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edited August 2012 in Poker Chat
Think i need to knock it all on the head after last month which was a great month i decided to withdraw my roll of £700 this where goes downhill and i am a beep and should know better i went down bookies to do a ante post bet on footy and i went on the roullete the rest is history i am such a p r at i lost all what i won on poker last month which took me ages to win to lose it all within a hour on the roullete machines down my local bookies i feel sick as a parrot feels like some 1 has ripped my guts out atm i feel like theres no point playing poker any more as i only play small buy in  mtts will take me ages to get that much again i will never learn im a fool money never means that much to me as there is more importnant things in life but this has hurt big time so u could say goodbye poker and gambling for a while 


  • edited August 2012
    Hi DonkIcallu, If you are a consistent winner at poker, then all you have to do is stay out of the flopwit bookies innit----- Bookies are gambling--- A consistent winner is investing innit
  • edited August 2012
    Was there any need to include the words in capitals
  • edited August 2012
    i know all this m8 i do well at poker and i know i do ok at it but i getttttttttt soooooooo tilted very easily i did have a 800 roll i lost 2 buy ins on 20 nl master cash so 80 quid so i withdrew 700 out then my sky plus box has broken from yesterday no excuse but no tv in my bedroom is kinda boring so i went down bookies to do some footy bets and then went to only put a tenner in roullette as we all know its never just £10 ended up losing all my fricking money hurts like u said shoulda kept it on sky poker and grind away and dnt let losing 2 buy ins affect me but it does i tilt very easily and this as what happened i blame my sky plus box if that was working i wouldnt of gone down the bookies :(
  • edited August 2012
  • edited August 2012
    Happens to a fair few of us Id imagine. I done a couple of buy ins getting coolered at the Vic last week and then and went to roulette and done a few more. Its painful and supposed to be a reason why a lot of poker players go bust. 
  • edited August 2012
    tnx rancid id rather of u kept ya thoughts 2 yaself its like u losing a load and them some smart azz say u degen u should never play them mugs game well tnx for the advice now do 1 funny thing is soon as i lost my money the guy who works there opens the machine with a key and took all my money with a cheeky smile could of atleast waited till i left i was so angry then and tx for ya post mj8bs yeah been there done it a few times 
  • edited August 2012
    yeah rancid. godddd. I mean it is money after all. You know, money? That little piece of paper that means so much to everybody. That thing that people have to give to other people in order to do things. You know???? Srs it's only money. Don't get too worked up about it. Yeah I'd be p i s s e d but it's happened now. get over it
  • edited August 2012
    hi idcu
    we've all done it m8 at one time or another.
    yes it hurts for a few days but it's only money innit!!
    my advice ; for what it's worth;
    have a couple of days off & chill.
    get back on them poker tables ,spin up a few hundred & you'll feel 'rite as rain'
    another little tip,
    if u feel u have to go down bookies in future just take cash with you & only a set ammount that ur prepared to lose.

    be lucky
  • edited August 2012
    @dev I really do love the way you set up your comments. You're my hero
  • edited August 2012
    thanks dev i know its only money dont bother me normally but now skint with no job so not good :( more impotant things then money like being happy and being there for family 
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: I AM A IDI OT IN CAPITALS:
    i know all this m8 i do well at poker and i know i do ok at it but i getttttttttt soooooooo tilted very easily i did have a 800 roll i lost 2 buy ins on 20 nl master cash so 80 quid so i withdrew 700 out then my sky plus box has broken from yesterday no excuse but no tv in my bedroom is kinda boring so i went down bookies to do some footy bets and then went to only put a tenner in roullette as we all know its never just £10 ended up losing all my fricking money hurts like u said shoulda kept it on sky poker and grind away and dnt let losing 2 buy ins affect me but it does i tilt very easily and this as what happened i blame my sky plus box if that was working i wouldnt of gone down the bookies :(
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    Not sure if that is meant to be a tounge in cheek joke or not, but just in case it isn't.

    You can only have yourself to blame.  I have been reading your diary and it was very nice to see you building up a nice roll.

    IMO you should seek some help as ultimately these kind of underlying issues will not only affect your bank balance, it will affect your quality of life and your relationships with your family and friends.  I've been in places before where losing money really got to me and I took it out on the wrong people, as it affects your entire mood and attitude.

    Get help before its too late.  I'm sure you have regulars at the bookies that you go to who have clearly let their addicition take a grip of their entire lives and you can just see the shell now, and its too late for them to do anything about it.

    You are still young and have plenty of time to challenge and change this lack of discipline.

  • edited August 2012
    accept you're addicted to gambling. That means the gambling controls YOU. Don't let that happen. Control Yasel
  • edited August 2012
    good advice scotty i should just stick to the pokers i know u cant win on roullette yet i still go on them and yeah it can affect my attitude it would affect any 1 that grinded away for a month to earn a nice rol and blow it all within a hour im just a fool for doing it if any 1 know what its like to go on roullette in bookies u dnt realise how much u have spent till its gone i was putting in 20 after 20 and thought oh well im only a 100 down well thats what i thought till i checked my money i was 180 down so tryed to chase it bk stupid idea that was 
  • edited August 2012
    percival y u rubbing it in kick a man whilst hes down well done good on ya clap clap its working love to see u lose loads of money and then some 1 come out with a smart comment well ya cant win on them so y go on them what goes around n all that 
  • edited August 2012
    blowing £700 is totally degen, and no it's not only money -
    You have a problem, seek help and stop posting stooopid posts and then try and back track saying it's not a problem

    stand up and be counted, your a de gen - get help - posting about this I don't get because it's not a trivual matter

    Can you really afford to gamble away £700 ? I very much doubt it - sort yourself out tbfh

    Don't get why you would post this, maybe you lost it all on the cash tables )

    seems like a cry for help !
  • edited August 2012
    oh i am sorry rancid u are so clever u have never gone busto u have never taken shots u are the best atleast i admit i have gone busto and lost all people say on this site is i won this i won that bore bore bore tbh no 1 ever seems to lose yeah right every 1 seems to win all the time amazing that atleast i have the b al ls to say i have lost not many would do that coz u all seem to win all the time like i said before i used to work in a bookies this guy says to hes m8es he wins all the time never says how much he losses he has wins yeah but lost a whole lot more when he won 
  • edited August 2012
    To be honest, you have serious problems with all aspects of the mental side of poker. For instance, I've lost count of the number of times I've seen you post hands in the clinic from 50NL and 100NL which you are not even close to being rolled for, even if you treat yourself as recreational and aren't super strict on BRM, it's still crazy.

    Obviously, as you already know, roulette is a bad idea for anything other than a bit of fun. Personally I don't play any table games because to me it's gambling and I don't see any point in playing a game where the edge is ALWAYS against you, but I don''t see any problem with playing it as long as they realise it's for fun and you will never make money from it long-term.

    It's an addiction like any other, just like smoking. People quit smoking because they want to stop, then hours/days/weeks later nothing has really changed, deep down you still want to be a non-smoker but your addiction is there and your brain is coming up with any excuse to just have one... and then you're done for. As Ryan said, you gotta work through the root causes because you need to change your whole mentality towards gambling.
  • edited August 2012
    LOL so much at this thread. LOL so much at your replies. 

    You post a sad sad story of losing money. Very sad, I'm crying in fact. I have no sympathy for you. Why should I? Like I'd expect nobody to have sympthy for me if I did it. It almost seems like you posted for sympathy. My posts werent having a go at you.

    MONEY IS ONLY MONEY. that does not mean you can just spend it on cr a p because yes I guess it is needed. But don't let the loss of it affect you too badly. If you can't afford to lose it don't bloody gamble with it. It's ridiculous. It's all ready happened is what I was saying.

    Your £700 is gone. You've given it to the bookies. The quicker you accept that the quicker you can move on. You're not going to get that £700 back. Why upset todays peace with a rather trivial story of how a man willingly gambles £700 away and posts it on a forum and then goes sick at people 
  • edited August 2012
    and i havent got a problem with gambling i managed a bankroll of 700 just by playing small £3.30 mtts and 20 nl for a whole month i have a problem with roullete machines if u have never played them then u wont understand what i mean 
  • edited August 2012
    i used to love going down the bookies until they started installing them money eating, flashing lighty machines - i really do not understand how they were given the go-ahead to install them - and now there is talk of allowing casino size jackpots in the bookies. i now do ALL my gambling on line and stay away from the temptation of everything in the bookies - although i would love to have a horse or dog bet occasionally.

    what put me off was watching just how fast addicts (or optimists) play roulette and fruit machines - almost on auto pilot and without any pleasure i would imagine..... leading to the inevitable low of ending up like you say - SKINT.

    even after a jackpot it all goes back in - and its those who can least afford it who are falling victim (often willingly) to the grabbing machines - and no i do not think sky vegas is a good alternative - nuff said!
  • edited August 2012

  • edited August 2012
    I think people should be careful about implying idcu has a serious problem.

    If sky think he has, then they'll snap close his account.

  • edited August 2012
    can some 1 close this thread please only came on to let of some steam thanks for replies scotty and dev atleast u make sense and mj8bs
  • edited August 2012
    while some people are quick to jump on these kind of posts and try and wind you up even more, the messsage they are trying to give is a valid one.

    there are some people who have the right frame of mind for gambling.  there are others that just don't.

    going from your posts, of saying that you was going to quit sports betting only to be on them hours later, the same with the cash games etc and now roulette, its clear that you have some issues that need dealing with.

    get help.  you have your entire life ahead of you and so much time to change things.

    as someone who spends a large amount of time in casinos and private cash games, there are countless stories I could share about people who now just exist to gamble.  don't become one of them.

    i won't say anymore on the subject but I hope that you make the right choice.

  • edited August 2012
    lol I think the op kinda clarifies what you're saying splashies
  • edited August 2012
    rancid what goes around comes around pal thought u was better then this rubbing salt in wounds atleast scotty and dev gave advice and not just say your a loser bla bla bla and a fool for losing ya money u have lost all my respect tbh with ya for ya stupid comments 
  • edited August 2012
    idcu my friend... what do you expect people to reply? 'OMG IM SO SORRI 4 U M8 HERE HAVe MY £700' ... people saying get over it might seem harsh when you read it but it's ALL YOU CAN DO. Right now, the only thing you can possibly do is to accept what has happened. Don't complain about it. Just accept it as a life lesson. It was a mistake. You wont (well hopefully not) make the same mistake again. Everything happens for a reason. 
  • edited August 2012
    no but more dignity like  ouch unlucky pal im sure u get it back on poker or just have a have a break a few weeks of it like dev said if some 1 lost loads of money i would never wind em up thats like laughing whilst u lose ya money 
  • edited August 2012
    Well tbf it is pretty funny the way youve replied to peoples comment. It's not that funny that you lost your £700. just learn from it
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