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I think sky should start looking at these tables and players who consistantly sit out the game when they accumulate a few chips.Then deside to come back in when there in the money.I think its a disgrace.If this is the way poker is supossed to be played,then i think i'll start doing it myself,perhaps i'll start winning more games when on the last table.
COME ON SKY,PULL YER FINGER OUT,and do something about it.It's happening TOOOOOO often.
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just get on with your game, and win....
What makes me laugh is when a numpty folds the SB to give the blinds to an away player on the BB, or a group of limpers check every street and an away player on the BB takes the pot.
I often see away players cash in low buy-in DYM's. IMO this tells you a lot more about the players who've been knocked out than the player who just sits it out.
I Don't think so - I paid for it.
It nothing to do with moaning,i'm talking about about DS games.where they stay out for 2/3 hrs after accumulating be quite honest i dont really care what sky do if they want to run an untidy ship as they seem to be doing lately, then thats up to them.(its about time they got the vacuum cleaner out tho)I only play now and again for a bit of fun,so it dosent matter to me what happens.Its just a pity this site seems to be going down the drain,when it used to be such a good one.What with all the donks,chancers and idiots,that seem to be playing now,no wonder i dont play it like i used to.Can think of better things to do with my money and time.
You have your opinion and i have mine.So lets see what stupid and silly answers i get to this,because most will be.
ENJOY your so called poker and games,I wont be writting anything else because your always right
and were wrong.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with people playing tightly and many top players would adopt this as a tactic.
You post badly constructed arguments and then object when people respond to them in the manner that they deserve.
Personally I don't sit out as I think it's rude to the other players, but that's just me. They pays their money, they makes their choices.
I do it a lot in live games though, win a nice pot and nip out for a ciggy. It really tilts some people.
"Sitting-out" is......
Not wrong.
Not against the Rules.
Not bad etiquette.
Not cheating.
Not angle-shooting.
Not a moody.
Not frowned upon.
If Sky Poker are "going down the drain" by permitting it, so are every other poker site, & every Live Poker Tournament. ANY player, in ANY Tournament, ANYWHERE, is perfectly entitled to sit-out.
That has always been the case, too, it's not a recent innovation.
In Response to Re: Players who sit out:
Charly, do you know what hundreds of players with nice chip stacks do when they approach the cash bubble in the biggest tournament in the world (WSOP ME)?
That's right, they go to the bar and have a chinwag while the small stacks get knocked out.
Also, players sitting out is an ADVANTAGE to the rest of the players at the table. Anyone who thinks otherwise is merely announcing to the rest of the world that s/he isn't very good at playing poker.
Of course, this is going to seem like a very "stupid and silly" answer to such a great player like yourself.
Man, I feel like such a muppet for embarrasing myself like this.
Thank you Tikay you gave me the responce i wanted.So from now on i will accumulate chips in the first hour,then sit out untill the last 2/3 left on the last table as others do,that way im sure to come in the top 3 more often than not.I just thought i was playing the game as it should be but it seems i was wrong.Then again,i count myself as an honest player.
Bye the way,it was a privilage to play in the Tikay tounaments.and for you.
Good man, all you have to do now is accumulate a nice big stack early doors. Which is the awkward bit......
Good luck with that, anyway.
By the way, if you want FRE ENTRY to this week's tikay Sleepie, there's a free-to-enter fun comp HERE.
Good luck. Sort of.
i was in this game last nite thought guy was sitting out til cash he did make 2 all in appearences then disappeared for rest of nite so assumed he had fallen asleep had a great HU with dapper908 as for him sitting out figure thats just part of game
dapper lost connection a few times so i just waited for him to come back other guy tho just weren't there & charlyb8 enjoyed our battle m8 keep the faith
Crying on the forum looking 4 sympathy.
So Sad
glad charlyb8, xfallenx and sara36dd08 are back together to try and create a big ol argument with poor lil me... so innocent