Hi tikay im travelling to vegas at the beginning of july on hol i was just wondering where the best place is to play low to medium stakes cash/tourny hold'em poker?? any suggestions?? neil Posted by ntg84
Hi ntg,
Lucky you!
There's a whole bunch of places where you can play "low to medium" stakes Cash & Tourneys, but it depends what you mean by "low to medium".
I could name 20 Vegas rooms where you'd be OK, but I'd jut say......
1) Ceasars & The Venetian are excellent, & for lower stakes, Planet Holywood is OK, as is Binions, which is not on the Strip, but Downtown.
2) Avoid The Rio.
As a guide to the variety of poker available in Vegas, there is a superb website called "AllVegasPoker" (Link might be non-compliant, so just add ".com" to the end of that). All the Rooms are listed on the left hand column on their Home Page, & there is a "Tournamnts" Tab at the top.
When you get to Vegas, pick up a copy of "Poker Player" (it's a freebie newspaper jobbie) which is free in most cardrooms out there, & they have a splendid "where to play what" section, too.
Enjoy. To play poker 24/7, Vegas is the the absolute nuts.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : That is what happens when you lower your resistance by going on a diet. Posted by -Dino66-
Nearly 2 stone gone now! I'm extremely lucky with my health, not a single day off work through sickness in almost 50 years - beat that! And I've never eaten fruit or green vegetables. Though right now, it's a close run thing, I feel pretty rough today. Still, when the going gets tough.......
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Producer Chris, who currently Produces the Primo Shows, confirms that the "Defend Your Crown" thingie IS still active. Good Luck! Posted by Tikay10
BUT........news just in!
It will ONLY continue until the end of March.
But worry not. It is going to be replaced by something better. And bigger.
Thanks TK thats really helpful im staying at the Luxor really lookin forward to it neva been before but im sure i'll be wantin to go back again!!! R u goin to the SPT in glasgow in may??? qualified back in feb really lookin forward to that to neva been to one before. cheers neil
It was nice to meet you at Luton and I thoroughly enjoyed my 1st live casino experience and hope to qualify for other legs now and no matter what go to DTD in September.
Have you any idea yet if and when there will be a TV special or report on it on 865?
Thanks TK thats really helpful im staying at the Luxor really lookin forward to it neva been before but im sure i'll be wantin to go back again!!! R u goin to the SPT in glasgow in may??? qualified back in feb really lookin forward to that to neva been to one before. cheers neil Posted by ntg84
Hi ntg,
Yes, I will be at the Glasgow SPT in May, & this time I won't be rushing away to do any Live Shows, as I had to at Luton.
So you'll have to suffer me on the PA alllllllllll day. You run so bad.
I guarantee, you will enjoy the Glasgow SPT AND Vegas.
Hi Tikay, It was nice to meet you at Luton and I thoroughly enjoyed my 1st live casino experience and hope to qualify for other legs now and no matter what go to DTD in September. Have you any idea yet if and when there will be a TV special or report on it on 865? Cheers, Alan Posted by MAXALLY
I do not think there will be TV "special" on Luton SPT, but the various clips that were filmed at Luton will start to appear on the Channel as soon as they've been Edited, digitalised, messedaboutwithised, etc.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi darntootin, & welcome to the Sky Poker Forum. Using your code..... 1) I'm not sure. The longest streak I can recall hearing about was 20, I think. If anyone has done better, I'm sure they'll soon tell us. I once managed 15 on the bounce. And then promptly lost 8 on the bounce! And you'd think it would be quite impossible to lose 8 in a row, but variance (posh-speak for "luck") is some powerful thing. 2) I don't have a favourite starting hand in Omaha, & the value of the hand, to a degree, depends on what sort of opponents you are facing. Some players play Omaha as if it were roulette, & just pot every hand pre flop & every street, which is not exactly skilful, & certainly not subtle. You can take these guys on with quite a wide range. Technically, mathermatically, I suppose A-A-K-K DS might have the best pre-flop odds of any Omaha hand, but if you attract three callers & fail to "connect" with the flop, it's pretty naff, as it's only one pair, & our "maths" are out of the window. Bear in mind that in Omaha, A-A-K-K would only be a very small or marginal favourite against most playable hands, it's completely unlike Hold Em where Aces would be a monster favourite.. And raising strongly with A-A-K-K nails your holding very precisely to other payers, you may as well play the hand face-up. When they do this, I'm always happy to call & take a flop with cards that work well together . 7-8-9-T DS is a good example, or, even better, "gapped" connecters, either 1 or 2 gappers. With 1 & 2 gappers, you can often flop better wraps, & wraps are the most powerful hand in Omaha. You cannot flop a full wrap with A-A-K-K, for example. 3) In money terms, yes, though if I took into account the time I've spent playing poker, instead of, perhaps, more meaningful pursuits, I've spent a great deal of my time playing cards, & it's hard to put a price on that. I've also spent a lot of time chasing girls, gambling, & hedonism generally. Those shining examples apart, I have wasted the rest of my life. Posted by Tikay10
Hi Tikay, thanks for the welcome and reply to my questions. I was wondering if there were any names for your hole cards in Omaha like you get in Hold'em (Big Slick etc)? Probably not methinks but how about coming up with some like "Who do we appreciate" for 2 4 6 8. Anyone else got any others?
Hello TK. I have a simple question for you, or is it. Hang on a minuit i think we need to look in depth at this and maybe the only way to answer is to say you either agree or dissagree and i am sure there will be many on both sides. Well its all about my findings since I started playing poker. O and i had better point out that I only started playing poker last November, October time. Some will of course have started the old LOL now but Im not stupid like I look like I am with this ear phrazoligy n my disgustin biker ways. Ha HA LOL got u all back. But seriously I helped teach my oldest son A level maths and Physics, he is now an accountant and a very accomplished poker player in casinos. I will make some points, 1) Some of the very good advice given out by the presenters on sky simply does not work at the small blind levels where i play. I wonder how many new players go broke like I did but never come back. I only came back because Sky E-mailed me with a very attractive looking promo. I am thinking of two things here in particular, aggression and if u have less than 10 big blinds. I have found aggression is the quickest way to go broke at small blind levels. Even if u start with rockets the chances are u will get to many callers. Somone gets lucky because there are so many of them n rivers u far to often for this to work. I also see how aggression works brilliantly when there is more at stake. This important fact was never made clear to me when it needed to be, when i was a foolish begineer watching sky poker on the TV. Now if u have less than 10 big blinds you are told that u are in bad trouble n there is very little hope so first sine of reasonable hole cards throw the lot in. This is a load of rubbish n in this case i think it is still a load of old rubbish even in big time land. I recently on another site came back from less than 1 big blind mid way threw a tourny to hit the final table out of over 900 starters. O K so i got lucky. But the point is I was skint I needed to make the cash to get me in the next one. It is easy with only 3 or 4 big blinds to sit tight and by just picking of the occasional hand go much deeper into a tourny. Also the longer u stay in the more usefull information u are picking up which is vital for the new player. Ive got a few more points to make but this is goin on a bit so they can wait. And i am fully aware I might be talking a load of ....... because i am very new. A quick one would be make some tables only availiable to very new players. I must say though when I started on Sky mid November I very quickly doubled my first deposit and thort I was a poker god. Inevitably i crashed and burned big style. But if I had not come back to sky I would never have had the privilige and fun of meeting a rite nice bunch of people and i can say that so far this is the only one i have played on that seem fair. However by coming back I discovered that some very nice very good players had droped down from higher ground to where I was n picked me off n smashed me n.... Ok im ok Im ok....... Now I learnin fast n ive now got more money in my account than I ever deposited so something is going my way 4 a change. So to those who smashed me up I thank u for giving me a goal to aim at. Im coming no doubt about it Im coming n when I get there I will attempt to give out a damn good thrashing. See u soon when I will prob get smashed again but at least I have a dream. In closing I have a complaint to make bout Rich Orford. Now Ive had a rubbish life n bin quite ill recently, undiagnosed diabetes for years n years n a damaged heart. I only say this cus its relivant to what has happened. Im 49 so im not to old but im no youngster either, more a shy retirering type, a recluse would be more accurate. I was watchin Rich on TV n he was bangin on bout he was going to be at Luton by midnight n how he wanted somone to keep a model there called kitty. Well im a bit inqi well first thing i do next mornin is bang on the comp google images and the name, omg ffs. I must av passed out or somthin cus I woke up in the foetal position on my livinroom floor with my thum in my mouth. Not good 4 a 49 year old. Thats not the worst of it though the images were still on the comp n my sons n a few others had been in n out omg. Did this really happen ? only you can decide. Finnally TK and im serious now never ever give out my real name n if u ever want me in the studio u will have 2 provide a mask n call me Kendo Bonny Saki. Bye Posted by bonneville
Hi Kendo,
Crikey, that's the longest "simple question" I've ever seen!
Anyway, I'll give it a go. There were actually several qustions in there, but three main ones.
1) Some of the advice that the Analysts give does not work at the small blind levels.
Well this is a matter of degrees. At the lower levels, it's true to say that Players do that dreadful thing - "CALL" a lot more, & they don't let go if they hit any part of a flop. As a general rule, the players who play at the higher levels don't do this, because, as a default, calling is bad, Raising or Passing is good. Along with an understanding of Position, it's the most important part of understanding poker. Calling is bad, Passing is good, allied to "you can bet or shove with air, but you need a hand to call".
And that advice holds good at ALL Levels over the long-term. Get the basics right, & though I can't promise you will make money, I can promise that you will not lose any. The basics are the same at whatever Levels we play poker. Stick to good basic fundamentals, & you'll be OK.
2) There should be special Tables for "learners", rookies or newbies.
Well there are "free-play" Tables, but once you've mastered the basic play, hand values etc, they don't help too much.
"Learner-Only" Tables? Impossible to police. How do you stop an experienced player sitting at them, & why should they stop them? Poker is a "free" game, all of us are entitled to play at any Level we wish, there are no barriers to entry except money.
But the best & quickest way to learn is to play with GOOD players, who, when we begin, take all our money. That hurts our pockets, & hurts our ego, & if that does not teach us to play better, nothing will.
If I were King for a day (sorry, Radiohead), &, say, you were a newbie, I'd ask a good player - a really good player - to sit at a Table with you, & you could & would learn from him or her.
So no, I don't buy into that I'm afraid.
3) Tourneys, "shoving when we are down to 10xBB".
Every poker tuition book will tell you that. Every poker training video will tell you that. Most Sky Poker Analysts will say that. All "new skool" players will tell you that.
But a few "old skool" players will not - they wll say that we can wait a good bit longer. And we CAN, if we know how to play a micro-stack optimally, to sense the right spots to pay the rent. Which, as it happens, I can, & I'm pretty cute at playing a short-stack. (I need to be, because I'm not a natural chip-getter & I'm risk-averse).
So yes, if you are comfy with a short-stack, wait longer, & I won't argue with that at all. You will get a lot of minor cashes, & very few wins that way, but you will play poker for free. However, most players, blind to bankroll preservation, only "play to win". I have no argument with that, I'm sure it's right. But I prefer longevity, & to keep nicking minor cashes here & there, & thus that enables me to keep playing poker as long as I want into the future, as I'll never go busto. None of us - not you, not me, not 99.9% of all poker players, will get rich playing poker, we may as well face that. But we can have a great time at no cost, a free hobby. So if I pay a tenner to play a Comp, or £1,000, I want to occupy my seat, enjoy the thrilll & the ride, as long as possible. But that's a minority position, & few will agree. Your money bud, so feel free to wait longer if you can handle a micro-stack well, & I won't argue.
Finally, you constantly refer to players "smashing" you, & hopefully one day you "thrashing" them. It's not a war, & it's not personal, it's a bit more subtle than "thrashing & smashing". Personally, I'd suggest you look at it in a slightly less confrontial way, & a bit more stealth. Stealth is good, guile is good, subtlety is good, out-thinking villain is good. "Smashing & thrashing" is looking at it the wrong way. It's just a game, but using brain not brawn, thought not thrash, will improve your game overnight by 50%.
Hope that answers your questions, & listen up - you be careful on that sickle, right?
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Tikay, thanks for the welcome and reply to my questions. I was wondering if there were any names for your hole cards in Omaha like you get in Hold'em (Big Slick etc)? Probably not methinks but how about coming up with some like "Who do we appreciate" for 2 4 6 8. Anyone else got any others? Posted by Darntootin
I'm not aware of any nicks for Omaha hands pre-flop, it's mainly played by a different type of player, & they don't really think that way.
But post-flop, they have all manner of way of describing their hand - wraps", "full wraps", "blockers & a fd", "17 outers" "locks", "nuts with extensions", "double nut-draws", (nut str8 & flush draws), "no-good nuts" (flopped nuts with no extensions) etc.
It's a game where the better players do OK because they think deep about it, & as it's Pot-Limit, the NLH shove-monkeys find themselves at a severe disadvantage.
thanks a lot tk very usefull. Ive just qualified 4 tonights primo semi i am very disapointed with my heads up play although I nearly got the job done. heads up is very new to me and i was wonderin if i could see my opponents hands there will b a few because it went on a bit.
if its not possible dont worry. Sorry if i came accross a bit well u know. I typed that early before i was properly awake. I am a very quiet placid man who can not spell 4 .... n i never swear after my tablets take effect.
aside from fogetting to take to take my tablets a lot i meant to say never give out my real name, especially on tv. O n did u remember the wrestler.
thanks a lot tk very usefull. Ive just qualified 4 tonights primo semi i am very disapointed with my heads up play although I nearly got the job done. heads up is very new to me and i was wonderin if i could see my opponents hands there will b a few because it went on a bit. if its not possible dont worry. Sorry if i came accross a bit well u know. I typed that early before i was properly awake. I am a very quiet placid man who can not spell 4 .... n i never swear after my tablets take effect. aside from fogetting to take to take my tablets a lot i meant to say never give out my real name, especially on tv. O n did u remember the wrestler. Posted by bonneville
hi tikay, pod er,just a quickie. i put a new profile piccy in to be approved from luton (very nice piccy done by the pro walking around) well he got me good side and it bought me eyes out lovely! any how got a message back from sky saying i cant use it coz it has some one famous in it!!. i got a good group of friends and i wouldnt say i am unpopular but i certainly aint famous!!!. its just a piccy of me a table and a few chips.i asked sky to clarify it for me twice and got no response. so i re entered it yesterday and still getting no response. is there anything you can do to clarify this matter. i know its trivial, but i am confused!!!
hi tikay, pod er,just a quickie. i put a new profile piccy in to be approved from luton (very nice piccy done by the pro walking around) well he got me good side and it bought me eyes out lovely! any how got a message back from sky saying i cant use it coz it has some one famous in it!!. i got a good group of friends and i wouldnt say i am unpopular but i certainly aint famous!!!. its just a piccy of me a table and a few chips.i asked sky to clarify it for me twice and got no response. so i re entered it yesterday and still getting no response. is there anything you can do to clarify this matter. i know its trivial, but i am confused!!! Posted by pod1
Me too!
Maybe it had a piece of someone else in the photo, who may object, I don't know. Sky are very correct & proper in these matters.
Sky-Rich will spot your Post tomorrow & I'm sure he'll comment as he sees appropriate.
anything yet on the wsop tourneys satellites etc? Posted by organist
Hi Organist,
I side-stepped that one to buy a little time, to be honest!
Some "legals" are being dealt with right now, expect some news very soon.
It'll be all over the site when - sorry, if - it launches. But best not to count chickens until everything is legally tickity-boo. I will explain this more in due course.
hi tikay, pod er,just a quickie. i put a new profile piccy in to be approved from luton (very nice piccy done by the pro walking around) well he got me good side and it bought me eyes out lovely! any how got a message back from sky saying i cant use it coz it has some one famous in it!!. i got a good group of friends and i wouldnt say i am unpopular but i certainly aint famous!!!. its just a piccy of me a table and a few chips.i asked sky to clarify it for me twice and got no response. so i re entered it yesterday and still getting no response. is there anything you can do to clarify this matter. i know its trivial, but i am confused!!! Posted by pod1
So that was your good side eh? I must've been sat on the wrong side! lol In all seriousness, there were two people stood behind you but there's no way they can tell exactly who they were, surely! Maybe, if you cut out the background a bit, you might get it through. By the way, it was a pleasure meeting you and being on the same table.... right up until you turned over QQ against my A 10! oh, and unlucky with those runner runner flushes twice in four hands!
PS It might be because you can see part of MY arm! lol
hi tikay, pod er,just a quickie. i put a new profile piccy in to be approved from luton (very nice piccy done by the pro walking around) well he got me good side and it bought me eyes out lovely! any how got a message back from sky saying i cant use it coz it has some one famous in it!!. i got a good group of friends and i wouldnt say i am unpopular but i certainly aint famous!!!. its just a piccy of me a table and a few chips.i asked sky to clarify it for me twice and got no response. so i re entered it yesterday and still getting no response. is there anything you can do to clarify this matter. i know its trivial, but i am confused!!! Posted by pod1
Hi Pod1,
Sorry about the confusion on this one.
could you upload the picture again? (preferably today before 5.30pm) and i'll pick it up personally.
if it is indeed unsuitable i will let you know exactly why... and if it isn't - i'll approve it.
Tikay, is there any way you can get your manhattan up for a tourny? Posted by Seagull158
Hi Seagull.
Well not "automatically", from the Sky Poker software, no.
You could, of course, track your stack, & do a "home-made" Manhatten very easily though, simply by using standard Windows software - in effect, it's just a Bar Chart, or a "stepped graph", which is bog-standard stuff to create.
No good asking me how to do that, but I'm 100% sure many of our regulars could talk you through how to do that step by step.
I've only been playing poker for 4 or five months.I've played in a few freeroll mtt's and recently finnished 106th out of 10500 entrants before that I was regularly finnishing in the top 1000.I won't be a big money player as funds are limited,but I want to play proper poker but don't want to be out of my depth,are there novice tables on Sky Poker and is there anything else I could do or read to improve my game.I watch Sky 865 regularly and it's been very helpfull if not at times confusing,however that might be down to my lack of understanding.Thankyou Dave Head(BUBSEY13) Posted by BUBSEY13
Hi Dave.
There are not really any short cuts to learning poker properly, you have to do the apprenticeship if you want to play the game well technically, & if you do that, you'll enjoy many years of free poker, a terific hobby at no cost.
A few tips.....
1) Play within your bankroll.
2) Read the Strategy sections on this & other Poker Forums.
3) Don't be afaid to ask questions on tihs Forum if you are uinsure about any poker-related matter. Nobody is going to diss you here.
4) Try to work out what suits you better - Cash, or Tourneys - then concentrate on that. Not many can do both even adequately, few, very few, can do both well. Learn one or the other first. You are MUCH more likely to win playing Cash, as opposed to Tourneys, but if your skillset is Tourneys, fine, focus on that, & you'll be OK. Remember, almost ANYONE can or should be able to make steady profit at cash. It's tougher, but arguably much more fun, to play Tourneys.
5) Understand that beats are part & parcel of poker. Peeps who moan about bad beats simply don't understand, or enjoy, the game. It's standard stuff, like penalties in football, it happens. And remember, no proper poker player ever, anywhere, wants to hear bad-beat stories - they are all the same. The clue is when you see the eyes glaze over! Be a little stoic as to Bad-Beats, shrug your shoulders & move on. How we handle bad-beats is a clue to our character, our mettle, our backbone.
Sorry I can't be much more help, but if you have a specific question, I or others would be happy to try & help further.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Seagull. Well not "automatically", from the Sky Poker software, no. You could, of course, track your stack, & do a "home-made" Manhatten very easily though, simply by using standard Windows software - in effect, it's just a Bar Chart, or a "stepped graph", which is bog-standard stuff to create. No good asking me how to do that, but I'm 100% sure many of our regulars could talk you through how to do that step by step. Posted by Tikay10
Trouble is that I would have to go through the hand history and note down my chipstack all the way through What triggered my question is that I played the 7PM Deepie last night and decided to play LAGGY (very unlike me but I had a Stu Ungar moment right at the start and stayed with it) I went from 5000 chips to 800 to 9000 to 1000 to 9500 to 5000 and then on upwards to cash in 4th place out of 50 odd runners. I would love to capture my manhatton and compare it to other tourneys where I have played tight. Sky Poker must have a means of doing them because you show them on the TV channel during the live tourneys.
i left a megs a few weeks ago about how bad i was runing on her you told me to tack some time off so i did and went back to playing on wil liam hill played on there for a week or two and up $5k playing cash mtt sng so fort i wood come back and give one more last time. played in the BH 22pounds last nit going well made a rasie 5 times big blind 1600 with KQ suited on the button big blind calls with Ak of suit and folp come 37Q all of suit i push all in 6200 big blind call turn was 6 river was a A onlt to see my hand played live on tv to see that they was only one A left in the deck got 3 heads so was still up 3 pound pls chage so then when on to play in the in the 9.30 Bh only to pick up AA push all in 1800 to get a call from 47 of suit only to see the folp come down 693 then the turn 7 then the river 4 wicth left me with 130 chips so i just turned off my laptop and went to bed got up to day and play 4 more sng and got riverd on all 4 tables as well as been the bubble on all 4 tables can you plz tell me y this only happes to me on her and not on any over site or when i play live i have had more bad beats on this site than any over thanks better get back to wil liam hill table is about to start Posted by staford03
Hi staford,
It's just bog-standard "variance", which is poker-speak for luck.
If you ever start to suspect that one Site or another is "fairer" to you, then you will be kidding yourself.
Some players talk about the Sky Poker river, or the Laddies river, or the Stars river, but alll they do is make themselves look doo-lally.
The truth is, if you somehow think one site favours you over another, you will get all screwed up in your mind, & it's probably best to go with the flow, & not play on the site that "screws you".
The oddity is that how could anyone even think that one site deals you better or worse cards than another site - how would that actually work???!!!
Tiiiiiiiiiiiikay! Quick question have you seen Blackfish3's profile pic? I think Richard Kellett has switched from blonde and got onto the Sky Poker forum ;-) Posted by lJAMESl
It would be a grim day for Sky Poker Community if he ever joined us. "Grim" being the operative word.....
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Trouble is that I would have to go through the hand history and note down my chipstack all the way through What triggered my question is that I played the 7PM Deepie last night and decided to play LAGGY (very unlike me but I had a Stu Ungar moment right at the start and stayed with it) I went from 5000 chips to 800 to 9000 to 1000 to 9500 to 5000 and then on upwards to cash in 4th place out of 50 odd runners. I would love to capture my manhatton and compare it to other tourneys where I have played tight. Sky Poker must have a means of doing them because you show them on the TV channel during the live tourneys. Posted by Seagull158
It would not be that difficult, surely, to keep a track of your chip stack throughout, simply make a note of it after every hand, or every 5 minutes, or whatever?
The software that creates a Manhatten to go up on the Live TV Shows is bespoke to the Studio I think, but I imagine they just create it via simple software which is available to anyone, it's standard Windows graph stuff.
I'll ask the Techie-Bod-Bloke-Chappie when I see him next, & let you know what he says.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thanks very much for your very informative reply mate. Understand completely the difficulties regarding venues but it is such a shame as i know the SKY POKER regulars would love what Ireland has to offer this excellent online site.Hopefully i personally can experience the SPT live event in the U.K some day. It would be great to see you in Dublin's fair city one day and maybe even tangle on the same table. Finally can i just say mate that you do a tremendous job for SKY both on the live shows but paticularly here on the forum and it doesn't go unnoticed. Keep it up pal. Thanks again and take care. Gavin Posted by Torres1892
Thanks Gavin.
I am deffo gonna come to Dublin one weekend, we'll put the word out amongst the Dublin Sky Poker regulars, I'll bring some freebies & stuff, & we'll have a mini SPT. The ideal venue would be The Sporting Emporium, & I'm sure we could get 3 or 4 "private" Tables organised, & have a good couple of days fun poker.
I'll check the Diary & see what I can organise, but we will do it.
Lucky you!
There's a whole bunch of places where you can play "low to medium" stakes Cash & Tourneys, but it depends what you mean by "low to medium".
I could name 20 Vegas rooms where you'd be OK, but I'd jut say......
1) Ceasars & The Venetian are excellent, & for lower stakes, Planet Holywood is OK, as is Binions, which is not on the Strip, but Downtown.
2) Avoid The Rio.
As a guide to the variety of poker available in Vegas, there is a superb website called "AllVegasPoker" (Link might be non-compliant, so just add ".com" to the end of that). All the Rooms are listed on the left hand column on their Home Page, & there is a "Tournamnts" Tab at the top.
When you get to Vegas, pick up a copy of "Poker Player" (it's a freebie newspaper jobbie) which is free in most cardrooms out there, & they have a splendid "where to play what" section, too.
Enjoy. To play poker 24/7, Vegas is the the absolute nuts.
Nearly 2 stone gone now! I'm extremely lucky with my health, not a single day off work through sickness in almost 50 years - beat that! And I've never eaten fruit or green vegetables. Though right now, it's a close run thing, I feel pretty rough today. Still, when the going gets tough.......
It will ONLY continue until the end of March.
But worry not. It is going to be replaced by something better. And bigger.
Thanks TK thats really helpful im staying at the Luxor really lookin forward to it neva been before but im sure i'll be wantin to go back again!!! R u goin to the SPT in glasgow in may??? qualified back in feb really lookin forward to that to neva been to one before.
cheers neil
It was nice to meet you at Luton and I thoroughly enjoyed my 1st live casino experience and hope to qualify for other legs now and no matter what go to DTD in September.
Have you any idea yet if and when there will be a TV special or report on it on 865?
Yes, I will be at the Glasgow SPT in May, & this time I won't be rushing away to do any Live Shows, as I had to at Luton.
So you'll have to suffer me on the PA alllllllllll day. You run so bad.
I guarantee, you will enjoy the Glasgow SPT AND Vegas.
Crikey, that's the longest "simple question" I've ever seen!
Anyway, I'll give it a go. There were actually several qustions in there, but three main ones.
1) Some of the advice that the Analysts give does not work at the small blind levels.
Well this is a matter of degrees. At the lower levels, it's true to say that Players do that dreadful thing - "CALL" a lot more, & they don't let go if they hit any part of a flop. As a general rule, the players who play at the higher levels don't do this, because, as a default, calling is bad, Raising or Passing is good. Along with an understanding of Position, it's the most important part of understanding poker. Calling is bad, Passing is good, allied to "you can bet or shove with air, but you need a hand to call".
And that advice holds good at ALL Levels over the long-term. Get the basics right, & though I can't promise you will make money, I can promise that you will not lose any. The basics are the same at whatever Levels we play poker. Stick to good basic fundamentals, & you'll be OK.
2) There should be special Tables for "learners", rookies or newbies.
Well there are "free-play" Tables, but once you've mastered the basic play, hand values etc, they don't help too much.
"Learner-Only" Tables? Impossible to police. How do you stop an experienced player sitting at them, & why should they stop them? Poker is a "free" game, all of us are entitled to play at any Level we wish, there are no barriers to entry except money.
But the best & quickest way to learn is to play with GOOD players, who, when we begin, take all our money. That hurts our pockets, & hurts our ego, & if that does not teach us to play better, nothing will.
If I were King for a day (sorry, Radiohead), &, say, you were a newbie, I'd ask a good player - a really good player - to sit at a Table with you, & you could & would learn from him or her.
So no, I don't buy into that I'm afraid.
3) Tourneys, "shoving when we are down to 10xBB".
Every poker tuition book will tell you that. Every poker training video will tell you that. Most Sky Poker Analysts will say that. All "new skool" players will tell you that.
But a few "old skool" players will not - they wll say that we can wait a good bit longer. And we CAN, if we know how to play a micro-stack optimally, to sense the right spots to pay the rent. Which, as it happens, I can, & I'm pretty cute at playing a short-stack. (I need to be, because I'm not a natural chip-getter & I'm risk-averse).
So yes, if you are comfy with a short-stack, wait longer, & I won't argue with that at all. You will get a lot of minor cashes, & very few wins that way, but you will play poker for free. However, most players, blind to bankroll preservation, only "play to win". I have no argument with that, I'm sure it's right. But I prefer longevity, & to keep nicking minor cashes here & there, & thus that enables me to keep playing poker as long as I want into the future, as I'll never go busto. None of us - not you, not me, not 99.9% of all poker players, will get rich playing poker, we may as well face that. But we can have a great time at no cost, a free hobby. So if I pay a tenner to play a Comp, or £1,000, I want to occupy my seat, enjoy the thrilll & the ride, as long as possible. But that's a minority position, & few will agree. Your money bud, so feel free to wait longer if you can handle a micro-stack well, & I won't argue.
Finally, you constantly refer to players "smashing" you, & hopefully one day you "thrashing" them. It's not a war, & it's not personal, it's a bit more subtle than "thrashing & smashing". Personally, I'd suggest you look at it in a slightly less confrontial way, & a bit more stealth. Stealth is good, guile is good, subtlety is good, out-thinking villain is good. "Smashing & thrashing" is looking at it the wrong way. It's just a game, but using brain not brawn, thought not thrash, will improve your game overnight by 50%.
Hope that answers your questions, & listen up - you be careful on that sickle, right?
But post-flop, they have all manner of way of describing their hand - wraps", "full wraps", "blockers & a fd", "17 outers" "locks", "nuts with extensions", "double nut-draws", (nut str8 & flush draws), "no-good nuts" (flopped nuts with no extensions) etc.
It's a game where the better players do OK because they think deep about it, & as it's Pot-Limit, the NLH shove-monkeys find themselves at a severe disadvantage.
if its not possible dont worry. Sorry if i came accross a bit well u know. I typed that early before i was properly awake. I am a very quiet placid man who can not spell 4 .... n i never swear after my tablets take effect.
aside from fogetting to take to take my tablets a lot i meant to say never give out my real name, especially on tv. O n did u remember the wrestler.
Maybe it had a piece of someone else in the photo, who may object, I don't know. Sky are very correct & proper in these matters.
Sky-Rich will spot your Post tomorrow & I'm sure he'll comment as he sees appropriate.
Well I've spent most of today getting caught up on here, nearly there now, but I'm PTP tonight, so the few remaining will have to wait until tomorrow.
I've not touched the PM pile though, so I'll get onto them tomorrow, as well.
Have a good evening, whatever your plans.
I side-stepped that one to buy a little time, to be honest!
Some "legals" are being dealt with right now, expect some news very soon.
It'll be all over the site when - sorry, if - it launches. But best not to count chickens until everything is legally tickity-boo. I will explain this more in due course.
PS It might be because you can see part of MY arm! lol
Hi Pod1,
Sorry about the confusion on this one.
could you upload the picture again? (preferably today before 5.30pm) and i'll pick it up personally.
if it is indeed unsuitable i will let you know exactly why... and if it isn't - i'll approve it.
Thank you!
Well not "automatically", from the Sky Poker software, no.
You could, of course, track your stack, & do a "home-made" Manhatten very easily though, simply by using standard Windows software - in effect, it's just a Bar Chart, or a "stepped graph", which is bog-standard stuff to create.
No good asking me how to do that, but I'm 100% sure many of our regulars could talk you through how to do that step by step.
There are not really any short cuts to learning poker properly, you have to do the apprenticeship if you want to play the game well technically, & if you do that, you'll enjoy many years of free poker, a terific hobby at no cost.
A few tips.....
1) Play within your bankroll.
2) Read the Strategy sections on this & other Poker Forums.
3) Don't be afaid to ask questions on tihs Forum if you are uinsure about any poker-related matter. Nobody is going to diss you here.
4) Try to work out what suits you better - Cash, or Tourneys - then concentrate on that. Not many can do both even adequately, few, very few, can do both well. Learn one or the other first. You are MUCH more likely to win playing Cash, as opposed to Tourneys, but if your skillset is Tourneys, fine, focus on that, & you'll be OK. Remember, almost ANYONE can or should be able to make steady profit at cash. It's tougher, but arguably much more fun, to play Tourneys.
5) Understand that beats are part & parcel of poker. Peeps who moan about bad beats simply don't understand, or enjoy, the game. It's standard stuff, like penalties in football, it happens. And remember, no proper poker player ever, anywhere, wants to hear bad-beat stories - they are all the same. The clue is when you see the eyes glaze over! Be a little stoic as to Bad-Beats, shrug your shoulders & move on. How we handle bad-beats is a clue to our character, our mettle, our backbone.
Sorry I can't be much more help, but if you have a specific question, I or others would be happy to try & help further.
It's just bog-standard "variance", which is poker-speak for luck.
If you ever start to suspect that one Site or another is "fairer" to you, then you will be kidding yourself.
Some players talk about the Sky Poker river, or the Laddies river, or the Stars river, but alll they do is make themselves look doo-lally.
The truth is, if you somehow think one site favours you over another, you will get all screwed up in your mind, & it's probably best to go with the flow, & not play on the site that "screws you".
The oddity is that how could anyone even think that one site deals you better or worse cards than another site - how would that actually work???!!!
I hope you run good, wherever you play.
It would be a grim day for Sky Poker Community if he ever joined us. "Grim" being the operative word.....
The software that creates a Manhatten to go up on the Live TV Shows is bespoke to the Studio I think, but I imagine they just create it via simple software which is available to anyone, it's standard Windows graph stuff.
I'll ask the Techie-Bod-Bloke-Chappie when I see him next, & let you know what he says.
I am deffo gonna come to Dublin one weekend, we'll put the word out amongst the Dublin Sky Poker regulars, I'll bring some freebies & stuff, & we'll have a mini SPT. The ideal venue would be The Sporting Emporium, & I'm sure we could get 3 or 4 "private" Tables organised, & have a good couple of days fun poker.
I'll check the Diary & see what I can organise, but we will do it.