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Ask Tikay?



  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay  ,  i am wanting to join team 51 and dont no how, players have told me to come on the forum page  but cant seem to find it,  anychance of sorting out for me,,  i am a pritty good player, i mostly ply in sit n gos,  and win alot of the time,  so think mite be good enoght for the teamm ,,  be nice to hear back thanks    craig47In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? :
    Posted by craig47
    Hi craig

    Try clicking here :)
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : hi again firstly my apologies about the call center staff there was no intention to put them down was haveing bad day and could not seem to get them to understand what it was i wanted to know ty for confirming my ? while i got your attention on a lighter note when i signed up to sky poker and was asked for player name the first name i thought off was written on a lorry at a building site HANSON LTD  oh how i now regret it  lol once again sry 
    Posted by HANSON[

    No worries, Sir, my mini-rant was not aimed at you as such, I just have a bee in my bonnet about all the stick that Call-Centre staff get the world over.

    I'm not just talking Sky Poker, which is in fact a SB&G Call Centre, so far more than Poker is involved. The Staff have to learn so much stuff, all of which is fast-moving, & changes from time to time, & dealing with poker players or punters who are all het up & impatient can't be easy. A poker player will happily make a marginal call for 6xBB, but if he discons for 30 seconds, you'd think the world had ended. 

    It's ALL Call-centre staff, in all companies, they are such an easy target for the moaning whinnies, who have the cheek & temerity to Post up on Forums & Blogs complete C & P conversations with Call Centre Staff which are intended to be PRIVATE, & to which the Call-Centre Staff are defenceless, & can't defend themselves. Imagine if the boot were on the other foot, & the Call-Centres published convos with angry, shouty, irrational punters.....

    I went & "inspected" a Call-centre last week, & it took me back a few years, because I set my own Call-Centre up 25 years or more ago, & the similarities were amazing.

    The job pays barely minimym wage, & is mostly kids starting out in their working life, youngsters, wet behind the ears, trying to please. It's not easy, but they get universally slated. It's just wrong. People seem to have so little tolerance to the problems of others, are happy to accuse, but slow to apologise.


    Named after a Hanson Industries Brick Lorry? Nothing wrong with that, mate! Hanson was founded by two guys, Lord Hanson, & Gordon White, in the early sixties, & truly changed the face of British Industry, painfully for some, but wholly for the better. They also owned what is now Imperial Tobacco.

    The neatest trick they ever did though was with what used to be called "London Brick Company, or "LBC". They traded under the brand name "Phorpes Bricks".

    Bricks are made mainly of clay, & fletton bricks, which LBC did, of a special sort of clay found mainly in Bedfordshire & the Fens. It was cheap, effectively, just buy some land with the right sort of clay, & excavate the clay to make the bricks. Easy-peasy. Dig the clay, form it into a brick shaped mould, bake it in a furnace, deliver it in a lovely lorry, get paid for the bricks, job done.

    Except, do that long enough, & you have a MONSTA hole in the ground. Many of these monsta holes can still be seen from the East Coast Main Line around Peterborough & Sandy.

    So, Hanson came up with a whizz breeze for making money. London was runing out of "Landfill" sites, where domestic rubbish needed to be dumped. (This was pre the big incinerators).

    So he allowed Councils to deposit domestic rubbish into his monsta & useless holes in the ground, & charged them £40 or £50 per lorry load to tip their waste into his empty holes. MBN. Within a few years, his hole was full, & he has earned £50 or £60 milion by charging Councils to fill it for him. So now he has earned money TWICE out of the same plot of land. Neat trick that, eh?

    But now comes the really clever bit. Now he sells the freshly reclaimed land for housing developments.......some provision had to be made for methane venting - rubbish degrades & produces methane - but he made that the buyers burden. Now he has earned money from that plot of land THREE times.

    And from that sort of stroke, Hanson Industries was built. The name Hanson? Be proud!  

  • edited October 2011
    dont you think sky poker is like a fruit machine. i dont think you will. i have played a lot of sites but sky is the worst.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    dont you think sky poker is like a fruit machine. i dont think you will. i have played a lot of sites but sky is the worst.
    Posted by lookiriver
    Sorry to hear you don't enjoy it here looki, but we all have the freedom to play anywhere we so wish, & that includes you, & nobody is forced to play here.

    I wish you well, wherever you play.
  • edited October 2011
    Hi Tikay

    Hope you are keeping well.

    There is a page just off the home page of sky poker, that lists this weeks shows.

    I think its here

    Up until a few weeks ago, under the description for the Thursday, Saturday and Sunday shows it also listed who was hosting them.  That practice appears to have stopped.

    Is there a reason why, and, do Sky intend to reintroduce it?

    Thanks in advance

    Pen Fifteen
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Tikay Hope you are keeping well. There is a page just off the home page of sky poker, that lists this weeks shows. I think its here Up until a few weeks ago, under the description for the Thursday, Saturday and Sunday shows it also listed who was hosting them.  That practice appears to have stopped. Is there a reason why, and, do Sky intend to reintroduce it? Thanks in advance Pen Fifteen
    Posted by PenFifteen

    No idea why this has stopped, but I chase the relevant department. The information can also be found on the TV section of the forum under Sky Poker TV - See what's on!

  • edited October 2011
    i have been playing on sky poker for a while now and cant help but see how many times the river hits the winning hand. now i know this does happen as i have been playing at the casino for a few years BUT this happens nearly every hand at sky. i have spoken to other players on here and they agree that this is the case. poker on sky is little more than bingo. i suspect that the randomiser on sky is geared up to pull in as much rake as they can from the cash games. i have got together with other players on here to look into taking this to the governing body to investigate sky and its misleading so called POKER site
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    i have been playing on sky poker for a while now and cant help but see how many times the river hits the winning hand. now i know this does happen as i have been playing at the casino for a few years BUT this happens nearly every hand at sky. i have spoken to other players on here and they agree that this is the case. poker on sky is little more than bingo. i suspect that the randomiser on sky is geared up to pull in as much rake as they can from the cash games. i have got together with other players on here to look into taking this to the governing body to investigate sky and its misleading so called POKER site
    Posted by darvy
    Hi Darvy, good afternoon.

    I would imagine that the River changes the winning hand at least 20% of the time - there being 5 Community cards, & all that, plus add-in the amount of times people are "drawing", so yes, the river changes the final result quite a lot
    . It does not - categorically NOT, happen "nearly every hand", which you state as a fact, so I'm afraid you'll need to come up with better, & more truthful evidence than that, because it is clearly untrue.
    I'm not quite sure how you think the software is so clever that it could deliberaterly change the river card, or how you think it affects the amount of rake the site generates. There is a winner every single hand, one way or the other, so the rake gets generated whoever wins or loses.

    Congrats, by the way, on winning those 3 DYM's yesterday & today. Can we assuume that the River Cards were kind to you on those occasions?
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Darvy, good afternoon. I would imagine that the River changes the winning hand at least 20% of the time - there being 5 Community cards, & all that, plus add-in the amount of times people are "drawing", so yes, the river changes the final result quite a lot . It does not - categorically NOT, happen "nearly every hand ", which you state as a fact, so I'm afraid you'll need to come up with better, & more truthful evidence than that, because it is clearly untrue.   I'm not quite sure how you think the software is so clever that it could deliberaterly change the river card, or how you think it affects the amount of rake the site generates. There is a winner every single hand, one way or the other, so the rake gets generated whoever wins or loses. Congrats, by the way, on winning those 3 DYM's yesterday & today. Can we assuume that the River Cards were kind to you on those occasions?  
    Posted by Tikay10
    if the site encourages people to stay in the hand til the river obviously the rake gets bigger and yes the rivers were good to me in those DYM'S
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : if the site encourages people to stay in the hand til the river obviously the rake gets bigger and yes the rivers were good to me in those DYM'S
    Posted by darvy
    Hi darvy

    If you are talking about DYM,s, or MTT,s, then, no, the rake does not get bigger, if you are talking about cash, then people do call with wider holdings, and there are players who will not fold if they are on a draw either flush str8, or indeed both (depends how good players are), its just the way poker is, both live, and online, if you think of how many hands are dealt online, then there will be what seems to be more outdraws.
  • edited October 2011
    You must have been asked this many ties, however i cannot see how players play 7,8,9 tables. I cannot seem to get more than 3 on my screen regardless if i utilise the tile option in the top right.

    Can you advise how i can see more than 3 tables at once please?
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi No idea why this has stopped, but I chase the relevant department. The information can also be found on the TV section of the forum under Sky Poker TV - See what's on! Thanks
    Posted by Sky_Claire
    Thanks for your response Claire !
  • edited October 2011
    When do the satellites etc. start for the Cardiff SPT, so that I can put it in my diary ready and get prepared, focused.

  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    You must have been asked this many ties, however i cannot see how players play 7,8,9 tables. I cannot seem to get more than 3 on my screen regardless if i utilise the tile option in the top right. Can you advise how i can see more than 3 tables at once please?
    Posted by gingerlama
    trying mini view is one option open
  • edited October 2011
    must say had bad run on sky and tolt ya but hav 2 say last 2 weeks bin brill thanks quik 2 tell u wen bad so thought should tel u wen good all my luv tika lol shann
  • edited October 2011
    Thought I would post this on here TK sir, as sure you will then see it at some point.

    Just a quick thank you for the UKIOP's seat (won via the "FLOPS").

    I know that it does not come from yourself directly, but I would like to show my (and I'm sure many others) appreciation for your continued support of the smaller bankrolled players.

    Hope you run good!
  • edited October 2011
    hi, i am a fairly new player and still young and i deposit money on to the account but always seem to loose on the cash tables even the small tables! i do well in the odd tournament but i dont have enogh money to play all the time can u tell me what would be best for me to play and the safest way to play? is it cash or tounaments?? thaks
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi, i am a fairly new player and still young and i deposit money on to the account but always seem to loose on the cash tables even the small tables! i do well in the odd tournament but i dont have enogh money to play all the time can u tell me what would be best for me to play and the safest way to play? is it cash or tounaments?? thaks
    Posted by jordwins92
    You get a lot of play for your money in the smaller buyin tournaments. And you have good bankroll control this way.

    The £2.20 deepstacks are excellent and attract some good players too, so they will improve your game. And if you are good enough a few final tables will start to build your bankroll.

    Good luck

  • edited October 2011
    hello again tikay no ? s this time just wanted to say i had fantastic weekend at SPT leg one didnt do to well in the tourneys but the experiance and the advice from other players made it all worth while, will defo try my luck at brighton leg only 45 min drive from me, as the drive up to notts was rather long due to pile up on the M11 friday. sat there for 2.5/3hrs .... big ty to all the guys and girls and staff ect ect for a fantastic weekend going to try my luck in UKOPS bounty hunter and the main event put some off the advice to good use :)
  • edited November 2011
    Hi Tikay/scotty77

    did team sky have any cashers in UKOPS1 last nite??

    Re: Team Cash Championship for UKOPS!!!!

    posted at 31/10/2011 9:44 AM GMT on
    Posts: 3704
    First: 30/6/2009
    Last: 1/11/2011
    Would All Team UKOPS Reps please post up your Team Individual Cashers & Total, soonest the day After each tornament please, I hope to have a Cash League Table up by 7pm The Next day, so before the following UKOPS tourney!!
    If you could spare 3mins to total Ryan, as i dont know who in Team sky currently, i know u & tikay are busy, but be nice fror sky to be involved in this!!

  • edited November 2011
    hi guys i played 4 tourneys when ready to take pots down sky bet cut me of this was happing every 3 to 4 min my internet is fine this has happened on several times now has not happenend when my son ison line only happens on my name have contact gaming to look into this
  • edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi guys i played 4 tourneys when ready to take pots down sky bet cut me of this was happing every 3 to 4 min my internet is fine this has happened on several times now has not happenend when my son ison line only happens on my name have contact gaming to look into this
    Posted by mrsross
    Hi mrsross

    Can I ask who your Internet Service Provider is because some of them are having problems at the moment.
  • edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi mrsross Can I ask who your Internet Service Provider is because some of them are having problems at the moment.
    Posted by acebarry10
    Is Orange one of the problematic one's?
  • edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Is Orange one of the problematic one's?
    Posted by PiAnOpLaYa

    Not sure to be honest, its poss, got the info from here
  • edited November 2011
    Is it just me or is SkyPoker getting more and more like 888????  i.e. too many amazing calls and rivers !!!
  • edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Is it just me or is SkyPoker getting more and more like 888????  i.e. too many amazing calls and rivers !!!
    Posted by sandy26
    Afternoon sandy.

    Well I don't know what 888 is like, I have standards you know.....;)... but as far as I know, they use 52 card decks, & poker needs no interference to produce amazing turnarounds & outdraws, so in that respect, I imagine it is pretty similar. That's one of the whole beauties of the game!

    People need to understand - that's why poker is so much fun - it DOES produce unexpected results, which is why us mere mortals can get by & bink a few results against better players. The game needs no help from software or anything else to make it exciting, it just happens.
  • edited November 2011
    whats the best when to play in a Bounty hunter tournament? come out guns blazing or wait a few blinds?
  • edited November 2011
    shock horror withdrew money 2 weeks ago not won since now why does that not surprise me beat no matter wat hand lost lost lost lost lost shock
  • edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    shock horror withdrew money 2 weeks ago not won since now why does that not surprise me beat no matter wat hand lost lost lost lost lost shock
    Posted by shann
    Can you keep your posts on topic please, this has nothing to do with an Ask Tikay thread, if you want to moan about variance then Brags, Beats forum is ideal as is Area51

  • edited November 2011
    Hey Tikay,
    I'm sure you probably remember me from the UKOPS thread, but don't fret! I'm not here to cause any more mischief or debate! :P

    Since watching SkyPoker when i was in my mid-teens, i've always remembered you being part of the team and (as have most people no doubt), found you a core part of SkyPoker and very entertaining to watch.
    It was when a show came up about DYM's approximately a year ago when i saw a re-run of you going into a little bit of detail about how you won (and lost) alot of money in online sit+go's, DYM's in particular.

    From that point onwards i've always been super curious and eager to ask you about some of your early poker stories (as i find them fascinating! :D) and was just wondering what happened? How did you build your roll, how did you lose it? And what games did you play?
    I always thought you were just a poker enthusiast with good PR but since hearing about your poker endeavours i've been gagging to find out more about the legend they call Tony 'Tikay' Kendall. :)

    Sorry for the long post and you're well within your right to tell me to "Smitalos, shove off ya nosy fecker!".
    Thanks for taking the time to read this and i look forward to your reply. :)
    Carlos Smitalos
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