plaond game agayed 2 sit and goes first game beat off chancer i went all in qq put out off chancer went on nowt second game aa called off j9 would u blive it out wen does it end sik of complaining 2 many chancers or if u like bingo callers but they do seem 2 get rewarded often might change my game must be better 2 be chancer
ok tikay after not being able to conect when i was playing on 50.000 big hand and haveing to dump queen queen then ace king of dimonds i am sorry to say this is the last hand i ever play on sky poker as something is wrong when your house is all sky phone and tv and internet but you still lose conection i bid you all fare well and wish you all the best for new year
ok tikay after not being able to conect when i was playing on 50.000 big hand and haveing to dump queen queen then ace king of dimonds i am sorry to say this is the last hand i ever play on sky poker as something is wrong when your house is all sky phone and tv and internet but you still lose conection i bid you all fare well and wish you all the best for new year Posted by johnreid
Morning John, & sorry to hear you had connection problems as noted by you in your Post dated 1st January, & I'm delighted to see that after a period of reflection, you returned to Sky Poker on January 2nd.
Hi Tikay. Happy New Year to you. Please, can you tell me what is the minimum number of players required, at a cash table, to constitute a raked hand in the context of c4p.
Hope you enjoyed your break. A wonderful part of the world, I know the road to Skye very well.
As you know I enjoy PLO8, but it is still a minority sport here.
However I have noticed increased interest (and participation) lately in some of the hilo MTTs. And there is a growing hardcore of regulars.
Would it be possible to convince the powers that be to perhaps try putting a small guarantee on a nightly tournament to try to increase interest further.
I would suggest that a £3.30 tourny starting around 8pm would easily cover a £50 guarantee initially (although a braver step of a £100 gtee would be better still)
I would obviously play it regularly and try to promote it.
Hi Tikay can I share this hand with your viewers? My first Royal Flush after my opponent hit AK full house on the flop but the turn gave me my RF and I got paid handsomely considering I normally play 2/4p low stakes. This was on a 20/20 Action Table 16. Hand 458627754 Cheers from Last-to-go 16.
Hi I just recently joined and thought id play a few games and if i like it mabe deposit some money, but after registering my balance is zero and i cant play. So where is my free £10 im supposed to get.
Hi I just recently joined and thought id play a few games and if i like it mabe deposit some money, but after registering my balance is zero and i cant play. So where is my free £10 im supposed to get. Posted by STARWIND
Good afternoon Mr Star.
You are not "supposed to get it", you DO get it - assuming you are eligible, of course.
I can't really field such questions on "Ask tikay", I'd be on here all day & night, that's what Customer Care are for, so you'll need to contact them, I'm afraid. However, this may help you - have a good look....
Hi Tikay can I share this hand with your viewers? My first Royal Flush after my opponent hit AK full house on the flop but the turn gave me my RF and I got paid handsomely considering I normally play 2/4p low stakes. This was on a 20/20 Action Table 16. Hand 458627754 Cheers from Last-to-go 16. Posted by lasttogo16
Wow, nice one!
I'm sorry to say we cannot televise it, but well done you, that's quite something.
"Royals" are ten a penny in Omaha, particularly 5 & 6 card, but are mercifully rare in NLH.
I managed to get all-in with Ad-Jd in the early stages of a Tourney there last year, only to find I had walked smack into Aces, but I flopped the Royal. It's a game of skill, eh?
Hi Tikay can I share this hand with your viewers? My first Royal Flush after my opponent hit AK full house on the flop but the turn gave me my RF and I got paid handsomely considering I normally play 2/4p low stakes. This was on a 20/20 Action Table 16. Hand 458627754 Cheers from Last-to-go 16. Posted by lasttogo16
Hey last-to-go, this hand sounds "sick"! As it can't be shown, how about you post it on the forum? If you go to the "poker clinic" then you will find all the information you need to be able to post the hand!
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?: [QUOTE]Hi Tikay Hope you enjoyed your break. A wonderful part of the world, I know the road to Skye very well. As you know I enjoy PLO8, but it is still a minority sport here. However I have noticed increased interest (and participation) lately in some of the hilo MTTs. And there is a growing hardcore of regulars. Would it be possible to convince the powers that be to perhaps try putting a small guarantee on a nightly tournament to try to increase interest further. I would suggest that a £3.30 tourny starting around 8pm would easily cover a £50 guarantee initially (although a braver step of a £100 gtee would be better still) I would obviously play it regularly and try to promote it . EDIT 8.25 TOURNY REGULARLY MAKING 20+ WITHOUT GUARANTEE Posted by penguin7
Afternoon Tony, fine Post, and a Happy New year to you.
You make some fine points there, & I'll send it up to Rich & Adam for their consideration. The downside for Sky Poker would, I think, be fairly minimal, so deffo worth asking them to give it a spin, though, & for the sake of balance, the upside is pretty skinny, too. Still, that's the nature of the beast, building liquidity is one of those things that has to be taken one step at a time.
Take care mate, & I look forward to seeing you in Luton at the end of the month.
hi tk any chance of a bonus missed the jackpot by a day won the mini last night and the main tonight thanks for comentry you are doing a great job, and have help my game enormously expecially with your take on bad beats and variances used to tilt regulary after bad things happened have now with your help fixed this problem,thanks very much peter technically i think the two wins were on the same day as the mini finished after midnight and the 12000 bh finished at 5 to 12 ps on my 50th birthday to more celebrations
My friends and I are interested in playing in the SPT in Blackpool in june and was wondering if there was any info about the tournament on the website as this would be our first SPT. Thanks
My friends and I are interested in playing in the SPT in Blackpool in june and was wondering if there was any info about the tournament on the website as this would be our first SPT. Thanks Posted by fredkru100
Why is scotty77 playing in £5000 semi final at 500 when he is already in the final at 8 pm ? Posted by horses
A few players do this if there is a higher buyin tourny they know they are going to enter.
Satellties represent good value and are the best way to get in. But if you are multitabling it is easy to forget to buy in direct if you miss out in the sat.
Still have to remember to deregister when you are close to success in the satellite though.
hi tk any chance of a bonus missed the jackpot by a day won the mini last night and the main tonight thanks for comentry you are doing a great job, and have help my game enormously expecially with your take on bad beats and variances used to tilt regulary after bad things happened have now with your help fixed this problem,thanks very much peter technically i think the two wins were on the same day as the mini finished after midnight and the 12000 bh finished at 5 to 12 ps on my 50th birthday to more celebrations Posted by bustout44
Oooh, crossbar! Very fine effort, Sir, & a tidy few bob to boot, well done.
I obviously watched the entire Main Event Final Table, & you never put a foot wrong, great stuff, now enjoy the money.
Why is scotty77 playing in £5000 semi final at 500 when he is already in the final at 8 pm ? Posted by horses
I've no idea, Mr Horses, though Penguin's reply may be the answer. To be honest, it's none of my business, but feel free to PM Scotty & ask him if you wish.
Hi Tikay Hope you enjoyed your break. A wonderful part of the world, I know the road to Skye very well. As you know I enjoy PLO8, but it is still a minority sport here. However I have noticed increased interest (and participation) lately in some of the hilo MTTs. And there is a growing hardcore of regulars. Would it be possible to convince the powers that be to perhaps try putting a small guarantee on a nightly tournament to try to increase interest further. I would suggest that a £3.30 tourny starting around 8pm would easily cover a £50 guarantee initially (although a braver step of a £100 gtee would be better still) I would obviously play it regularly and try to promote it . EDIT 8.25 TOURNY REGULARLY MAKING 20+ WITHOUT GUARANTEE Posted by penguin7
Done, there will be a £5,.50 £100 Guaranteed Hi-Lo jobbie tonight @ 8.25pm.
Hello Tikay, i was just wondering if you could find out if the sky poker tv channel is going to be showing the UKOPS ME semi satellite from the 23rd of december please ? And if so what date and time will it be aired ? They have so far shown 5 different episodes of the satellites from 8th of november to 16th of december, i think you featured on the 1st or 2nd one shown with Redmond Lee. I have set my sky plus box to record all episodes of UKOPS satellites highlights and so far it has recorded 15 ish episodes but it is only 5 different episodes in them 15 airings being shown on a repeat loop i presume. If you could find out if the semi sat from 23rd dec is going to be shown that would be great Tikay, then if its not i can take the setting of my box to record every episode as its wasting all the memory for recording other programmes on my sky box lol
Hi tikay, been playing on sky for a while now, normally small medium cash. however playing only 1 table is quite boring but i cant seem 2 multi table and get all screens in view hence i end up being timed out as the screen flips from table to table. is there a way of having say 4 tables in view at once? how do the players who play 10 or more tables at once do it?
played last nite beat off bingo players all nite eg just sat in sit and go jq flop comes kj7 he bets 200 i call turn comes qme 2jj 2qq i go all in he calls 10 2 how is he in the hand anyway a comes me out him straight wat a joke happens everytime rewards muppets who are clueless happening very often now are these chancers just new players sky likes 2 reward new players yes he had chance after turn but how is he in the hand 10 2
hi tikay could recommend a poker book for me as i would like to try and improve my poker,,i"ve only been playing a few months and couldnt get any worse lol,,i hope to hear from you.
Copied this from another part of the forum: Yes, download an app called iSwifter, load up the web site through that and it'll work
Good luck at the Tables in 2012.
Hope you enjoyed your break. A wonderful part of the world, I know the road to Skye very well.
As you know I enjoy PLO8, but it is still a minority sport here.
However I have noticed increased interest (and participation) lately in some of the hilo MTTs. And there is a growing hardcore of regulars.
Would it be possible to convince the powers that be to perhaps try putting a small guarantee on a nightly tournament to try to increase interest further.
I would suggest that a £3.30 tourny starting around 8pm would easily cover a £50 guarantee initially (although a braver step of a £100 gtee would be better still)
I would obviously play it regularly and try to promote it.
You are not "supposed to get it", you DO get it - assuming you are eligible, of course.
I can't really field such questions on "Ask tikay", I'd be on here all day & night, that's what Customer Care are for, so you'll need to contact them, I'm afraid. However, this may help you - have a good look....
I'm sorry to say we cannot televise it, but well done you, that's quite something.
"Royals" are ten a penny in Omaha, particularly 5 & 6 card, but are mercifully rare in NLH.
I managed to get all-in with Ad-Jd in the early stages of a Tourney there last year, only to find I had walked smack into Aces, but I flopped the Royal. It's a game of skill, eh?
[QUOTE]Hi Tikay Hope you enjoyed your break. A wonderful part of the world, I know the road to Skye very well. As you know I enjoy PLO8, but it is still a minority sport here. However I have noticed increased interest (and participation) lately in some of the hilo MTTs. And there is a growing hardcore of regulars. Would it be possible to convince the powers that be to perhaps try putting a small guarantee on a nightly tournament to try to increase interest further. I would suggest that a £3.30 tourny starting around 8pm would easily cover a £50 guarantee initially (although a braver step of a £100 gtee would be better still) I would obviously play it regularly and try to promote it . EDIT 8.25 TOURNY REGULARLY MAKING 20+ WITHOUT GUARANTEE
Posted by penguin7
Afternoon Tony, fine Post, and a Happy New year to you.
You make some fine points there, & I'll send it up to Rich & Adam for their consideration. The downside for Sky Poker would, I think, be fairly minimal, so deffo worth asking them to give it a spin, though, & for the sake of balance, the upside is pretty skinny, too. Still, that's the nature of the beast, building liquidity is one of those things that has to be taken one step at a time.
Take care mate, & I look forward to seeing you in Luton at the end of the month.
thanks for comentry you are doing a great job, and have help my game enormously expecially with your take on bad beats and variances used to tilt regulary after bad things happened have now with your help fixed this problem,thanks very much peter
technically i think the two wins were on the same day as the mini finished after midnight and the 12000 bh finished at 5 to 12
ps on my 50th birthday to more celebrations
Yup, right here
Satellties represent good value and are the best way to get in. But if you are multitabling it is easy to forget to buy in direct if you miss out in the sat.
Still have to remember to deregister when you are close to success in the satellite though.
I obviously watched the entire Main Event Final Table, & you never put a foot wrong, great stuff, now enjoy the money.
PS - No, you don't get the Jackpot, but nice try!
Leg 4 North – Alea Casino, Glasgow 10th March 2012
£110 buy-in, 1 day event (150 player cap)
Hi TiKay
Can we buy in direct for this event or is it online qualification only.