rancid what goes around comes around pal thought u was better then this rubbing salt in wounds atleast scotty and dev gave advice and not just say your a loser bla bla bla and a fool for losing ya money u have lost all my respect tbh with ya for ya stupid comments Posted by IDONKCALLU
Maybe I'am being blunt, but feel u need to be told what a stoooopid thing blowing money on roulette is
Espcially when you say it's only money, it's £700 - how about blowing £7000 on roulette - is that a problem ?
think your in denial, seek help maybe ask yourself if your a poker player or a degen :S
im sure you have posted one of these threads before and if you havent i apologize for being wrong but whoever it was got the same responses.
ive done similar stupid things with those roulette machines many moons ago but i gotta ask why you went in with £700 or have times changed since i was last in a high street bookies and they now let you use and abuse your cards these days
IDCU - just close the thread, close your laptop/pc. Go sit down and do something totally non cards related. Usually after I lose a few, I go hit the driving range or go to my mates house and wind down there. You need to forget about poker and gambling and find a distraction.
glad this thread has not been locked yet so i can get my 2penneth in. Cannot believe the ******** on this site who seem to have posted only to gloat at someone elses misfortune. Yep you have a problem, but you know what you can beat it, you're young, contrite, i think posting your tale as some kind of purging. well done. understand you are not alone, bookies have not made their millions off of your £700 so beat yourself up, but dont kil yourself. stop. move away it from this issue one day at a time. `and `rancid (you really suit your name) get yourself down the city late at nite, i'm sure you can find some drug addicts you can laugh at
I'm sorry to hear about what happened. Its not just money...it will have far reaching affects if you don't treat this matter seriously. You play poker well and are always making considered opinions so make one now eh. Please listen to Scotty77's advice. His post was excellent and you need to take the necessary steps before you allow this magnify exponentially. Today is a new day and you can now make a considered decision on how you are going to approach this problem. You are central to it's solution!!!! Good luck and don't be afraid to look for advice....
PS I'm not a gambler at all. Not even horses as i'm not 'skilled' in those areas. I don't like betting on a score etc. It doesn't make sense to me. Roulette doesn't reward skill as none is required. Poker does reward skill and a considered approach to what levels you play etc. I'm enjoying trying to improve so i don't see it as gambling. Just like when i played golf today for the second time after having my gall bladder out in feb. I enjoyed it though feel knackered now! Once i stop enjoying it, i'll stop playing it. Simple for me but maybe you need a deeper , more skilled approach with help from someone who can guide you. Get looking today.....
hi idcu we've all done it m8 at one time or another. yes it hurts for a few days but it's only money innit!! my advice ; for what it's worth; have a couple of days off & chill. get back on them poker tables ,spin up a few hundred & you'll feel 'rite as rain' another little tip, if u feel u have to go down bookies in future just take cash with you & only a set ammount that ur prepared to lose. be lucky dev Posted by devonfish5
Personally I think you should just stay away from the machines as there just going to eat your money.
If like to have a gamble on blackjack or roullette and lets face it who doesn't, then I would suggest opening an account on another site, setting yourself a deposit limit (whatever you can afford to lose) and playing the LIVE DEALER games as they aren't rigged and are played at a far slower pace than the standard casino games. You also get an eastern european girl to look at while you play, very nice!
Thats just my advice, however I don't think you can disagree with what others have said as what youv'e done is total stupidity and completely your own doing.
I'm sure you will be back at the tables soon though. GL
Why do people insist on reacting so aggressively. Nobody is gloating at his misfortune.
and profman.. I understand you have to take this situation seriously. Definitely take it seriously. But money is still just money. you can be perfectly happy living on the streets with only 1 sock to your name. What I'm saying is, don't let something that has already happened effect you. Accept it. Get over it. Don't do it again. Learn from it. Become a better person because of it.
glad this thread has not been locked yet so i can get my 2penneth in. Cannot believe the ******** on this site who seem to have posted only to gloat at someone elses misfortune. Yep you have a problem, but you know what you can beat it, you're young, contrite, i think posting your tale as some kind of purging. well done. understand you are not alone, bookies have not made their millions off of your £700 so beat yourself up, but dont kil yourself. stop. move away it from this issue one day at a time. `and `rancid (you really suit your name) get yourself down the city late at nite, i'm sure you can find some drug addicts you can laugh at memfno (John Derry) Posted by memfno
OMG I ain't laughing, I think it's a terrible thing IDONK has done and I feel I want to tell him that- He has obviously come on here and posted and probably wants to be told "O don't worry we all do that from time to time" Fact is, it ain't normal - IDONK may need to face up to this and rubbing his back while he is being sick ain't going to help him!
and i havent got a problem with gambling i managed a bankroll of 700 just by playing small £3.30 mtts and 20 nl for a whole month i have a problem with roullete machines if u have never played them then u wont understand what i mean Posted by IDONKCALLU
really! Blowing £700 is not a problem - dude cmon -
IDONK may need to face up to this and rubbing his back while he is being sick ain't going to help him!
SHOUTING AT HIM, TELLING HIM WOT A FOOL HE IS WILL NOT! Those are things he realises for himself. Problem with poker players too many of them think poker is not gambling. It means they get to stand on their moral high ground lecturing others about what idiots they are. Rancid (et al) you are poker players, YOU ARE GAMBLERS. One day/night you will have avery bad nite when you blow all /most your roll. Maybe someone can shout at you on that occasion
rancid i trust you have not had anybody close to you with a gambling addiciton (not saying you do steve) if you had it certainly isnt a laughing matter or something to goad people about.
It is much like saying to a drug addict just stop injecting yourself because you no its bad for you if it was as simple as that nobody would drink to much, gamble with money they cant afford. or ever take drugs again.
The fact he has admitted on here he has done the money on the machines actually reflects well on you as you are not trying to hide the fact you have lost it this way, as others have said what i sould suggest it find a hobby away from gambling/poker, still play poker by all means but have another release of some kind.
As scotty says dont end up like the hardened old players you see in some cash games that spend week to week selling and then buying back there jewellery for a game that is a very very very dangerous and unfulfilling road.
In Response to Re: I AM A IDI OT IN CAPITALS : Well yeah it's all relative, for Phil Ivey to blow £700 on roulette would be the same as the average jow blowing £5. fact is £700 I am sure is a lot of money for IDONK and the average Joe ! Only play and gamble with money you can afford to lose, if you post about losing the amount of money then obviously you could not afford to lose it ! Next time I take a flip I am going to post about losing a buy in ! No I wouldn't post becaue I can afford to GAMBLE with this money! If IDONK hasn't learned this yet then he needs to, otherwise he will always go broke - Posted by rancid
This is just wrong. Phil Ivey losing £700 is more like me losing a single dust particle.
sorry to hear this idkcu rancid i trust you have not had anybody close to you with a gambling addiciton (not saying you do steve) if you had it certainly isnt a laughing matter or something to goad people about. It is much like saying to a drug addict just stop injecting yourself because you no its bad for you if it was as simple as that nobody would drink to much, gamble with money they cant afford. or ever take drugs again. The fact he has admitted on here he has done the money on the machines actually reflects well on you as you are not trying to hide the fact you have lost it this way, as others have said what i sould suggest it find a hobby away from gambling/poker, still play poker by all means but have another release of some kind. As scotty says dont end up like the hardened old players you see in some cash games that spend week to week selling and then buying back there jewellery for a game that is a very very very dangerous and unfulfilling road. good luck pm me if you need a chat Posted by bugaloo
Rancid is not doing this. He is simply trying to help in the right way. If everyone said to IDCU 'Its fine, we all lose £700 on roullete from time to time' then he would think it was normal and most likely do it again. Sympathy is not going help IDCU for the future.
a dear freind of mine has had a gambling problem and its not nice he lost hes house he lost hes wife lost everything and in bookies where i live they wont let him in there coz he stinks and 1 bookmakers lets him in because he losses most days on rouullete and he earns over 1 k a week on the job he does but its sad to look at him and feel sorry for the guy altho has a good job but cant look after himself proper because losing all of hes money down bookies where as if he didnt go down there he be loaded i dnt wanna be like that of course not
Of course you don't want to end up like that mate, some of the replies in this thread have put me off posting in this forum anymore tbh, as I dont really see much "community" going on.
I would say to you, think about what you value most in life. Think about this experience you been through, and how to avoid similar situations in the future - and the impact this experience has had on what you value most.
Seems to me like your after some help when I read the first post. At the end of the day only you can help yourself. I would worry for you if you had a big score at poker or gambling... as it could put you in similar situations but with bigger losses if you don't actively find the right approach to avoid this happening again.
Only you can help yourself fella - hope things work out and you find a way to avoid situations like this in the future.
Ok lets talk through this, so you withdrew the money into your bank account and then walked into the bookies with cash ?
learn to only take a certain amount into the bookies, NO NO NO - just don't go into the bookies !
seriously if you can't stop, then you have a problem
Believe me I know what gambling does, and the biggest problem is not admitting to yourself you have a problem If you are trying to justify your gambling then, you have a problem I ain't going to say it's ok and perfectly normal because it ain't Maybe you want to hear it's normal and we all do it So blowing £700 is not normal m8, blowing £700 playing cash poker wouldn't be good either Question is Steve, can you learn from this ? Only you know the answer. good luck I wish you well
IDONKCALLU, I think that you are a pure out and out gambler.
Unless you get some real discipline, and I suspect (hopefully wrongly), a more balanced lifestyle, you will continue to end up in situations like these.
For what it's worth I'd like to give my views on IDCU's problem. And that is in my opinion you ARE addicted to gambling. You mention a mate of yours who lost everything through gambling. I can't help feeling that you are seeing a future vision of yourself. Ever since you have been posting on this forum you have never stuck to a gameplan and have always ended up playing above your limit. To spin your stack up to £700 is a great achievement and many would be envious of your poker skills ( which I know you have). To blow it all in one session at the bookies is terribly sad but something you have to deal with. I believe that you saw the Secret Millionaire featuring Andrew Feldman? Did the problems he has with gambling not strike a chord with you? Please get some help before it's too late.
I think this thread has definitely taken a turn for the worse, and that's not thanks to Rancid at all. I think Rancid hsa been blunt but he is right that it's something that needs confronting head-on. Rancid's comments have all been valid and good intentioned.
However comments saying the thread is funny or about playing the world's smallest violin serve no purpose but to belittle someone who clearly has a problem. Donk needs help and I really don't know what the best thing to do is, but not gambling for a bit (including poker) can only be a good thing.
Sorry to hear the news. We all do stupid things at times - the important thing is to learn from them. Regardless of whether it was roulette at the bookies or playing NL100 - if £700 is way too much to lose in a session you have to find ways of stopping it happening. You need to find a way to have a stoploss. You don't need to give something up just to have a stoploss (although if you regularly lose money you cannot afford to then maybe giving up is smart) but you need to find a way to restrict the downturn.
I used to play a bit of blackjack & roulette - always in moderation, but since my first poker tournament I have spent 0 at them. Why, because I can have more fun playing something where I am not guaranteed to lose in the long term.
I still make mistakes - I played live cash recently when not in the right state - too much alcohol - not enough food. I had a lot of fun, but I also lost £700. But that was my stoploss for the night, and it means way less to me than it does to you. But still the next day I was pretty gutted for putting myself in the position where I could lose that much gambling (which is what playing cash poker drunk is) but pretty pleased my stoploss worked.
Most posters on here are saying "be careful" in their own ways - some agressively, others sympathetically. Don't hold their style against them because they aren't gloating, but maybe communicating in a way which hurts, but the majority are trying to help.
Don't give up poker just because you lost at roulette, but do restrict your losses at whatever you do to a level you can cope with.
Best of luck, and if taking a break for a while is what you want to do, then do it - it's another form of stoploss.
Since we originally met on this site idcu you appeared to have turned a corner with regards to your thinkin too much about stuff an gettin too down about it I dont think you should let 1 setback dictate what you do.You're more than capable of gettin it back lad.Chin up and look positive m8.
Ps. I mean through the poker tables,not just chancin it again on the roulette.You're obv good enough to do it m8.
Best wishes.
Edit.Please also look into talkin to someone re machine gamblin.There is no future in it m8 only one winner in that scenario and it wont be you.Speakin from personal experience as I have witnessed 1st hand how someone close to me has pretty much lost it all chasing losses on all forms of gambling.Aint no shame in it.
If you don't think losing £700 on the roulette wheel in an hour is an indication of a gambling addiction, you my friend are in denial. You post up about how stupid you've been and then proceed to try to justify your actions, classic symptons of an addict. You need to face up to the harsh truth about yourself and seek help before you lose more than your poker BR on the wheels. I hope you get the help you need and in a few months time, you look back at this thread as the catalyst for dealing with your problem. Gl, Mohican.
after reading this thread in detail I totally agree with most of these comments and feel you should print this thread out, and have time (which you have now) to read and reflect on what people here are saying.
You know the problems I had with gambling when I was younger (lost everything), but you will be wiser now this has happened. If you don’t learn from this then I agree with others that you do seek help.
Learn from this and have set goals that are going to help you i.e. have a set limit each week you deposit if you lose that punish yourself till next reload day. But make these deposits small and IF you build a roll again (good chance of doing so) Take it out and start from small again and spend the winnings on something you enjoy other then POKER/SPORTS.
I know that when you win you want more and more, and when you take a hit you chase (everyone has been there) but as GELDY so rightly says STOP when you take a hit, as you said you had a hit and withdrew a lot out after losing £80.But reloaded asap WHY CHASE, BOREDOM has a lot to answer for here and a lot of you don’t realize that with IDCU.
Take time off from it all, reflect and sit down and look at what you want from all this and in life in general, you will get there you put your mind to it. You have with the poker tables (sometimes make it look easy) but you need to focus more now on things that really matter in life outside of this.
Sorry for the long post and I am pleased that you have posted this up, as this is a matter that people can relate to whether past or present, maybe not roulette but some sort of addiction.
ive read a few posts on here about this and i think the majority are just putting you st8 when it comes to what you have done there not digging the knife in as such and you posted on here for a reason. And that is to get a response to you being a bit silly by losing it all on roulette machines. You know it was a bad thing to do and you also know that you should of known better. That being said most of us have done similar things to you at one point of time or another, Ive lost 2k in 4 days on this site years back and believe me i know how sick you can feel about it! its gut renching.
But take solis in remembering the money you lost you won anyway so you havnt really lost anything. Its very unfortunate this has happened to you but we live and learn. The best thing to take from this is to remember NEVER TO DO IT AGAIN. Dont think about it now its done and dusted the more you think about it the more it will affect you. DONT try and play catch up DONT dwell on it. Move on and work hard again just playing poker and nothing else. Even take a break from gambling altogether as poker is gambling too. Its not a case that you have a problem with gambling or not it can just be a silly moment of madness not an addiction but if you dont learn from it and reacess what has happened and continue then thats where gambling addictions escalate. If you cant afford to lose it dont play.
Im sure if you are sensible about this you can still do well, dont get even more wound up by comments on here they are only trying to help. Its left you a bit emotianal about it at the moment and thats only natural. Be strong and pull yourself together and things will look better from here.
just noticed this thread very sorry to hear idonk but yeah we have all have went busto and done stupid things in the past but we will learn from pur mistakes but I would defo take on board things that people have said on this thread.
also on positive note you are a good player at the tables so when you feel ready and have say £80 spare deposit on sky poker and grind up from 4nl and start winning at poker again and most important enjoy the game thats why we all play.
I do sympathise with you, having been in the same situation myself.
You really need to accept that it's a serious problem if you are unable to control the impulse to gamble and chase losses. There are many truly great poker players who are constantly flat broke due to compulsive gambling. Saying you can grind up again and rebuild doesn't address the underlying problem.
In my opinion you should self exclude from the casino part of this and other sites you have access to. I suggest you also write and get yourself yourself banned from your local bookies.
It may not seem like it now but you have the advantage of being young and able to change your life before it costs you too dearly.
Maybe I'am being blunt, but feel u need to be told what a stoooopid thing blowing money on roulette is
Espcially when you say it's only money, it's £700 - how about blowing £7000 on roulette - is that a problem ?
think your in denial, seek help
maybe ask yourself if your a poker player or a degen :S
im sure you have posted one of these threads before and if you havent i apologize for being wrong but whoever it was got the same responses.
ive done similar stupid things with those roulette machines many moons ago but i gotta ask why you went in with £700 or have times changed since i was last in a high street bookies and they now let you use and abuse your cards these days
I'm sorry to hear about what happened. Its not just money...it will have far reaching affects if you don't treat this matter seriously. You play poker well and are always making considered opinions so make one now eh. Please listen to Scotty77's advice. His post was excellent and you need to take the necessary steps before you allow this magnify exponentially.
Today is a new day and you can now make a considered decision on how you are going to approach this problem. You are central to it's solution!!!! Good luck and don't be afraid to look for advice....
PS I'm not a gambler at all. Not even horses as i'm not 'skilled' in those areas. I don't like betting on a score etc. It doesn't make sense to me. Roulette doesn't reward skill as none is required. Poker does reward skill and a considered approach to what levels you play etc. I'm enjoying trying to improve so i don't see it as gambling. Just like when i played golf today for the second time after having my gall bladder out in feb. I enjoyed it though feel knackered now! Once i stop enjoying it, i'll stop playing it. Simple for me but maybe you need a deeper , more skilled approach with help from someone who can guide you. Get looking today.....
fact is £700 I am sure is a lot of money for IDONK and the average Joe !
Only play and gamble with money you can afford to lose, if you post about losing the amount of money then obviously you could not afford to lose it !
Next time I take a flip I am going to post about losing a buy in !
No I wouldn't post becaue I can afford to GAMBLE with this money!
If IDONK hasn't learned this yet then he needs to, otherwise he will always go broke -
He has obviously come on here and posted and probably wants to be told "O don't worry we all do that from time to time" Fact is, it ain't normal - IDONK may need to face up to this and rubbing his back while he is being sick ain't going to help him!
SHOUTING AT HIM, TELLING HIM WOT A FOOL HE IS WILL NOT! Those are things he realises for himself. Problem with poker players too many of them think poker is not gambling. It means they get to stand on their moral high ground lecturing others about what idiots they are. Rancid (et al) you are poker players, YOU ARE GAMBLERS. One day/night you will have avery bad nite when you blow all /most your roll. Maybe someone can shout at you on that occasion
I would say to you, think about what you value most in life. Think about this experience you been through, and how to avoid similar situations in the future - and the impact this experience has had on what you value most.
Seems to me like your after some help when I read the first post. At the end of the day only you can help yourself. I would worry for you if you had a big score at poker or gambling... as it could put you in similar situations but with bigger losses if you don't actively find the right approach to avoid this happening again.
Only you can help yourself fella - hope things work out and you find a way to avoid situations like this in the future.
learn to only take a certain amount into the bookies, NO NO NO - just don't go into the bookies !
seriously if you can't stop, then you have a problem
Believe me I know what gambling does, and the biggest problem is not admitting to yourself you have a problem
If you are trying to justify your gambling then, you have a problem
I ain't going to say it's ok and perfectly normal because it ain't
Maybe you want to hear it's normal and we all do it
So blowing £700 is not normal m8, blowing £700 playing cash poker wouldn't be good either
Question is Steve, can you learn from this ? Only you know the answer.
good luck I wish you well
However comments saying the thread is funny or about playing the world's smallest violin serve no purpose but to belittle someone who clearly has a problem. Donk needs help and I really don't know what the best thing to do is, but not gambling for a bit (including poker) can only be a good thing.
I hope you get the help you need and in a few months time, you look back at this thread as the catalyst for dealing with your problem.
fao: IDCU
after reading this thread in detail I totally agree with most of these comments and feel you should print this thread out, and have time (which you have now) to read and reflect on what people here are saying.
You know the problems I had with gambling when I was younger (lost everything), but you will be wiser now this has happened. If you don’t learn from this then I agree with others that you do seek help.
Learn from this and have set goals that are going to help you i.e. have a set limit each week you deposit if you lose that punish yourself till next reload day. But make these deposits small and IF you build a roll again (good chance of doing so) Take it out and start from small again and spend the winnings on something you enjoy other then POKER/SPORTS.
I know that when you win you want more and more, and when you take a hit you chase (everyone has been there) but as GELDY so rightly says STOP when you take a hit, as you said you had a hit and withdrew a lot out after losing £80.But reloaded asap WHY CHASE, BOREDOM has a lot to answer for here and a lot of you don’t realize that with IDCU.
Take time off from it all, reflect and sit down and look at what you want from all this and in life in general, you will get there you put your mind to it. You have with the poker tables (sometimes make it look easy) but you need to focus more now on things that really matter in life outside of this.
Sorry for the long post and I am pleased that you have posted this up, as this is a matter that people can relate to whether past or present, maybe not roulette but some sort of addiction.
GL all at the tables.
But take solis in remembering the money you lost you won anyway so you havnt really lost anything. Its very unfortunate this has happened to you but we live and learn. The best thing to take from this is to remember NEVER TO DO IT AGAIN. Dont think about it now its done and dusted the more you think about it the more it will affect you. DONT try and play catch up DONT dwell on it. Move on and work hard again just playing poker and nothing else. Even take a break from gambling altogether as poker is gambling too. Its not a case that you have a problem with gambling or not it can just be a silly moment of madness not an addiction but if you dont learn from it and reacess what has happened and continue then thats where gambling addictions escalate. If you cant afford to lose it dont play.
Im sure if you are sensible about this you can still do well, dont get even more wound up by comments on here they are only trying to help. Its left you a bit emotianal about it at the moment and thats only natural. Be strong and pull yourself together and things will look better from here.
Chin up m8 and stay calm.