shock horror lambert thinking he owns the forum again you sir have a massive ego nothing wrong with being a nl4 grinder doesnt make you king of sky though Posted by u_sud_fold
I do not think I'm 'king of Sky' lol, but I will happily point out when it's pretty blatantly obvious that people are multi-accounting. I don't see how anything I've done makes it seem like I own the forum... is it not he right thing to point out table abuse, or collusion, or multi-accounting? Yes it is, and that's all I've done. I don't want to play on the same table as someone who feels they need to cheat by playing under multiple names to win.
this is a good thread that doesn't need spoiling by insults flying back and forth can we please keep it on topic, or unfortunately it will have to be closed through no fault of the OP
heres a hand i would like to discuss with some 4nl regs. is this just my lack of respect to 4nl or is this a good move at this level. the way i look at it is i have one of the strongest hands in poker im in a table of players i have identified as will pay off light and they are both about half buyins what i really want to know is this the sort of thing people do at this level that is disrespectful and will see losses or is it a good move due to the way i thought bout it as it was min raise call call i can easy say my opponents are not holding anything as strong as ak or mid pairs to top pairs as i would have seen a raise. as said above few of these players ive seen making big calls pre with weak aces and weak kings so good or bad? DrRunGood Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £5.18 x Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £3.59 Your hole cards A Q x Raise £0.08 £0.14 £2.28 x Call £0.08 £0.22 £1.93 x Call £0.08 £0.30 £2.17 DrRunGood All-in £5.18 £5.48 £0.00 x Fold x All-in £2.28 £7.76 £0.00 x All-in £1.93 £9.69 £0.00 x Fold DrRunGood Unmatched bet £2.84 £6.85 £2.84 DrRunGood Show A Q x Show 7 A x Show J A Flop 9 2 8 Turn 8 River 4 DrRunGood Win Pair of 8s £6.33 Posted by DrRunGood
for what it is worth (as you won't be hanging around much longer!!:) ) I don't think it is disrespect. I have however seen alot of players min raise initially with JJ,QQ,KK, or AA so you could be in a race. Even here one had AJ. More often than not though you could be ahead. I had an allin last night with 10 7 and KJ. Well done so far. If you get to your 10BI target very quickly are you staying around to build your roll up quicker? Just wondering so I know to avoid your tables!!
the other hands 44- don't normally go that big pre as you can get better spots. but personal preference only JQ - bad but you had a read on your oppo so fair enough. and you were right JK - standard A7- I'd fold pre but a played check fold river as a large bet like this usually means they've hit the flush
on all you had reads and are comfortable with your play/reads so what do I know!!
In Response to Re: NEW CHALLENGE : for what it is worth (as you won't be hanging around much longer!!:) ) I don't think it is disrespect. I have however seen alot of players min raise initially with JJ,QQ,KK, or AA so you could be in a race. Even here one had AJ. More often than not though you could be ahead. I had an allin last night with 10 7 and KJ. Well done so far. If you get to your 10BI target very quickly are you staying around to build your roll up quicker? Just wondering so I know to avoid your tables!! Posted by walesboy
thanks for your comments im still adjusting to this level or my profts would be alot higher. i think i will be sticking bout for a bit longer than planned im actualy feeling i could build a big chunk of br at 4nl. no need to avoid my tables im sure you could easily take a buy in or 2 off me.
the other hands 44- don't normally go that big pre as you can get better spots. but personal preference only JQ - bad but you had a read on your oppo so fair enough. and you were right JK - standard A7- I'd fold pre but a played check fold river as a large bet like this usually means they've hit the flush on all you had reads and are comfortable with your play/reads so what do I know!! Posted by walesboy
nice view on the hands the small pairs and ace rag im gettin in bad habbits playing here again il put it down to me being a bit disrespectful but il start playing better next session. the main reason why i play such marginal hands at this level is the pure and simple fact is players are so passive you dont really get punished for them so its almost worth the risk. most players at this level are happy to get to showdown cheap. Thats the reason why i find it interesting when people moan bout 4nl about guy calling down and badbeating them well its simple people will call you down so dont inflate pot unless you got near enough the nuts thats my best advice from my experiance on 4nl
In Response to Re: NEW CHALLENGE : nice view on the hands the small pairs and ace rag im gettin in bad habbits playing here again il put it down to me being a bit disrespectful but il start playing better next session. the main reason why i play such marginal hands at this level is the pure and simple fact is players are so passive you dont really get punished for them so its almost worth the risk. most players at this level are happy to get to showdown cheap. Thats the reason why i find it interesting when people moan bout 4nl about guy calling down and badbeating them well its simple people will call you down so dont inflate pot unless you got near enough the nuts thats my best advice from my experiance on 4nl Posted by DrRunGood
Great work DrRunGood, you've figured something out after abuot 2 sessions that alot of people aint figured out after playing 4NL for months and losing.
In Response to Re: NEW CHALLENGE : Great work DrRunGood, you've figured something out after abuot 2 sessions that alot of people aint figured out after playing 4NL for months and losing. Posted by Lambert180
lol i didnt know if this was being sarcastic but knowing you as a nice guy il take it as a compliment. not seen you at tables much mate when you joining me
Lol nah I wasn't being sarcastic, I'm very serious. It's only took you a couple of sessions to realise that all the loose calls pre, and the loose calls post flop mean you are trying to make strong made hands and then get max value. It's amazing how many people don't realise and complain about getting beat by 'bad players' when they're not adjusting their game to beat the bad players.
i played a tournament earlier well i paid into it internet connection kept going down so i didnt play more than 3 or 4 hands so down £5.50 for today but about to hit the tables for a few hours
wow in middle of a session and well what can i say i think im on route for massive loss 90 percent lost to getting in good to be sucked out and rest really just coolers so unless i turn a miracle or start winning alot of showdowns il suffer my first loss
im going to be 100 percent honest this has been the most horrible 3 hours playing poker i can rememeber just had no answer to anything at all just had no luck in my favour altho cant wait till it swings back in my favour. lesson learnt from tonight tho is dont go near micro stakes between 12 to 3 because its not even bad poker its just 4 or 5 prople seeing a flop at any cost and who hits wins and no matter what others say this isnt what this level is like during the day. another lesson tho as the higher stakes get easier at this time but the lower stakes get well not harder but more gambling like
so after the horror night ive been slapped back down to a loss of £25.95 bringing my br crashing down to £258.16 will have to put in the hours 2moro to get this back i tried tonight but as i said luck so far against me i was never getting it back and risked losing more.
Try not to get too down about the losses, it will happen, and bad beats are obviously more common at a level where people continuously get it in bad
This aint just a brag, but I started playing 4NL again recently as you know, and after a few sessions (up til about a week ago) I was about £20 down. I stuck at it, kept sticking to my strong hands and my last 7 sessions have all been winning and I've made £60 profit in them, so turned it around to about £40 profit now in a week.
Probably the worst thing you can do, and it is easy to do when you're taking a battering at 4NL is to start joining in with them and start thinking well I'll see a flop with 7T cos if I hit I'll get them... this is exactly how they lose their money. Make sure you stick to playing your premiums and if you notice your range getting looser either snap out of it, or leave the tables.
Try not to get too down about the losses, it will happen, and bad beats are obviously more common at a level where people continuously get it in bad This aint just a brag, but I started playing 4NL again recently as you know, and after a few sessions (up til about a week ago) I was about £20 down. I stuck at it, kept sticking to my strong hands and my last 7 sessions have all been winning and I've made £60 profit in them, so turned it around to about £40 profit now in a week. Probably the worst thing you can do, and it is easy to do when you're taking a battering at 4NL is to start joining in with them and start thinking well I'll see a flop with 7T cos if I hit I'll get them... this is exactly how they lose their money. Make sure you stick to playing your premiums and if you notice your range getting looser either snap out of it, or leave the tables. Posted by Lambert180
thanks for the support lambert im not down at all mate if you ever meet me you will see im an upbeat person plus i would hope im experianced enough to recognise a bad night. i was going to keep going till i got a profit but i thought it be way too much hard work to break even or narrow profit im confident i be back in the black by end of play today. i looked at my hands and was obv few hands i was playing silly but majority of them i played correctly and found myself on wrong side of variance so chin is up. looking forward to the play today. biggest thing i learnt last night was defo that micro stakes do not get easy after midnight like the higher stakes lol
IM BACK!!! sorry folks had to stop challenge for a little while but i will continue where i left off. also new promo of king of cash so extra motivation. while i was away from the tables i read alot and feel ive improved alot more too so lets put my new knowledge to the test.
my br has changed i left it at £258.16 now its at £204.84 goals still the same tho and il put in volume and try kick start this challenge.
I was gonna post on here actually because I wondered where you'd gone! It's definitely do-able, I dunno if you've checked in my diary at all, but during September I went from £177 to £300 just playing 4NL and 8NL and I'm sure you're probably a far better player than me. Just gotta keep putting in the hours.
ok sorry im really bad for keeping this up to date il do better i promise. Whats been happening well i was trying a technique i was reading about to see how it help altho it doesnt help with this thread lol and its simple i was avoiding looking at my balance for a week and play in tables with random amounts and just play each hand. I was to dis regard if i was up or down and point of this is to take away money side of the game which may cause me to play worse. if someone could explain how i can get my account history on here for the last week im happy enough to put it up but my balance at the mo is £362.44
ive not had much time to put in the hours as i did at the start so this is really slow but im willing to be patient with it. I played a few sats last night and got into a few tournaments i won £100 odd in 1 of the tournys reason why my balance has taken a jump. but im about to hit tables for a few hours will update afterwards.
Well done so far. If you get to your 10BI target very quickly are you staying around to build your roll up quicker? Just wondering so I know to avoid your tables!!
44- don't normally go that big pre as you can get better spots. but personal preference only
JQ - bad but you had a read on your oppo so fair enough. and you were right
JK - standard
A7- I'd fold pre but a played check fold river as a large bet like this usually means they've hit the flush
on all you had reads and are comfortable with your play/reads so what do I know!!
so after the horror night ive been slapped back down to a loss of £25.95 bringing my br crashing down to £258.16 will have to put in the hours 2moro to get this back i tried tonight but as i said luck so far against me i was never getting it back and risked losing more.
biggest loss
This aint just a brag, but I started playing 4NL again recently as you know, and after a few sessions (up til about a week ago) I was about £20 down. I stuck at it, kept sticking to my strong hands and my last 7 sessions have all been winning and I've made £60 profit in them, so turned it around to about £40 profit now in a week.
Probably the worst thing you can do, and it is easy to do when you're taking a battering at 4NL is to start joining in with them and start thinking well I'll see a flop with 7T cos if I hit I'll get them... this is exactly how they lose their money. Make sure you stick to playing your premiums and if you notice your range getting looser either snap out of it, or leave the tables.
my br has changed i left it at £258.16 now its at £204.84 goals still the same tho and il put in volume and try kick start this challenge.
Good luck again
Whats been happening well i was trying a technique i was reading about to see how it help altho it doesnt help with this thread lol and its simple i was avoiding looking at my balance for a week and play in tables with random amounts and just play each hand. I was to dis regard if i was up or down and point of this is to take away money side of the game which may cause me to play worse. if someone could explain how i can get my account history on here for the last week im happy enough to put it up but my balance at the mo is £362.44
ive not had much time to put in the hours as i did at the start so this is really slow but im willing to be patient with it. I played a few sats last night and got into a few tournaments i won £100 odd in 1 of the tournys reason why my balance has taken a jump. but im about to hit tables for a few hours will update afterwards.
2012-10-07 21:54:552066113964Tournament£2,000 B/HunterNo Limit£198.63£11.00 2012-10-07 20:40:172065906915Tournament£1500 Mini PrimoNo Limit£0.00£5.50 2012-10-07 20:11:122065825508Tournament£5,000 B/HunterNo Limit£0.00£0.00 2012-10-07 19:06:572065658909Tournament£10,000 PrimoNo Limit£0.00£0.00 2012-10-07 18:31:052065569108Tournament£5k BH DirectNo Limit£0.00£9.60 2012-10-07 18:29:322065565015TournamentSPT Semi FinalNo Limit£0.00£0.00 2012-10-07 18:19:422065540540TournamentPrimo DirectNo Limit£0.00£12.00 2012-10-07 17:40:132065448615Tournament£10k Primo SemiNo Limit£0.00£12.00 2012-10-07 17:40:062065448357TournamentSPT SatelliteNo Limit£0.00£9.60 2012-10-07 17:09:132065381039Tournament£5k BH DirectNo Limit£0.00£9.60 2012-10-06 01:17:072061501321Cash TableBuckhavenLow No Limit£0.00£20.00 2012-10-03 00:56:412053170571Cash TableKingsgateMicro No Limit£3.20£4.00 2012-10-03 00:45:232053139850Cash TableLangportMicro No Limit£3.55£4.00 2012-10-03 00:28:322053092577Cash TableStreetMicro No Limit£14.65£8.00 2012-10-03 00:21:112053070226Cash TableDollarMicro No Limit£0.00£10.00 2012-10-03 00:18:292053061943Cash TableErewashMicro No Limit£0.00£4.00 2012-10-03 00:18:232053061627Cash TablePall MallMicro No Limit£4.33£4.00 2012-10-03 00:17:512053059984Cash TableAxbridgeMicro No Limit£3.16£4.00 2012-10-03 00:17:492053059841Cash TableBawburghMicro No Limit£8.01£4.00 2012-10-02 11:59:552050537619Cash TableMaster Cash 2Micro No Limit£28.47£20.00
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