Tikay, you didn't say hello to the people of Blackpool. Since you're not coming here in a couple of weeks, surely a "hello" is the least we can ask for.
Richard, I have a question for you: As one of the finest television personalities of his generation and one of the most skilful poker players on Sky Poker, I would like to ask you the following: When is Anna next on the show?
sam i remember ya interview a while back u say your favorite hand is the royal hugo i have forgotten what hand this is and have u won much money with the royal hugo lately
I scored my best ever goal wearing number 5, I had my back surgery on the 5th, you need 5 cards to make a poker hand and my favourite poker hand contains a 5 too. Won't tell you the other card though, thats a secret
I heard that Greghoggs favourite number is Pi. I may have misheard that though
however i think you two are the best duo on tv let alone sky and there is obviously a fantastic chemistry between the two of you built up over the many years which was shown during the superb documentary
good evening YOUNG rich. and good evening to you too the king of sky the one and only Mr tk Kendal. my lucky number as to be 51. true story yesterday i sponsored a race at cartmel on behalf of my boss lord Cavendish. i thought i would have a bet in the race and saw a horse that was a 50/1 bet, i thought that's 51 that will do so put 5 ponds each way guess what it won felt sorry for the booker thou as he is a mate of mine lol.
My mate just told me that you used to be one of the presenters on the big breakfast Rich mate and i was wondering was this where you and Tikay first met ?
Used to love watching Zig and Zag, you guys used to have me in stiches
oh rich by the way five is a great age to achieve you are now at that time to start school but don't worry your teacher mr tk will look after you and you will enjoy poker school after a while good look m8 and don't forget listen to teacher.
my lucky number is 8 because i was born on the 8th of dec and my partner the_don90 was born on the 8th of july so i think this number means alot to me.
and also i had a hamster years ago tht lived up to 8 years old and the a preety good age for a hamster as the usually just live up to 2 years old.
enjoying the show may i say sam seems a level headed guy very down 2 earth and no EGOOOOOOO and a very good analyst is this another new recruit rich n tikay nudge nudge wink wink say no more lol
My number is 9, do ok when i have it in my hands, and i going to Southern Ireland on a fishing trip on saturday the 9 brilliant place to go, really friendly people might try and find a game as well, all ways wanted to play live.
As someone who plays low stakes cash, one issue i have is when im on the BB and we get multiple limpers and hit the flop huge but not massive (if that makes sense). An example of this say we have 4 limpers we check 62 of hearts. The flop comes 3h 5h Xx if im right in thinking we have good equity against most holdings. However spots like this i feel like im burnng money. Could Sam offer any advice for playing situations like this OOP v lesser experianced opponents.
How do you deal with the type of player who will call every raise you throw at them when you are out of position and your AK etc is missing every flop and you know that any continuation bet you make will be getting called.
Obvi this type of player is a dream to have at your table but i find them very hard to play against when out of position with no chance of moving seats.
Should i just be leaving the table and waiting for a better seat or really only playing premium hands v them ?
Also should i still be making continuation bets when i miss or only betting when i hit knowing that it will soon become obvious even to them that i am only betting when i have the goods.
I would love to be sat at a table with players like this 24/7 but from time to time when out of position they become very difficult to play against imo.
In all honesty it really shows just how massive position is in nlh when even players like this can make it difficult for you. Cheers.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it but today is Team51's 1st birthday.
And a special congrats to jaegerbomb and drumahai05 for putting up a tourney to celebrate over 100 years between them....... their joint birthdays was Tuesday 5th....
Tikay, you didn't say hello to the people of Blackpool. Since you're not coming here in a couple of weeks, surely a "hello" is the least we can ask for.
Richard, I have a question for you: As one of the finest television personalities of his generation and one of the most skilful poker players on Sky Poker, I would like to ask you the following: When is Anna next on the show?
Have a good show chaps.
(Good luck to Sam for his first(?) show)
I scored my best ever goal wearing number 5, I had my back surgery on the 5th, you need 5 cards to make a poker hand and my favourite poker hand contains a 5 too. Won't tell you the other card though, thats a secret
I heard that Greghoggs favourite number is Pi. I may have misheard that though
on flop okay to flat.
should i be raising turn or okay to flat?
Any advice would be brilliant.
Have a good show.
Rich, late home and just caught last bit. What did you want me to post on thread?
Ah ok. Well it depends! In Ireland it tends to be "pawrig" over here its usually just as seen "padrig"
My mate just told me that you used to be one of the presenters on the big breakfast Rich mate and i was wondering was this where you and Tikay first met ?
Used to love watching Zig and Zag, you guys used to have me in stiches
Hi Guys, Today is my 3rd Year Annieversary since joining Sky Poker (start 4th year tomorrow)
My favourite number is 213 because
1. 21/3 is my birthday
2. 13 is the number on my TKP Hoodie & is 13th letter in alphabet M for Michael
3. i was born at 13mins past 2
4. I have cashed in 2 Main Events, 1 Live Event (Leeds SPT) & Have Won 3 MTT's in one week
great show
my lucky number is 8 because i was born on the 8th of dec and my partner the_don90 was born on the 8th of july so i think this number means alot to me.
and also i had a hamster years ago tht lived up to 8 years old and the a preety good age for a hamster as the usually just live up to 2 years old.
'swog' is a nickname i've had since school. I have no idea where it came from, just something that stuck with me.
my favourite number is 861
ps. you are still awarding prizes tonight, aren't you?
fantastic show good luck to everyone
My lucky number is No.10 after 'The King' Kevin Hector!
Thanks for Analyzing my cash hand (33) will take on board the good advice given
Hey rich, tikay and sam! can you give abig shout out to carlo! his playing checkmesir hu's! Carlo is showing some amazing bluffs!
He said he might play better if Rich gave him a shout out
As someone who plays low stakes cash, one issue i have is when im on the BB and we get multiple limpers and hit the flop huge but not massive (if that makes sense). An example of this say we have 4 limpers we check 62 of hearts. The flop comes 3h 5h Xx if im right in thinking we have good equity against most holdings. However spots like this i feel like im burnng money. Could Sam offer any advice for playing situations like this OOP v lesser experianced opponents.
How do you deal with the type of player who will call every raise you throw at them when you are out of position and your AK etc is missing every flop and you know that any continuation bet you make will be getting called.
Obvi this type of player is a dream to have at your table but i find them very hard to play against when out of position with no chance of moving seats.
Should i just be leaving the table and waiting for a better seat or really only playing premium hands v them ?
Also should i still be making continuation bets when i miss or only betting when i hit knowing that it will soon become obvious even to them that i am only betting when i have the goods.
I would love to be sat at a table with players like this 24/7 but from time to time when out of position they become very difficult to play against imo.
In all honesty it really shows just how massive position is in nlh when even players like this can make it difficult for you.
Q to sam: when was the tme when started realise u actully could make a living?
(in the main event )
also would ever play at the highest limit if a game was running 100/50 ?
finally would ever take ur game to macow if u br let u to say if u binked wsop mainevent =0 ?
btw hope all sky players going run like darvin moon