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Been around for a while now without trying cash, and am going to give it a try, so some really basic questions.
1) Without notes on players is there anything I should be looking for regarding table selection?
2) Does the 'average pot size' figure have any relevance in table selection?
3) Buying in for maximum, at what point should I top up?
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2.Keep topped up particularly if other big stacks at the table.
3.If you find yourself continually topping up, do a player search and take a seat at any table Im playing at!
2. Always go to bigger average but it's not massive important.
3. I reload at any stage I'm below full stack, don't get into this rubbish about 'Oh it's ok if you go down to 80 bigs' you're gonna be really happy when you get AA all in pre wiv just 80 bigs against a full stack aren't ya !
2) You can't pay too much heed to it.
3) Same as Percival, in money terms for 2p/4p. You're buying in for £4 and I wouldn't let yourself go below £3.60 ish
Probably should have stood from 1 table when a couple of fresh players sat in for max buy-in and were obviously decent. Guess that's something to bear in mind coming from tourneys where you have to play who you're drawn against.
If I can do ok with cash it would suit my evenings much better given the hectic nature of our household and my work hours. Any interruptions don't give others the chance to steal your blinds and I can play to my own timescale.
The other key is to overbet a lot.If you flop a straight for example you will find people calling massive bets with just top pair. Also try to keep your bluffing to a minimum unless you have identified a player that can be pushed off a hand because as i said before people will call very light
(1) It wont take very long at all to identify the 'playin with any 2 cards brigade' and a decent 'reg'
(2) Dont pay any attention to this just try to find tables where all are at 100bb's ish
(3) As all have agreed keep to 100bb's asap as you can lose alot of value if ya dont
Oh and for a bit extra
(4) Nearly always BET if ya flop a monster and bet BIG
Play BIG hands raise BIG, when it flop bet BIG.
Playing mtt's and sng's bad beats don't tilt me but normally you're either out or badly dented, not needing to reload and keep playing, so will need to keep a level head.
Playing hands badly will tilt me, and twice already I've done this as I get close to the end of a previously winning session. Both times I've reloaded, watched a couple of hands and decided to stand. Got to remember villains will have a hand at times, and might need to take a break at shorter intervals than some until I get used to this.
Take breaks in sessions of 5 minutes if you feel your losing concentration, I think you can sit out 3 orbits before you get auto stood and I've often found that I've come back in better focus.
Horrible night Friday when I lost 3 buy-ins, last one purely through tilt. Wasn't really in the right frame of mind when I started.
Finished 3 buy-ins up, which is more profit that I'd normally make playing stt's at my low volume.
More comfortable multi-tabling on cash than on stts. Will be trying more tables and volume for September.
Thanks for the advice so far, no doubt I'll be back for more.
Played a lot more hands than I've done before through the start of September, nearly doubled my highest monthly points in the first week. Quite comfortable 3 tabling now, if that keeps going well will try a fourth.
The extra volume showed up a leak in my flop betting oop which I've hopefully put right having read DOHHHHHHH's nl4 guide, now those hands I'm losing aren't costing me as much. Also have cut down on the plain stupid mistakes.
I've been playing alot of NL4 again after a few leaks and weaknesses showed up in my game higher up.
Once you start playing more than three tables you'll be laughing as the varience should go down a touch if you've got a solid abc game at this level.
Followed your advice and bet 20 PENCE whenever I entered a pot (limped a few blinds)
3 Tables for 45 mins and won 2 buy-ins (good for me)
Got a lot of calls but c bet got a lot of folds after flop
Twice folded AK POST FLOP after being re-raised
Still needed Luck on a £7 pot -called all-in with AQ ON A84 FLOP -opponent showed A4 and i turned a Q
After reading Forum for months I think best advice is DONT LIMP and post flop AK can be FOLDED
Awful run last night, starting to feel I'm turning into Don.
Aces cracked twice aipf, AQ lost to KK when it all went in on a QQx flop and a K came on the river, and joy of joys JJ lost to 24os when it all went in on the flop and he 4 flushed me on the river with the 2.
Down 5 BI's in 2 nights, feel a bit like a schoolkid who's been told to go back to the beginning and start again.
same as last time enter pot for 20p or fold
occasional call in small blind and check in bb
read on a post that better standard 9 am (after kids gone to school)-definitely found that to be the case this morning- more re-raising and not flat calling.
only one crying hand
aipf £2.50 with aces got beat by jj-was already £5 down-seems to happen when already losing session(or is it you just remember losses more than winnings )
Good thread man.
On Sunday 24th I was at £125, had played 2 DTD's, and was over the 500 points. I should have stopped there!!!
I've had an awful week, beat after beat after beat. KK aipf cracked by rag aces, running straights, 4 flushed & underpairs hitting sets. Set over set twice, out kicked on flopped trips and AQ on a QQ7 flop undone by someone who'd called a 20p raise pre with Q7 sooted.
Account currently at £101. Couple of buy ins up for the month on nl4 cancelling out a small loss on mtts. By the end of last nights session I was playing not to lose instead of playing to win, so I'm having a short break. (going to be short of playing opportunities next week anyway)
Feels a bit as though the stts I've played up until now have been practice and the real stuff starts here.
The account balance swings in cash take a bit of getting used to although until this last dip the trend has been upwards, and I still think I'll get there.