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How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.



  • edited September 2012
    industry standard is about 15%

    dont see why sky would be any different tbh

    on sky i am a net loser elsewere i am a decent winner

    sample sizes are more important elsewere i have 100,000 hands this year were as sky i mainly play for fun and to try and de tilt a bit

  • edited September 2012
    At the moment i am a losing player on sky,albeit at very low stakes,however there are some other things i take into consideration.I love the game and i play well within my bankroll so no problems there,i class this as a hobby as i am a recreational player and like most hobbies you have to pay to enjoy them.

    I used to be out every weekend at the pub(which is a very expensive hobby)since i found poker i now prefer to stay in and play,this means my girlfriend is a lot happier as she is not a drinker and she prefers my choice of new hobby.I still see my mates occasionally but not as much as i used to.

    Another thing i consider is that at work each day a group of us play a couple of tournaments,we only play for small stakes but i am winning our little league at the moment and i am way in profit in these games.My sky poker experience pays off here i think.

    Overall i am happy with my poker as i get so much fun out of it,now to start being a winning player  lol.

    Pipunch can you tell us how you turned your game round mate?
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.:
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully. : Fair point Dazler but after reading a blog from a very successful player about how they are thinking about giving it up then i think enjoyment comes first unless its their sole income. If i start losing'all the time' i will enjoy it less because i not have learned from errors and improved my game. Consequently, i will stop playing and find something else to enjoy doing. I'm not a gambler and don't need the thrill of the win. Personally, i can't see how grinders can enjoy the game. 6 hours at a time with 10 tables up is NOT my idea of fun and enjoyment. However if you can create an income from then fine. I didn't like teaching maths to senior school kids at times either. Look forward to seeing in the league today mate....
    Posted by profman15
    yea i think thats what is just as important as winning is knowing you have improved and some just like the odd game here and there and would never grind over time. So if you play and lose as long as you look at why you are losing and try to improve then it still can be fun. If you constantly lose and dont figure out why to me thats just throwing money away and cant see the fun in that.
  • edited September 2012

    GREAT thread guys!

    Am I a winning player? Hell NO!  Do I want to be? Hell yes!  Will I be? Most definitely!!  Do I care? Not a jot!  Having wayyy too much fun learning to care, to be honest.

    I just don’t have enough time to play, view HH’s, read books, (I got HoH x 2 for my birthday!) view videos etc. But WHEN I do.......

    I have a couple of other hobbies BUT I have to say poker has gotta be the best value for money, timewise, hobby I have ever had. e.g.  My "net deposits" are £5.  I have NO idea what this means BTW, but I think it means I’ve had about 18 mths learning poker – FOR A FIVER!!  WOT really??  Jeez! That works out about .001p per hour!!  To put it into perspective…. I go through 2/3 prs running shoes per year @ £70 PP!  I paid £30 for 2 x new winter tyres for my bike the other day!   ....I could gawn, gawn, gawn but I won’t…..

    Also on the plus side - I've met a lot of "virtual" friends, learnt that a flush beats a str8 (that took a while BTW), and discovered that I don't tilt!  Altho it did take me 6 mths to work out what tilt meant. :-(

     @ TommyD – Wot does GIQ mean? (Been doing my head in!) Best I could come up with is “Generally Interesting Q”?  I googled BUT "Government Information Quarterly " didn't seem to fit!

    EDIT: "Most definitely" is maybe a wee bit ambitious but the chardonnay says "Why NOT Pad?"! ;-)

  • edited September 2012
    GIQ = Get it quietly Pad
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.:
    GIQ = Get it quietly Pad
    Posted by TommyD
    OK! Mum's the word! ;-)
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.:
    GREAT thread guys! Am I a winning player? Hell NO!  Do I want to be? Hell yes!  Will I be? Most definitely!!  Do I care? Not a jot!   Having wayyy too much fun learning to care, to be honest. I just don’t have enough time to play, view HH’s, read books, (I got HoH x 2 for my birthday!) view videos etc. But WHEN I do....... I have a couple of other hobbies BUT I have to say poker has gotta be the best value for money, timewise, hobby I have ever had. e.g.   My "net deposits" are £5.  I have NO idea what this means BTW, but I think  it means I’ve had about 18 mths learning poker – FOR A FIVER!!  WOT really??  Jeez! That works out about .001p per hour!!   To put it into perspective…. I go through 2/3 prs running shoes per year @ £70 PP!  I paid £30 for 2 x new winter tyres for my bike the other day!    .... I could gawn, gawn, gawn but I won’t….. Also on the plus side - I've met a lot of "virtual" friends, learnt that a flush beats a str8 (that took a while BTW), and discovered that I don't tilt!  Altho it did take me 6 mths to work out what tilt meant. :-(   @ TommyD – Wot does GIQ mean? (Been doing my head in!) Best I could come up with is “Generally Interesting Q”?  I googled BUT " Government Information Quarterly  " didn't seem to fit! EDIT: "Most definitely" is maybe a wee bit ambitious but the chardonnay says "Why NOT Pad?"! ;-)
    Posted by Glenelg

    Well said Glenelg....nice to see there's someone who thinks the same .......
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.:
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully. :  Hi Rancid Succinct as ever... PS Hope things are going as well as possible in other areas of your life mate
    Posted by profman15

    Succinct, didn't know what that meant - had to look it up )

    & yes I am

    Things are aswel as can be expected, thanks

    What all this stoopid fuss about GIQ, if someone called moneymaker done this then where would we all be ?

    We can't celebrate winning £400 but winning 8 million and it's ok to jump around and be on TV

    cmon - no way should anyone feel bad if they are winning and everyone else is losing -

    HATE it when you see someoen winning a lot of money on TV and they don't celebrate at the poker table - cmon show some emotions you robot )
  • edited September 2012
    It's interesting that the high earners on here don't like the idea of bragging how much they have won.

    We all know you make loads ;)
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.:
    It's interesting that the high earners on here don't like the idea of bragging how much they have won. We all know you make loads ;)
    Posted by donkeyplop
    i think its because the main earners are cash players and winning a cash game you dont see players bragging about it but with mtt players i think its different for some reason maybe its because you beat a lot of players in an mtt as apposed to a 6 table cash game you might sound a bit daft. I could be wrong. But mtt wins seem to be more celebrated.
  • edited September 2012
    Been playing for about 3 years but played on the free for around 18 months won about $500 on anothet site in that time am a bank roll demon wont move to next level until I have 40 buy ins mostly cash cant get anywhere in MTT's. Been on Sky since march deposited £10 got around £180 now , I may be winning but you can hardly call it crushing but I enjoy it. Maybe one day I will win enough to live on but I doubt it.
  • edited September 2012

      Think this thread got a bit lost somewhere. Mind you, seems to happen a lot lately.
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.:
      Think this thread got a bit lost somewhere. Mind you, seems to happen a lot lately.
    Posted by pomfrittes
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.:
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully. : ITS JUST MORPHED LOL
    Posted by Dazler
    FYP! - Much quicker!
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: How many of us are winning players? Truthfully.:
      Think this thread got a bit lost somewhere. Mind you, seems to happen a lot lately.
    Posted by pomfrittes
    It's more interesting than 90% of the threads on here though
  • edited September 2012
    Many years ago i was lucky enough to have very good Spanish friend who was older and very much wiser than me.

    One early morning we were walking home together from the local casino after he had had a particularly bad run. I commiserated with him on his terrible luck and he replied "Steve, I love to play poker and lose". I said, "surely Fernando, we play to win"! He said, "Ah, My dear boy, you ask too much from life". That, I think, makes him one of poker`s all time great winners.

    If you enjoy the game and play within your means then you will always be a winner!

  • edited September 2012
    Loosing withought a doubt
    But the thing is, it dosnt matter as i play small stakes that i can well afford. To me its about having fun, and by playing small stakes keeps it fun! we cant all be winners ( i aspire to be a break even player ) and i doff my cap to them that are and enjoy playing with them
  • edited September 2012
    i must surely be losing overall cos i used to deposit regularly.  things not so bad now as rarely deposit.  i seem to have massive swings.  play mostly dyms and mtts but rarely play the cash tables.  i suppose for a tourny player im doing ok as i can play every day without having to deposit very often.  only been playing since jan and so wouldnt expect to be in a position where i can withdraw on a monthly basis.  maybe one day...

    onwards and upwards :-)
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