Hihi great show as always, like holdem can we have some master cash tables for PLO pls!? Or at least some deep tables with 60/100BB min buy-in? Also Is PLO still in the pipeline for being able to be shown on TV out of interest?
I posed a question to you earlier, Richard, to which you provided a very satisfactory answer. Now I would like to ask Mr. Kendall and Mr. Bayliss something equally challenging.
Up until the end of last year, I was playing quite alot of poker and winning at it too... Having hardly played since November I now find that I am extremely rusty and I have lost all of my discipline. So have you chaps ever had a period when you have taken a break from the game and have struggled to get back up to speed?
I made a silly play with second pair in the Lucky 7's tournament, earlier, that I would not have made a year ago. I'm quite irritated with myself at the moment. lol
It has been a most entertaining show again. Thank you.
Although am not a cash player Sam's analysis is great stuff.
Lucky/Unlucky numbers i have never had any till tonight.
In the new lucky 7's tournament tonight i had the dubious pleasure to be sat next to Ryan, scotty77 on my r/h/s. as the tourney started.
1st hand I am dealt 88 Scotty77 raised , I reraised all the money went in & am gutted when I see QQ in Scotty's hand. So I am out of the brand new Lucky 7's (I think not) after the 1st hand. So from now on the number 77 has got to be my unlucky number!!
Very deep Richard but on a lighter note zero is also now my poker balance as its been withdrawn for spending cash for my holiday next week..everyone loves a holiday paid for by other peoples money )
Thanks for all your messages tonight. Congratulations to: Pomfrittes bugaloo lol_i_call Who won free entry into the Sunday (10th June) 1K lucky sevens tournament @ 20:45 Good luck! Posted by Sky_DanB
thank you sky_dan
when i was typing my comment i throught i wasnt going to be good but i was so excited when they said my name.
Great line from Sam when he said 'Sometimes I have air there.' Sometimes?!?!?
Question for Sam - How are you enjoying Omaha since giving it more of a go? Are you enjoying your bonus cards?
I posed a question to you earlier, Richard, to which you provided a very satisfactory answer. Now I would like to ask Mr. Kendall and Mr. Bayliss something equally challenging.
Up until the end of last year, I was playing quite alot of poker and winning at it too... Having hardly played since November I now find that I am extremely rusty and I have lost all of my discipline. So have you chaps ever had a period when you have taken a break from the game and have struggled to get back up to speed?
I made a silly play with second pair in the Lucky 7's tournament, earlier, that I would not have made a year ago. I'm quite irritated with myself at the moment. lol
It has been a most entertaining show again. Thank you.
If only I had enough money to do that! Played one pot and lost it. Got about 35k going back to 400-800/100
Seriously though guys, great show tonight, really enjoyed it, well done Rich and Sam.
Sam is not the most modest person on the sofa tonight. I believe Richard is. Then again Richard does have a lot more to be modest about
Hi chaps, tyvm for the prize, much appreciated. Great show as always.
Great show tonight guys,
Came 7th in tonights Lucky 7's tourney for a nice cash plus got a free seat into the next one wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Congratulations to:
Who won free entry into the Sunday (10th June) 1K lucky sevens tournament @ 20:45
Good luck!
when i was typing my comment i throught i wasnt going to be good but i was so excited when they said my name.
will do my best init.
and thanks again
great show guys