Just qualified for SPT final at DtD. Can you tell me at what time the tournament will start etc, probably wont last long so dont want to be late for start. Posted by SOFTLY
Well done in qualifying. The below info is taken from the Tournament lobby which if you scroll down, is there with a list of runners so far. Note - it is a TWO day event.
StatusRegisteringStart Date/Time14:00 - 10 SepCurrent Prize Pool£40000.00Buyin + Fee£200 + £20Description---- Sky Poker Tour Grand Final---- This is an offline tournament to be held at the DTD Casino, Nottingham, on Saturday and Sunday the 10th & 11th September 2011. Visit the website for more details. (Max 250 players)
sameagainn take bad beat beat all nite just gone out kj suited beat k 10 unsuited happens every timehwhy no reply u dare not knock me off kept record every hand i can play would take legal advice straightaway no sky want me gone but sky not on good run at this time tika watch me play and see cards can take bad run but now a joke lot of players complain dare take u on just 2 prove point
Hi Tikay, my first post. In the game info window you can view your stats. What are the typical values here for the site's best payers and what should players be aiming towards?
wot is the point in this being ask tikay, no one has been answered by tk Posted by bigal36903
tikay is a very busy man, he does answer them as and when he is able, he will even cover those that have already been answered if you care to check through the thread, he may well answer this on too as and when
Hi Tony Very nice meeting you in Cardiff, hopefully meet up again at SPT Nottingham had a great weekend. The sky team were great and the banter between the teams was top notch, was a bit spooked when I phoned the wife at the dinner break and the first thing she said was you ate your tea quick, cant go anywhere these days. Would be a great if they could record the whole thing but will leave that to the IT guys and gals. Regards Andy Posted by shipdchips
Was terrific to meet you Andy!
Hope you can make it to our Grand Final in Nottingham next month.
hi tikay. i wondered if u could look at two of my hands in 12k b/h on 28 7 20011 hand numbers 396749982/396779045. the first hand i took abuse for playing,?should i have played it.the second did i play it strong enough and should he have been calling. i am quite new to poker but have been doing well,hoping u can advise me . mark(aka BELROPE) ps could u show this on tv Posted by belrope
Hi Sir,
Barry has answered the question, I cannot access the Hand History of other players, & it would be quite wrong if I could. As Barry suggests, just post the hand in the Poker Clinic, & you'll get a whole bunch of helpful advice.
You say you "took abuse" for playing a certain hand a particular way? Ignore it. I assume you won the hand, & there are a minority of players who cannot stomach losing, (most of whom are not terribly bright, obv), & so become abusive if they lose a hand. Just ignore them - you are playing with your own money, play any way you like, it's nobody's business but yours how you spend your money.
It's a very sad aspect of poker these days that some players cannot handle defeat like grown-ups, but you just have to ignore them, & they are very much in the monority. Abuse only happens when YOU win the hand, too. Strange that!
Enjoy your poker, & ignore the saddos.
Have you tried Monday's DTD on Sky Poker? Costs £5.50 for THREE Tourneys, & the banter & craic is incredible. The whole thing is organised & run by the regulars, especially Chris (scouse-red) & Michael (DTW Bandit), & I know they'd both make you very welcome.
Why does there seem to be so many bad players on sky who make awful moves but sky always seems to pay them 2 examples i raise 5 times the blind on the button with k10 suited both blinds call flop is k 10 5 i check small blind checks big blind goes all in i reraise all in and the small blind calls with 86 big blind has k6 then sky deal runner runner straight for small blind absoulty awful , example 2 i have k10 agin in late posistion no raises so i raise 7 times blind 5 callers flop 10 5 2 rainbow then check check bet 100 call 100 so i shove my 1900 and i get called by 85 for his whole stack of 1850 and surprise surorise 8 on turn now i know the revaince on poker but why is this every time i play on sky oe please tell me what iam doing wrong as i cant see Posted by triplem1
Hi triplem.
I'm sorry to see you have had a few outdraws, but nobody is exempt from them, they are part of poker, & we just need to learn to accept that the MORE bad calls people make against us, the more we will win. Simple!
We must not, however, allow ourselves to be seduced by selective or short-term memory - of course bad calls hit from time to time, but in most cases (mathematical fact) if we go in with the best hand, & WE PLAY IT PROPERLY, we will win over the longer term.
An oddity of poker, which I've never even begun to understand, is why some poker players berate bad plays, or bad players. Surely they'd do the opposite, loigically?
I have enboldened two sections of your question, where you seem to suggest it is Sky Poker's fault. Well the cards just come as they are dealt, or virtually shuffled by the RNG. If we start blaming Online Sites, or, in Live Poker, the Dealer, for outdraws, well I think there is a disconnect in our thinking.
Tonight, Sky Poker will deal it's 400 millionth hand. If there were anything improper in the way cards are dealt, I think someone may have spotted it by now!
Hi Tikay just wondering if you could tell me if my fold was correct? Hand History #400392600 (22:41 07/08/2011) Best regards Patrick Posted by 123456789
Hi Patrick
Here is what tikay has written above I cannot access the Hand History of other players, & it would be quite wrong if I could. As Barry suggests, just post the hand in the Poker Clinic, & you'll get a whole bunch of helpful advice.
watching a game last night player had 4 6 off player 2 had Ac Qc blinds 800/1600 both players have about 60 to 70.000 out of 250.000 total player 1 raise to 8.000 2 calls flop comes 3c 5d 7c player 1 checks player 2 bets 5.000 player 1 re/raise to 15.000 now player 1 has bluffed with nothing a few hands before player 2 calls turn comes Jd player 1 bets 15.000 player 2 min raise player 1 calls river comes 2c after the hand player 1 starts shouting what a bad player 2 is that he never should have called his raise i thought player 1 was wrong maybe he should not have showed his bluff if he does not like being called . your thoughts please
watching a game last night player had 4 6 off player 2 had Ac Qc blinds 800/1600 both players have about 60 to 70.000 out of 250.000 total player 1 raise to 8.000 2 calls flop comes 3c 5d 7c player 1 checks player 2 bets 5.000 player 1 re/raise to 15.000 now player 1 has bluffed with nothing a few hands before player 2 calls turn comes Jd player 1 bets 15.000 player 2 min raise player 1 calls river comes 2c after the hand player 1 starts shouting what a bad player 2 is that he never should have called his raise i thought player 1 was wrong maybe he should not have showed his bluff if he does not like being called . your thoughts please Posted by dellboy61
Showing bluffs is a double-edged sword, & very few players do it for gain, most do it for ego purposes. Like speech-play, if used properly, & with some thought, it is a useful weapon. If used wrong, it is a waste of time, it merely fuels the ego.
I know very few players who use speech-play, or show bluffs, effectively. Mostly it's "look how well-endowed I am". Umm, not very, mate.....
So Tikay, what advantage do you have over the common punter..are you able to access our history of play?? I see that many hands are replayed on sky tv..can you gain access to our previous hands in games we played? Be honest now
So Tikay, what advantage do you have over the common punter..are you able to access our history of play?? I see that many hands are replayed on sky tv..can you gain access to our previous hands in games we played? Be honest now Posted by 3legsmanx
This may answer your question:I cannot access the Hand History of other players, & it would be quite wrong if I could. As Barry suggests, just post the hand in the Poker Clinic, & you'll get a whole bunch of helpful advice.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?: [QUOTE]So Tikay, what advantage do you have over the common punter..are you able to access our history of play?? I see that many hands are replayed on sky tv..can you gain access to our previous hands in games we played? Be honest now Posted by 3legsmanx
Hi Manxy.
Q. Am I able to access players hand histories?
A. No.
Q. Can I access previous hands when hands are replayed on TV?
A No.
Q. What advantage do I have over what you describe as a "common punter"?
A. Only my youth & good looks.
I have EXACTLY the same access to other players hand histories as you or anyone else - that is to say, none. I am a "common punter" & have no access beyond what any & all players have.
Hey im playing the £10 rebuy and tables stuck!!04101065739 hand number table number 1.Thews at Ten and I,m not happy!!!!The whole table is the same ,we can chat and counters going but no cards coming...........kendocowe
Hey im playing the £10 rebuy and tables stuck!!04101065739 hand number table number 1.Thews at Ten and I,m not happy!!!!The whole table is the same ,we can chat and counters going but no cards coming...........kendocowe Posted by cowe07
Dont worry looks like its happening to all tables.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : [QUOTE ]So Tikay, what advantage do you have over the common punter..are you able to access our history of play?? I see that many hands are replayed on sky tv..can you gain access to our previous hands in games we played? Be honest now Posted by 3legsmanx
Hi Manxy. Q. Am I able to access players hand histories? A. No. Q. Can I access previous hands when hands are replayed on TV? A No. Q. What advantage do I have over what you describe as a "common punter"? A. Only my youth & good looks. I have EXACTLY the same access to other players hand histories as you or anyone else - that is to say, none. I am a "common punter" & have no access beyond what any & all players have. Posted by Tikay10
Well thats me put in my place Tikay hehehehe, I only asked as I watch you presenters fiddling with the keyboards when discussing games etc calling up hands maybe?? I wasnt questioning your integrity one bit, it was tongue in cheek really. Also very glad to know that you feel you a 'common punter' along with us all Keep up the good work and try please to go see a tailor sometime your good looks Hmmmm ah now thats a statement to conjure up some laffs .
i tikay read about all these tourneys to qualify but a lot are based down south when r u going to have some in bonnie scotland ie edinburgh or my small town called musselburgh would be great to see u up here
ok no one seems to be able to help with this..! i want to no wot happens if someone qualifys for more than one roller satalite (£9.60 direct ) .. is there cash equivelent or tournement money.. or even etntry into the following weeks sunday roller..!! ??? cheers
hi... i jus wanted to know wot happens if u win more than one sunday roller direct satalite (£9.60).. is there cash equivelent or tournement money or even entry for next weeks roller.!!???
i have played 5 games today and have been knocked out of all by a flush!! 3 of which were allin pre i led in all pre ak v a 10 4 clubs guy had 10c 2nd ak v aq 3 hearts 3rd aq (suited) v a5 4 spades!! i see this too often not just in my hands but an awful lot of others also the amount of quads i see is just not realistic i know im not the only person on the site who sees this i appreciate everyone has bad beats but its very unusual to beat a big stack allin in the latter stages of a tourney regardless what they are holding what is your take on this.before people say im whinging for nothing check my mtt stats i do well here but am unsure as to the workings of skys rng not just for me but others as well
ok no one seems to be able to help with this..! i want to no wot happens if someone qualifys for more than one roller satalite (£9.60 direct ) .. is there cash equivelent or tournement money.. or even etntry into the following weeks sunday roller..!! ??? cheers Posted by LnarinOO
If you find yourself in a situation where you have qualified for a tournament and then in a satellite event for the same tournament, you should simply unregistered from the Tourney you qualified for. That will then return the entry amount of that tourney to your bank roll. Therefore, the 2nd satellite you win into that tourney would give you your seat back. And if you wanted too, you can unregister again and qualify again until your hearts content! lol
If you have already qualified twice without unregistering first, then you have 2 entries for that tourney and as we know you cannot have 2 seats for 1 tournament. So I would assume you need to bring this to the attention of the customer care support team and they will assist you accordingly. Maybe the 2nd seat you won was credited to your bank roll... I am just hazarding a guess here. you can check account history for this.
Just a suggestion, Maybe try unregistering to the roller and check your bank roll but also go back to the roller lobby and check if you are still registered for the tourney even after unregistering. failing that it is customer service support team who are great and can assist you with anything. They are available on live chat service 24/7
ok no one seems to be able to help with this..! i want to no wot happens if someone qualifys for more than one roller satalite (£9.60 direct ) .. is there cash equivelent or tournement money.. or even etntry into the following weeks sunday roller..!! ??? cheers Posted by LnarinOO
I would suggest contacting Customer Care, contact details are at the bottom left hand side of the page.
i have played 5 games today and have been knocked out of all by a flush!! 3 of which were allin pre i led in all pre ak v a 10 4 clubs guy had 10c 2nd ak v aq 3 hearts 3rd aq (suited) v a5 4 spades!! i see this too often not just in my hands but an awful lot of others also the amount of quads i see is just not realistic i know im not the only person on the site who sees this i appreciate everyone has bad beats but its very unusual to beat a big stack allin in the latter stages of a tourney regardless what they are holding what is your take on this.before people say im whinging for nothing check my mtt stats i do well here but am unsure as to the workings of skys rng not just for me but others as well Posted by jalupen101
ok as no one seems to answer this i have play 4 games tonite and been flushed out of 3 2 of which were 4 to a flush yet again now either im going mad or theres something seriously wrong no one can be that unlucky wouldnt u agree?? further to this i also was involved in 2 hands that i won with flushes where i had only 1 suit sky sort out your rng its getting embarrassing and tikay your associated to this ask some questions!!
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : ok as no one seems to answer this i have play 4 games tonite and been flushed out of 3 2 of which were 4 to a flush yet again now either im going mad or theres something seriously wrong no one can be that unlucky wouldnt u agree?? further to this i also was involved in 2 hands that i won with flushes where i had only 1 suit sky sort out your rng its getting embarrassing and tikay your associated to this ask some questions!! Posted by jalupen101
Hi jalupen
This was an answer from tikay, with the number of hands dealt on any site outdraws are bound to happen more:
I'm sorry to see you have had a few outdraws, but nobody is exempt from them, they are part of poker, & we just need to learn to accept that the MORE bad calls people make against us, the more we will win. Simple!
We must not, however, allow ourselves to be seduced by selective or short-term memory - of course bad calls hit from time to time, but in most cases (mathematical fact) if we go in with the best hand, & WE PLAY IT PROPERLY, we will win over the longer term.
An oddity of poker, which I've never even begun to understand, is why some poker players berate bad plays, or bad players. Surely they'd do the opposite, loigically?
I have enboldened two sections of your question, where you seem to suggest it is Sky Poker's fault. Well the cards just come as they are dealt, or virtually shuffled by the RNG. If we start blaming Online Sites, or, in Live Poker, the Dealer, for outdraws, well I think there is a disconnect in our thinking.
Did any of the Sky team cash in Vegas and how did Andrew 1947 get on ?
tikay is a very busy man, he does answer them as and when he is able, he will even cover those that have already been answered if you care to check through the thread, he may well answer this on too as and when
Hope you can make it to our Grand Final in Nottingham next month.
Barry has answered the question, I cannot access the Hand History of other players, & it would be quite wrong if I could. As Barry suggests, just post the hand in the Poker Clinic, & you'll get a whole bunch of helpful advice.
You say you "took abuse" for playing a certain hand a particular way? Ignore it. I assume you won the hand, & there are a minority of players who cannot stomach losing, (most of whom are not terribly bright, obv), & so become abusive if they lose a hand. Just ignore them - you are playing with your own money, play any way you like, it's nobody's business but yours how you spend your money.
It's a very sad aspect of poker these days that some players cannot handle defeat like grown-ups, but you just have to ignore them, & they are very much in the monority. Abuse only happens when YOU win the hand, too. Strange that!
Enjoy your poker, & ignore the saddos.
Have you tried Monday's DTD on Sky Poker? Costs £5.50 for THREE Tourneys, & the banter & craic is incredible. The whole thing is organised & run by the regulars, especially Chris (scouse-red) & Michael (DTW Bandit), & I know they'd both make you very welcome.
If in doubt, contact Customer Care.
I'm sorry to see you have had a few outdraws, but nobody is exempt from them, they are part of poker, & we just need to learn to accept that the MORE bad calls people make against us, the more we will win. Simple!
We must not, however, allow ourselves to be seduced by selective or short-term memory - of course bad calls hit from time to time, but in most cases (mathematical fact) if we go in with the best hand, & WE PLAY IT PROPERLY, we will win over the longer term.
An oddity of poker, which I've never even begun to understand, is why some poker players berate bad plays, or bad players. Surely they'd do the opposite, loigically?
I have enboldened two sections of your question, where you seem to suggest it is Sky Poker's fault. Well the cards just come as they are dealt, or virtually shuffled by the RNG. If we start blaming Online Sites, or, in Live Poker, the Dealer, for outdraws, well I think there is a disconnect in our thinking.
Tonight, Sky Poker will deal it's 400 millionth hand. If there were anything improper in the way cards are dealt, I think someone may have spotted it by now!
I hope your luck changes soon.
Here is what tikay has written above
Showing bluffs is a double-edged sword, & very few players do it for gain, most do it for ego purposes. Like speech-play, if used properly, & with some thought, it is a useful weapon. If used wrong, it is a waste of time, it merely fuels the ego.
I know very few players who use speech-play, or show bluffs, effectively. Mostly it's "look how well-endowed I am". Umm, not very, mate.....
Welcome to the Forum.
This may answer your question:I cannot access the Hand History of other players, & it would be quite wrong if I could. As Barry suggests, just post the hand in the Poker Clinic, & you'll get a whole bunch of helpful advice.
[QUOTE]So Tikay, what advantage do you have over the common punter..are you able to access our history of play?? I see that many hands are replayed on sky tv..can you gain access to our previous hands in games we played? Be honest now
Posted by 3legsmanx
Hi Manxy.
Q. Am I able to access players hand histories?
A. No.
Q. Can I access previous hands when hands are replayed on TV?
A No.
Q. What advantage do I have over what you describe as a "common punter"?
A. Only my youth & good looks.
I have EXACTLY the same access to other players hand histories as you or anyone else - that is to say, none. I am a "common punter" & have no access beyond what any & all players have.
Posted by Tikay10
Well thats me put in my place Tikay hehehehe, I only asked as I watch you presenters fiddling with the keyboards when discussing games etc calling up hands maybe?? I wasnt questioning your integrity one bit, it was tongue in cheek really. Also very glad to know that you feel you a 'common punter' along with us all
Keep up the good work and try please to go see a tailor sometime
when r u going to have some in bonnie scotland ie edinburgh or my small town called musselburgh
would be great to see u up here
I would suggest contacting Customer Care, contact details are at the bottom left hand side of the page.
ok as no one seems to answer this i have play 4 games tonite and been flushed out of 3 2 of which were 4 to a flush yet again now either im going mad or theres something seriously wrong no one can be that unlucky wouldnt u agree?? further to this i also was involved in 2 hands that i won with flushes where i had only 1 suit sky sort out your rng its getting embarrassing and tikay your associated to this ask some questions!!
This was an answer from tikay, with the number of hands dealt on any site outdraws are bound to happen more:
I'm sorry to see you have had a few outdraws, but nobody is exempt from them, they are part of poker, & we just need to learn to accept that the MORE bad calls people make against us, the more we will win. Simple!
We must not, however, allow ourselves to be seduced by selective or short-term memory - of course bad calls hit from time to time, but in most cases (mathematical fact) if we go in with the best hand, & WE PLAY IT PROPERLY, we will win over the longer term.
An oddity of poker, which I've never even begun to understand, is why some poker players berate bad plays, or bad players. Surely they'd do the opposite, loigically?
I have enboldened two sections of your question, where you seem to suggest it is Sky Poker's fault. Well the cards just come as they are dealt, or virtually shuffled by the RNG. If we start blaming Online Sites, or, in Live Poker, the Dealer, for outdraws, well I think there is a disconnect in our thinking.