i bought myself an i7 with a dedicated graphics card for £580 back in march,and can play 18 tables no problem on Sky,so i think that shows it can be done. my advice for anyone struggling would be to 1st get yourself the graphics card & see if that helps(mine cost me £50).if that doesn't work get yourself a new pc. gl dev
i bought myself an i7 with a dedicated graphics card for £580 back in march,and can play 18 tables no problem on Sky,so i think that shows it can be done. my advice for anyone struggling would be to 1st get yourself the graphics card & see if that helps(mine cost me £50).if that doesn't work get yourself a new pc. gl dev Posted by devonfish5
ty Dev. I actually bought a graphics card ages ago but couldn't install it and have now lost it.
I need to find a PC guy in the Newcastle area that can sort me out.
In Response to Re: My first day at sky poker and my aim for the month is 45k points which will hopefully win me 'Cash King' and obvisouly Priority Club! : In conclusion, made £30 profit from 50 hours work? ......nice one Posted by bolly580
Well if he carries on at this rate he'll have well over 30k and a couple of grand to show for his efforts. Anyone who plays full time and disregards rakeback in their poker strategy is getting it wrong, rakeback helps diminish variance. You can have a break even month and easily make 2k rakeback on the site playing volume.
In Response to Re: My first day at sky poker and my aim for the month is 45k points which will hopefully win me 'Cash King' and obvisouly Priority Club! : Well if he carries on at this rate he'll have well over 30k and a couple of grand to show for his efforts. Anyone who plays full time and disregards rakeback in their poker strategy is getting it wrong, rakeback helps diminish variance. You can have a break even month and easily make 2k rakeback on the site playing volume. Posted by ACEGOONER
i bought myself an i7 with a dedicated graphics card for £580 back in march,and can play 18 tables no problem on Sky,so i think that shows it can be done. my advice for anyone struggling would be to 1st get yourself the graphics card & see if that helps(mine cost me £50).if that doesn't work get yourself a new pc. gl dev Posted by devonfish5
A cheaper option might be to just buy some more RAM and stick that in your existing PC first. Might be all you need.
Hi guys, Not sure if anyone reads this so have been abit lazy updating. We need a number of views section. I have been hard at it but I guess not as hard as I should have been. Down to footy and gym really. On the downside, I'm down about £250. However, I made priority club which I guess is a bonus. Hope your all running better than me! Posted by Donttelmum
They really do need a total view number section. Break even with rakeback isn't bad! Best of luck for the rest of the challenge.
Goodluck with it fella (Not so much the profit side of things though as you play pretty much every table I do). That's some pretty sick volume and to play footy / gym as well. I hope your going to treat the Mrs to something at the end of the month or your C4P will be paying for a divorce.
In Response to Re: My first day at sky poker and my aim for the month is 45k points which will hopefully win me 'Cash King' and obvisouly Priority Club! : They really do need a total view number section. Break even with rakeback isn't bad! Best of luck for the rest of the challenge. Patwalshh Posted by patwalshh
Thank you Pat. I'm hoping to be well infront by the end of the month and now that my c4p increase alot quicker hopefully things start to go my way.
Goodluck with it fella (Not so much the profit side of things though as you play pretty much every table I do). That's some pretty sick volume and to play footy / gym as well. I hope your going to treat the Mrs to something at the end of the month or your C4P will be paying for a divorce. Posted by FlashFlush
Hey flash. Don't worry buddy I play to many tables to concentrate so I'm sure you will get the upper hand.
I'm telling the Mrs I lose everyday so I don't have to listen to her banging on about these new pair of Jimmy Chu's that she's seen. That would be my c4p wiped in a one'a!
How are you down??? Evertytime I play you have 175 big stacks. And you turn sets alot v me. It's impossible! Posted by DOHHHHHHH
DOOHH, are you trying to get me into trouble with the wife??!! lol
I think the reason I'm losing is the fact that I'm not actually a very good player. But tbh I play all day everyday against regs. I never table select. I play hu, sh and different stakes at the same time. Not to mention I eat, watch tv, text, fb etc etc while playing.
But tbh I play all day everyday against regs. I never table select. Posted by Donttelmum
Money in Poker, comes from bad players, not regulars. I'd be dabbling in cash if it wasn't for the number of regs per table atm. You've done well to only be down that much imo, considering the amount of rake you've paid!
In Response to Re: My first day at sky poker and my aim for the month is 45k points which will hopefully win me 'Cash King' and obvisouly Priority Club! : Money in Poker, comes from bad players, not regulars. I'd be dabbling in cash if it wasn't for the number of regs per table atm. You've done well to only be down that much imo, considering the amount of rake you've paid! Posted by patwalshh
Money can come from regs too.
Just got to adapt to them.
Think that the OPs performance so far has been pretty incred. Playing sick volume v new players on a new site, getting used to software as well as how the games on Sky generally play.
In Response to Re: My first day at sky poker and my aim for the month is 45k points which will hopefully win me 'Cash King' and obvisouly Priority Club! : Money in Poker, comes from bad players, not regulars. I'd be dabbling in cash if it wasn't for the number of regs per table atm. You've done well to only be down that much imo, considering the amount of rake you've paid! Posted by patwalshh
ty Pat, really appreciate the words. Ran horrible tonight but still made alittle cash. Managed over £400 c4p so far this month and account only down £150.
In Response to Re: My first day at sky poker and my aim for the month is 45k points which will hopefully win me 'Cash King' and obvisouly Priority Club! : Money can come from regs too. Just got to adapt to them. Think that the OPs performance so far has been pretty incred. Playing sick volume v new players on a new site, getting used to software as well as how the games on Sky generally play. Posted by scotty77
Hi Scotty!
Am I correct in thinking I've seen your famous face on the sky poker channel? Nice to recieve compliments from a pro :-). Does take time to get used to a new site/players etc and I feel I'm slowly getting there. Would still hope to be able to make profit by the end of the month but as we all know I can only control that to a certain degree. One thing is for sure though......I will be trying!
How about a shout out for donttelmum reaching priority on the show? ;-) If not, no probs. I'm sure I'll get my 5 mins of fame one day.
In Response to Re: My first day at sky poker and my aim for the month is 45k points which will hopefully win me 'Cash King' and obvisouly Priority Club! : Money can come from regs too. Just got to adapt to them. Think that the OPs performance so far has been pretty incred. Playing sick volume v new players on a new site, getting used to software as well as how the games on Sky generally play. Posted by scotty77
Oh undoubtably. I just meant that more comes from fish than regulars.
In Response to Re: My first day at sky poker and my aim for the month is 45k points which will hopefully win me 'Cash King' and obvisouly Priority Club! : Oh undoubtably. I just meant that more comes from fish than regulars. Posted by patwalshh
So how much would come out of "regular Fish" players ;o)
Great diary btw, just caught up from beginning Sick volume so far, good luck to you sir Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Cheers young gun! Loving the positive vibe. Only managed 4 hours sleep last night. Dragging my asss to the gym now and back for happy hour. Ohh where did it all go wrong...???!! Happy Hour used to mean drinking margarita's by the pool in some exotic country. :-)
Will update points and balance after tonights session.
In Response to Re: My first day at sky poker and my aim for the month is 45k points which will hopefully win me 'Cash King' and obvisouly Priority Club! : So how much would come out of "regular Fish" players ;o) Posted by JockBMW
hmmm... Let me just filter how much I've won from you and I'll get back to you
Evening/morning, whatever it is it all seems to merge into one at the mo.
Its a tough battle for me in Kings of Cash as I'm playing mostly 30nl and 20nl so I'm competing with the 50nl regs. I'm sure I have played way more hands than them but Ludacris is still top of the tree. I guess coming top 3 would be ok.
Had a couple of ok days and now just down £72 for the month. Still determined to get in profit. Not going to moan but feel running -ev the last couple of days hasn't helped. Onwards and upwards!
Total c4p = 14375
Next couple of days will be quieter. Have some socializing to do and will probably go to York races on Sat. 4.30am and it feels like I'm getting an early night. The missus will get a shock when she wakes up and I'm actually in the bed!
Just to point out, you know that 20NL and 30NL are in 2 different tiers for the promo, right? Although could work out pretty well, you could be looking good to finish high in the lower tier and the medium tier.
Just to point out, you know that 20NL and 30NL are in 2 different tiers for the promo, right? Although could work out pretty well, you could be looking good to finish high in the lower tier and the medium tier. Posted by Lambert180
Yea, I do. Thank you for looking out for me though.
my advice for anyone struggling would be to 1st get yourself the graphics card & see if that helps(mine cost me £50).if that doesn't work get yourself a new pc.
A cheaper option might be to just buy some more RAM and stick that in your existing PC first. Might be all you need.
Congratulations on making Priority, a MIGHTY effort in such a short space of time, GL with your target of 45K points
Sick volume so far, good luck to you sir