only come back to sky with my lovely new laptop yesterday as i wa son a netbook and skys tables are naff ona netbook, come back here from stars, next day bom. im logging of me and if my 2 pound 30pence isnt returned when i wake up im kicking off.....with a big stern letter of complaint lol laterz
i know it's frustrating, and I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. I have two MTTS up I wanted to play. Yes it's very annoying and yes communication is what every one wants but please can we tone down the vitriol please. They are on it and will tell us when they know more. Just give them some time please, and that time may be hours rather than minutes.
Sat waiting for cards on £2,000 BH Sat and nothing is happening! No cards, no fun. Waited over 5 mins now - c'mon give those dealers a kick! Posted by Doubleblow
I've got two games frozen. Was in the middle of complaining to Sky's Matthew B on the online chat and het cut me off and closed the chat, mid complaint! Apparently this is a one off occurance and will never happen again.
In my tournament window it shows Friday 20.20 as the time. I suspect that is why things are not kicking off. the clock is wrong and thinks it is Monday and not Friday, so it is not starting and tournanments. Hence the cash tables still work. You would think resetting the clock would not take this long though! School boy error type stuff!
I've got two games frozen. Was in the middle of complaining to Sky's Matthew B on the online chat and he cut me off and closed the chat, mid complaint! Apparently this is a one off occurance and will never happen again. LMAO
Guys i know it's frustrating, and I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. I have two MTTS up I wanted to play. Yes it's very annoying and yes communication is what every one wants but please can we tone down the vitriol please. They are on it and will tell us when they know more. Just give them some time please, and that time may be hours rather than minutes. It ain't ideal but all we can do is sit and wait. Posted by TommyD
Tommy I understand what your saying, but Sky as a massive communictions company, could handle this better, and keep people updated. I know it will be sorted out but the lack of updates does upset people.
In Response to Re: No Cards Dealt - C'mon Sky Sort This Out! : Tommy I understand what your saying, but Sky as a massive communictions company, could handle this better, and keep people updated. I know it will be sorted out but the lack of updates does upset people. Dont you think Posted by Largearce
Yes I agree, pretty sure if you are so inclined you can find me saying the same stuff in my post hstory a couple of years ago.
The problem is a lot of what is being posted on this thread isn't constructive. I have played on sites that have given players a lot less info than we've gotten tonight for a longer period. Yes this isn't ideal and I would like more updates, but I also think everyone needs to take it down a notch.
bought into the 21.55 timed tounry and the table will not even load. it should have started 21mins ago and was only due to last 30 mins??? the table loads but then no players appear and the message saying unable to load table pops up. What do i do anyone??
just got a refund on my timed tourment but they didn't give back the rake pffffffffffff Posted by D_Legend
Yeah this has happened to me. I had 3 tournements that i was going to play and one has started about 2 hours late, one just refunded my entry and rake and the timed tournement refunded but didnt return my rake.
In Response to Re: No Cards Dealt - C'mon Sky Sort This Out! : Yes I agree, pretty sure if you are so inclined you can find me saying the same stuff in my post hstory a couple of years ago. The problem is a lot of what is being posted on this thread isn't constructive. I have played on sites that have given players a lot less info than we've gotten tonight for a longer period. Yes this isn't ideal and I would like more updates, but I also think everyone needs to take it down a notch. Posted by TommyD
Yes I know what your saying. but other sites are not run by a communications company the size of sky. We all know it will be sorted but people are just venting their anger at the lack of communication. (wouldnt fancy working in their call centre tonight), Regular players like you shouldnt have to be the ones defending sky they should have someone to do that.
In Response to Re: No Cards Dealt - C'mon Sky Sort This Out! : Yes I know what your saying. but other sites are not run by a communications company the size of sky. We all know it will be sorted but people are just venting their anger at the lack of communication. (wouldnt fancy working in their call centre tonight), Regular players like you shouldnt have to be the ones defending sky they should have someone to do that. Posted by Largearce
Not 100% defending. I still think there should have been a regular updates (every 90 min or so). I'm pretty sure there will be something posted very soon as the main and mini have just be refunded.
On the other side some people did start venting here looking for a practically immediate resolution. I'm just looking for a happy medium.
BTW, as far as timed tournies go, i'm sure the rake will be returned but I would email support with your details and such.
Just on a side note, in a different life I had to be the person giving updates when nothing had changed. I can tell you first hand it's not easy or pleasant.
Had a refund for the 8.20pm timed tourney but not the 50p rake. It's not much but a healthy profit for sky to make out of every player. What's you justification Sky Poker. After all it is you total and utter c ock up.
Had a refund for the 8.20pm timed tourney but not the 50p rake. It's not much but a healthy profit for sky to make out of every player. What's you justification Sky Poker. After all it is you total and utter c ock up. Posted by ALFIE123
Technically the hand was still generated by their system, even if it never arrived at your computer. Once your money is in a Sky game they specifically do not have to refund even due to a technical problem (you agree to this each time you sign in) so just be glad you got a refund!
Again, our sincere apologies for this and for the 'radio silence' whilst we sorted it.
Obviously we wanted to resolve it as best as possible and as quickly as possible (this has largely been done now). The reason for not giving more information on here was that (a) it was important to focus on fixing it first and (b) we'd just be saying 'were working on it'. The issue has been identified and cleared now.
One of our priorities was to sort the high volume mini and main events so that they were voided and people got refunds automatically. I'm sure you'd agree that this is preferable to them running an hour or two late and having then to pick up the pieces for the close to 1,000 runners in these events afterwards.
We still have to do some tidying up to do overnight and in the morning, so please give us a little time to do this. We understand peoples frustration and will be doing everything to make sure nobody lost out. In fact, we will do more than that too (watch this space). If by later tomorrow you feel you have not had a happy resolution, or you think we've missed something, do get in touch then.
Again, our sincere apologies. Thankfully, these things are very rare and we'll be doing our upmost to prevent it happening again.
Guys i know it's frustrating, and I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. I have two MTTS up I wanted to play. Yes it's very annoying and yes communication is what every one wants but please can we tone down the vitriol please. They are on it and will tell us when they know more. Just give them some time please, and that time may be hours rather than minutes. It ain't ideal but all we can do is sit and wait. Posted by TommyD
Hi TommyD
Apologies for getting aggitated earlier with my post, i was just frustrated that Sky were not managing the expectations of the players by saying when the next update or course of action would be etc. Im sure that lessons will be learnt everytime these things happen, and they are sure to happen again through no fault of anyones.
i know it's frustrating, and I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. I have two MTTS up I wanted to play. Yes it's very annoying and yes communication is what every one wants but please can we tone down the vitriol please. They are on it and will tell us when they know more. Just give them some time please, and that time may be hours rather than minutes.
It ain't ideal but all we can do is sit and wait.
£200 Gtd velocity @ 9:55
£100 Gtd speed @ 8:55????
£250 Gtd @ 9:05????
The problem is a lot of what is being posted on this thread isn't constructive. I have played on sites that have given players a lot less info than we've gotten tonight for a longer period. Yes this isn't ideal and I would like more updates, but I also think everyone needs to take it down a notch.
On the other side some people did start venting here looking for a practically immediate resolution. I'm just looking for a happy medium.
BTW, as far as timed tournies go, i'm sure the rake will be returned but I would email support with your details and such.
Hi everyone.
Again, our sincere apologies for this and for the 'radio silence' whilst we sorted it.
Obviously we wanted to resolve it as best as possible and as quickly as possible (this has largely been done now). The reason for not giving more information on here was that (a) it was important to focus on fixing it first and (b) we'd just be saying 'were working on it'. The issue has been identified and cleared now.
One of our priorities was to sort the high volume mini and main events so that they were voided and people got refunds automatically. I'm sure you'd agree that this is preferable to them running an hour or two late and having then to pick up the pieces for the close to 1,000 runners in these events afterwards.
We still have to do some tidying up to do overnight and in the morning, so please give us a little time to do this. We understand peoples frustration and will be doing everything to make sure nobody lost out. In fact, we will do more than that too (watch this space). If by later tomorrow you feel you have not had a happy resolution, or you think we've missed something, do get in touch then.
Again, our sincere apologies. Thankfully, these things are very rare and we'll be doing our upmost to prevent it happening again.
Thank you for your patience and understanding
Sky Poker