Hi guys, looking frward to today, glad you joining in Blogs you played a cracker yesterday and were ul on ft. Could I get a bit of feedback here- I played the mini open last night, finished 17th, well chuffed,but, had a hand went like this big blind 1200 i had about 10 BB stack, had K 10 hearts, so bet 2400, small blind went all in 13k so i thought sod it decend cards suited went all in, he showed J spades A hearts, no biggy and i thought luck of flop but i was suited, flop Qhearts 10 clubs 6 spades, then turn 2 hearts, so i have flush draw, straight etc so have a chance, river was K diamonds so i win with pair of kings, opo starts giving me grief in chat box telling me to learn how to play the game properly and other stuff, i actually apologised, but I thought later I was entitled to go all in in that situation I was short stacked first decent cards for a while i will take my chance, if he had hit a card and won i would have congrated him, annoyed me a little, maybe i was wrong to call the all in but ?????? Posted by RedRicky
Hi Red
it happens at tables and i get fed up of it but its only by a relative minority(wrote post yesterday called "...chips...". Have a look m8. Some nice asides are needed, eg "taxi!", i feel. As for the hand...10BB...better to AI and put him to the decision. It's accepted as standard but hey LIFE isn't standard is it? one guy had a go at another last night for his betting, almost offering tips. I told the 1st fella to play as he wanted as they wee his chips! It's ego.....pure and simple!! Cya later, i'm gunning for ya m8....
Hi prof, the funny part is, I was on the phone to girlfiend and reception bad so was moving around, seen cards meant to go all in but just raised, walked away thinking i all in glanced back seen i made error and he now all in so took the chance as was getting on and some times you need to dump or get off the pot, i won and he kicked off so I explained what i did in chat that was on phone etc, he still not happy told me i not entitled to play at them tables as not good enough, in fairness the rest of table slapped him in chat for his manners, laughing about it now mate. Now put your guns back in the holsters and be nice m8 cos you never know the gf might ring during todays game
As others have said bud the only thing I would have done differently was ship it pre and put the onus on him, chances are he'd have snap called anyway, but you at least would have had them in first,
just another thing mate if the abuse you got was OTT then you have every right, and indeed you should report these thing to Customer Care.
also get over to the Team Talk section on the forum and check all that out bud, it's a great way to join in all that is good about Sky Poker.
Back from the isle of wight. Just missed todays tourny by the looks of it? Do they start at 2.20 then? No late reg? will try again tomorrow! Good luck to all today
EDIT: what sort of time have these been finiishing? i work in a bar so usually start work between 5 and 6 will i have time?
Going to play the omaha hi lo £1.10 starting soon would be nice to get a few more runners if anyone fancys multitabling or has busted out early
Looks like its a race between Woogie8688 & MRBURNS4 already for the wooden spoon!!
RedRicky has already posted 3 very good scores to set an impressive target so early on but I know how competitive Profman15 is & he for one is well capable of going lower. Lets not forget that KING2600 & DTWBANDIT have yet to post a 3rd score so its all to play for still.
See you guys again tomorrow & anyone else who wants some good banter & I have to say with some of these players in now a really good standard of poker.
Hi all, I will be leaving here ( Ireland ) tomorrow to go to my old Squadrons reunion at Honington in Suffolk for some serious shenanigans with old Airborne Commrades, and raise a good few glasses to the ones that wont be there with us as they got well and truly "DONKED" for their efforts, RIP, Nonquam Non Paratus. Then Lanzarote for a week with the winnings from here and the girlfriend, only joking, about the winnings not reunion and Lanzarote stuff ; ) Prof, Woogie, Sir Donk, Burnsy, Bandit, J3, Kingy, Blogs, Scouse, Tilt and the rest of the players in the league that I have had the pleasure to sit with and chat to and watch their play ,awesome every one of you btw, I feel terrible that I even joined that day after fishing turned out to be a nightmare down on the Inny, and then won the bloody thing, I am honestly a Noobie here and have been terrified for last 3 days playing with you all, then today my inexperience showed and I lost the plot completely during a hand with Prof Donk and Bandit on same table, I felt sooooo stupid, they could not believe what I did and right then niether could I, I felt like I embarrassed you guys and so sorry for that. I am going to take a break as away for a while anyway and buy a book on Poker and read it and get to know %ages etc etc jargon cos way out my depth here, i just been running on luck and balls and a small bit of knowledge of the game and also large bits of luck too.
Hi all, I will be leaving here ( Ireland ) tomorrow to go to my old Squadrons reunion at Honington in Suffolk for some serious shenanigans with old Airborne Commrades, and raise a good few glasses to the ones that wont be there with us as they got well and truly "DONKED" for their efforts, RIP, Nonquam Non Paratus. Then Lanzarote for a week with the winnings from here and the girlfriend, only joking, about the winnings not reunion and Lanzarote stuff ; ) Prof, Woogie, Sir Donk, Burnsy, Bandit, J3, Kingy, Blogs, Scouse, Tilt and the rest of the players in the league that I have had the pleasure to sit with and chat to and watch their play ,awesome every one of you btw, I feel terrible that I even joined that day after fishing turned out to be a nightmare down on the Inny, and then won the bloody thing, I am honestly a Noobie here and have been terrified for last 3 days playing with you all, then today my inexperience showed and I lost the plot completely during a hand with Prof Donk and Bandit on same table, I felt sooooo stupid, they could not believe what I did and right then niether could I, I felt like I embarrassed you guys and so sorry for that. I am going to take a break as away for a while anyway and buy a book on Poker and read it and get to know %ages etc etc jargon cos way out my depth here, i just been running on luck and balls and a small bit of knowledge of the game and also large bits of luck too. Regards Richie Posted by RedRicky
Have a great time friend,
I know how you feel I used to be the same & to quote an orange analyst on Ch861 "Poker is a never ending game" . It will still be here when you get back.
Look forward to the pleasure of your company at the tables when you return, and remember a small amount of knowledge, big balls & an amount of luck are all thats needed
Hi all, I will be leaving here ( Ireland ) tomorrow to go to my old Squadrons reunion at Honington in Suffolk for some serious shenanigans with old Airborne Commrades, and raise a good few glasses to the ones that wont be there with us as they got well and truly "DONKED" for their efforts, RIP, Nonquam Non Paratus. Then Lanzarote for a week with the winnings from here and the girlfriend, only joking, about the winnings not reunion and Lanzarote stuff ; ) Prof, Woogie, Sir Donk, Burnsy, Bandit, J3, Kingy, Blogs, Scouse, Tilt and the rest of the players in the league that I have had the pleasure to sit with and chat to and watch their play ,awesome every one of you btw, I feel terrible that I even joined that day after fishing turned out to be a nightmare down on the Inny, and then won the bloody thing, I am honestly a Noobie here and have been terrified for last 3 days playing with you all, then today my inexperience showed and I lost the plot completely during a hand with Prof Donk and Bandit on same table, I felt sooooo stupid, they could not believe what I did and right then niether could I, I felt like I embarrassed you guys and so sorry for that. I am going to take a break as away for a while anyway and buy a book on Poker and read it and get to know %ages etc etc jargon cos way out my depth here, i just been running on luck and balls and a small bit of knowledge of the game and also large bits of luck too. Regards Richie Posted by RedRicky
Richie enjoy your time away, it has been a pleasure to sit with at the tables its been a good laugh. Hey dont worry just ask around luck is my only weapon hasnt done me any harm
dnt worry yaself richie we played on the same table a fair bit today and i think u have a solid game dnt think u have to adjust much and big percent of poker is luck dnt beat yaself up about it u played well
I am pleased to say that Sky (Tikay) have agreed to put up a prize for the winner of the Afternoon League. So this weeks winner will be entered into the following Sunday's Afternoon Superstack £11 seat.
Still time to win this weeks prize, so get your names down on this thread & yourselves into the £2.20 @ 2:20 deep stack.
Hi all, I will be leaving here ( Ireland ) tomorrow to go to my old Squadrons reunion at Honington in Suffolk for some serious shenanigans with old Airborne Commrades, and raise a good few glasses to the ones that wont be there with us as they got well and truly "DONKED" for their efforts, RIP, Nonquam Non Paratus. Then Lanzarote for a week with the winnings from here and the girlfriend, only joking, about the winnings not reunion and Lanzarote stuff ; ) Prof, Woogie, Sir Donk, Burnsy, Bandit, J3, Kingy, Blogs, Scouse, Tilt and the rest of the players in the league that I have had the pleasure to sit with and chat to and watch their play ,awesome every one of you btw, I feel terrible that I even joined that day after fishing turned out to be a nightmare down on the Inny, and then won the bloody thing, I am honestly a Noobie here and have been terrified for last 3 days playing with you all, then today my inexperience showed and I lost the plot completely during a hand with Prof Donk and Bandit on same table, I felt sooooo stupid, they could not believe what I did and right then niether could I, I felt like I embarrassed you guys and so sorry for that. I am going to take a break as away for a while anyway and buy a book on Poker and read it and get to know %ages etc etc jargon cos way out my depth here, i just been running on luck and balls and a small bit of knowledge of the game and also large bits of luck too. Regards Richie Posted by RedRicky
Hi 'RED'
We've had a good laugh m8 and that's what it's about in the end. That hand doesn't embarrass us fella. We've all pressed that call button on impulse at one time then kicked the virtual cat. Pm me privately through the site as i've only been playing for 15 months so ican remember what it was like starting up and the way to improve/books etc. Your welcome to do whatever with the advice as long as i get a % of the winnings....lol. Its nice that you got the buzz of a win starting up as you are probably bitten by the bug now. I had the same winning my first live T at a casino 8 days after joinig picking up my first book. I couldn't tell how it happened either...mixture of terror, only playing premium hands, no fancy plays and LUCK. Tremendous buzz afterwards and that's what i play for. You're lucky to have found the afternoon league (credit to Woogie) and forum so quickly as it can be lonely game but the community glues us together. A win is celebrated by others too. Consider joining a team and trying the DTD on a monday...similar to league but team motivated too. You'd be a great addition as you seem to be loving it! Nothing more needed except a chip transfer to me. Been a pleasure having you at the table mate...have a good holiday and pass on my regards to your airborne buddies. I can safely say that the vast majority of society have nothing but respect for you guys...cheers! Enjoy Lanzarote and the black volcanic sand......
playing my 1st afternoon league as we speak, so far got caught bluffing lost 10% of my stack already haha SHould be fun though hope to see some of you at the tables...finla table if im lucky
it happens at tables and i get fed up of it but its only by a relative minority(wrote post yesterday called "...chips...". Have a look m8. Some nice asides are needed, eg "taxi!", i feel. As for the hand...10BB...better to AI and put him to the decision. It's accepted as standard but hey LIFE isn't standard is it? one guy had a go at another last night for his betting, almost offering tips. I told the 1st fella to play as he wanted as they wee his chips! It's ego.....pure and simple!! Cya later, i'm gunning for ya m8....
Good Luck to all playing todays 2-20 deepy
will try again tomorrow! Good luck to all today
EDIT: what sort of time have these been finiishing? i work in a bar so usually start work between 5 and 6 will i have time?
Going to play the omaha hi lo £1.10 starting soon would be nice to get a few more runners if anyone fancys multitabling or has busted out early
Prof, Woogie, Sir Donk, Burnsy, Bandit, J3, Kingy, Blogs, Scouse, Tilt and the rest of the players in the league that I have had the pleasure to sit with and chat to and watch their play ,awesome every one of you btw, I feel terrible that I even joined that day after fishing turned out to be a nightmare down on the Inny, and then won the bloody thing, I am honestly a Noobie here and have been terrified for last 3 days playing with you all, then today my inexperience showed and I lost the plot completely during a hand with Prof Donk and Bandit on same table, I felt sooooo stupid, they could not believe what I did and right then niether could I, I felt like I embarrassed you guys and so sorry for that. I am going to take a break as away for a while anyway and buy a book on Poker and read it and get to know %ages etc etc jargon cos way out my depth here, i just been running on luck and balls and a small bit of knowledge of the game and also large bits of luck too.
We've had a good laugh m8 and that's what it's about in the end. That hand doesn't embarrass us fella. We've all pressed that call button on impulse at one time then kicked the virtual cat. Pm me privately through the site as i've only been playing for 15 months so ican remember what it was like starting up and the way to improve/books etc. Your welcome to do whatever with the advice as long as i get a % of the winnings....lol.
Its nice that you got the buzz of a win starting up as you are probably bitten by the bug now. I had the same winning my first live T at a casino 8 days after joinig picking up my first book. I couldn't tell how it happened either...mixture of terror, only playing premium hands, no fancy plays and LUCK. Tremendous buzz afterwards and that's what i play for.
You're lucky to have found the afternoon league (credit to Woogie) and forum so quickly as it can be lonely game but the community glues us together. A win is celebrated by others too. Consider joining a team and trying the DTD on a monday...similar to league but team motivated too. You'd be a great addition as you seem to be loving it! Nothing more needed except a chip transfer to me. Been a pleasure having you at the table mate...have a good holiday and pass on my regards to your airborne buddies. I can safely say that the vast majority of society have nothing but respect for you guys...cheers!
Enjoy Lanzarote and the black volcanic sand......
SHould be fun though hope to see some of you at the tables...finla table if im lucky