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Ask Tikay?



  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    how do you earn more poker points when you have run out?
    Posted by carld87

    Just like this
  • edited September 2011
    hi Tikay,

    Its my dad's birthday on monday (DUDLYE888) - 69 yrs young.
    he loves poker but gets really frustrated early on in MTT.
    I want to buy him a decent book to study from one of the big stars. He has cancer and this will really perk him up.
    What can you suggest ?
  • edited September 2011
    Pass on my massive balls up to ed, many thanks
    On Thursday 22/9/11, spt classic was playing quiet well at WORK with 7 left and it being midnight and time to go home, having done this a few times with great success, 1st week with in mini primo springs to mind. I left
    work got home in the 7 mins it takes. BUT i forgot 2 fully close down sky poker and left window open. DOH
    So couldn't continue mtt, but managed to tell other players who blinded me out to 7th.
    I believe from Monkeyf that it will shown on 865 tonight at 8
    many thank
  • edited September 2011
    Ive just played in a Freeroll. Within 5 mins someone joined our table with over 5 million chips. Hows this been done? We all started with 3000 chips. Has he just gone all-in too much?
  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Ive just played in a Freeroll. Within 5 mins someone joined our table with over 5 million chips. Hows this been done? We all started with 3000 chips. Has he just gone all-in too much?
    Posted by A11IN4ME1

    I stumbled across this question and thought I'd offer a possible explanation as the situation you describe is almost certainly impossible.

    Did you see the 5 million chips when you hovered the cursor over the players avatar? It is possible for players to make anything they want appear here by amending their location in account settings. I have seen this a few times before.
  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Ive just played in a Freeroll. Within 5 mins someone joined our table with over 5 million chips. Hows this been done? We all started with 3000 chips. Has he just gone all-in too much?
    Posted by A11IN4ME1
    :):):):):):) Love this question :):):):):):)

    Some people are just that lucky !!!


    Nah Johnconnor is right. It winds me up when people do that too.
  • edited September 2011
    Hi Tikay
    Do you know of any live events in Berkshire ? -blowed if I can find any.
  • edited September 2011
    Hi Tikay. you and I are old school poker players, we both have something in common,  winnning the sky open, yeh I went one better, the open on the Tuesday and the velocity on the Thursday, in the same weeek.  those were the days.  i took a sabattical from the game and came back recently, what a difference a few months make,  some very strange calls indeed, my question is, There are numberous poker bots about lately, do they work on Sky poker because they are totally baffling me?
  • edited October 2011
    Just been reading your Gutshot memories from way back on the thread. Happy days. Great place that. But you missed me out from the list of famous players there? Never mind.
  • edited October 2011
    sky is a load of shi te worst site beat even wif full house joke but u tikay great great  beat doyle joke even players watched me and said joke but thats skyjoker
  • edited October 2011
    thats sky mate accept it mupppet lol sky joker corrupt as news of world u bet
  • edited October 2011
    Hello. Started multi table tourney, first hand, first to act 22, call 20 flop cames down flush draw, trips for me. Someone goes all in I call, another call. A5 wins with flush, the guy who went all in first had 2 pair was I right to call the all in? Thanks.
  • edited October 2011

    Hi Tikay.

    It`s been a while since i was last on this site. I realised, i just
    can`t do without my Sky Poker.

    My question for you sir, is........ Do you still play poker on a
    professional level. Whether it be with Sky, or when you are not working.?



  • edited October 2011
    hi tikay just a quick question with regards to the league points you earn points when you win the hand yeah so does that mean the more aggressive players will more likely build up moreleague points because they are taking most pots at the table compared to for example a tight player is that correct ?

    thanks tikay
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    played again since sat cant win no matter told off sky 3 months ago luk would change joke not sore looser but just want fair chance how many players  do sky sponsor on this site dont say none my mate plays 4 william hills gets 200 pounds per week they split winnings he s told me leave sky alone but i dont loose a lot and sky want me gone but me stubborn wont quit untill get fair play
    Posted by shann
    just a quick question shann! if you dont lose alot why do you complain so much??
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay just a quick question with regards to the league points you earn points when you win the hand yeah so does that mean the more aggressive players will more likely build up moreleague points because they are taking most pots at the table compared to for example a tight player is that correct ? thanks tikay
    Posted by liamboi11
    Hi Liam.

    Thats kinda awkward to answer really, because aggressive players DO tend to win a lot of hands. And lose a lot of hands, too. Same with tight players, or any other players.

    Essentially, players who win more pots will gain more points, I guess.

    Hope you are running well.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Tikay. It`s been a while since i was last on this site. I realised, i just can`t do without my Sky Poker. My question for you sir, is........ Do you still play poker on a professional level. Whether it be with Sky, or when you are not working.? Cheers. Mike.
    Posted by efgloser
    Hi efg, welcome back. Don't be leaving us again!

    Do I still play poker on a pro level? No, & I have not done so since retiring from the pro circuit some 5 or 6 years ago really. 

    The game has changed so much, & I'm not at all sure I can go the pace these days. I have a firmly held belief that I could play full time on the Tourney Circuit & not LOSE money, but that can wait until I'm retired. And yes, I honestly believe that if I returned to the Live Circuit &  played, say, an entire GUKPT series, I would not lose a penny. But I could be wrong on that. Very wrong....

    Curiously, but perhaps tellingly, I've earned more money from the Live Poker Circuit this year ("gross profit" or "roi") than I ever did by playing the game, from staking OTHER players in big Events, which would seem a more efficient way for me to earn money from poker, given that the game is getting tougher, & I am getting older.....  

    I'm seriously considering playing the Coventry GUKPT next week, although for reasons of time-effectiveness, I may just set light to £1,070 instead.....I'm also off to Vegas in November to play the Venetian Deepstack series.  

    Online? I just play "recreationally" & smallball on Sky Poker these days. My PTP Account had some money deposited in it 3 years ago, & has never needed topping up or repleneshing, & every time it exceeds a certain figure, Sky Poker remove the "surplus", which they have done once or twice I think. I think deposited £250 in my personal account on Sky Poker years ago, & it currently stands at a small 4 figure sum. So I get by, but not enough to live on! 

    Confession time. After a particularly bruising time from one particular abuser on the Tables while playing at Sky Poker, (this was a year or so ago) I decided to play a night or two a week Online elsewhere, using an "anon" screen-name (peace & quiet, oooh!) so I deposited $1,000 & spun it up to $3,500 pretty quickly playing PLO. Shame it was Full Tilt they ran away with it before I could lose it, or withdraw it. Marv.

    I live the life of riley, really, as I earn a considerable income on "the other side" of the poker table. Earning money by pursuing one's hobby is as good as it gets. Not sure how much longer I can go the pace, to be honest, it is very full-on, but I'll continue as long as I enjoy it. Or until I get the tin-tack.....
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi efg, welcome back. Don't be leaving us again! Do I still play poker on a pro level? No, & I have not done so since retiring from the pro circuit some 5 or 6 years ago really.  The game has changed so much, & I'm not at all sure I can go the pace these days. I have a firmly held belief that I could play full time on the Tourney Circuit & not LOSE money, but that can wait until I'm retired. And yes, I honestly believe that if I returned to the Live Circuit &  played, say, an entire GUKPT series, I would not lose a penny. But I could be wrong on that. Very wrong.... In fact, I'm seriously considering playing the Coventry GUKPT next week, although for reasons of time-effectiveness, I may just set light to £1,070 instead.....I'm also off to Vegas in November to play the Venetian Deepstack series.   Online? I just play "recreationally" & smallball on Sky Poker these days. My PTP Account had some money deposited in it 3 years ago, & has never needed topping up or repleneshing, & every time it exceeds a certain figure, Sky Poker remove the "surplus", which they have done once or twice I think. I think deposited £250 in my personal account on Sky Poker years ago, & it currently stands at a small 4 figure sum. So I get by, but not enough to live on!  Confession time. After a particularly bruising time from one particular abuser on the Tables while playing at Sky Poker, (this was a year or so ago) I decided to play a night or two a week Online elsewhere, using an "anon" screen-name (peace & quiet, oooh!) so I deposited $1,000 & spun it up to $3,500 pretty quickly playing PLO. Shame it was Full Tilt they ran away with it before I could lose it, or withdraw it. Marv. I life the life of riley, really, as I earn a considerable income on "the other side" of the poker table. Earning money by pursuing one's hobby is as good as it gets. Not sure how much longer I can go the pace, to be honest, it is very full-on, but I'll continue as long as I enjoy it. Or until I get the tin-tack.....
    Posted by Tikay10 gd a reply is that !............I bet many a player on here would have loved to 'pry ( perhaps too strong a word ) into your personal poker life but thought it would be one imposition too far.......don't have to now, intriguing and v.soz to hear about FT ...grrr .....  
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? :  Confession time. After a particularly bruising time from one particular abuser on the Tables while playing at Sky Poker, (this was a year or so ago) I decided to play a night or two a week Online elsewhere, using an "anon" screen-name (peace & quiet, oooh!) so I deposited $1,000 & spun it up to $3,500 pretty quickly playing PLO. Shame it was Full Tilt they ran away with it before I could lose it, or withdraw it. Marv.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Disgusting & double disgusting. Sorry to hear.

  • edited October 2011
    bin watching alot of games wy do sky reward so many chancers is it becos games over alot quicker more money 4 sky i played saturday even player at same table could not believe bad beats i got i even told the table b4 it happend but had best hand every time b4 turn and river i watch a lot of pro poker i try 2 sit patient wait 4 right hands never works wy beat every time off chancer who bets big pro would never play like that not even most bad players so wy rewarded so often not just mt opinion on ere but i have told players 2 complain more make people awhere can u tell me wy
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hello. Started multi table tourney, first hand, first to act 22, call 20 flop cames down flush draw, trips for me. Someone goes all in I call, another call. A5 wins with flush, the guy who went all in first had 2 pair was I right to call the all in? Thanks.
    Posted by nutloaf
    Hi Nutloaf, good first Post on our Community.

    Apologies to you (& everyone else) for the delay in replying, I am struggling to handle all the comms I get on various platforms these days, but it's all good. 

    That hand? You did absolutely NOTHING wrong.

    In spots like that, if you are playing properly, you MUST get your money in. If you lose - & you will sometimes - it does not mean you have done anything wrong.

    It's important to understand that in poker, in the short-term, it is not always a "fair" game. In the longer term, yes, but short term, no, it can be brutally unfair.

    Please remember something else, too - just because you lost a hand, does not mean that you, or your oppo, did anything wrong. Even if you get lucky, it does not make you a "bad" player, far from it. Over time, it all evens out.

    "Big on big" often happens, nobody needs ro make a mistake, its just the nature of the game.

    Flop a set? There are VERY few situations when you should ever fold.

    You played the hand just fine.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Just been reading your Gutshot memories from way back on the thread. Happy days. Great place that. But you missed me out from the list of famous players there? Never mind.
    Posted by Chompy_imo
    Sorry mate, never heard of you. 

    Are you the geezer who was showboating in Luton last night with 9-3?

    Or are you "I LOVE myself" Ady?

  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Tikay. you and I are old school poker players, we both have something in common,  winnning the sky open, yeh I went one better, the open on the Tuesday and the velocity on the Thursday, in the same weeek.  those were the days.  i took a sabattical from the game and came back recently, what a difference a few months make,  some very strange calls indeed, my question is, There are numberous poker bots about lately, do they work on Sky poker because they are totally baffling me?
    Posted by Top-Taffy
    Welcome back Toppy.

    Interesting questions, what with that libellous thread on 2+2 the other day about i-Poker, & all the usual hysterical overreaction to a piece of pure speculation under the guise of "facts".

    Q1. I've no idea what other Sites do. I am 99.9% certain that none of them use their OWN bots on poker sites, but I'm pretty sure "player bots" do exist. I really don't know why people worry so much about bots though. They are programmed by humans, & cannot anticipate curve-balls, only "standard" A-B-C plays, so they are not really a threat, even though I wholly disapprove of them. If you really are worried about bots on other sites, perhaps you should stick to Sky Poker.....

    Q2. Do they work on Sky Poker? Again, no idea, but I'd be astonished if any existed here. Think of the cost/reward equation, I hardly think it's optimal for them to play at lower levels, & our high-end liquidity is such that it'd be pretty easy to spot one.

    I'd be more inclined to worry about the price of sixpenny eggs, how many beans make five, & poor Carlos Tevez, who is getting so much stick recently, poor chap.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Tikay Do you know of any live events in Berkshire ? -blowed if I can find any. Thanks.
    Posted by bazzer61
    Bit of a barren area for "fully licensed" Live Poker, to be honest.

    There are a couple of Clubs which do not have a full licence though, & I imagine they would be OK.

    TC's, in Maidenhead (TC = Tony Chapman, a real old school guy, straight as a die) is pretty good I believe, I've heard pretty good reports about it. Can't think of many others off the top of my head.

    If you don't mind going down the M4, there is a decent scene in Swindon, again "grey licence" rather than fully licensed.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Ive just played in a Freeroll. Within 5 mins someone joined our table with over 5 million chips. Hows this been done? We all started with 3000 chips. Has he just gone all-in too much?
    Posted by A11IN4ME1
    Hi A11

    Lovely road, the A11 you know, I used to use it to go up to Mildenhall during the first Gulf War & see all the USAF B-52's coming & going, awesome bits of kit, them. I also used to be a regular visitor to Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit, once again, an A11 job. Here's a fascinating page about the A11.....

    As to your question, I refer you to the replies by John Connor & Dohhhhhhh, which HTNOTH.

    Incidentally, never fret about being on the same table as big stacks. We do have one regular here who gets incred tilted about it for some reason, but believe me, it is a GOOD thing if there are big stacks on your Table.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Pass on my massive balls up to ed, many thanks On Thursday 22/9/11, spt classic was playing quiet well at WORK with 7 left and it being midnight and time to go home, having done this a few times with great success, 1st week with in mini primo springs to mind. I left work got home in the 7 mins it takes. BUT i forgot 2 fully close down sky poker and left window open. DOH So couldn't continue mtt, but managed to tell other players who blinded me out to 7th. I believe from Monkeyf that it will shown on 865 tonight at 8 many thank J3ono
    Posted by j3ono
    Absolutely, Sir. Probably.
  • edited October 2011
    Hi Tikay, you said...

    I'm seriously considering playing the Coventry GUKPT next week, although for reasons of time-effectiveness, I may just set light to £1,070 instead.....I'm also off to Vegas in November to play the Venetian Deepstack series.

    Just curious if that coincides with the Nov 9 wsop final table? Also curious of your own preference for hotel when in Vegas? And finally if you got the chance when playing the deepstack series will you be tweeting your progress at the tables, as i know for the 1st few levels you would have the time on your hands! Your tweets from vegas with sky this year were brilliant and much appreciated.

    Thanks and good luck on the tables if you get out there.

  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Nutloaf, good first Post on our Community. Apologies to you (& everyone else) for the delay in replying, I am struggling to handle all the comms I get on various platforms these days, but it's all good.  That hand? You did absolutely NOTHING wrong. In spots like that, if you are playing properly , you MUST get your money in. If you lose - & you will sometimes - it does not mean you have done anything wrong. It's important to understand that in poker, in the short-term, it is not always a "fair" game. In the longer term, yes, but short term, no, it can be brutally unfair. Please remember something else, too - just because you lost a hand, does not mean that you, or your oppo, did anything wrong. Even if you get lucky, it does not make you a "bad" player, far from it. Over time, it all evens out. "Big on big" often happens, nobody needs ro make a mistake, its just the nature of the game. Flop a set? There are VERY few situations when you should ever fold. You played the hand just fine.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Thanks for the reply, no need to apologise response time was quite quick I thought. Been playing this site since August  just found out about forum, so will post more soon.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Liam. Thats kinda awkward to answer really, because aggressive players DO tend to win a lot of hands. And lose a lot of hands, too. Same with tight players, or any other players. Essentially, players who win more pots will gain more points, I guess. Hope you are running well.
    Posted by Tikay10
    thanks tikay for reply and running quite good atm lol
  • edited October 2011
    Firstly, good evening to yourself and young Richard, hope your both well and thanks for mention earlier, please check out these two IDs - both in a row in the £1200 TSP classic, Aces both times in consecutive hands, what is the odds of this??? ... thankfully i won both times and got to showdown.

    Surely we are looking at 50,000 /1 or more... please let me know and again enjoy your evening the pair of you.

    PS after winning the mini event £1000 last night and won £288, i am currently running 3rd in the ,mini bh event tonight.


    Chris Jones (POKEY2011)
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