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Ask Tikay?



  • edited August 2011
    tikay "kilgetty" is in west wales nr tenby, see you learn something new every day tk.
    regards 1vorno1 and fisheater2
  • edited August 2011
    I'm new to this site and signed up after reading about the £10 free.  After signing up I did not get the £10, Why is this or what am I doing wrong?
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    I'm new to this site and signed up after reading about the £10 free.  After signing up I did not get the £10, Why is this or what am I doing wrong?
    Posted by JHAY
    Hi JHAY

    I would firstly have a look in "Bonuses" at the top of the page, failing that, I would contact Customer Care, just click on Contact us at the bottom right hand corner of the page.
  • edited August 2011

    Why do you talk so much sh ite Tikay???

  • edited August 2011

    ‎'Did you come down early today to put a towel on the table' ??

    Love it
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In the Half-price haddock game - what was the casino's hake? Just to use your pun a little better. :-)
    Posted by Eyeman
    that would be a great tourney to play in ...all those fish !!
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    If you're locked in a room for all eternity with Luke Schwartz and Andrew Feldman and you have a gun with only one bullet, what do you do?
    Posted by MereNovice
    obvious really.shoot luke.............then pistol whip feldman to're not very bright are you!!
  • edited August 2011
    Tournament: Some £25 Gtd freeroller 25 point entry (6 handed tables)

    Blinds: 20/40 *Early on
    Position: On the button *Good position
    Stack sizes (1st position to BB): 2955, 2795, 3415, 2335 (me), 6310, 5340 *Short-stacked
    Hole cards: Kc Kd *What a nice hand
    Playing styles: They're all pulling off wild raises with any two cards *Is waiting for good cards the way to play against this type of opponent?

    Pre-flop actions:
    -1st folds, 2nd + 3rd call, I raise to 200 (5 times big blind) *Should this raise get rid of any junk hands that may just out-flop me?
    -SB + BB fold, 2nd and 3rd call again. Pot = 620 *Should 2nd + 3rd have reasonable hands?

    FLOP: Qc 9h 4c *Should me and my kings be very scared of clubs?

    Post-flop actions:
    -2nd + 3rd check, I raise to 800 *Is this an acceptable raise considering the flop?
    -2nd goes all-in, 3rd folds, I call *Should I have backed down to the club threat?
    -He shows 8c Jc! *Does he have business being in this hand? If I faced the same 200 chip raise in his position with 8c Jc, pre-flop, I would fold.

    TURN: Ac *Dead
    RIVER: Jh

    I'm knocked out the tournament.

    Any help/advice for future hands like this?
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Tournament: Some £25 Gtd freeroller 25 point entry (6 handed tables) Blinds: 20/40 *Early on Position: On the button *Good position Stack sizes (1st position to BB): 2955, 2795, 3415, 2335 (me), 6310, 5340 *Short-stacked Hole cards: Kc Kd *What a nice hand Playing styles: They're all pulling off wild raises with any two cards *Is waiting for good cards the way to play against this type of opponent? Pre-flop actions: -1st folds, 2nd + 3rd call, I raise to 200 (5 times big blind) *Should this raise get rid of any junk hands that may just out-flop me? -SB + BB fold, 2nd and 3rd call again. Pot = 620 *Should 2nd + 3rd have reasonable hands? FLOP: Qc 9h 4c *Should me and my kings be very scared of clubs? Post-flop actions: -2nd + 3rd check, I raise to 800 *Is this an acceptable raise considering the flop? -2nd goes all-in, 3rd folds, I call *Should I have backed down to the club threat? -He shows 8c Jc! *Does he have business being in this hand? If I faced the same 200 chip raise in his position with 8c Jc, pre-flop, I would fold. TURN: Ac *Dead RIVER: Jh I'm knocked out the tournament. Any help/advice for future hands like this?
    Posted by jamwa
    Hi jamwa

    I always wait for premium hands in this type of game, you do get people rasing with all kinds of hands, you may also find then calling you down with middle pairs on a high flop, or bottom pair, they just wont fold, even with a low flush draw, there are only 9 cards out of the out of the 49 left your oppo likes i.e. 9 clubs,and, dont forget your oppo may play as he/she likes, but I like to play against this type of player, they will miss most times, but, they sometimes hit, it is the nature of the game :)
  • edited August 2011
    i have a simple question, why is there tornys like take on tikay when ur never in them
  • edited August 2011
    how are the cards sorted and dealed coz,i seem to suffer bad beats every hand!!!! and i mean every hand when in all in positions!!??
  • edited August 2011
    cant win a hand no matter what cards ive got aa kk whatever constantly getting called by such a wide range of hands really startinto get sick of  oflookin at junklike 83 and k6. what can ido should i just start open shoving with big hands or keep playing them properly 3 or 4 x raising to keep them players in
  • edited August 2011
    red greens blues whos in front and wheres the results ?????
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    red greens blues whos in front and wheres the results ?????
    Posted by dale133

    Here :)
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    cant win a hand no matter what cards ive got aa kk whatever constantly getting called by such a wide range of hands really startinto get sick of  oflookin at junklike 83 and k6. what can ido should i just start open shoving with big hands or keep playing them properly 3 or 4 x raising to keep them players in
    Posted by quadfather

    1) Keep playing properly. Ideally, with hands like A-A or K-K, bet so that you have one, or at most, two customers, whereas hands like 6-7 suited, or 9-10 suited, these play better multi-way, as you get the odds you need. Remember also Position, & trying to control the pot size via your betting.

    2) Try to remember the times your hand "holds", or you outdraw someone, as well as the outdraws. Selective memory is a powerful thing.

    Good Luck!
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Tournament: Some £25 Gtd freeroller 25 point entry (6 handed tables) Blinds: 20/40 *Early on Position: On the button *Good position Stack sizes (1st position to BB): 2955, 2795, 3415, 2335 (me), 6310, 5340 *Short-stacked Hole cards: Kc Kd *What a nice hand Playing styles: They're all pulling off wild raises with any two cards *Is waiting for good cards the way to play against this type of opponent? Pre-flop actions: -1st folds, 2nd + 3rd call, I raise to 200 (5 times big blind) *Should this raise get rid of any junk hands that may just out-flop me? -SB + BB fold, 2nd and 3rd call again. Pot = 620 *Should 2nd + 3rd have reasonable hands? FLOP: Qc 9h 4c *Should me and my kings be very scared of clubs? Post-flop actions: -2nd + 3rd check, I raise to 800 *Is this an acceptable raise considering the flop? -2nd goes all-in, 3rd folds, I call *Should I have backed down to the club threat? -He shows 8c Jc! *Does he have business being in this hand? If I faced the same 200 chip raise in his position with 8c Jc, pre-flop, I would fold. TURN: Ac *Dead RIVER: Jh I'm knocked out the tournament. Any help/advice for future hands like this?
    Posted by jamwa
    This should be in the Poker Clinic really.

    Apart from the fact that you weren't short stacked everything else is right. 

    I assume your question about whether the 2nd +3rd who called you should have reasonable hands is rhetorical as you've already said that the table was playing pretty wildly.

    You played right, their play was fairly mediocre and they got lucky - you win a lot more chips then you lose if this happens a lot.

    EDIT: just as a small point J8s might not be a great hand, but it's certainly not junk. With all the chips already in the pot it's debateable whether he should fold to a re-raise, especially if he was confident in his post flop skills. In this instance it seems like he was an average player who got lucky - but it isn't always necessarily the case.
  • edited August 2011
    thanks for the reply tony but say i pick up aa or kk in small or bb all players have limped in b4 i act and once they limp they call any raise ive found this problem on every site i play on but will crack on anyway because i still do ok
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : lol Tikay 'stuff' just a question, i see theres 'freerolls' but with 50 points buyin?? now is that really a freeroll?? just asking ;)
    Posted by 3legsmanx[/

    Hi Jake,

    Poker Points are given away free to Clients of Sky Poker.

    Just saying. ;)
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tkay, im quite new to poker, and i tend to do pretty well in the games i play, my problem seems to be when it starts to get near the money in tourney i tense up and find myself not playing hands that i normally would, and i dont hit and see a raise i fold. how should i get over my close to money fear?
    Posted by jewpirate1
    Hi Mr Pirate,

    I would say just do what you did a week or so ago, when you won a 25 runner Tourney on Sky Poker in fine style!

    It's natural to "freeze" when it gets near the money spots, but you need to do the complete opposite, & as the Tourney progresses, open up your range considerably.

    Down to the last 25% of a Tourney is the time to really focus. At this stage, we do not necessarily need hands, we need positional sense, tactical awareness, & to take note of weak players who do not defend their Blinds, all the looking for open spots & orphan pots.

    By the way, it was a pleasure to share a Table with you on Tuesday evening.
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    how are the cards sorted and dealed coz,i seem to suffer bad beats every hand!!!! and i mean every hand when in all in positions!!??
    Posted by thekipster
    Hi Kipster.

    I think this is "selective memory" at work. You do not "lose all-ins every hand", but you remember the ones you do, & not those you don't.

    If you actually think about it, the way the cards are shuffled & dealt - be it good or bad would not affect whether you repeatedly won or lost.

    In Live Poker, if someone gets the same hand twice running, I often hear players say "oi, the cards are not being shuffled properly, I had the same cards 2 hands running". It fails to occur to them, I would surmise, that if the cards were NOT shuffled, they would NEVER get the same cards 2 hands running - it would be impossible, as the Button moves every hand.....

    I do hope your luck soon improves, but it's best to look at how we play the game, & learn to understand variance, rather than blame the dealer, or Sky Poker, in my opinion.

    Take care now.
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    i have a simple question, why is there tornys like take on tikay when ur never in them
    Posted by ice83
    I think that's (largely) a very fair question, but we need to be honest with each other, & "never in them" is, to use a technical term, a fib.

    My records are not complete, but I believe I have played in over 70% of all Take-on-tikay's since they begun, though since I went to Vegas in mid-June, & returned home mid-July, it is correct to say, not many at all. "Never" is incorrect though.

    But that inaccuracy aside, you do make a fair point, & I apologise.

    T-o-T began 1 night a week, & grew to 4 nights per week, Mon, Tues, Weds & Friday, though I recently asked that the Tuesday version - at £11, the most expensive - be ceased as & from last week, & it has, so it currently plays out on three nights.

    It's likely that we will review these three nights very shortly, & if I cannot commit to playing them, I will ask that they be re-badged to exclude any reference to me. I have additional responsibilities within Sky Poker these days, so it's just not possible for me to play the majority of them any more.

    I am pretty sure they will be replaced by "identi-kit" Tourneys, but without reference to my name.

    Welcome to the Sky Poker Community, by the way, as I note this is your first Post.
  • edited August 2011

    Hi Tikay

    I'm tinkering with the idea of buying in direct to the SPT Grand Final, which would be my first live event. I've been playing on the site in mixture of cash, s&g, and tournaments. Any tips as a potential newcomer to a live event?


    PS. Almost forgot, my girlfriend would love to meet you (that's not the reason for travelling to Nottingham :-)). 



  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Tikay I'm tinkering with the idea of buying in direct to the SPT Grand Final, which would be my first live event. I've been playing on the site in mixture of cash, s&g, and tournaments. Any tips as a potential newcomer to a live event? Thanks PS. Almost forgot, my girlfriend would love to meet you (that's not the reason for travelling to Nottingham :-)).     
    Posted by laucal
    Any tips? Sure - come along, & I'll give you a 5 minute "crash course" in live Poker, what to do, what not to do, etc. Hopefully, there will also be a little "Masterclass" for those that have never played Live.

    It does not occur to many Online players that the dynamics &, to a degree, rules, of Live Poker are VERY different to Online poker, & they make complete fools of themselves when they debut live, so well done you for acknowledging that a few tips would not go amiss.

    Talking of amiss, it would be lovely to meet your girlfriend.
  • edited August 2011
    hello sir

    sorry to bother you as i know your busy but i just wanted to ask you a quick one.a good while ago i won a free primo entry via a live show with rich and trev (end of june i believe) and has email from sky dan b telling me to let him know when i wanted it, i emailed and requested if i could play this sunday but not sure f message was received or in fact these prizes have some sort of time limit...i am off on holiday next friday for 3 weeks os would love to play it this sunday,cash and have a few more dollars to waste, please let me know if i am able to claim it for this week

    kind regards

  • edited August 2011
    how are the cards sorted because i do suffer bad beats EVERY TIME!!!
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to bad beats:
    how are the cards sorted because i do suffer bad beats EVERY TIME!!!
    Posted by thekipster
    Try this :)

    I think this is "selective memory" at work. You do not "lose all-ins every hand", but you remember the ones you do, & not those you don't.

    If you actually think about it, the way the cards are shuffled & dealt - be it good or bad would not affect whether you repeatedly won or lost.

    In Live Poker, if someone gets the same hand twice running, I often hear players say "oi, the cards are not being shuffled properly, I had the same cards 2 hands running". It fails to occur to them, I would surmise, that if the cards were NOT shuffled, they would NEVER get the same cards 2 hands running - it would be impossible, as the Button moves every hand.....

    I do hope your luck soon improves, but it's best to look at how we play the game, & learn to understand variance, rather than blame the dealer, or Sky Poker, in my opinion.

    Take care now.
  • edited August 2011
    beat 2 hearts flop 5 beat straight  beat aj q6  beat a q k 9  beat wif best hand all nite me bad player yer no poker scool me just bad player yer tikka
  • edited August 2011
    sky corrupt taking thr pi s s no bad beat after bad beat u want me gone just say

  • edited August 2011
    In Response to bad beats:
    how are the cards sorted because i do suffer bad beats EVERY TIME!!!
    Posted by thekipster
    have you tried posting some of your bad beat hands in the poker clinic section of the forum where you can get some advice on how certain hands could have been played differently could be worth a try.
  • edited August 2011
    Are people still moaning about bad beats. I have noticed the players that seem to always be moaning about it are the supper tight agressive players that sit there dont play a hand for an hour then shove allin with jacks , queens ect. simple maths the more all your chips are in the middle the more bad beats you will take
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