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Hi All,
As you know, everyone at the Sky Poker TV channel love your contributions to the shows!
We would like to hear some more from you.........If you've got any suggestions for what you'd like to see on the channel, topics for the Sky Poker School then please post them on this thread.
All the best,
SkyPoker TV
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simple really...
live shows = live play
good innovation lately have included showing hands from a timed tournament and HU shuffle. all prior to showing play in the main event. you know, just how it used to be but with today's superb presenters and analysts.
everyone wants to see there hands on TV, massive selling angle for SKY
I would like to see Live Hands shown throughout the night from from that particular nights Main & Mini event, however, I would scedule the evening slightly diffeently than it is at the moment................
For instance on Sunday Nights we know we are going to see a a few hands from the Roller & then a few hands from the Primo Event and I don't mind this, but what really bugs me is we never seem to watch a tournament through to its conclusion because they finish too late.
So, personally on Sunday Nights, I would like the emphasis to be on Saturday nights main & Mini Event, so we can see a tourny to its conclusion, but also with a few live hands thrown in from the Primo.
Tuesdays live show should have an empasis on the Primo & Mini Primo from Sunday's main event so we can see it to it's conclusion, with a few live hands thrown in from from the Tuesday Main Event & Mini.
Thursday's live show should have an empasis on the Wednesday Doublestack & Roller, with a few live hands thrown in from the Bounty Hunter Main & Mini Events.
I also enjoyed the hands from the Timed Touny Events too.
Mastercash, Poker School etc I already enjoy.
Also, we never seem to see any play/hands from any of the SPT Live Events shown, apart from the live stream. There seems to be plenty of interviews etc but no edits shown of the live play from the feature tables.
More competitions that don't involve captions please
The problem is with 4-5 hours to fill, they end up filling with nonsense imo.
Filling time with showing hands alondside some humour and chat would make me watch for longer.
I just end up turning over to sport or something.
Coach kendall was more chatting than reviewing the guys play!
it was really good seeing other players navigate their way through a tournament. it doesnt really matter who is playing as i think its nice to see how other people are dealing with certain spots. if cash table play could be shown in this way i think that would also be good.
also, this gives you the chance to be on tv because you can go a sit at the table with the studio expert with a pretty high chance of your hands being shown. if you make them play the main and mini then there is very few players who dont have a fair chance of being shown.
big +1 to showing more hands. sometimes there are too many long sections of sofa chat
That is the stage where recreational players make mistakes.
Seeing the same names playing final tables is great but most of the time they don't make mistakes or fall into traps that less accomplished players do!
I don't think the competitions should be changed - The sheer number of posts they receive prove a large number of players enjoy them -
I would like a fortnightly section dedicated to Team Sky Poker players letting us know how they are doing.
I'm not interested in their Bankrolls just their experiences highs and lows etc
All players names to be removed until the end of the hand
I think we'd all benefit by watching how the expert plays mediocre cards in position out of position and how they play premium hands to max effect
all we need to see are their cards, the betting patterns and of course the end result.
Perhaps the expert might estmate the range of hand they put their opponent on.
For it to work a different alias must be used when playing.
What are the chances of doing this?
I loved it when you either had guests playing along in the studio or at home as phone guests.
I have to be honest, I gave the new show format time to settle in but I'm still not keen. The last 2 hours where hands from that nights mtt's are by far the most entertaining as well as being the most educational.
The main appeal of the show was playing along in the main event and watching it on the telly at the same time.
But thats just my opinion........
"Celeb" studio guests who are playing SnG's / in the Main Event / back in SnG's at 20:10 after busting out of the Main Event.
I always though this added a big element to the shows.
Champion v McCririck pt II.
More hands more hands more hands!! The cards covered is great, but use it alot, for example if someone sends in a play my hand then cover up the others cards, and then we get fair feedback.
Anyway, I seem to be in a minority of one in saying that I don't want to see more hands. I think it's pretty tedious to rush from one hand to the next. I'm not the biggest fan of just watching someone else do something silly/clever but I do enjoy the full analysis of the hand afterwards. It's only appropriate that, after three or four minutes of poker jargon, something a little less heavy is discussed to break things up a bit. A bit of fun and banter is always nice.
With that said, I do have some suggestions:
1) Chat Box - There aren't enough interesting things happening in a week to make up an hour long show. Nobody cares about "Poker player you've never heard of wins poker tournament you've never heard of." I don't think the show should be scrapped altogether but an hour is just far too long. You end up scratching around for something to talk about and it's just dull. Cut this show in half and use the extra time for Mastercash tables.
2) Poker School - In order to distinguish the Poker School from the Poker Clinic or Ask The Experts, you try to stick to particular types of play and discuss the pitfalls of these. The problem is that the topics are either too wide-ranging (Such as the recent "multi-way pots") so there can be no specific advice given or they're too narrowly defined (Such as "Squeeze play" or "Kicker problems").
The problem with these narrowly defined topics is that either i) the person picking the hands doesn't have the expertise to distinguish what a squeeze play is or what genuine kicker problems are, or ii) you don't have the ability to filter the hands well enough to pick out these hands from all those available to you. These problems led to a farcical Poker School on squeeze plays without a single squeeze play being shown and then the situation being repeated a week ago with the kicker problems program. Nobody's blaming a TV producer/editor for not being an expert in poker terminology but there is a simple way that these problems can be overcome:
Determine what the topic will be a week or so in advance and invite contributions on the topic from the more experienced players. Then before the show is aired you can have the analyst run through some of the hand histories and filter the ones that correctly illustrate the desired issue...
3) Poker School again - I appreciate that usually the Poker School is produced for newer players and therefore some of the topics are fairly basic. I would like it if, just once in a while, a more advanced topic was discussed in more technical terms. A program on Independent Chip Modelling or a more intricate description of Expected Value would be nice. (Though EV is a basic topic but one not fully understood by many experienced players) A repeat of the Squeeze Play show would be welcome, this time with actual squeezes.
4) Poker Clinic - Recently the Poker Clinic has become almost identical to Ask The Experts. Hands used to be taken directly from the clinic section of the forum and shown along with quotes from the forum contibutors. I was no fan of that as it led to forum advice being butchered into a few sentences, frequently leading to the meaning being lost and occasionally making some of us look a bit dim. However, since this element was dispensed with the Poker Clinic is indistinguishable from the Ask The Experts section and is merely about people sending in their hands on the night, asking for advice. There are a couple of things that could be done to see the return of the forum contributions without upsetting people:
It would only require you to prepare the hands you intend to show one or two days in advance, then invite the contributors themselves to sub-down their original thoughts into a few sentences based on their initial advice. Alternatively, you could specifically request that some of the sites better known players take a look at particular hand histories and they could offer their opinions in advance of the show. So the hand would be shown then two or three displays of "DOHHHHHHH's thoughts" or "TommyD's thoughts", in the manner that clinic posts were once used. Surely the show isn't thrown together on the night, is it? lol
5) Read out fewer posts from BorinLoner... nobody cares what he thinks and he's not that funny either.
Great thread, nice & constructive, & I particularly liked Borin's Post.