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Thurs Night Live Show 7pm CH861 and SS4 10pm with Fowler, Stuart Rutter and Julian Thew ***official
Hi guys,
hope you are well? Tomorrow night I will be back on the couch with a serious analyser of all things poker..Stuart Rutter, and a serious winner of all things poker Mr Julian Thew.
Now, I was thinking that Julian has probably been asked most questions in his life before in interviews or just in life! But I will give away 4 prizes to the 4 best unique, 'never been asked before' questions. I will put them to Julian, and if it's the first time he has been asked, not only does he have to answer, but you may be selected to win a prize. Keep em clean!!!
The prizes will be four seats into Sunday night's mini Primo.
If you are watching the show tomorrow night, you will be enjoying this:
7pm – 8pm –Tonight on Sky Poker – We’ll be covering the £600 GTD TV Timed tournament. 8pm – 9pm – Poker Clinic – Hand requests from the forum, we’ll mask the hands in this hour. 9pm – 10pm – Now On Sky Poker – Live Mastercash action. We’ll do a speed analysis hour, so plenty of hands from different limits. 10pm – 11pm – Top Of The Pots – Top 10 biggest cash hands of the week from the Mastercash tables. 11pm – Midnight – Sky Poker Highlights – Late stages of the £12K GTD Sky Sports Bounty Hunter.
Can't believe next week sees me turning yet another blinking year older, and another month is already is upon us. 2 months down of 2013, and if you made new year resolutions, what ones have you already broken!? 
See you tomorrow night, enjoy your poker 
A xx
P.S.....To get involved in the show, ask us a question, give your self a shout out, let us welcome you if you are new, tell us how you get into the main event, take part in the get the idea
skyopen@bskyb.comtwitter: #skypokertv
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Have a great show.
if you made new year resolutions, what ones have you already broken!?
I only made 1 resolution this year which was that i would not give up anything for lent.
1st time i have ever not broken a new year resolution.
Have a good show.
If you were to be stranded on a desert island for a year what 3 things would you take with you?
Question for Julian & Stu:
In live poker are you allowed to stake a player in the same tournament?
If you are and they ended up on your table , would this change the way you play against them?
Our question would be...
... Julian - how do you manage to win so much when you never run good?
Cough - QUAD FIVES???????
evening all, just 1 question for julian.
Question: Some players skip the early levels of a poker tournament, claiming that they aren’t very valuable when the blinds are so low compared with the starting stack. Phil Hellmuth even famously waits until the last possible minute before entering a tournament. Where do you stand on this argument?
With me being on the micro stakes table, it usually consists of beginners making it hard for the normal stratagies you would use to work well.
my main tactic is extra aggression preflop knowing most the pot will be made up of the money from preflop 9 times out of 10
what is your main tactic against beginners and newbies?
Would he encourage his Kids to follow in their fathers footsteps?
Are they already playing the game at home?
How would he feel if his wife was the poker pro in the family? and what sport would he take up to fill in the time while she was in Vegas?
Not the greatest of questions but you asked for something different lol
And I'm pretty sure great poker players need to have special relationships outside of the game to keep them sane!
Do the team agree?
Have a brilliant show!
What comes first poker or the family ?
I ask this question because it must be hard to balance life with the sometimes unsociable hours of poker.
Question 2) Have you ever lost an item of clothing whilst at the tables? (you asked for random / unique)
Thanks, have a great show!
I will be tuning in tonight to watch the show and playing a few games on Sky Poker.
Question for you..........
Q. Do you ever watch highlights/repeats of yourself presenting the show? If so do you have a "Cringe Worthy" moment you can share with the viewers?
ps. I know you are a perfectionist, but surely there must be at least one candid camera moment?
Question for Thewey.........
1. A standard pack of cards consists of four suits, if you had to design a new pack of cards containing 5 suits, what would you like the fifth suit to be?
2. If poker players had to have "Intro Music" like in boxing or darts to make their entrance to the final table, what music would you choose as your intro?
(I was thinking of something like, "I should be so Lucky" by Kylie Minogue, but its up to you
Question for Stuart Rutter......
If you went completely busto, would you stop playing poker until you saved up enough money to deposit and play at your existing level or would you be happy to deposit a much smaller amount and drop down to much lower levels?
Have a great show guys....... & girlies of course
Good to see Julain bk, Stuart and u Anna.
Seriuos Q for Julain and Stuart.
What level did you both start out at and did u employ BRM? If you had gone bust do you think you would have gave up Poker?
Q for Julian.......
What do you prefer McDonalds or Burger King? (Might be serious q in 2days climate.) For some reason I asked this q on a first date, turned out she was vegatarian - opps
Big TY to Sky_Dave and Joe for putting on the bigger freerolls 2nite and 2moro.
Never mind.
Remember gentlemen, it's rude to ask a lady her age... so if anyone wants to know, you can PM me and I'll tell you. (You ought to be able to work it our for yourselves though. As a hint, her next proper birthday will be her eleventh)
Sorry. I couldn't resist the urge. lol
Have a great show.
I have a question for MR THEW what do you do with your poker points i have never seen any top players in a freeroll.
All the best Rainman397