last 9 tourney ak called off 75 all in out how can u justyfi that happening wat a joke sky joker who would call all in 75 and win lol only on sky unless in the no
I dont like to moan about this kinda thing and I usually defend Sky when others moan but why do the really low stakes players seem to be ignored all the time.
These new action tables have been introduced and yet there are none at the micro stakes... this isn't the first time this kinda thing has happened where micro stakes cash tables are treated like they do not exist
Tikay, ive just won a 2.00 bounty hunter with 86 runners, in the process i knocked out 15 heads, would love to know is there a record for the amount of bountys got in a tournie of about the same amount of players.
Anyone out there got a possable record amount of heads.
Would like to see what the ave is per tournie.....
Hey Tikay, You said on a show that the min buy in on cash tables will be raised, When will this happen? The shortstacks that join the tables kill the action as it is no longer poss to raise or call with speculative hands. Sometimes I just leave the game and cant find another suitable game so I end up playing on another site that suits my needs.
Hey Tikay, You said on a show that the min buy in on cash tables will be raised, When will this happen? The shortstacks that join the tables kill the action as it is no longer poss to raise or call with speculative hands. Sometimes I just leave the game and cant find another suitable game so I end up playing on another site that suits my needs. Thanks in advance Peter Posted by NODEAL
Morning Peter.
It already has, though I was speaking specifically as to the new "Deep Stack" Tables which were introduced last week.
These were introduced to satisfy the situation of "shorters". Quite a few people dislike the ability of players to "short", but equally, many players like the ability & opportunity to sit "short" & try & have a spin-up. The tricky bit is to please everyone, of course.
As of now, players have a CHOICE. The existing Cash Tables remain "as was", but the new DeepStack Tables are there, too. So, one would hope, something for everyone.
The pull-ups on the Deep Stack Tables are as follows.....
Minimum - 50xBB
Default - 100 x BB
Maximum - 250 x BB.
For the time being, there are no plans to change the Minimum Buy-Ins on the "regular" Cash Tables, afaik, but, as always, if a majority of the player base see it as a problem, it can be changed, I believe, pretty quickly. It's all about "balance", & choice.
Tikay, ive just won a 2.00 bounty hunter with 86 runners, in the process i knocked out 15 heads, would love to know is there a record for the amount of bountys got in a tournie of about the same amount of players. Anyone out there got a possable record amount of heads. Would like to see what the ave is per tournie..... CHEERS TIKAY AND ALL OTHER CONTRIBUTERS Posted by tomred64
An incredible performance, Tom, well done! Nice Post, too.
Hi Tikay, I dont like to moan about this kinda thing and I usually defend Sky when others moan but why do the really low stakes players seem to be ignored all the time. These new action tables have been introduced and yet there are none at the micro stakes... this isn't the first time this kinda thing has happened where micro stakes cash tables are treated like they do not exist EDIT: Also no 'Deep' tables at 4nl or 8nl Posted by Lambert180
I don't believe they are, Lambert, & I think that's rather unfair. "ignored all the time"? No, I don't think so.
I think I field in excess of 100 PM's & e-Mails from what you describe as "low-stakes players" every week, & I can say, hand on heart, they get fairly treated, more than fairly, in fact. There seems to be some sort of persecution complex at work here.
In answer to the question, once the jibes are set aside, I have no idea why there are no "Action Tables" at those levels, but I will ask. I would imagine there is a good reason - there usually is. Nothing happens without a reason in life, does it?
Hi TK I don't usually (complain) but Santa ignored me. I went to see him on Omaha cash tables and sit on his knee and tell him what a good little girl I've been all year and what I wanted for Christmas and guess what ----------- Yep! He ignored me, yes he did, then ran off and left me sitting on an empty table. Sob Sob The Question is,
Does he not like me.!
Am I to fat and heavy to sit on his lap.!
Has he run out of Pressies.!
Or does he just like to be chased. ? Mmm Ho! Ho!
No Hugs for Santa at the minute. A very Disappointed little Girl Annie.!
Sorry to trouble you at this Busy time of year.! "Serious Complaint" Hi TK I don't usually (complain) but Santa ignored me. I went to see him on Omaha cash tables and sit on his knee and tell him what a good little girl I've been all year and what I wanted for Christmas and guess what ----------- Yep! He ignored me, yes he did, then ran off and left me sitting on an empty table. Sob Sob The Question is, Does he not like me.! Am I to fat and heavy to sit on his lap.! Has he run out of Pressies.! Or does he just like to be chased. ? Mmm Ho! Ho! No Hugs for Santa at the minute. A very Disappointed little Girl Annie.! . Posted by logdon
Lol, sorry about that Annie. See, I told you that Santa chappie was a meanie. Don't trust him, me.
Why is it whenever I find myself with a decent hand and I raise 3 times the bb, everyone around the table calls with junk or even raises an all in to which I call. We flip, I've got AsKs, AsQs etc and 2 other guys have flipped 8d,4d and jh,2c. On more than enough occassions for my liking these 'players' have hit the flush, house, trips etc and knocked me out with, in reality, terrible hands. TBH I'm getting tired of these BINGO players that shouldnt even be involved in a pot this big pre flop. Posted by greenjoe
Hi Tikay, When are the UKOPS highlights shows filmed, and how can I find out which ones will be on and when? Wondering if the one I played in will be televised or not. Thanks Posted by EvilPingu
Hi Evil,
To the best of my knowledge (& I may be wrong) there are no plans to show any of the recent UKOPS again, sorry. The Xmas UKOPS will be covered Live, however, or at least, as much of it can be contained within the Show schedule of 7pm-Midnight for all 4 nights of Xmas UKOPS.
Not sure if you have it, but if you have, Sky Plus might be the answewr.
Oh I get it now Thnaks Acebarry10 Posted by Bonapar813
Barry answered correctly, Mr Bone, Omaha is differnt to NLH, in that you MUST use 2 cards from your hand. It can be quite confusing.
What will help you is this.....
When the Omaha Table opens, go to "Options" (top left hand corner).
Now, once the Flop comes down, your BEST hand will be displayed on the Table (under the Community Cards), & it will change, as appropriate, after the Turn, & River, so you will always know where you are. It really helps, especially if a newcomer, or multi-tabling. I would add - because I was asked this once - that the "Hand Description" info is able to be seen ONLY by you.
hi tk. love the survivor,fantastic value 4 us micro players i enter on the sunday 4 a £1,whenever i,ve a free week! just a thought though! couldn,t the prize money be spread a little more to cover the "final table"? my thought,s are; 6th £10 5th £15 4th £25 3rd ---- 2nd----- 1st--------- it would only be a £50 loss in money to the way it is at the moment but at least it would give something to those making the final table! just a thought!!!!!! Posted by devonfish5
At first glance, & on the face of it, that sort of makes sense, Mr Devon.
I do the Pre-Record (TV Show, recorded) for this most weeks, as I did again last night, & I'm always a little gutted when 3 of the 6 get nothing, especially if it's one of the Micro-Stakes guys.
The opposite argument is that in, say, a 20 runner Event, it's illogical to pay 6 places - also an argument which has some merit.
It's hard to gauge what the reaction might be. Poker players seem to struggle to debate reasonably, they go from bang to pop very quickly, & if it paid 6 places, some of them might kick off, you know how it is.
I'll make sure the Suits are aware of this idea, but they may have already clocked it.
Seasonal greetings to you & your family, too, Mr D.
Glad you thought my 321 idea for a new version of sit n gos was a good idea. If introduced I really think this would become one of the most popular sng formats on sky. Hope you can persuade the suits to do a trial in future. if this happens I look forward to playing them.
hi Tikay i won the bounty hunter last week thanks for you kind words as an x plaster and bilder my self we have alot in coming but have took poker up full time 3 years ago and doing well so cant comeplain i play in the fitzs in dublin and but play most in the BRIDGE CLUB BANBRIDGE with ivan donaghy irish open winner 2005 could give us a shout out on the show tonight if pos ivan sys he knows you got you a place to stay over here i n.irland one time says your a top man looking forword till the bounty hunter to night take care TK....PHILLIE Posted by phillie
Thanks Phillie, & well done on the win. I did give you a shout-out on the Show, Ivan, too, who I well remember.
I've had many a happy day in the Fitz - the only cardroom on earth I know which used to be a church! If I had a little more time, I could tell you some incred tales from there.
There used to be an old boy, well into his 70's, a pig farmer, who came in there to play blackjack, he had his own private table, he'd put his Sunday suit on, & a cheesecutter hat, & gamble thousands of Euros per hand. I asked someone one day where all that money came from - he could stake up to 50,000 per sesssion- & they told me it was his EEC farming Subsidy! MBN.
I also played for many years in The Merrion. It was bizarre, in those days there were only 2 rooms to play poker at in Dublin, The Merrion, & The Fitz - & they were 200 yards apart! I first met Roy Brindley there, I think, & of course Megs, who he later married, they have kids now & all sorts.
Happy days, though The Merrion used to scare me a bit, as it was definitely not Fire-Regulation compliant.
Did you know that the HQ of the Irish Football Association are bang next door to what was The Merrion?
Good luck with the Banbridge Bridge Club, by the way
ive been playing poker for 2 or 3 months now and im doing pretty well im top in my pub poker league and im doing quite well on sky poker mostly getting in top 10 but im struggling on how to value bet please and could you give me tips on how to improve my game and to progress through tournaments Posted by MITCHYNICK
Ni Nick,
I'm, not sure I'm best placed to answer that, the kidz know better these days. I just bet if I think I'm good, & check if I don't!
Just be careful of v-betting too thin, though, if the Villain flicks it back at us, we're gonna have to fold, & on some Boards, we are only gonna get called if we are losing.
Hi Tikay! Ill start with saying that every time i have been watching Sky poker on TV the guys give you abit of stick regarding your dress code! Well my Nanna love the jumpers ect. Is that a good thing because shes 78? Any way, Im kind of new here and im loving the BH tournaments and i play alot of them. The thing is most of them are not huge purses so i loose interest after playing them for 1/2hours for a £50/£60 win. Im sure you see my point. I know that if i go in the bigger stakes then the prizes are beter of course but im not sure if im playing the right for me. I rate myself as a player but ive not been playing online long. Its totaly different that sitting down at a table and playin poker. I play the casino tournaments when i can. Ive made 3 this year winning 2 and came 3rd the other time. What do you think would be best to play here for some one like me who is more used to playing around a table thn online? Should i stick to the cash tables or carry on in the tournaments? know you cant play my game but any advice would be taken on board. Regards ben_mallia 22m from sunny Manchester! Posted by benmallia
Yo Ben.
I don't have much to go on there, but it depends what you hope to get out of poker.
Tourneys for show, cash for dough, & all that.
There's a nice "buzz" to Tourney wins, but they don't happen often. Cash, well if you sit at 2 or 3 Tables, & win a steady fee bob most nights, it is incredibly satisfying, & not in the least bit difficult.
My dress code?. Umm "pass", but your Nanna is a fine judge, imo.
Do you think Sky would consider introducing a tiered tournament? similar to survivor ie accessable for as little as £1 where the prizefund is totally made up of entries to Premier Sky tournaments?
I'm sure it would be a popular event if 1st prize was a weeks ME + MINI game pass!
In fact I would say it's a small bank rollers dream and a high bankrollers profit to gain entry to all ME's from one tournament.
The tiers of £1, £2, £4, £8, £16, £32 & £64 gives everybody the chance to compete and the prestige of winning would be priceless!
As I stated on 67Bhoys thread I'd love to rail the likes of Lambert Debdobs Salad24 Spornybol etc for a full week of ME's and a tourney like this would give them a chance!
Dear Tikay You read 67Bhoys thread recently. Do you think Sky would consider introducing a tiered tournament? similar to survivor ie accessable for as little as £1 where the prizefund is totally made up of entries to Premier Sky tournaments? I'm sure it would be a popular event if 1st prize was a weeks ME + MINI game pass! In fact I would say it's a small bank rollers dream and a high bankrollers profit to gain entry to all ME's from one tournament. The tiers of £1, £2, £4, £8, £16, £32 & £64 gives everybody the chance to compete and the prestige of winning would be priceless! As I stated on 67Bhoys thread I'd love to rail the likes of Lambert Debdobs Salad24 Spornybol etc for a full week of ME's and a tourney like this would give them a chance! What are your thoughts? Posted by DUNMIDOSH
Hi Dunmi,
On the face of it, yes, it has some merit, & maybe it is something they will consider further down the line.
For now, not so much, would be my personal view.
It's a similar debate to the one this morning, about SPT Sats v UKOPS Sats, but with a twist this time.
Last week, there were 14 "changes" introduced, & you saw the confusion that reigned, & shouting & hollering because not everything suited everybody......which why was why some of the latest batch of "changes" have been held back, to ease the information overload, & enable a soft launch.
The idea you mention is fine, in itself, but I really think the Site needs to settle down, absorb the latest changes, which, please note, are not all available to the players yet (will be released piecemeal), & then there is another major release already lined up behind it for the New Year. There is only so much new stuff that can be released at a time if the players are to keep up & adapt to the changes, too much at once is self-defeating, it all gets spread too thinly. Add in some sparkling new stuff lined up already for February, & I would hope you get the drift.
Keep the ideas coming, all are welcome & appreciated, but not everything can be taken on board, it's just not possible, & nothing should be read into it bar the bare facts, contrary to some of the nonsense I read earlier today.
Sorry to trouble you at this Busy time of year.! "Serious Complaint" Hi TK I don't usually (complain) but Santa ignored me. I went to see him on Omaha cash tables and sit on his knee and tell him what a good little girl I've been all year and what I wanted for Christmas and guess what ----------- Yep! He ignored me, yes he did, then ran off and left me sitting on an empty table. Sob Sob The Question is, Does he not like me.! Am I to fat and heavy to sit on his lap.! Has he run out of Pressies.! Or does he just like to be chased. ? Mmm Ho! Ho! No Hugs for Santa at the minute. A very Disappointed little Girl Annie.! . Posted by logdon
same here annie all i wanted was a toy fluffy puppy, and to be entered into a tourney,for free any tourney would have made me happy.but sky santa has not replied,and i am a good girl well im sure i am :):) maybe not in sky santa,s eyes (((:
I dont like to moan about this kinda thing and I usually defend Sky when others moan but why do the really low stakes players seem to be ignored all the time.
These new action tables have been introduced and yet there are none at the micro stakes... this isn't the first time this kinda thing has happened where micro stakes cash tables are treated like they do not exist
EDIT: Also no 'Deep' tables at 4nl or 8nl
Anyone out there got a possable record amount of heads.
Would like to see what the ave is per tournie.....
Congrats on taking it down.
The shortstacks that join the tables kill the action as it is no longer poss to raise or call with speculative hands.
Sometimes I just leave the game and cant find another suitable game so I end up playing on another site that suits my needs.
Thanks in advance
It already has, though I was speaking specifically as to the new "Deep Stack" Tables which were introduced last week.
These were introduced to satisfy the situation of "shorters". Quite a few people dislike the ability of players to "short", but equally, many players like the ability & opportunity to sit "short" & try & have a spin-up. The tricky bit is to please everyone, of course.
As of now, players have a CHOICE. The existing Cash Tables remain "as was", but the new DeepStack Tables are there, too. So, one would hope, something for everyone.
The pull-ups on the Deep Stack Tables are as follows.....
Minimum - 50xBB
Default - 100 x BB
Maximum - 250 x BB.
For the time being, there are no plans to change the Minimum Buy-Ins on the "regular" Cash Tables, afaik, but, as always, if a majority of the player base see it as a problem, it can be changed, I believe, pretty quickly. It's all about "balance", & choice.
I think I field in excess of 100 PM's & e-Mails from what you describe as "low-stakes players" every week, & I can say, hand on heart, they get fairly treated, more than fairly, in fact. There seems to be some sort of persecution complex at work here.
In answer to the question, once the jibes are set aside, I have no idea why there are no "Action Tables" at those levels, but I will ask. I would imagine there is a good reason - there usually is. Nothing happens without a reason in life, does it?
"Serious Complaint"
Hi TK I don't usually (complain) but Santa ignored me. I went to see him on Omaha cash tables and sit on his knee and tell him what a good little girl I've been all year and what I wanted for Christmas and guess what ----------- Yep! He ignored me, yes he did, then ran off and left me sitting on an empty table. Sob Sob The Question is,
Does he not like me.!
Am I to fat and heavy to sit on his lap.!
Has he run out of Pressies.!
Or does he just like to be chased. ? Mmm Ho! Ho!
No Hugs for Santa at the minute. A very Disappointed little Girl Annie.!
The Sky Poker Jackpot continues as before, & currently stands at......
To the best of my knowledge (& I may be wrong) there are no plans to show any of the recent UKOPS again, sorry. The Xmas UKOPS will be covered Live, however, or at least, as much of it can be contained within the Show schedule of 7pm-Midnight for all 4 nights of Xmas UKOPS.
Not sure if you have it, but if you have, Sky Plus might be the answewr.
What will help you is this.....
When the Omaha Table opens, go to "Options" (top left hand corner).
Now, once the Flop comes down, your BEST hand will be displayed on the Table (under the Community Cards), & it will change, as appropriate, after the Turn, & River, so you will always know where you are. It really helps, especially if a newcomer, or multi-tabling. I would add - because I was asked this once - that the "Hand Description" info is able to be seen ONLY by you.
love the survivor,fantastic value 4 us micro players
i enter on the sunday 4 a £1,whenever i,ve a free week!
just a thought though!
couldn,t the prize money be spread a little more to cover the "final table"?
my thought,s are;
6th £10
5th £15
4th £25
3rd ----
it would only be a £50 loss in money to the way it is at the moment
but at least it would give something to those
making the final table!
just a thought!!!!!!
forgot to say
"merry xmas"
I do the Pre-Record (TV Show, recorded) for this most weeks, as I did again last night, & I'm always a little gutted when 3 of the 6 get nothing, especially if it's one of the Micro-Stakes guys.
The opposite argument is that in, say, a 20 runner Event, it's illogical to pay 6 places - also an argument which has some merit.
It's hard to gauge what the reaction might be. Poker players seem to struggle to debate reasonably, they go from bang to pop very quickly, & if it paid 6 places, some of them might kick off, you know how it is.
I'll make sure the Suits are aware of this idea, but they may have already clocked it.
Seasonal greetings to you & your family, too, Mr D.
I've had many a happy day in the Fitz - the only cardroom on earth I know which used to be a church! If I had a little more time, I could tell you some incred tales from there.
There used to be an old boy, well into his 70's, a pig farmer, who came in there to play blackjack, he had his own private table, he'd put his Sunday suit on, & a cheesecutter hat, & gamble thousands of Euros per hand. I asked someone one day where all that money came from - he could stake up to 50,000 per sesssion- & they told me it was his EEC farming Subsidy! MBN.
I also played for many years in The Merrion. It was bizarre, in those days there were only 2 rooms to play poker at in Dublin, The Merrion, & The Fitz - & they were 200 yards apart! I first met Roy Brindley there, I think, & of course Megs, who he later married, they have kids now & all sorts.
Happy days, though The Merrion used to scare me a bit, as it was definitely not Fire-Regulation compliant.
Did you know that the HQ of the Irish Football Association are bang next door to what was The Merrion?
Good luck with the Banbridge Bridge Club, by the way
I'm, not sure I'm best placed to answer that, the kidz know better these days. I just bet if I think I'm good, & check if I don't!
Just be careful of v-betting too thin, though, if the Villain flicks it back at us, we're gonna have to fold, & on some Boards, we are only gonna get called if we are losing.
Try the Poker Clinic, which is HERE
Good luck bud.
I don't have much to go on there, but it depends what you hope to get out of poker.
Tourneys for show, cash for dough, & all that.
There's a nice "buzz" to Tourney wins, but they don't happen often. Cash, well if you sit at 2 or 3 Tables, & win a steady fee bob most nights, it is incredibly satisfying, & not in the least bit difficult.
My dress code?. Umm "pass", but your Nanna is a fine judge, imo.
You read 67Bhoys thread recently.
Do you think Sky would consider introducing a tiered tournament? similar to survivor ie accessable for as little as £1 where the prizefund is totally made up of entries to Premier Sky tournaments?
I'm sure it would be a popular event if 1st prize was a weeks ME + MINI game pass!
In fact I would say it's a small bank rollers dream and a high bankrollers profit to gain entry to all ME's from one tournament.
The tiers of £1, £2, £4, £8, £16, £32 & £64 gives everybody the chance to compete and the prestige of winning would be priceless!
As I stated on 67Bhoys thread I'd love to rail the likes of Lambert Debdobs Salad24 Spornybol etc for a full week of ME's and a tourney like this would give them a chance!
What are your thoughts?
On the face of it, yes, it has some merit, & maybe it is something they will consider further down the line.
For now, not so much, would be my personal view.
It's a similar debate to the one this morning, about SPT Sats v UKOPS Sats, but with a twist this time.
Last week, there were 14 "changes" introduced, & you saw the confusion that reigned, & shouting & hollering because not everything suited everybody......which why was why some of the latest batch of "changes" have been held back, to ease the information overload, & enable a soft launch.
The idea you mention is fine, in itself, but I really think the Site needs to settle down, absorb the latest changes, which, please note, are not all available to the players yet (will be released piecemeal), & then there is another major release already lined up behind it for the New Year. There is only so much new stuff that can be released at a time if the players are to keep up & adapt to the changes, too much at once is self-defeating, it all gets spread too thinly. Add in some sparkling new stuff lined up already for February, & I would hope you get the drift.
Keep the ideas coming, all are welcome & appreciated, but not everything can be taken on board, it's just not possible, & nothing should be read into it bar the bare facts, contrary to some of the nonsense I read earlier today.
-'); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; display: block; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border-width: 1px; border-color: #9bc3e5; border-style: solid" class="heart">8
-'); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; display: block; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border-width: 1px; border-color: #9bc3e5; border-style: solid" class="heart">3
-'); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; display: block; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border-width: 1px; border-color: #9bc3e5; border-style: solid" class="diamond">3
will48Check offshootBet £10.00£23.50£252.98RicOrfordRaise £30.00£53.50£46.87will48All-in £32.54£86.04£0.00offshootFold RicOrfordCall £2.54£88.58£44.33will48Show-'); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: #ffffff; display: block; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border-width: 1px; border-color: #9bc3e5; border-style: solid" class="club">3
-'); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: #ffffff; display: block; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border-width: 1px; border-color: #9bc3e5; border-style: solid" class="club">K
RicOrfordShow-'); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; display: block; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border-width: 1px; border-color: #9bc3e5; border-style: solid" class="diamond">A
-'); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; display: block; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border-width: 1px; border-color: #9bc3e5; border-style: solid" class="heart">A
Turn-'); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: #ffffff; display: block; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border-width: 1px; border-color: #9bc3e5; border-style: solid" class="diamond">J
River-'); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; display: block; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border-width: 1px; border-color: #9bc3e5; border-style: solid" class="spade">2
will48WinThree 3s£86.78 £86.78