yeah i know just noticed that its not big enough epic fail wanted to copy n paste how i get on its easier instead of writing it all down it is a target and a tager i think i can acheive if i stick to my principals of just playing frenzies and the odd mtt i like playing i.e velocity mtts
Only played a couple of mtts tonight as boxing was on which i lost £11 Bankroll now £518.75 gonna try n stay up to watch the amir khan fight so might play a couple more tourneys or timed tourneys before bed watch this ____________________________ space
Hi all today i will be playing frenzys from half 4 till half 7pm then i play my big mtt on other site i shall keep u posted on how i get on might play the velocity at 12.30 depends if any overlay if not a quite 1 till 4.30pm till primo frenzys start
Playin main mtt on other site absolutely card dead for hour n half on break now blinds 150/300 i have 2.7k need a double up i played 3 frenzys today cashed in 1 so money back not played much sinch bankroll £529.75
just got knocked out every 1 folded to me on the button i go all in 2.5k with ace 2 guy in big blind has a q hey ho not my tourney hey ho not my nite card dead all way thru
Only played 1 mtt on here tonight as i was playing big mtt on other site i played velocity n just came 3rd IDONKCALLU03£30
might play a couple of turbo dyms before bed or a sit n go bankroll start of day £529.75 now £543.75 slowly building it up slowly slowly catch a monkey playing frenzies 2moro and dtd
PLayed a forum 4nl cash game before bed n donked of 8 quid was good fun tho and good banter ended day with bankroll £535.35 nite all Posted by IDONKCALLU
the heater has broken my worst day for a while since i have been running golden couldnt get anything going today getting outdrawn on rivers anyway enuff of my bad beat yawn only cashed in 1 frenzy out of 4 lost £6.75 played 4 mtts today - £3.30 velocity £100 gtd - £5.50 and 2 timed mtts - £11 so all together not 1 of my best days in the old days i would play cash to try n get my winnings back but end up losing alot more thats why i am doing this diary to aim for a target
Day of pokers today playing to much lately and dont enjoy it when im feeling tired and dnt seem to play my a game when tired so day of today come back fresh 2moro
I know you said don't moan about your poor English etc but for god sake, when something is OFF (as in, the opposite of ON), then there are 2 Fs lol. Sorry but you always do it and it drives me mad Enjoy your day OFF though Posted by Lambert180
Sporny was the opposite, he was always talking about being dealt the ten jack off clubs!
Gl IDONK, myself I couldn't care less if you type off or of or any other spelling, your unique writing style is like an English exam in itself and I look forward to you running well and giving us an insight into the other aspects of your life, This is one diary I will definitely be reading.
thanks upnorth well was a fun nite away from the poker i played my brother at mariokart and beat him easy hes such a bad loser lol then i played my sister at tennis theres me literaly running about trying to beat her and my lil sister laying on sofa eating away and kiks my azz lol just like real life not haha i shall be back on poker 2moro back on the GRIND try n win my loss from the other day
Played timed tourney today got back £11 from £2.20 so made £8.80 profit
then i played £3.30 velocity no good in that and £2.20 rebuy which i bubbled in sigh so made £3.30 b4 the frenzies today played frenzies made a nice profit of £32.55 so i got back what i lost other day Bankroll £543.55 C4P 1307 £13.07
HI all didnt play much on here last nit as i was playing a big buy in tourney on other site which i managed to qualify for 1.60 qualified 4 times to play a 165 euro buy in i mabaged to bink a cash top 5 was a 760 euro ticket and i came 6th for the cash i coud of had the ticket but the cash was 640 euro which was very nice worked out £500 in uk money so withdrew all i decided to get a ps3 out of my winnings and when my money goes in my bank add another £200 to my sky poker bankroll my bankroll atm is £543.55 + another £200 so by saturday it be over 700 getting there on my target just need to build my C4P havent got many so far only 1336 but not really been puttin the hours in this week so far be back laters for the frenzys of to play tennis good luck all at the tables
HI all didnt play much on here last nit as i was playing a big buy in tourney on other site which i managed to qualify for 1.60 qualified 4 times to play a 165 euro buy in i mabaged to bink a cash top 5 was a 760 euro ticket and i came 6th for the cash i coud of had the ticket but the cash was 640 euro which was very nice worked out £500 in uk money so withdrew all i decided to get a ps3 out of my winnings and when my money goes in my bank add another £200 to my sky poker bankroll my bankroll atm is £543.55 + another £200 so by saturday it be over 700 getting there on my target just need to build my C4P havent got many so far only 1336 but not really been puttin the hours in this week so far be back laters for the frenzys of to play tennis good luck all at the tables Posted by IDONKCALLU
Gonna be paying alot today i just added £200 to my bankroll as i had a nice win on another site other day so my bankroll now is £743.55 gonna be playing frenzys later then play the main and mini tonight whatever happens need to build my c4p up so might play some turbo dyms later aswell good luck at the tables
i havent posted up on my blog recently because my internet has been cut of for 4 days but been back on since thursday and been doing ok played frenzys today made a nice profit of £53.40
Sorry but you always do it and it drives me mad
Enjoy your day OFF though
Very best of luck mate.
i always enjoy the up-dates
well played