OK enteries are now being taken for all events Please add details of team representatives for each event to this thread - only enteries received BEFORE the start of each event will be included. Please add - Team, Player name and event entered eg. Slykllist, Hitsquad, Track Cycling Sprint Posted by Slykllist
OK Simon, DONE You are our Cyclist, like their was any doubt!!! LOL!!!
All other Hitsquad posters supporting this, POST UP WHAT EVENT YOU WANT TO DO HERE NOW!!!
First Come FIRST SERVE!!
Smarr Aussie Woogie, rancid be quick first come first serve....
O yeah, Me & Anna Fowler will Be The HitSquad Mixed Doubles Badmington Team!!! Lisa reseve, lol!!
In Response to Re: Forum Team Olympics Competiton : Welcome to Hit Squad A Aussie. Afraid you can be in the 1st tuesday event (unless there is something you have kept really quiet) Its ladies Gymnastics. How are you at Heads up poker? Needing someone for the Heads up shuffle (Table Tennis) on Thur 2nd Mike Posted by Woogie8688
hi woogs...
i won skypoker's first to 3 HU shuffle tournaments promotion. ladies gymnastics sounds more fun. i am a bloke though.
In Response to Re: Forum Team Olympics Competiton : hi woogs... i won skypoker's first to 3 HU shuffle tournaments promotion. ladies gymnastics sounds more fun. i am a bloke though. Posted by aussie09
Perfect m8 thanks
The Table tennis H.U shuffle on Thur 2nd is all yours.
Must admit I quite like the idea of ladies gymnastics but am not prepared to make the sacrifice even for the Hit Squad, thats a bit drastic & above & beyond the call of duty.
OK.... all event details are now finalised (pending any unforeseen problems).
Here's a simplified list:
Event List
20:05 £2.30 £500.00 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter (One representative per team)
Swimming 4 x 100m Freestyle
19:00 Freeroll? (up to 4 representatives per team, medals awarded on cumulative scores)
16.55 £1.10 Omaha Hi Lo tournament (One representative per team)
Artistic Gynastics, Womens
20:15 £3.30 mini open (One representative per team, ladies only)
Cycling Time Trial
21:20 £5.50 £400 Guaranteed timed tournament (One representative per team)
Table Tennis
19:20 £4.40 £100 Heads up BH shuffle tournament (One representative per team)
Badminton, Mixed Doubles
£3.30 20:15 the mini open (Two representative per team one male and one female)
19:15 £2.20 £150 Guaranteed Deepstack (One representative per team)
Athletics 100m Sprint
21:55 £5.50 £200 Guaranteed Velocity (One representative per team)
Monday night Forum DTD (3 representatives from each team, medals awarded on cumulative scores using the DTD scoring system)
Track Cycling Sprint
20:00 £11.00 £1000 Guaranteed Thews at 10 tournament (One representative per team)
Athletics, Hurdles
13:45 £2.30 Bounty Hunter
Beach Volleyball
14:00 £3.30 £50 Guaranteed (Two representatives per team, medals awarded on cumulative scores)
Open Water Swimming
19:10 £3.30 Orfordable Deepstack (One representative per team)
20.45 £4.40 HU Shuffle (One representative per team)
Athletics, Marathon
20:15 £5.50 Mini Primo (3 representatives per team, medals awarded on cumulative scores)
Please start getting your enteries in ASAP team, first event is in 2 days time. Don't woory if you don't have all events filled yet, you can always add other later, as long as they are received on here before the start of the event.
In Response to Re: Forum Team Olympics Competiton : hi woogs... i won skypoker's first to 3 HU shuffle tournaments promotion. ladies gymnastics sounds more fun. i am a bloke though. Posted by aussie09
Any more Team Hit Squad members who fancy playing in these "olympics" & not already in one of the teams, & maybe not on facebook. Please post on here as the Hit Squad is looking to start a "C" team
All other Hitsquad posters supporting this, POST UP WHAT EVENT YOU WANT TO DO HERE NOW!!!
First Come FIRST SERVE!!
Smarr Aussie Woogie, rancid be quick first come first serve....
O yeah, Me & Anna Fowler will Be The HitSquad Mixed Doubles Badmington Team!!! Lisa reseve, lol!!
The Hitsquad are already organising an A & B team thru Simon with Mike woogie Captaining Team A & Micky smarr captaining team B!!
Any squaddies who want to play & not on FB post here & I or they will sort!!
Aussie we have pencilled you in which events can you play???
[mixed doubles badmington gone sry mate, Anna insists!!]
We got a fullish Team A & B Now!!, happy to start a team C!!
28th – Archery 20:50 £2.30 £500 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter (One representative per team)
Saturday 28th
wednesday Aug 1st
Thursday Aug 2nd
Monday Aug 6th
Tues day Aug 7th
Thursday Aug 9th
Team Ths
thanks for the notes... i would love to play if selected for hit squad.
(tuesday, thursday, sunday)
i won skypoker's first to 3 HU shuffle tournaments promotion.
ladies gymnastics sounds more fun. i am a bloke though.
Here's a simplified list:
August 2nd - Table Tennis19:20£4.40£100 Guaranteed HU shuffleTeams & RepresentativesPositonMedalsTeam Knight PokerHitSquad AAussie09HitSquad BLambert180Team 51Team Poker TitansDYM LegendsTeam DiamondBrrrrrrTeam Ninja Plonkers
Any additional teams or A & B teams etc.... ALL VERY WELCOME
August 3rd - Badminton, Mixed Doubles20:15£3.30Mini OpenTeams & Representatives, 1 male, 1 FemalePositonMedalsTeam Knight PokerHitSquad ARab642Mrs_BaltiHitSquad BHITMAN_RVLlamasTeam 51Team Poker TitansDYM LegendsTeam DiamondTeam Ninja PlonkersDagnamitMYSHARKY
Any additional teams or A & B teams etc.... ALL VERY WELCOME
I wish you the best with it and that it goes well.
Put me in for the Diving, TNP.
Hit the bullsye in the 20:50 £2.30 £500 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter
You're in the Diving, tough competition..... you're against me
Event 8: