Davey Babey can I get a pm with a very rough 'doesn't have to be stuck to but would be nice for beaneh to know' schedule of where your time is being aimed at the moment.
I've got a whole bunch of suggestions, most of which i've written up the rest are in bullet point form still.
With that pm I could adjust some of the suggestions to make everything more viable.
Fwiw I instantly noticed the slight change in layout.
As has been said the text has become too small everywhere, and this I noticed even though I have by default a zoomed in view on my browser.
As a complete and utter life nit, I'm pretty joke tilted by the Casino button on the top right not fully covering to the right of the blue box (the tv box could be widened slightly to make it fit more nice!).
Similarly in the discussion i've already written I specifically discuss the download client, but related to that are the actual choices in buttons between home-casino. I'd push for some menu strcuture change
The text also does seem harder to read in the black than the blue (I didn't mean blue I meant gray had CF on the mind) not quite sure why that is, whether that's something to get used to or just a dislike of change.
It definitely feels somewhat 'cleaner' or 'fresher' so has probably achieved it's aims.
The 'illuminated' middle section of the page is somewhat annoying because I can't remember if this was there before !! (the fact on longer pages that it's staionary is quite annoying, only because it was quite nice having the area you are currently looking at bathed in a white ciruclar glow!).
I much prefer the initial home page section, with the lack of lines between all the different offers/why sky areas etc. Is there a reason why you lose the erg footer when you come to the community section (out of interest).
Ima stop typing now and put the rest into ma mini essay
In Response to Re: Poker Redesign - Feedback/Comments please : Sorry TK, but you look too old and not handsome enough when posing or sitting next to Anna. What a great time we had in Luton on Saturday. Our cash table was so much fun. Great banter. Only problem is that no one took a picture with me playing against you, Julian, Ryan, Collin and Tommy. No one will believe my story in the future. PS: Check your emails. :-) Posted by GreekWay
Can't recall having such fun at a poker table in years. It's a weird thing George, but sessions like that stick in my mind forever. It's why I play poker, to have sessions like that, with a bunch of mates & like-minded folks.
I really wanted to stay longer, but I'd taken a short break from Live Stream commentary during the dinner break, & I felt I really ought to get back to work. Pretty original excuse for my hit & run, I know.....
It helped, of course, that I ran like Thewy. Who, as it happened, was to my immediate left, with scotty77 behind him, but when we are hitting cards, it is an easy game.
Talking of which, I noticed that when you got up, you had a full rack of red chips (£500?), & I believe you sat down with £100. Nice work.
I have received your e-Mail, thank you, but I've been a bit pulled out this week, & a backlog of mail has developed. I'll get through them all as soon as possible. Apologies for the delay.
In Response to Re: Poker Redesign - Feedback/Comments please : Can't recall having such fun at a poker table in years. It's a weird thing George, but sessions like that stick in my mind forever. It's why I play poker, to have sessions like that, with a bunch of mates & like-minded folks. I really wanted to stay longer, but I'd taken a short break from Live Stream commentary during the dinner break, & I felt I really ought to get back to work. Pretty original excuse for my hit & run, I know..... It helped, of course, that I ran like Thewy. Who, as it happened, was to my immediate left, with scotty77 behind him, but when we are hitting cards, it is an easy game. Talking of which, I noticed that when you got up, you had a full rack of red chips (£500?), & I believe you sat down with £100. Nice work. I have received your e-Mail, thank you, but I've been a bit pulled out this week, & a backlog of mail has developed. I'll get through them all as soon as possible. Apologies for the delay. Posted by Tikay10
Your words sum it up TK. Such a great bunch of people and so much fun. I couldnt have wished for more. I have only played live cash twice before in the local casino but I didnt have a fraction of the fun I had on Saturday. I wish I could stay for longer also but I was feeling so tired because I didnt have a good sleep on Friday night. Housemates were having a party.
When I saw the table I thought I have to join this, it would be a great experience. The worst thing it could happen it was me losing 100quid. So I gave it a spin.
And as you say I managed to spin 100quid to 450. Not bad. Paid for my trip, main event buyin and also made a profit. Easy game when you hit or outdraw.
Not sure I like the clock on the very top row jumping into existence when it decides to though. It makes the Help, Boss, Facebook and Twitter links jump across the screen.
I had another point, but I forgot it.
edit: Oh yes, the glow surrounding the top section of the screen, I think it makes the design less elegant.
The new layout looks great, a lot cleaner. Not sure I like the clock on the very top row jumping into existence when it decides to though. It makes the Help, Boss, Facebook and Twitter links jump across the screen. I had another point, but I forgot it. edit: Oh yes, the glow surrounding the top section of the screen, I think it makes the design less elegant. Posted by Machka
ya think the glow should move as per a focus of what you're looking at rather than a feature of the top half of pages.
have also realised that the casino button right hand side not being clickable is related to the zoom level you are viewing the page at.
At 90% zoom it fits perfectly, with no dead space, at 100% there is over an inch of dead blue area that isn't clickable. if you zoom in more the space issue doesn't get any worse.
too much space being used by too little information
look at the BBC.co.uk - compact - everything you need is on the screen when you go to the page - only need to scroll down once to access everything else - everything that the Sky home page isn't
better if SKY spent more money and time on important things like auto-seat and re-sizable tables imo. think the old format was fine. dev Posted by devonfish5
Morning Dev,
Just to let you know, the redesign project ran in parallel with product enhancements - it doesn't affect the delivery of those as we're two separate parts of the team, essentially.
Thanks a lot for the comments so far. I have noted them and I will feed them back to the rest of the guys here so we can continue to make tweaks and improvements.
tbh again mate,i really think it's like anything new,it takes time adjusting to it. i'm still not convinced by it though,some of the writing at the top is just to small as has already been said. as to the the auto seat and re-sizable tables,it really is needed as SKY's software is just so far behind everyone elses.all the other sites have those facilities as i'm sure you are aware. i know it's 'in the pipe-line' but that's been the case ever since i joined some 2&1/2 yrs ago now. maybe nest year then. dev
Those of you discussing a "glow"... What on Earth are you talking about? I don't see any glow. Posted by BorinLoner
ok look at any community page. be focused at the top.
between the blue bar of links (and for example on a reply to post page) and the submit buttons.
if you look at the blue background at the side of the page. Near the top its dark blue, if you scroll down its dark blue nearer the bottom again, but for midway down the top half ie the first section in focus when you open a page, there is a slight 'glow' of lighter colouring, which at first feels like it's highlighting the area you are looking at but then when you scroll down it stays still !
thanks for the reply Dave, tbh again mate,i really think it's like anything new,it takes time adjusting to it. i'm still not convinced by it though,some of the writing at the top is just to small as has already been said. as to the the auto seat and re-sizable tables,it really is needed as SKY's software is just so far behind everyone elses.all the other sites have those facilities as i'm sure you are aware. i know it's 'in the pipe-line' but that's been the case ever since i joined some 2&1/2 yrs ago now. maybe nest year then. dev Posted by devonfish5
can you please edumacate me about what people want from reziseable tables.
Currently you can have standard view which are large and provide full information, or you can have the mini view have truncated information. This 2 size setup is so much better than the previous just the large tables setup we had. Resizing tables by 1 millimetre here 1 millimetetre there might make you happy but in reality it adds very little functionality to the software. What is it you hope to achieve?
In Response to Re: Poker Redesign - Feedback/Comments please : can you please edumacate me about what people want from reziseable tables. Currently you can have standard view which are large and provide full information, or you can have the mini view have truncated information. This 2 size setup is so much better than the previous just the large tables setup we had. Resizing tables by 1 millimetre here 1 millimetetre there might make you happy but in reality it adds very little functionality to the software. What is it you hope to achieve? Posted by beaneh
Personally i (and probably others) just want to be able to fit as many tables as i wish to play. e.g 4 or 6, on to one screen, without annoying overlap, which means i have to click on other tables to bring them to the front, causing the occasional missclick and time out.
I know for a fact 100s of people find the 'mini view' impossible to use/adapt to and people liek to chat or at least see the chat.
In Response to Re: Poker Redesign - Feedback/Comments please : Personally i (and probably others) just want to be able to fit as many tables as i wish to play. e.g 4 or 6, on to one screen, without annoying overlap, which means i have to click on other tables to bring them to the front, causing the occasional missclick and time out. I know for a fact 100s of people find the 'mini view' impossible to use/adapt to and people liek to chat or at least see the chat. Posted by 1267
In Response to Re: Poker Redesign - Feedback/Comments please : Personally i (and probably others) just want to be able to fit as many tables as i wish to play. e.g 4 or 6, on to one screen, without annoying overlap, which means i have to click on other tables to bring them to the front, causing the occasional missclick and time out. I know for a fact 100s of people find the 'mini view' impossible to use/adapt to and people liek to chat or at least see the chat. Posted by 1267
ok so to confirm
you find standard 'too big', mini view 'too small' and therefore want to have the option for a table size somewhere inbetween.
Given that the smaller they are the less space they have, do you see why chat is dropped when moving to the mini view?
With regards to resizeable tables, give it time, it's coming, but it cant be realised till it fully works and has no problems, and it will not be the only thing that the back end team are working on. Ty for your feedback.
In Response to Re: Poker Redesign - Feedback/Comments please : ok so to confirm you find standard 'too big', mini view 'too small' and therefore want to have the option for a table size somewhere inbetween. Given that the smaller they are the less space they have, do you see why chat is dropped when moving to the mini view? With regards to resizeable tables, give it time, it's coming, but it cant be realised till it fully works and has no problems, and it will not be the only thing that the back end team are working on. Ty for your feedback. Posted by beaneh
Obviously i understand that is why chat is dropped yes, and that is fine. I think its fair to say that 90% + people that play on mini view play for a living (or extra income) and do not wish to chat anyways.
After a brief 5 minute spell on Mini view just then to remind me what it's like, i find the whole mini view feature ugly, harder to use (mainly due to the whole "raise to" issue), and hurts my eyes/brain !
Sorry to be annyoying but could you be more specific about your play.
Do you multi table regularly?
if so how many tables?
on one monitor I assume?
by chance do you know your screen resolution?
what do you find too small with mini view? I peronsally use it because I play lots of tables like a bot and find that I can see everything I need to to make my decisions (albeit not always great ones lol).
Sorry to be annyoying but could you be more specific about your play. Do you multi table regularly? if so how many tables? on one monitor I assume? by chance do you know your screen resolution? what do you find too small with mini view? I peronsally use it because I play lots of tables like a bot and find that I can see everything I need to to make my decisions (albeit not always great ones lol). Posted by beaneh
Personally i always multi-table, usually 4-5 tables. After reading many forum posts i would say that a pretty high percentage of people (People who are no longer New players, and people who are not yet creepy sick good and play 12+ tables) play around 4-6 tables. Seems to be the ideal amount for the 'average' player.
Yes i only use one monitor, no idea on resolution i'm afraid. 4 tables fit almost idealy in the 4 corners with slight (manageable) overlap in the middle. Then i stick my 5th table or the live stream in the middle, which i annoyingly have to click on and off alot. When playing on a laptop (smaller screen obv) even 4 overlap alot in the centre of the screen.
When playing on other sites, by making the tables just a tiny bit smaller, it's so easy to have 6 tables set up, with zero overlap. Making it absolutely ideal to see everything that's going on, never miss a a hand, time out or missclick.
Will reply about mini view in abit, after i trial it one last time, and find out specifically why i hate it so much. Hopefully someone else can comment on this also.
Behave Mr Omaha Cash Man......
I really wanted to stay longer, but I'd taken a short break from Live Stream commentary during the dinner break, & I felt I really ought to get back to work. Pretty original excuse for my hit & run, I know.....
It helped, of course, that I ran like Thewy. Who, as it happened, was to my immediate left, with scotty77 behind him, but when we are hitting cards, it is an easy game.
Talking of which, I noticed that when you got up, you had a full rack of red chips (£500?), & I believe you sat down with £100. Nice work.
I have received your e-Mail, thank you, but I've been a bit pulled out this week, & a backlog of mail has developed. I'll get through them all as soon as possible. Apologies for the delay.
: (
Do what I do and add a couple of 0's on the end by writing them on your monitor with a marker pen.
Not sure I like the clock on the very top row jumping into existence when it decides to though. It makes the Help, Boss, Facebook and Twitter links jump across the screen.
I had another point, but I forgot it.
edit: Oh yes, the glow surrounding the top section of the screen, I think it makes the design less elegant.
Here is a comparison picture (have uploaded it to the forum itself, so it will take some time to be verified).
think the old format was fine.
Those of you discussing a "glow"... What on Earth are you talking about? I don't see any glow.
too much space being used by too little information
look at the BBC.co.uk - compact - everything you need is on the screen when you go to the page - only need to scroll down once to access everything else - everything that the Sky home page isn't
sorry - you asked
tbh again mate,i really think it's like anything new,it takes time adjusting to it.
i'm still not convinced by it though,some of the writing at the top is just to small as has already been said.
as to the the auto seat and re-sizable tables,it really is needed as SKY's software is just so far behind everyone elses.all the other sites have those facilities as i'm sure you are aware.
i know it's 'in the pipe-line' but that's been the case ever since i joined some 2&1/2 yrs ago now.
maybe nest year then.
I know for a fact 100s of people find the 'mini view' impossible to use/adapt to and people liek to chat or at least see the chat.
Obviously i understand that is why chat is dropped yes, and that is fine. I think its fair to say that 90% + people that play on mini view play for a living (or extra income) and do not wish to chat anyways.
After a brief 5 minute spell on Mini view just then to remind me what it's like, i find the whole mini view feature ugly, harder to use (mainly due to the whole "raise to" issue), and hurts my eyes/brain !
It's a shame they don't have a medium view ! lol
Yes i only use one monitor, no idea on resolution i'm afraid. 4 tables fit almost idealy in the 4 corners with slight (manageable) overlap in the middle. Then i stick my 5th table or the live stream in the middle, which i annoyingly have to click on and off alot.
When playing on a laptop (smaller screen obv) even 4 overlap alot in the centre of the screen.
When playing on other sites, by making the tables just a tiny bit smaller, it's so easy to have 6 tables set up, with zero overlap. Making it absolutely ideal to see everything that's going on, never miss a a hand, time out or missclick.
Will reply about mini view in abit, after i trial it one last time, and find out specifically why i hate it so much. Hopefully someone else can comment on this also.