hand in a £16 dym which was pretty sick to be honest, the game before i lost with pk Ks so thought i would play them cautiously and trap, So flat call the raise pre see if i see an A then evaluate, The A comes but guy was a bad player on my notes so could have a Rag A. He raises the flop so i make flat call then dream card comes. Now i know hes prob going to bet into me so i check it ready to take the lot off him and he dosnt bet the turn to my surprise river comes so i make the pot sized bet he reraises me and i dont think i could fold here as put him on a week A or st8 draw after he bet the flop and didnt put him on flush as there was no flush draw until the turn which he didnt bet. but seems every time i slow any hand they always hit silly. I should of bet the turn maybe but didnt want to scare him off and expected him to bet. Luckily i did cash in the end but prob should know better than to take risks like this and always bet something. Also a question for TommyD when going to vegas if you got to the final 9 who would you invite over to rail you and why? Posted by Dazler
Great post Dazler, unfortunately we can't show this hand as it was not a TV table.
.Could get a really interesting debate or two on the go tonight between Tommy, Ryan and Neil- can you find the question that they'll have wildly differing opinions over?That is my challenge to you! .Posted by RICHORFORD
It's the FT in the WSOPME. There's 3 left, Neil, Tommy & Ryan...... 1. Would they chop? 2. Who would get the bracelet?
Really loving the movie suggestions- some great answers in there. Could do with a few more of your questions to the panel. Could get a really interesting debate or two on the go tonight between Tommy, Ryan and Neil-can you find the question that they'll have wildly differing opinions over? That is my challenge to you! Posted by RICHORFORD
Which is Your Most Enjoyable Night of the Week on Sky Poker....& Why"
A question for all the guys if u are a recreational player who just enjoys playing poker and likes to take shots would u advice to play cash with a £50 deposit say 2 tables at 20nl or play £11 mtts i know u should play within your bankroll but this is a question for the average joe who just plays for the fun so would be intrested for some good feedback
In Response to Re: Live television this Tuesday night with Rich, Ryan, Jakally and Tommy D! : Great post Dazler, unfortunately we can't show this hand as it was not a TV table. Keep them coming though! Posted by Sky_DanB
ok no worries have amended post to just the question for tommyD
Do Tommy, Ryan and Neil get as nervous as we do when we accidentally find ourselves on the same table as them - knowing we are going to be totally unorthodox, unpredictable and unable to follow the basic 1,2,3 rules of poker???
Hi Rich, my question for the guys is what was the biggest leak they had in their poker game when they were working up the levels?As i asked the question it is only fair that i share mine,i noticed that i was falling into the trap of making up in the small-blind in an unraised pot with mediocre hands because it was cheap to see the flop.
Then trying to play these hands oop only cost me money,it took time but i have now eliminated this play from my game.
The Jubilee £4k Guaranteed, 60 minute Timed Tournament is now in the lobby with a £55 buy-in. With a 1,226% ROI in one of these, will you be playing this and do you see it as an easy £600 or so for your bankroll?
Seen as Jakally and Tommy have shown their prowess in beating satellites, are there are tips they would give for mid to late stages of satellites because I just seem to fall down at this stage repeatedly. And connected to this, with the Blackpool satellites being 1in10 and usually only getting 20-30 runners, do you change your satellite play at all knowing you have to virtually go for the win. I guess they're both using to going for the win with VLV.
Could do with a few more of your questions to the panel.
Could get a really interesting debate or two on the go tonight between Tommy, Ryan and Neil- can you find the question that they'll have wildly differing opinions over?
That is my challenge to you!
Also- any hand ids in your hand hisotry from a main or mini event or a MAstercahs table that you want us to show? Anything from the past fortnight that's atalking point and spark off some debate.
Really looking forward to the night's viewing.
I was lucky enough to come joint first in the DTD FORUM last night(Great event by the way, and what poker should be....good fun).
It wa between mysel and HITMAN_RV. He needed to win the last tourney to equal my score but would win on countback by virtue of having the lowest finishing position of the tournaments played.
On my final table i was all-in with the chip leader with KK v 99. My opponent found a 9 and i was out.
On HITMAN's final table, he was all-in with the chip leader with JJ versus KK but managed to flop a J and although there was still a long way to go, he then had a massive stack and went on, desevedly, i feel, to win it.
Now, this isn't a bad beat story. In fact i'm chuffed to have been in the mix and loved raling the final table. Its a great atmosphere and i'm sure Hitman will put his freeroll win to better use than i would.
The reason i tell you this story is that, on the question of films, i can say that my favourite 'poker' film is now.........
Get it , Rich?
Maybe i should shave my hair off and come as Yul Brynner if i ever get to make an SPT event!!
I've just been on SKY for coming up to a year and i'm thoroughly enjoying it. There isn't a downside as far as i can see as you listen and implement any good suggestions.
Also a question for TommyD when going to vegas if you got to the final 9 who would you invite over to rail you and why? also what flavour sandwiches are you packing
Some more Poker Movie Titles made up of Presenters & Guests
Cool Hand Rich
A Street Car Named Orford
TommyDoes Vegas
Finding Ryan (nemo)
A Fistful of Carlo's Chips
Analyse This Jakally
Tikay & the Chocolate Chip Factory
Anna & the King
Great post Dazler, unfortunately we can't show this hand as it was not a TV table.
Keep them coming though!
1. Would they chop?
2. Who would get the bracelet?
Which is Your Most Enjoyable Night of the Week on Sky Poker....& Why"
Definately worth a watch. Really like ryan on the show, doesnt translate quite so well in the forum though
Bust be all the cheap shots at us live players
Gone with the Blind
Flop fiction
River of no return
Then trying to play these hands oop only cost me money,it took time but i have now eliminated this play from my game.
The Curious Case of Phil Ivey
Harry Potter and the Rage of Hellmuth
James Bond: The Second Nut Flush is Not Enough
Oh, and another one (although it probably looks better on paper)
Absolute Beginners
showing with
A bad day to go fishing
after the structured interval
BYO Westlers Hot Dogs & Tubs of Ice cream tubs for the Pearl & Dean adverts!
Here's a Hand from tonights MasterCash 1 Table for the Lads to have a Look at, the money eventually goes in
Hand History #524988501 (18:19 29/05/2012)
Cooler Hand Luke
Space Five Bet Jam
1. You, Me and Dupree (2006) - You, Me and Boeree
2. The Book of Eli (2010) - The Book of Eli Elezra
3. No Retreat, No Surrender (1986) - No Retreat, No Surinder
4. Dawn of the Dead (1978) - Dwan of the Dead
5. Hour of the Wolf (1968) - Hour of De Wolfe
6. Foyle's War (2002) - Doyle's War
7. The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) - The Curse of Greenstein
8. Hell in the Pacific (1968) - Hellmuth in the Pacific
9. Back to the Future (1985) - Laak to the Future
10. Poison Ivy (1992) - Poison Ivey
Oh and not forgetting that "special interest" video, Men in Andy Black
Seen as Jakally and Tommy have shown their prowess in beating satellites, are there are tips they would give for mid to late stages of satellites because I just seem to fall down at this stage repeatedly. And connected to this, with the Blackpool satellites being 1in10 and usually only getting 20-30 runners, do you change your satellite play at all knowing you have to virtually go for the win. I guess they're both using to going for the win with VLV.
Lord of The Binks: The two pair
Binker, Railer, Fold ya, Sky
Hellmuth Raiser
Full House of Wax