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Thursday Night Live on Sky Poker TV ***with Richard Orford, Julian Thew and Dave Bland*** (football



  • edited June 2012

    Can you hear Orford sing, I cant hear a fuc*ing thing :)

  • edited June 2012
    Sung to the Unabomber:

    "Are you Phil Laak in disguise?"

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on Sky Poker TV ***with Richard Orford, Julian Thew and Dave Bland*** (football chant competition inside):
    Have A great Show I will be watching.  My chant is to " We're off to Wembley Our Knee's have gone all Trembley la la la la TKs playing Poker This year he's not the Joker La La La La   Your Tony's on a Jolly  He's going to get the Lolly  La La La La We know he's very able to make the final table La La La La He needs to win some Doh  so playing Omaha Hi Lo  La La La La He really wants a Trophy to put it on the Sofie La La La La Orfords been gazumped  he's got the raging hump La La La La The moral to this Chant Never tell TK he cant La La La La Yeah!   Well I liked it.?  Hugs Annie xxx    
    Posted by logdon
    Taking away the 30p dym's hasn't stopped you from owning me on the site!
    Looks like you'll be running good in Primo's from now on!
    It's the winner in my eyes Annie!
    Well done! loved it!
  • edited June 2012
    One to be sung to The Don 90 :P

    "You only post when you're losing, you only post when you're losing..... post when you're losing."
  • edited June 2012
    Im forever blowing chips chips go in with air 
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on Sky Poker TV ***with Richard Orford, Julian Thew and Dave Bland*** (football chant competition inside):
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on Sky Poker TV ***with Richard Orford, Julian Thew and Dave Bland*** (football chant competition inside) : Taking away the 30p dym's hasn't stopped you from owning me on the site! Looks like you'll be running good in Primo's from now on! It's the winner in my eyes Annie! Well done! loved it!
    Posted by DUNMIDOSH
    +1 Dontya just HATE her! ;-) BUt Rich will HAVE to sing it for it to make Top 10!
  • edited June 2012
    Quick question, whats Richard going to do during the poker school?  Has Julian told him what a final table is? ;)
  • edited June 2012

    When you limp in a hand

    Hold your head up high

    And don't be afraid of the rail


    At the end of the hand

    It is shown on sky

    And your play is pronounced epic fail


    Limp on through the hand

    Limp on through the game

    Though your dreams be crushed and blown


    Limp on limp on with hope in your heart

    And you'll never win at home

    You'll never win at home




  • edited June 2012
    SPT Blackpool classic:

    He shoves when he wants,
    He shoves when he wants,
    Steve(?) the bountyhunter,
    He shoves when he wants
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on Sky Poker TV ***with Richard Orford, Julian Thew and Dave Bland*** (football chant competition inside):
    SPT Blackpool classic: He shoves when he wants, He shoves when he wants, Steve(?) the bountyhunter, He shoves when he wants
    Posted by Giant811
    Haha, very good :)
  • edited June 2012
    Air - say this word once
    Hell - say this word once
    Air - Hell - Air - say these words quickly

    Hello to you too,
    congratulations you've now qualified to be a Fulham fan!
  • edited June 2012
    I said nothing of owning "Spice Girls: The Movie"... It's some sort of conspiracy to discredit me!

    Someone told you through your earpiece that I did. I suspect it was one of your off-screen personnel trying to gauge your responses to this admission, before going public with their own shameful secret. They are using me as a patsy!!!
  • edited June 2012

    Thewy, Thewy
    Julian Thew
    He raises pot
    Wins the lot
    Julian Thew.

    Think this will be outa sink to the tune, but best i can do.

  • edited June 2012

    The tune ive done i came across with a Rangers song about Micheal Mols. However i believe Man Utd used to sign it about Andy Cole. Actual tune was something like

    Cole, Cole
    Andy, Andy Cole,
    Gets the ball
    Scores a goal
    Hes Andy Cole.

    Or something like that. Very much an old tune. Hope that helps. Having re-written this, i missed a word :(

  • edited June 2012
    Quick question/Rub

    Can i nominate Dave Bland as the best guest to ever lose HU to The_Don90 ;) lol
  • edited June 2012
    Hi Guys,

    Enjoying the show! (Still multi-tasking Rich! & I've gone for £9.99 Headphones now!) Anyhoo, GREAT to see Elblandie back on the show. He won't remember this, but as a newbie I posted asking for help in the terminology used in poker.  He sent me a very useful list and I'm just posting to say THANKS! I'm still going strong after 15 months BUT every now and again I have to refer to his list!   
  • edited June 2012

    (Richard) - Your not fit to analyse, Your not fit to analyise!!

    (Tikay) - Call with your aces, you only call with your aces!

    (Dylan12) - He's Welsh, He's sound, he weights 300lds - Dylan12, Dylan12!

    (Neil Channing) - Come back when you win a bracelet, come back when u win a bracelet!

    Have a good show - luv u Rich.

  • edited June 2012
    I sat next to Julian on the Friday of SPT Blackpool and don't have any bad beat stories to tell about him!  However, when the dealer saw him sit down he did try to even it up for us lesser mortals my only dealing him one card!
  • edited June 2012
    Hi guys

    Saw a bit of the show (pre football).  Will have the pc on soon so will watch then...

    Do we fold, do we call, do we raise? 

    Tried to get something about not limping but it didn't work.  Great news re Tikay.  Enjoy yourselves.

    Onwards and upwards :-))
  • edited June 2012
    this was a song with the villa fans when the mighty john carew was top scorer for us about 6 seasons ago
    John Carew, Carew
    He's bigger than me and you
    He's gonna score 1 or 2
    John Carew, Carew

    adapted to

    Oh greg hogg, greg hogg,
    he's bigger than me and you
    he will take down a pot or two
    Oh greg hogg, gregg hogg

    Oh gregg hogg, greg hogg, 
    he turns like the qe2,
    hes going to win more than you
    Oh greg hogg, gregg hogg

    no offence intended to hoggers who is sky poker royalty and rightly so.
  • edited June 2012
    Theres onlyyy woonnn ORANGE ARMY!!
    Making it fun
    Instead of hum-druuuum
    Pwning SPT wonderlaaaand 

    :o) xx

  • edited June 2012
    Evening gents,

    Another great show, am looking forward to the session on final tables.

    On the subject of final tables, a few weeks back when 4 handed on a final table I managed to get in a 3 way pot with Queens...only bad thing was I was up against kings and aces and their hands held! I wondered if Julian had any similar situations on final tables....knowing Julian he would have had the aces or hit a queen!!

    See you next week Julian

  • edited June 2012
    Question in regards to the poker school subject for today (Final tables of MTTs)

    When playing poker on most tables i play i find myself as the most aggressive player anyways, however on the final table i find this even more to be the case with everyone trying to ladder. One of many weaknesses i have results in this.

    In an example situation, Im on a passive table and im raising about 40%-50% of hands and taking it down pre most of the time. Obviously this will result in getting 3bet light alot. How do we then play these situations. I feel these are the hands where im either winning or losing tournaments, however i find im bleeding money in these spotstoo often. What advice would Julian and Dave offer to me?
  • edited June 2012
    greetings gents.
    chant for you....
    he's old he's blonde
    he's a big fish in the pond
    teee kay teee kay

    have fun
  • edited June 2012
    Since your wanting comments and Dave is on the show, hoping he remembers the hand better than me cause i cant remember exact sizing.

    SPT Cardiff Last year he was on my table.

    Dave raises and i think GregHogg flats, i put a standard 3bet in (holding Jacks)

    Dave 4 bets i call,

    Flop comes AQx

    We both check

    Turn is another brick

    Dave checks again and i shove (i think Dave was the shorter stack and had around pot size back)

    I believe i played this hand extremely poorly and would like to hear Dave's thoughts on it now.

    Can i also state in this hand was my first time on a feature table and i let it effect my play.
  • edited June 2012
    Question for Dave and Julian

    Dave - How did you get to be such an SPT legend?

    Julian - How did you get to be such an SPT legend?

    Richard - erm........

    Great show! D and S
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on Sky Poker TV ***with Richard Orford, Julian Thew and Dave Bland*** (football chant competition inside):
    Question for Dave and Julian Dave - How did you get to be such an SPT legend? Julian - How did you get to be such an SPT legend? Richard - erm........ Great show! D and S
    Posted by SolarCarro
    ^^ What he said!

    Evening guys, enjoying the show
  • edited June 2012
    Regarding the WSOP, I have heard comments recently about people caring more about the bracelet than the money. What are your thoughts?

  • edited June 2012
    I aint watched the show for a while now, but thought I'd tune in for this one seen as you got a couple of great guests.

    Julian, how did you get up and running and become so good so quickly? I was looking at your Hendon Mob earlier and saw the relatively short amount of time you have been playing. What gave you the big boost to move to the next level, did you have alot of experienced poker playing friends? Nice to see you at Blackpool again by the way, even if it was only to shake my hand as I busted lol.
  • edited June 2012
    Dave's being a bit unfair about his own poker ability.

    I seem to remember final tabling with him in a side event at Luton, he's got a very good game.
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