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Thursday Night Live with Rich, Tikay and Sam1986 ***official show thread***
greetings and salutations.
my lucky number is 13. all the best things in my life have occured due to that number, especially friday 13th.
my first snog at secondary school, starting the best job i ever had, and having the snip!!
have fun
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Hi all,
Well, with the ridiculously long Jubilee celebrations behind us- (TWO Bank Holidays? Seriously?) Sky Poker TV is back with a vengeance.
We’re live this Thursday night from 7pm and we have another spiffing line-up for you.
In the driving seats will be Old Man Kendall and Middle-Aged Man Orford...
And along for the ride from 8pm till midnight we have Young Man Bayliss. Sam Bayliss. You might know him by the legendary alias of Sam1986.
Yes, THAT Sam1986- the one’s who’s been the top of the cash charts on Sky Poker pretty much every month for years.
So, er, bit good at cash, this boy.
Might be an idea to ask him a few questions and send in your cash hand i.ds from Mastercash tables from the past fortnight for him to have a good look at.
As for the schedule- we have The Poker Clinic at 8. Sky Poker School at 9 is all about taking your cash game to the next level with Sam. Top of the Pots is at 10 and from 11 it's all the key action from the 8pm Bounty Hunter.
Also, we’ve got THREE prizes to give away into Sunday night’s brand new Lucky Sevens tournament.
For more info on that game, click here.
The best poker contribution of the night will win a seat, so plenty of incentive to send in your questions, comments and hands.
And we have a further 2 seats to give away to whoever gives us the best answer to this question...
The game is called Lucky Sevens, but what’s YOUR lucky number? Or unlucky number? Or favourite number? Or the most significant number throughout your life?
Give me a number and tell me why it’s relevant to you.
E.g. 32- your age when you became a parent
62- The number of an important flight you once took and why it was important
44- Pocket 4s, the hand you were holding when you won a big poker game
7- The number of goals that were scored against you when you filled in as a goalie in the school team.
The quirkier or more interesting the story behind the number, the better.
Just the one number will do- don't overload me please!
Get posting and I’ll see you with Tikay and Sam live this Thursday night from 7 on Channel 865!
Evening guys,
Can i have a lucky date instead of a number. 1st March. On this date i met my wife, my daughter was born and i got 24 points on Littlewoods coupon. Unfortunately the pools win was a week after the 1st pools millionaire and i only picked up £700 but not too shabby in 1980.
Have a great show.
My luckiest number would be 21. My current age is 21, but this had been my lucky number for years. I believe it stems back to a raffle i had years ago, the only one ive ever won holding the number 21. A few years after i was on a cruise style ship through the Norway, Bingo was leagal for 14 year olds on this ship and i played bingo, needing one number for the house it was 21. It came the next number.
My unluckiest number would be 94. This stems from my largest ever poker pot in terms of BBs. a 1200BB pot. It was online playing $0.05/$0.10. Id been playing for 8 hours at this time through the night and was having a very strong session. I was on the BB with 94o not a hand id be playing under normal circumstaces but UTG limped and the flop went HU between me and UTG. Flop came down 942 all spades. I lead and UTG raised. I flatted turn lands 9c. Wooohooo i thought. I check raised and UTG shoved for $60 into a $9 pot. I couldnt call quick enough with the nuts, i was $65 deep. They flipped over A9 with the Ace of spades, the spade obviously makes no differance now. I dont need to tell you the river.
About 9 years ago ( well the exact date was 3/3/2003 ) i had been having a late drink at my local "The 3 Tuns" and didnt get home until around 3am rather the worse for wear.
When i finally got to sleep i had what i can only describe as the most vivid dream i have ever had.
In my dream i could see a horse running past the winning post and as clear as day along the side of its saddlecloth was the name " Fiddlers Three".
When i woke up the name was fixed in my mind and even though i had never heard of a horse called "Fiddlers Three" i was now on a mission to go and buy the daily paper and check all of the declarations just incase it was running that day.
After checking through all of the days racing i was amazed to see that in the 3rd race at AYR racecoure horse number 3 was named "The Three Fiddlers" and on the daily betting forcast its price was 3/1 !
This i thought was too good to be true but because of all the amazing coincidences and all of the factors pointing towards the number 3 i set off to the bookies and placed £300 win on it, the race even started at 3.30pm so in my mind everything was pointing towards a big pay day.
The time of the race came and off they went with my hopes high and my heart beating and 3 minutes later (you guessed it) it finished 3rd lol.
Just goes to show as far as lucky numbers go that is all you are hoping for (Luck) lol
Question for Sam aswell:
No doubt you have now played millions of hands online and have gained a wealth of knowledge in that time and we all know that from time to time when certain players sit at the table your eyes will light up at the thought of playing them.
But i was wondering without naming any names and even with all the knowledge you have of the game are there still any players who make you think the opposite when they sit at the table (You neednt mention Rich because we all know how everyone fears him already) or is it a case of once you have got to the stage you have it is just a question of playing your game all of the time and it really dosnt matter who you are playing ?
Have a great show guys.
Any particular reason you want to see that Super Roller Final Table?.....;)
Yes, between 7pm & 8pm tonight, I believe.
PS - Very very well done on that win. How much was it - fat end of £8,000? Nice!
I'm not really one for superstition and all that, but I'll say mine is 31, because a few years ago (2008) in about July, I had not taken a driving lesson since I was about 17 (2003) and I decided in July 2008 that I would get started again and made a commitment that I would definitely pass my test before the end of the year.
I took my first ever test on 31st December 2008 and passed first time, just in time
Should be a great show tonight. Has Sam 'bought a big oouse yet'? ('My name is' joke).
I'm sure I'll chirp in later with some more input during the show.
have a good show rich, tikay and sam
I'll read them all out from 7pm and three of you will win seats into Sunday's Lucky 7s tournament (2 for the numbers competition and 1 for the best contribution of the night in terms of poker questions/comments or hand requests)
We're live in 3 and a half hours- see you there!
It's good to see you back on and you have been missed.
My favourite number.....
As a retired mathematics teacher maybe it should be a ptime number or the speed of light as i studiedRelativity and Quantum Theory at university. But no. Its the number 8 and 64 as its 8x8 etc. the reason because as an Everton supoorter my idol Alan Ball used to wear it...pure and simple!. I remember my mum sewed the number on my football shirt after making it out of cloth. Mind i never had the courage to get those horrible white boots he used to wear!!
Questions...Tkay...have you thought of writng that book i suggested. You could sign it, a la Barry Greenstein, when someone knocks you out of a tournament. actually, it is a serious question as i think it would be a winner, honestly.
Sam, nice to see someone equally handsome. What's the biggest piece of positive variance ie luck you've had at a table? (i don't focus on bad beats....boring)
Rich, will you be using your donkey as a card marker until you make a first break at an SPT? Beware, it could put pressure on you.
All the best
PS I thought it was really nice to see the forum giving support to a member, Bignoise, who was having troubles away from the tables. A round of applause to the forum...cue sound ffet, Rich!
I got married on the 7th july 2003 in Vegas and my eldest was 7ib7oz when he was born. I call pocket black sevens the 'tattoo hand'.
Have a good show Sam, Tikay & Rich,
I have a Cash Hand for you to have a look at
from MasterCash Table 4 HAND ID NO. 524352468
Question for the 3 of you, I know it was a loose or maybe marginal call Pre (as i never know what to do with small pairs), so when i hit the flop & Bet, then got re-raised should i have raised again,also should i have bet on turn
My mum was born Oct 13th 1961
My first child (my daughter) was born Dec 13th 2004
My son was born July 13th 2007
Unlucky for some but means the world to me.
Respect to Sam for constantly being at top of the leaderboard.
Why is Richard Orford your favourite Sky Poker presenter please?
Hi Rich could you give this a mention please
As some of you will know i was rushed to hospital at last years DTD in Nottingham, Tikay posted a Thread about it which i really appreciated at the time which Chris (scouse red) printed of & showed me in hospital & it gave me a huge lift.
What i didn't know was that DOHHHHHH came up with an Idea/Gesture & started a Thread which got huge support & when i read it i was Touched, Moved, Overwhelmed & Speechless.
I just want to thank JJ(doh) Tikay & the 24 Forum Regulars (who helped make it happen) for the very Kind Gesture that you have done, i'm Speechless & Overwhelmed by Yourselves & the Forum Community's Generosity.
Chris came round mine & handed me British MotoGP Tickets & i was stunned. He told me about the thread DOHHHHHHH started (which i have now read) Motorbike Racing is my Passion, tho since my Illness got diagnosed 7 Years ago i've not been able to go to many Race Meetings, tho still follow it on TV.
How can i ever repay your Kindness, I hope that 1 day DOHHHHHHH will go to an SPT & we'll have a Beer or 3
Thanks again TO YOU ALL, you have no idea how much this trip means to me as i get to see Casey Stoner ride 1 more Time (he retires end of season) on a Honda which i thought i would never see in my lifetime